Driver XML Files¶
Driver/Coupler XML files in CIMEROOT/src/drivers/mct/cime_config
The Model Coupling Toolkit (MCT) based driver/coupler is treated as a component by CIME with associated XML files to define behavior.
XML specification for archiving coupler output files.
<components version="2.0">
<comp_archive_spec compname="drv" compclass="cpl">
<rpointer_content >$CASE.cpl$NINST_STRING.r.$</rpointer_content>
<tfile disposition="move">cpl_0001.log.5548574.chadmin1.180228-124723.gz</tfile>
<tfile disposition="copy"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="move"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="move"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="move"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="move"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="move"></tfile>
<tfile disposition="copy">rpointer.drv_0001</tfile>
<tfile disposition="copy">rpointer.drv</tfile>
<tfile disposition="ignore"></tfile>
XML variables and component descriptions specific to the driver/coupler
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="config_compsets.xsl" ?>
<entry_id version="2.0">
<!-- The list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
to deal with. Stub and data models for each component class
should be provided by the driver. This list should follow the same order
as compset longnames follows -->
<entry id="COMP_CLASSES">
<desc>List of component classes supported by this driver</desc>
<entry id="COMP_CPL">
<desc>Name of coupling component</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- master configuration file that specifies all relevant filenames and -->
<!-- and directories to configure a case -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="FILES_CONFIG_SPEC">
<desc> master configuration file that specifies all relevant filenames
and directories to configure a case</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions case directories -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CASEROOT">
<desc>full pathname of case</desc>
<entry id="NONLOCAL">
<desc>user is not on the requested machine</desc>
<entry id="CASETOOLS">
<desc>Case Tools directory location (derived variable, not in namelists</desc>
<entry id="CASEBUILD">
<desc>Buildconf directory location (derived variable not in namelist)</desc>
<entry id="SCRIPTSROOT">
<desc>Scripts root directory location (setup automatically to $CIMEROOT/scripts- DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="CIMEROOT">
<desc>full pathname of CIME source root directory</desc>
<entry id="SRCROOT">
<desc>full pathname of source root directory</desc>
<entry id="UTILROOT">
<desc>Scripts root utils directory location (setup automatically to $CIMEROOT/scripts/Tools - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions case -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CASE">
<desc>case name</desc>
<entry id="CASESTR">
<desc>case description</desc>
<entry id="COMPSET">
<desc>Component set long name (for documentation only - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="GRID">
<desc>Model grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="SUPPORTED_BY">
<desc>current machine name support contact</desc>
<entry id="USER">
<desc>case user name</desc>
<entry id="REALUSER">
<desc>username of user who created case</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions runtimes -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="RUN_TYPE">
Determines the model run initialization type.
This setting is only important for the initial run of a production run when the
CONTINUE_RUN variable is set to FALSE. After the initial run, the CONTINUE_RUN
variable is set to TRUE, and the model restarts exactly using input
files in a case, date, and bit-for-bit continuous fashion.
Default: startup.
-- In a startup run (the default), all components are initialized
using baseline states. These baseline states are set independently by
each component and can include the use of restart files, initial
files, external observed data files, or internal initialization (i.e.,
a cold start). In a startup run, the coupler sends the start date to
the components at initialization. In addition, the coupler does not
need an input data file. In a startup initialization, the ocean model
does not start until the second ocean coupling (normally the second
-- In a branch run, all components are initialized using a consistent
set of restart files from a previous run (determined by the
RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE variables in env_run.xml). The case name
is generally changed for a branch run, although it does not have to
be. In a branch run, setting RUN_STARTDATE is ignored because the
model components obtain the start date from their restart datasets.
Therefore, the start date cannot be changed for a branch run. This is
the same mechanism that is used for performing a restart run (where
CONTINUE_RUN is set to TRUE in the env_run.xml) Branch runs are
typically used when sensitivity or parameter studies are required, or
when settings for history file output streams need to be modified
while still maintaining bit-for-bit reproducibility. Under this
scenario, the new case is able to produce an exact bit-for-bit restart
in the same manner as a continuation run IF no source code or
component namelist inputs are modified. All models use restart files
to perform this type of run. RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE are required
for branch runs.
To set up a branch run, locate the restart tar file or restart
directory for RUN_REFCASE and RUN_REFDATE from a previous run, then
place those files in the RUNDIR directory.
--- In a hybrid run the model is initialized as a startup, BUT uses
initialization datasets FROM A PREVIOUS case. This
is somewhat analogous to a branch run with relaxed restart
constraints. A hybrid run allows users to bring together combinations
of initial/restart files from a previous case (specified by
RUN_REFCASE) at a given model output date (specified by
RUN_REFDATE). Unlike a branch run, the starting date of a hybrid run
(specified by RUN_STARTDATE) can be modified relative to the reference
case. In a hybrid run, the model does not continue in a bit-for-bit
fashion with respect to the reference case. The resulting climate,
however, should be continuous provided that no model source code or
namelists are changed in the hybrid run. In a hybrid initialization,
the ocean model does not start until the second ocean coupling
(normally the second day), and the coupler does a cold start without
a restart file.
<entry id="RUN_REFDIR">
Reference directory containing RUN_REFCASE data - used for hybrid or branch runs
<entry id="RUN_REFCASE">
Reference case for hybrid or branch runs
<entry id="RUN_REFDATE">
Reference date for hybrid or branch runs (yyyy-mm-dd)
<entry id="RUN_REFTOD">
Reference time of day (seconds) for hybrid or branch runs (sssss)
<entry id="GET_REFCASE">
Flag for automatically prestaging the refcase restart dataset.
If TRUE, then the refcase data is prestaged into the executable directory
<entry id="RUN_STARTDATE">
Run start date (yyyy-mm-dd). Only used for startup or hybrid runs.
<entry id="START_TOD">
Run start time-of-day
<entry id="STOP_OPTION">
Sets the run length along with STOP_N and STOP_DATE
<entry id="STOP_N">
Provides a numerical count for $STOP_OPTION.
