archive_metadata is a script in CIMEROOT/scripts/Tools.
$ ./archive_metadata --help
usage: archive_metadata [-h] [-d] [-v] [-s] --user USER --password
[--caseroot CASEROOT] [--workdir WORKDIR] --expType
[--title TITLE] [--ignore-logs] [--ignore-timing]
[--ignore-repo-update] [--add-files USER_ADD_FILES]
[--dryrun] [--query_cmip6 QUERY_CMIP6 QUERY_CMIP6]
Query and parse the caseroot files to gather metadata information that can be
posted to the CESM experiments database. CMIP6 experiment case names must be
reserved already in the experiment database. Please see: for details.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d, --debug Print debug information (very verbose) to file
-v, --verbose Add additional context (time and file) to log messages
-s, --silent Print only warnings and error messages
--user USER User name for SVN CESM developer access (required)
--password Password for SVN CESM developer access (required)
--caseroot CASEROOT Fully quailfied path to case root directory
(optional). Defaults to current working directory.
--workdir WORKDIR Fully quailfied path to directory for storing
intermediate case files. A sub-directory called
archive_temp_dir is created, populated with case
files, and posted to the CESM experiments database and
SVN repository at URL "https://svn-". This argument can be used
to archive a caseroot when the user does not have
write permission in the caseroot (optional). Defaults
to current working directory.
--expType {CMIP6,production,tuning,lens,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5}
Experiment type. For CMIP6 experiments, the case must
already exist in the experiments database at URL
"" (required).
Must be one of "['CMIP6', 'production', 'tuning',
'lens', 'C1', 'C2', 'C3', 'C4', 'C5']"
--title TITLE Title of experiment (optional).
--ignore-logs Ignore updating the SVN repository with the
caseroot/logs files. The experiments database will be
updated (optional).
--ignore-timing Ignore updating the the SVN repository with
caseroot/timing files.The experiments database will be
updated (optional).
--ignore-repo-update Ignore updating the SVN repository with all the
caseroot files. The experiments database will be
updated (optional).
--add-files USER_ADD_FILES
Comma-separated list with no spaces of files or
directories to be added to the SVN repository. These
are in addition to the default added caseroot files
and directories: "['Buildconf', 'CaseDocs',
'CaseStatus', 'LockedFiles', 'Macros.make',
'', 'SourceMods',
'software_environment.txt'], *.xml, user_nl_*"
--dryrun Parse settings and print what actions will be taken
but do not execute the action (optional).
--query_cmip6 QUERY_CMIP6 QUERY_CMIP6
Query the experiments database global attributes for
specified CMIP6 casename as argument 1. Writes a json
formatted output file, specified by argument 2, to
subdir archive_files (optional).
--test-post Post metadata to the test expdb2.0 web application
server at URL
"". No --test-
post argument defaults to posting metadata to the
production expdb2.0 web application server at URL
"" (optional).