
cs.status is a script in CIMEROOT/scripts/Tools.

$ ./cs.status --help
usage: cs.status [-h] [-s | -f] [-c PHASE] [-p] [-x EXPECTED_FAILS_FILE]
                 [-t TEST_ID] [-r TEST_ROOT]
                 [paths [paths ...]]

List test results based on TestStatus files.

Typical usage:
    ./cs.status /path/to/testroot/*.testid/TestStatus

Returns True if no errors occured (not based on test statuses).

positional arguments:
  paths                 Paths to TestStatus files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -s, --summary         Only show summary
  -f, --fails-only      Only show non-PASSes (this includes PENDs as well as FAILs)
  -c PHASE, --count-fails PHASE
                        For this phase, do not give line-by-line output; instead, just report
                        the total number of tests that have not PASSed this phase
                        (this includes PENDs as well as FAILs).
                        This is typically used with the --fails-only option,
                        but it can also be used without that option.
                        (However, it cannot be used with the --summary option.)
                        (Can be specified multiple times.)
  -p, --count-performance-fails
                        For phases that involve performance comparisons with baseline:
                        Do not give line-by-line output; instead, just report the total number
                        of tests that have not PASSed this phase.
                        (This can be useful because these performance comparisons can be
                        subject to machine variability.)
                        This is equivalent to specifying:
                        --count-fails TPUTCOMP --count-fails MEMCOMP
                        Path to XML file listing expected failures for this test suite
  -t TEST_ID, --test-id TEST_ID
                        Include all tests with this test id.
                        (Can be specified multiple times.)
  -r TEST_ROOT, --test-root TEST_ROOT
                        Test root used when --test-id is given