<entry id="STOP_DATE">
Alternative date yyyymmdd date option, sets the run length with STOP_OPTION and STOP_N
negative value implies off
<entry id="REST_OPTION">
sets frequency of model restart writes (same options as STOP_OPTION)
<entry id="REST_N">
sets model restart writes with REST_OPTION and REST_DATE
<entry id="REST_DATE">
Alternative date in yyyymmdd format
sets model restart write date with REST_OPTION and REST_N
<entry id="PAUSE_OPTION">
Sets the pause frequency along with PAUSE_N
<entry id="PAUSE_N">
Provides a numerical count for $PAUSE_OPTION.
<entry id="PAUSE_ACTIVE">
Pause the model at times specified by PAUSE_OPTION and PAUSE_N.
Components 'pause' by writing a restart file.
<value compclass="ATM">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="CPL">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="OCN">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="WAV">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="GLC">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="ICE">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="ROF">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="LND">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="IAC">FALSE</value>
<entry id="BARRIER_N">
Sets periodic model barriers with BARRIER_OPTION and BARRIER_DATE for synchronization
<entry id="BARRIER_DATE">
Alternative date in yyyymmdd format
sets periodic model barriers with BARRIER_OPTION and BARRIER_N for synchronization
<entry id="ESP_RUN_ON_PAUSE">
ESP component runs after driver 'pause cycle' If any component
'pauses' (see PAUSE_OPTION,
the ESP component (if present) will be run to process the
component 'pause' (restart) files and set any required 'resume'
signals. If true, esp_cpl_dt and esp_cpl_offset settings are
ignored. default: false
<entry id="CONTINUE_RUN">
A setting of TRUE implies a continuation run
When you first begin a branch, hybrid or startup run, CONTINUE_RUN
must be set to FALSE. When you successfully run and get a restart
file, you will need to change CONTINUE_RUN to TRUE for the remainder
of your run. This variable determines if the run is a restart run.
Set to FALSE when initializing a startup, branch or hybrid case.
Set to TRUE when continuing a run.
<entry id="RESUBMIT">
<desc>If RESUBMIT is greater than 0, then case will automatically resubmit
Enables the model to automatically resubmit a new run. To get
multiple runs, set RESUBMIT greater than 0, then RESUBMIT will be
decremented and the case will be resubmitted. The case will stop automatically
resubmitting when the RESUBMIT value reaches 0.
Long runs can easily outstrip supercomputer queue time limits. For
this reason, a case is usually run as a series of jobs, each
restarting where the previous finished.
<desc>This flag controls whether the RESUBMIT flag causes
CONTINUE_RUN to toggle from FALSE to TRUE. The default is
TRUE. This flag might be used in conjunction with COMP_RUN_BARRIERS for
timing tests.
<entry id="JOB_IDS">
<desc>List of job ids for most recent case.submit</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions archive -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="DOUT_S">
<desc>Logical to turn on short term archiving.
If TRUE, short term archiving will be turned on.</desc>
<entry id="SYSLOG_N">
<desc>system workload snapshot frequency (in seconds, if greater than 0; disabled otherwise)</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions machines specific -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="environment_variables">
<desc>The environment variables that will be loaded for this machine</desc>
<entry id="BATCH_SYSTEM">
<desc>The batch system type to use for this machine.</desc>
<entry id="env">
<desc>The individual environment variable entry for config_machines</desc>
<entry id="limits">
<desc>The limits tag</desc>
<entry id="limit">
<desc>The individual limit variable</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions batch -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="PERL5LIB">
<desc>Perl 5 library directory</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions build -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT">
<desc>Output root directory for each machine.
Base directory for build and run directories.
<entry id="EXEROOT">
<desc>Case executable root directory.
(executable is $EXEROOT/$MODEL.exe, component libraries are in $EXEROOT/lib)
This is where the model builds its executable and by default runs the executable.
Note that EXEROOT needs to have enough disk space for the experimental configuration
requirements. As an example, a model run can produce more than a terabyte of
data during a 100-year run, so you should set EXEROOT to scratch or
tmp space and frequently back up the data to a long term archiving storage device
For a supported machine, EXEROOT is set in $CIMEROOT/machines/config_machines.xml.
For a userdefined machine, EXEROOT must explicitly be set it in env_build.xml.</desc>
<entry id="OS">
<desc>Operating system - DO NOT EDIT UNLESS for userdefined machine - ignored once Macros has been created.</desc>
<entry id="COMPILER">
<desc>Machine compiler (must match one the supported compilers)
Set in $CIMEROOT/machines/config_machines.xml for each supported machine.
Must be explicitly set in env_build.xml for userdefined machine.</desc>
<entry id="MPILIB">
<desc>mpi library (must match one of the supported libraries) -
ignored once Macros has been created
Set in $CIMEROOT/machines/config_machines.xml for each supported machine.
Must be explicitly set in env_build.xml for userdefined machine.</desc>
<entry id="CALENDAR">
<desc>calendar type</desc>
<entry id="COMP_INTERFACE">
<desc>use MCT component interface</desc>
<entry id="USE_ESMF_LIB">
<desc>TRUE implies using the ESMF library specified by ESMF_LIBDIR or ESMFMKFILE</desc>
<entry id="DEBUG">
<desc>TRUE implies turning on run and compile time debugging
Flag to turn on debugging for run time and compile time.
If TRUE, compile-time debugging flags are activated that you can use to verify
software robustness, such as bounds checking.
Important:: On IBM machines, floating point trapping is not activated for production
runs (i.e., non-DEBUG), due to performance penalties associated with turning on these flags.</desc>
<entry id="FORCE_BUILD_SMP">
<desc>TRUE implies always build model for openmp capability
If FALSE, component libraries are built with OpenMP capability if
the NTHREADS_ setting for any component is greater than 1 in env_mach_pes.xml.
