CIME ESP Data and Stub XML Files

External System Processing ESP component XML files for data, stub, and dead components.


ESP data model, desp, XML files and settings.

XML variables and component descriptions specific to desp.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="definitions_components.xsl" ?>

<entry_id version="3.0">

  <!-- modifier_mode allowed values are
       '*' 0 or more modifiers (default)
       '1' exactly 1 modifier
       '?' 0 or 1 modifiers
       '+' 1 or more modifiers

       This file may have esp desc entries.

  <description modifier_mode="1">
    <desc esp="DESP[%NOOP][%TEST]">Data External System Processor (DESP) </desc>
    <desc option="NOOP">no modification of any model data</desc>
    <desc option="TEST">test modification of any model data</desc>

  <entry id="COMP_ESP">
    <desc>Name of external system processing component</desc>

  <entry id="DESP_MODE">
    <desc>Mode for external system processing component.
      The default is NOOP, do not modify any model data.</desc>
    <values match="last">
      <value compset="%NOOP"  >NOCHANGE</value>
      <value compset="%TEST"  >DATATEST</value>

    DESP naming conventions in compset name


XML namelist definitions for desp.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>

<entry_id version="2.0">

  <!-- Each namelist variable is defined in an <entry> element.  The
     content of the element is the documentation of how the variable is
     used.  Other elements  are:
          The variable's name.  *** N.B. *** The name must be lower case.
          The module convert all namelist variable names to lower case
          since Fortran is case insensitive.
          An abbreviation of the fortran declaration for the variable.
	  Valid declarations are:
             char, integer, logical, real
	  Any of these types may be followed by a comma separated list of
	  integers enclosed in parenthesis to indicate an array.
	  The current namelist validation code only distinquishes between
	  string and non-string types.
          A category assigned for organizing the documentation.
          The namelist group that the variable is declared in.
          This is an optional attribute that is mainly useful for variables
          that have only a small number of allowed values.

  <!-- =========================== -->
  <!--   group desp_inparm         -->
  <!-- =========================== -->

  <entry id="desp_mode" modify_via_xml="DESP_MODE">
      The mode of operation for the DESP model.
      NOCHANGE: report  status of model 'pause' but make no changes
      DATATEST: make a roundoff change  to the restart files of the
                components with their 'PAUSE_ACTIVE_XXX' XML variable
                set to TRUE.
      Default: NOCHANGE

  <entry id="restfilm">
      Model restart filename for the external system (ESP) model data.  This is
      optional.  If restfilm is undefined, the restart filename will be
      read from the DESP restart pointer file (or files for multiple instances).



The ESP stub model, sesp, does not output any files in the RUNDIR nor does it have any namelist settings.

XML variables and component descriptions specific to sesp.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry_id version="3.0">
    <desc esp="SESP">Stub external system processing (ESP) component</desc>

  <entry id="COMP_ESP">
    <desc>Name of ESP component</desc>

    SESP naming conventions in compset name