If TRUE, the component libraries are always built with OpenMP capability.</desc>
<entry id="SMP_PRESENT">
<desc>TRUE implies that at least one of the components is built threaded (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="USE_PETSC">
<desc>TRUE implies linking to the PETSc library - set
automatically by XXX_USE_PETSC options (do not edit). Flag to turn
on linking to the PETSc library. Currently this is used by
CLM. This is currently only supported for certain machines.</desc>
<entry id="USE_ALBANY">
<desc>TRUE implies linking to the Albany library - set
automatically by XXX_USE_ALBANY options (do not edit). Flag to
turn on linking to the Albany library. Currently this is used by
MALI. Note that Albany is a C++ library, so setting this
variable to TRUE will involve the inclusion of C++ code in the
MALI executable. This is currently only supported for certain
<entry id="USE_MOAB">
<desc>TRUE implies linking to the MOAB library</desc>
<entry id="USE_TRILINOS">
<desc>TRUE implies linking to the trilinos library - set automatically by XXX_USE_TRILINOS options (do not edit)
Flag to turn on linking to the trilinos library. Currently this is
used by CISM. Note that trilinos is a C++ library, so setting this
variable to TRUE will involve the inclusion of C++ code in the model
executable. This is currently only supported for certain machines.</desc>
<entry id="GMAKE">
<desc>GNU make command</desc>
<entry id="GMAKE_J">
<desc>Number of processors for gmake</desc>
<entry id="BUILD_COMPLETE">
<desc>Status output: if TRUE, models have been built successfully. (DO NOT EDIT)></desc>
<entry id="SMP_BUILD">
<desc>Status: smp status of previous build, coded string. (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="SMP_VALUE">
<desc>Status: smp status of current case, coded string (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="NINST_BUILD">
<desc>Status: ninst status of previous build, coded string. (DO NOT EDIT)></desc>
<entry id="NINST_VALUE">
<desc>Status: ninst status of current case, coded string (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="BUILD_STATUS">
<desc>Status: of prior build. (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="OBJROOT">
<desc>case build directory (set automatically to $EXEROOT, - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="LIBROOT">
<desc>case lib directory (set automatically to $EXEROOT/lib - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="INCROOT">
<desc>case lib include directory (set automatically to $EXEROOT/lib/include - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="SHAREDLIBROOT">
<desc>Shared library root, (set automatically to $EXEROOT - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions performance -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CHECK_TIMING">
<desc>logical to diagnose model timing at the end of the run</desc>
<desc>Enables the papi hardware counters in gptl
The papi library must be included in the build step for
this to work.</desc>
<entry id="ESMF_LOGFILE_KIND">
Determines what ESMF log files (if any) are generated when
ESMF_LOGKIND_SINGLE: Use a single log file, combining messages from
all of the PETs. Not supported on some platforms.
ESMF_LOGKIND_MULTI: Use multiple log files -- one per PET.
ESMF_LOGKIND_NONE: Do not issue messages to a log file.
By default, no ESMF log files are generated.
<entry id="COMP_RUN_BARRIERS">
<desc>Turns on component barriers for component timing.
This variable is for testing and debugging only and should never
be set for a production run.
<entry id="COST_PES">
<desc>pes or cores used relative to MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE for accounting (0 means TOTALPES is valid)</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions grid -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="ATM_GRID">
<desc>atmosphere grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ATM_NX">
<desc>number of atmosphere cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ATM_NY">
<desc>number of atmosphere cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="LND_GRID">
<desc>land grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="LND_NX">
<desc>number of land cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="LND_NY">
<desc>number of land cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="OCN_GRID">
<desc>ocn grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="OCN_NX">
<desc>number of ocn cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="OCN_NY">
<desc>number of ocn cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ICE_GRID">
<desc>ice grid (must equal ocn grid) - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ICE_NX">
<desc>number of ice cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ICE_NY">
<desc>number of ice cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ICE_NCAT">
<desc>number of ice thickness categories - DO NOT EDIT (set by CICE configure)</desc>
<entry id="ROF_GRID">
<desc>river runoff (rof) grid</desc>
<entry id="ROF_NX">
<desc>number of rof cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="ROF_NY">
<desc>number of rof cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="GLC_GRID">
<desc>glacier (glc) grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NX">
<desc>number of glc cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NY">
<desc>number of glc cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="WAV_GRID">
<desc>wave model (wav) grid</desc>
<entry id="WAV_NX">
<desc>number of wav cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="WAV_NY">
<desc>number of wav cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="IAC_GRID">
<desc>iac model (iac) grid</desc>
<entry id="IAC_NX">
<desc>number of iac cells in i direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="IAC_NY">
<desc>number of iac cells in j direction - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="MASK_GRID">
<desc>grid mask - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="PTS_MODE">
<desc>Operate on only a single point of the global grid - DO NOT EDIT (for experts only)</desc>
<entry id="PTS_LAT">
<desc>Latitude to find nearest points for points mode (only used if PTS_MODE is TRUE)</desc>
<entry id="PTS_LON">
<desc>Longitude to find nearest points for points mode (only used if PTS_MODE is TRUE)</desc>
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<!-- DOMAIN FILES (drv) -->
<!-- ======================================================================= -->
<entry id="ATM_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>atm domain file</desc>
<entry id="ATM_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of atm domain file</desc>
<entry id="LND_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>lnd domain file</desc>
<entry id="LND_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of lnd domain file</desc>
<entry id="ROF_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>rof domain file</desc>
<entry id="ROF_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of rof domain file</desc>
<entry id="WAV_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>wav domain file</desc>
<entry id="WAV_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of wav domain file</desc>
<entry id="IAC_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>iac domain file</desc>
<entry id="IAC_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of iac domain file</desc>
<entry id="ICE_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>ice domain file</desc>
<entry id="ICE_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of ice domain file</desc>
<entry id="OCN_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>ocn domain file</desc>
<entry id="OCN_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of ocn domain file</desc>
<entry id="GLC_DOMAIN_FILE">
<desc>glc domain file</desc>
<entry id="GLC_DOMAIN_PATH">
<desc>path of glc domain file</desc>
<!--- map files -->
<!--- comment out map type for now, tcraig 3/25/13 -->
<entry id="ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2ocn flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2ocn flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ATM2OCN_SMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2ocn state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2ocn state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ATM2OCN_VMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2ocn vector mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2OCN_VMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2ocn vector mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ATM2LND_FMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2lnd flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2LND_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2lnd flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ATM2LND_SMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2lnd state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2LND_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2lnd state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ATM2WAV_SMAPNAME">
<desc>atm2wav state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ATM2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>atm2wav state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="OCN2ATM_FMAPNAME">
<desc>ocn2atm flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="OCN2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>ocn2atm flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="OCN2ATM_SMAPNAME">
<desc>ocn2atm state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="OCN2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>ocn2atm state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="LND2ATM_FMAPNAME">
<desc>lnd2atm flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="LND2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>lnd2atm flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="LND2ATM_SMAPNAME">
<desc>lnd2atm state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="LND2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>lnd2atm state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="LND2GLC_FMAPNAME">
<desc>lnd2glc flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="LND2GLC_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>lnd2glc flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="LND2GLC_SMAPNAME">
<desc>lnd2glc state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="LND2GLC_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>lnd2glc state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="LND2ROF_FMAPNAME">
<desc>lnd2rof flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="LND2ROF_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>lnd2rof flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ROF2LND_FMAPNAME">
<desc>rof2lnd flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ROF2LND_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>rof2lnd flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME">
<desc>rof2ocn flux mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="ROF2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>rof2ocn flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<desc>rof2ocn runoff mapping file</desc>
<desc>rof2ocn runoff mapping file decomp type</desc>
<desc>rof2ocn runoff mapping file</desc>
<desc>rof2ocn runoff mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2LND_FMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2lnd flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="GLC2LND_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2lnd flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2LND_SMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2lnd state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="GLC2LND_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2lnd state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_FMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2ice flux mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2ice flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_SMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2ice state mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2ice state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_RMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2ice runoff mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="GLC2ICE_RMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2ice runoff mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2OCN_FMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2ocn flux mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="GLC2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2ocn flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="GLC2OCN_SMAPNAME">
<desc>glc2ocn state mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="GLC2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>glc2ocn state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<desc>glc2ocn runoff mapping file for liquid runoff - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<desc>glc2ocn runoff mapping file decomp type for liquid runoff</desc>
<desc>glc2ocn runoff mapping file for ice runoff - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<desc>glc2ocn runoff mapping file decomp type for ice runoff</desc>
<entry id="OCN2GLC_FMAPNAME">
<desc>ocn2glc flux mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="OCN2GLC_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>ocn2glc flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="OCN2GLC_SMAPNAME">
<desc>ocn2glc state mapping file - the default value idmap_ignore, if set, will be ignored by buildnml and
will generate a runtime error if in fact a file is required for the given compset</desc>
<entry id="OCN2GLC_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>ocn2glc state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="OCN2WAV_SMAPNAME">
<desc>ocn2wav state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="OCN2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>ocn2wav state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="ICE2WAV_SMAPNAME">
<desc>ice2wav state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="ICE2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>ice2wav state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="WAV2OCN_SMAPNAME">
<desc>wav2ocn state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="WAV2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>wav2ocn state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="IAC2ATM_FMAPNAME">
<desc>iac2atm flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="IAC2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>iac2atm flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="IAC2ATM_SMAPNAME">
<desc>iac2atm state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="IAC2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>iac2atm state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="IAC2LND_FMAPNAME">
<desc>iac2lnd flux mapping file</desc>
<entry id="IAC2LND_FMAPTYPE">
<desc>iac2lnd flux mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="IAC2LND_SMAPNAME">
<desc>iac2lnd state mapping file</desc>
<entry id="IAC2LND_SMAPTYPE">
<desc>iac2lnd state mapping file decomp type</desc>
<entry id="VECT_MAP">
<desc>vector mapping option</desc>
<entry id="EPS_FRAC">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in fractions in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_AAREA">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in atm/land areas in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_AMASK">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in atm/land masks in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_AGRID">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in atm/land lat/lon in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_OAREA">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_OMASK">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking</desc>
<entry id="EPS_OGRID">
<desc>Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions machine -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="MACH">
<desc>Machine name</desc>
<entry id="MACHDIR">
<desc>Machines directory location</desc>
<entry id="RUNDIR">
The directory where the executable will be run.
By default this is set to EXEROOT/../run.
RUNDIR allows you to keep the run directory separate from the build directory
<entry id="NODENAME_REGEX">
A regular expression to match machine node names to ACME machine.
<entry id="NODE_FAIL_REGEX">
A regular expression to search for an indication that a run failure
was caused by a node failure and should therefore be re-attempted.
A regular expression to search for an indication that a run failure
was caused by a known event such as a timeout and should therefore
be re-attempted.
<desc>The number of times to reattempt the mpirun command if
<entry id="PROXY">
Proxy (if any) setting for http_proxy to allow web access on this machine.
<entry id="TEST">
Indicates to case.submit that this is a test case.
<entry id="DIN_LOC_ROOT">
The root directory of all CIME and component input data for the selected machine.
This is usually a shared disk area.
Default values for the target machine are in the
<desc>CLM-specific root directory for CLM type input forcing data
This directory will only be used for I (CLM/DATM) compsets and only
for datm forcing data that is NOT checked into the svn repository
(datasets other than the Qian or single-point forcing).
This is usually a shared disk area.
Default values for the target machine are in the
<entry id="DOUT_S_ROOT">
<desc>Root directory for short term archiving. This directory must be visible to compute nodes.</desc>
<entry id="MPI_RUN_COMMAND">
<desc>override the mpi run command, do not include model executable</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions pelayout -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<desc>Allocate some spare nodes to handle node failures. The system will pick a reasonable number</desc>
<entry id="FORCE_SPARE_NODES">
<desc>Force this exact number of spare nodes to be allocated</desc>
<entry id="NTASKS">
<value compclass="ATM"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="CPL"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="OCN"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="WAV"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="GLC"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="ICE"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="ROF"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="LND"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="ESP"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<value compclass="IAC"> $MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE</value>
<desc>number of tasks for each component</desc>
<entry id="NTASKS_PER_INST">
<value compclass="ATM"> 0</value>
<value compclass="OCN"> 0</value>
<value compclass="WAV"> 0</value>
<value compclass="GLC"> 0</value>
<value compclass="ICE"> 0</value>
<value compclass="ROF"> 0</value>
<value compclass="LND"> 0</value>
<value compclass="ESP"> 0</value>
<value compclass="IAC"> 0</value>
<desc>Number of tasks per instance for each component. DO NOT EDIT: Set automatically by case.setup based on NTASKS, NINST and MULTI_DRIVER</desc>
<entry id="NTHRDS">
<value compclass="ATM">1</value>
<value compclass="CPL">1</value>
<value compclass="OCN">1</value>
<value compclass="WAV">1</value>
<value compclass="GLC">1</value>
<value compclass="ICE">1</value>
<value compclass="ROF">1</value>
<value compclass="LND">1</value>
<value compclass="ESP">1</value>
<value compclass="IAC">1</value>
<desc>number of threads for each task in each component</desc>
<entry id="ROOTPE">
<value compclass="ATM">0</value>
<value compclass="CPL">0</value>
<value compclass="OCN">0</value>
<value compclass="WAV">0</value>
<value compclass="GLC">0</value>
<value compclass="ICE">0</value>
<value compclass="ROF">0</value>
<value compclass="LND">0</value>
<value compclass="ESP">0</value>
<value compclass="IAC">0</value>
<desc>ROOTPE (mpi task in MPI_COMM_WORLD) for each component</desc>
<entry id="MULTI_DRIVER">
<desc>MULTI_DRIVER mode provides a separate driver/coupler component for each
ensemble member. All components must have an equal number of members. If
MULTI_DRIVER mode is False prognostic components must have the same number
of members but data or stub components may also have 1 member. </desc>
<entry id="NINST">
<value compclass="ATM">1</value>
<value compclass="OCN">1</value>
<value compclass="WAV">1</value>
<value compclass="GLC">1</value>
<value compclass="ICE">1</value>
<value compclass="ROF">1</value>
<value compclass="LND">1</value>
<value compclass="ESP">1</value>
<value compclass="IAC">1</value>
<desc>Number of instances for each component. If MULTI_DRIVER is True
the NINST_MAX value will be used.
<entry id="NINST_LAYOUT">
<value compclass="ATM">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="OCN">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="WAV">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="GLC">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="ICE">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="ROF">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="LND">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="ESP">concurrent</value>
<value compclass="IAC">concurrent</value>
<desc>Layout of component instances for each component</desc>
<entry id="PSTRID">
<value compclass="ATM">1</value>
<value compclass="CPL">1</value>
<value compclass="OCN">1</value>
<value compclass="WAV">1</value>
<value compclass="GLC">1</value>
<value compclass="ICE">1</value>
<value compclass="ROF">1</value>
<value compclass="LND">1</value>
<value compclass="ESP">1</value>
<value compclass="IAC">1</value>
<desc>The mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the a component</desc>
<entry id="TOTALPES">
<desc>total number of physical cores used (setup automatically - DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE">
<desc>maximum number of tasks/ threads allowed per node </desc>
<desc>pes or cores per node for mpitasks </desc>
<entry id="COSTPES_PER_NODE">
<desc>pes or cores per node for accounting purposes </desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions pio -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="PIO_VERSION">
<desc>PIO library version</desc>
<entry id="PIO_CONFIG_OPTS">
<desc>PIO configure options, see PIO configure utility for details</desc>
<desc>TRUE implies perform asynchronous i/o</desc>
<entry id="PIO_REARR_COMM_TYPE">
<desc>pio rearranger communication type</desc>
<entry id="PIO_REARR_COMM_FCD">
<desc>pio rearranger communication flow control direction</desc>
<desc>pio rearranger communication max pending requests (comp2io) : 0 implies that CIME internally calculates the value ( = max(64, 2 * PIO_NUMTASKS) ), -1 implies no bound on max pending requests </desc>
<desc>pio rearranger communiation options (comp2io) : TRUE implies enable handshake </desc>
<desc>pio rearranger communiation options (comp2io) : TRUE implies enable isend</desc>
<desc>pio rearranger communication max pending requests (io2comp) : -1 implies no bound on max pending requests </desc>
<!-- Handshaking is a very bad idea for large process counts and for -->
<!-- io2comp (but important for comp2io -->
<desc>pio rearranger communiation options (io2comp) : TRUE implies enable handshake</desc>
<desc>pio rearranger communiation options (io2comp) : TRUE implies enable isend</desc>
<entry id="PIO_DEBUG_LEVEL">
<desc>pio debug level</desc>
<entry id="PIO_BLOCKSIZE">
<desc>pio blocksize for box decompositions</desc>
<desc>pio buffer size limit for pnetcdf output</desc>
<entry id="PIO_TYPENAME">
<desc>pio io type</desc>
<value compclass="ATM">default</value>
<value compclass="CPL">default</value>
<value compclass="OCN">default</value>
<value compclass="WAV">default</value>
<value compclass="GLC">default</value>
<value compclass="ICE">default</value>
<value compclass="ROF">default</value>
<value compclass="LND">default</value>
<value compclass="ESP">default</value>
<value compclass="IAC">default</value>
<entry id="PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT">
<desc>pio netcdf format (ignored for netcdf4p and netcdf4c)
<value compclass="ATM">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="CPL">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="OCN">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="WAV">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="GLC">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="ICE">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="ROF">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="LND">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="ESP">64bit_offset</value>
<value compclass="IAC">64bit_offset</value>
<entry id="PIO_STRIDE">
stride in compute comm of io tasks for each component, if this value is -99 it will
be computed based on PIO_NUMTASKS and number of compute tasks
<value compclass="ATM"></value>
<value compclass="CPL"></value>
<value compclass="OCN"></value>
<value compclass="WAV"></value>
<value compclass="GLC"></value>
<value compclass="ICE"></value>
<value compclass="ROF"></value>
<value compclass="LND"></value>
<value compclass="ESP"></value>
<value compclass="IAC"></value>
<entry id="PIO_REARRANGER">
<desc>pio rearranger choice box=1, subset=2 </desc>
<value compclass="ATM"></value>
<value compclass="CPL"></value>
<value compclass="OCN"></value>
<value compclass="WAV"></value>
<value compclass="GLC"></value>
<value compclass="ICE"></value>
<value compclass="ROF"></value>
<value compclass="LND"></value>
<value compclass="ESP"></value>
<value compclass="IAC"></value>
<entry id="PIO_ROOT">
<desc>pio root processor relative to component root</desc>
<value component="ATM">1</value>
<value component="CPL">1</value>
<value component="OCN">1</value>
<value component="WAV">1</value>
<value component="GLC">1</value>
<value component="ICE">1</value>
<value component="ROF">1</value>
<value component="LND">1</value>
<value component="ESP">1</value>
<value component="IAC">1</value>
<entry id="PIO_NUMTASKS">
pio number of io tasks, if this value is -99 it will be computed based on PIO_STRIDE and
number of tasks
<value compclass="ATM">-99</value>
<value compclass="CPL">-99</value>
<value compclass="OCN">-99</value>
<value compclass="WAV">-99</value>
<value compclass="GLC">-99</value>
<value compclass="ICE">-99</value>
<value compclass="ROF">-99</value>
<value compclass="LND">-99</value>
<value compclass="ESP">-99</value>
<value compclass="IAC">-99</value>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- definitions testing -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="NAME">
<desc>Test type name</desc>
<entry id="DESC">
<desc>Test type descriptor</desc>
<entry id="TESTCASE">
<desc>Testcase short name</desc>
<entry id="CASEBASEID">
<desc>Case base ID</desc>
<entry id="IS_FIRST_RUN">
<desc>Is first run of test</desc>
<entry id="TEST_ARGV">
<desc>Arguments supplied to create_test</desc>
<entry id="TEST_TESTID">
<desc>supplied or computed test id</desc>
<desc>Expected relative memory usage growth for test</desc>
<desc>Expected throughput deviation</desc>
<desc>Whether to generate a baseline</desc>
<desc>Whether to compare the baseline</desc>
<entry id="BASEGEN_CASE">
<desc>The tagname we are comparing baselines against</desc>
<entry id="BASECMP_CASE">
<desc>The tagname we are comparing baselines against</desc>
<entry id="BASELINE_ROOT">
<desc>The directory where baselines are stored</desc>
<entry id="BASELINE_NAME_GEN">
<desc>The tagname we are generating baselines for</desc>
<entry id="BASELINE_NAME_CMP">
<desc>The tagname we are comparing baselines against</desc>
<entry id="CLEANUP">
<desc>Whether to clean the test after it is built/run</desc>
<entry id="CCSM_CPRNC">
<desc>standard full pathname of the cprnc executable. One can skip defining the xml entry, CCSM_CPRNC, and the sharedlib build system will automatically build cprnc</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- component coupling options and frequencies -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CPL_I2O_PER_CAT">
<desc>determine if per ice thickness category fields are passed from ice to ocean - DO NOT EDIT (set by POP build-namelist)</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- history frequencies -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="HIST_OPTION">
<desc>Sets driver snapshot history file frequency (like REST_OPTION)</desc>
<entry id="HIST_N">
<desc>Sets driver snapshot history file frequency (like REST_N)
<entry id="HIST_DATE">
<desc>yyyymmdd format, sets coupler snapshot history date (like REST_DATE)</desc>
<entry id="CPL_DECOMP">
<desc>Coupler decomposition option.</desc>
<entry id="INFO_DBUG">
<desc>level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much</desc>
<entry id="CLM_USE_PETSC">
<desc>TRUE implies CLM is built with support for the PETSc
library. The Variably Saturated Flow Model (VSFM) solver in CLM
uses the PETSc library. In order to use the VSFM solver, CLM
must be built with PETSc support and linking to PETSc must occur
when building the ACME executable. This occurs if this variable
is set to TRUE. Note that is only available on a limited set of
<!-- Prerun/postrun custom script options -->
<entry id="PRERUN_SCRIPT">
<desc>External script to be run before model completion</desc>
<entry id="POSTRUN_SCRIPT">
<desc>External script to be run after model completion</desc>
<!-- Data Assimilation type stuff -->
<desc> Run the external tool pointed to by DATA_ASSIMILATION_SCRIPT after the model run completes </desc>
<value compclass="ATM">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="CPL">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="OCN">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="WAV">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="GLC">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="ICE">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="ROF">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="LND">FALSE</value>
<value compclass="IAC">FALSE</value>
<desc> Number of model run - data assimilation steps to complete </desc>
<desc>External script to be run after model completion</desc>
<desc>whether the case uses an external workflow driver </desc>
<!-- Job Submission stuff -->
<desc>Store user override for queue</desc>
<desc>Store user override for walltime</desc>
<entry id="JOB_QUEUE">
<desc>The machine queue in which to submit the job. Default determined in config_machines.xml can be overwritten by testing</desc>
<desc>The machine wallclock setting. Default determined in
config_machines.xml can be overwritten by testing. Format is
DD:HH:MM with DD assumed 0 if not present, this is translated to
the format specified by walltime format defined in
<desc>Override the batch submit command this job. Do not include executable or dependencies</desc>
<entry id="PROJECT">
<desc>project for project-sensitive build and run paths, and job scripts</desc>
<entry id="CHARGE_ACCOUNT">
<desc>project to charge in scripts if different from PROJECT</desc>
<entry id="MODEL_VERSION">
<desc>Apparent version of the model used for this case</desc>
<desc>whether the PROJECT value is required on this machine</desc>
<entry id="COMPARE_TO_NUOPC">
<desc>TRUE=>turn on CPP variable COMPARE_TO_NUOPC</desc>
(1) Time period is first four characters of
compset name
XML variables and component descriptions specific to the E3SM driver/coupler
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<entry_id version="2.0">
<entry id="MODEL_DOI_URL">
<desc>run DOI</desc>
<entry id="DRV_THREADING">
<desc>Turns on component varying thread control in the driver.
Used to set the driver namelist variable "drv_threading".</desc>
<desc>Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for the whole model
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose).</desc>
<entry id="INFO_TASKMAP_COMP">
<desc>Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for supported component models
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose).</desc>
<entry id="SAVE_TIMING">
<desc>logical to save timing files in rundir</desc>
<entry id="SAVE_TIMING_DIR">
<desc>Where to auto archive timing data</desc>
<desc> A comma-separated list of projects that are allowed to auto archive timing data in SAVE_TIMING_DIR</desc>
<entry id="TIMER_DETAIL">
<desc>timer output depth</desc>
<entry id="TIMER_LEVEL">
<desc>timer output depth</desc>
<entry id="TPROF_TOTAL">
<desc>Sets maximum number of run loop timing data checkpoints.
This sets values for tprof_option and tprof_n that determine
the timing output file frequency. If less than one, uses
defaults for tprof_option and tprof_n and also allows them
to be set in user_nl_cpl.</desc>
<desc>Logical to archive all interim restart files, not just those at eor
If TRUE, perform short term archiving on all interim restart files,
not just those at the end of the run. By default, this value is TRUE.
The restart files are saved under the specific component directory
($DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/$COMPONENT/rest rather than the top-level $DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/rest directory).
Interim restart files are created using the REST_N and REST_OPTION variables.
This is for expert users ONLY and requires expert knowledge.
We will not document this further in this guide.</desc>
<entry id="BFBFLAG">
<desc>turns on coupler bit-for-bit reproducibility with varying pe counts</desc>
<entry id="BARRIER_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DATM.+_CLM">ndays</value>
sets frequency of full model barrier (same options as STOP_OPTION) for synchronization with BARRIER_N and BARRIER_DATE
<entry id="FLDS_WISO">
<values match="last">
<value compset="%WISO">TRUE</value>
<value compset="%ISO">TRUE</value>
<desc>Turn on the passing of water isotope fields through the coupler</desc>
<desc>Freezing point calculation for salt water.</desc>
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<!-- component coupling options and frequencies -->
<!-- ===================================================================== -->
<entry id="CPL_SEQ_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%SOM" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_POP2" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN">CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_DATM%NYF.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN">CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_XATM.*_XLND.*_XICE.*_XOCN">CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_SOCN" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI.*_MPASO" >RASM_OPTION1</value>
Coupler sequencing option. This is used to set the driver namelist variable cpl_seq_option.
CESM1_ORIG is the cesm1.1 implementation.
CESM1_MOD includes a cesm1.3 mod that swaps ocean merging and atm/ocn flux
RASM_OPTION1 runs prep ocean before the ocean coupling reducing
most of the lags and field inconsistency but still allowing the ocean to run
concurrently with the ice and atmosphere.
but sequences the ice model, prep ocean and ocean model in that order. The
ocean model loses some of the concurrency with the ice model.
CESM1_ORIG_TIGHT and CESM1_MOD_TIGHT are consistent with the old variables
ocean_tight_coupling = true in the driver. That namelist is gone and the
cpl_seq_option flags take it's place.
TIGHT coupling makes no sense with the OPTION5 and OPTION6 flags.
<entry id="CCSM_BGC">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_CAM\d+" >CO2A</value>
<value compset="_DATM" >none</value>
<value compset="_BGC%BPRP">CO2C</value>
<value compset="HIST.*_DATM%(QIA|CRU|GSW)">CO2A</value>
<value compset="20TR.*_DATM%(QIA|CRU|GSW)">CO2A</value>
<value compset="RCP.*_DATM%(QIA|CRU|GSW)" >CO2A</value>
<value compset="_DATM%IAF.*_MPASO%OECO" >CO2A</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%OIECO" >CO2A_OI</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%TOIECO_" >CO2A_OI</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI_MPASO_.*_BGC%BCRC" >CO2C</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI_MPASO_.*_BGC%BCRD" >CO2C</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI_MPASO_.*_BGC%BDRC" >CO2C</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI_MPASO_.*_BGC%BDRD" >CO2C</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%OIECO.*_BGC%BCRC" >CO2C_OI</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%OIECO.*_BGC%BCRD" >CO2C_OI</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%OIECO.*_BGC%BDRC" >CO2C_OI</value>
<value compset="_MPASSI%BGC.*_MPASO%OIECO.*_BGC%BDRD" >CO2C_OI</value>
<desc>Activates additional CO2-related fields to be exchanged between components. Possible values are:
CO2A: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2a = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere to the land and ocean.
CO2A_OI: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2a = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere to the land and ocean. Also sets the driver namelist variable
flds_bgc_oi = .true.; this turns on the transfer of bgc fields between the
ocean and seaice components via the coupler.
CO2B: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2b = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere just to the land, and the surface upward flux of CO2 to be
sent from the land back to the atmosphere
CO2C: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2c = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere to the land and ocean, and the surface upward flux of CO2
to be sent from the land and the open ocean back to the atmosphere.
CO2_DMSA: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2_dmsa = .true.
The namelist variables flds_co2a, flds_co2b, flds_co2c and flds_co2_dmsa are
in the namelist group cpl_flds_inparm.
<entry id="CPL_USER_MODS">
<values match="last">
<desc>User mods to apply to specific compset matches. </desc>
<entry id="NCPL_BASE_PERIOD">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">year</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">year</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">day</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" >day</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">day</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">day</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne11np4">day</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne120np4">day</value>
<desc>Base period associated with NCPL coupling frequency.
This xml variable is only used to set the driver namelist variables,
atm_cpl_dt, lnd_cpl_dt, ocn_cpl_dt, ice_cpl_dt, glc_cpl_dt, rof_cpl_dt, wav_cpl_dt, and esp_dt.</desc>
<entry id="ATM_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_SATM">48</value>
<value compset="_XATM">48</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM">48</value>
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCBC">144</value>
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCMX">288</value>
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCXI">288</value>
<value compset="_CAM%ADIAB">48</value>
<value compset="_CAM%IDEAL">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM%COPYALL_NPS">72</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CLM">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*_CICE.*_POP2">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CICE.*_DOCN">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%US20">24</value>
<value compset="_MPASO">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oQU480">12</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oQU240">12</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oQU240wLI">12</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oQU120">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oEC60to30">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oEC60to30v3">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oEC60to30wLI">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oRRS30to10v3">96</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oRRS30to10wLI">96</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oRRS18to6v3">96</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oRRS15to5">96</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oARRM60to10">96</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPAS" grid="oi%oARRM60to6">96</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">48</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne11np4">12</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne120np4">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%0.23x0.31">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne4np4">12</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne4np4.pg2">24</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne11np4">12</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne60np4">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne120np4">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne240np4">144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_arm_x8v3" >144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_conus_x4v1" >96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_svalbard_x8v1" >144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_sooberingoa_x4x8v1" >144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_enax4v1" >96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4_twpx4v1">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T42">72</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T85">144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T341">288</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_urbanc">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_mexico">24</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_vancou">24</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2.*_WW3">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2.*_DWAV">4</value>
<desc>Number of atm coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ATM_NCPL,
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="LND_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">48</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne4np4">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne11np4">12</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne120np4">96</value>
<desc>Number of land coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/LND_NCPL,
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="ICE_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<desc>Number of ice coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist ice_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ICE_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="OCN_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_POP2">1</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%tx0.1v2">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CLM4.*_SICE.*_SOCN">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN.*_SWAV">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN.*_DWAV">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM%NYF.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN.*_SWAV">1</value>
<value compset="_XATM.*_XLND.*_XICE.*_XOCN">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CLM4.*_SICE.*_SOCN">1</value>
<value compset="_SATM.*_SLND.*_SICE.*_SOCN">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">24</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oQU480">6</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oQU240">12</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oQU240wLI">12</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oQU120">24</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oEC60to30">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oEC60to30v3">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oEC60to30wLI">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oRRS30to10v3">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oRRS30to10wLI">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oRRS18to6v3">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oRRS15to5">96</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oARRM60to10">48</value>
<value compset="_MPASO" grid="oi%oARRM60to6">48</value>
<desc>Number of ocn coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
Thisn is used to set the driver namelist ocn_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/OCN_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">1</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne11np4">1</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne120np4">1</value>
<desc>Number of glc coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.</desc>
<entry id="GLC_AVG_PERIOD">
<desc>Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC.
This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called
(i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency).
This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs
as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to
still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts.
Setting GLC_AVG_PERIOD to 'glc_coupling_period' means that the averaging is
done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL).
<entry id="ROF_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne4np4">6</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne11np4">6</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_POP2.*_DROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_MPASO" >$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%SOM">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_XATM.*_XLND.*_XICE.*_XOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_SROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_XROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_SLND.*SOCN.*_MALI">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*MPASO.*_MALI">24</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO">8</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne4np4">6</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne11np4">4</value>
<value compset="_CAM.*_CLM.*MPASO" grid="a%ne120np4">8</value>
<desc>Number of rof coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist rof_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ROF_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="WAV_NCPL">
<desc>Number of wav coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist wav_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/WAV_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="IAC_NCPL">
<desc>Number of iac coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist iac_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/IAC_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<!-- Logic for CPL_ALBAV should be reworked to depend on datm forcing rather
than compset: see -->
<entry id="CPL_ALBAV">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.+POP\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="DATM.+DOCN%IAF">TRUE</value>
Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J):
If true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down
If false (default), albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component has a diurnal cycle and zenith-angle
dependence. This is normally the case when using an active atm component
If true, albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component is a daily average quantity and
does not have a zenith-angle dependence. This is often the case when
using a data atm component. Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J).
NOTE: This should really depend on the datm forcing and not the compset per se.
So, for example, whether it is set in a J compset should depend on
what datm forcing is used.
<entry id="CPL_EPBAL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.+POP\d">ocn</value>
Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J):
If ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precipitation.
Provides EP balance factor for precip for POP. A factor computed by
POP is applied to precipitation so that precipitation balances
evaporation and ocn global salinity does not drift. This is intended
for use when coupling POP to a DATM. Only used for C, G and J compsets.
Default is off
<entry id="AVGHIST_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DOCN%IAF">nmonths</value>
<desc>Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_OPTION)</desc>
<entry id="AVGHIST_N">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DOCN%IAF">1</value>
<desc>Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_N)</desc>
<entry id="AVGHIST_DATE">
<desc>yyyymmdd format, sets driver average history date (like REST_DATE)</desc>
<entry id="BUDGETS">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.*_POP\d" >TRUE</value>
<value compset="CAM.*_POP\d" >TRUE</value>
<value compset="CAM.*_DOCN%SOM">TRUE</value>
<desc>logical that turns on diagnostic budgets for driver</desc>
<entry id="CCSM_CO2_PPMV">
<values match="last">
<value compset="^1850" >284.7</value>
<value compset="^HIST.+BGC%BPRP" >284.7</value>
<value compset="^20TR.+BGC%BPRP" >284.7</value>
<value compset="^HIST_CAM4%FCHM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^20TR_CAM4%FCHM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^1850.+DATM%NYF" >379.000</value>
<value compset="^1850.+DATM%NYF.*_POP2%ECO" >284.7</value>
<value compset="^2000.+DATM%NYF" >379.000</value>
<value compset="^2000.+DATM%IAF" >379.000</value>
<value compset="^HIST.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^20TR.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^4804.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^RCP2.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^RCP4.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^RCP6.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^RCP8.+DATM" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^2000.+XATM" >379.000</value>
<value compset="^HIST.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^20TR.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^5505.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^RCP2.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^RCP4.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^RCP6.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^RCP8.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2013.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^GEOS.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^AMIP.+CAM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^AR95" >368.9</value>
<value compset="^AR97" >368.9</value>
<value compset="^2003" >367.0</value>
<value compset="^1850.+AV1C" >284.725</value>
<value compset="^20TR.+AV1C" >284.725</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-03" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-04" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-04P" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-04P2" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-L" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-H01A" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-H01B" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^2000.+AV1C-H01C" >368.865</value>
<value compset="^1850.+CMIP6" >284.317</value>
<value compset="^1950.+CMIP6" >312.821</value>
<value compset="^2010.+CMIP6" >388.717</value>
<value compset="^SSP585.+CMIP6" >0.000001</value>
<!-- Override values based on CAM (WACCM) chemistry -->
<value compset="CAM[45]%W" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="CAM[45]%SSOA" >0.000001</value>
<!-- Mariana's fix to allow isotopes to get the proper CO2 value -->
<value compset="CAM[45]%WISOall" >284.7</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%WCSC" >368.9</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%MOZM" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%MMOS" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%TMOZ" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%SMA3" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%SMA7" >0.000001</value>
<value compset="^2000.+CAM[45]%SSOA" >0.000001</value>
<desc>This set the namelist values of CO2 ppmv for CAM and CLM. This variables is
introduced to coordinate this value among multiple components.</desc>
<entry id="SCIENCE_SUPPORT">
<valid_values>on, off</valid_values>
<desc>If set to off, this component set/ grid specification is not scientifically supported.
If set to on, this component set/ grid specification is scientifically supported</desc>
<entry id="MAX_GB_OLD_TEST_DATA">
<desc>How much old test to allow</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NEC">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_SGLC">0</value>
<desc>Glacier model number of elevation classes, 0 implies no glacier land unit in clm
Used by both CLM and CISM (even if CISM is not running, and only SGLC is used).</desc>
<values match="last">
<value compset="_CLM45.+CISM\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="_CLM45.*_MALI">TRUE</value>
<value compset="_CLM50.+CISM\d">TRUE</value>
<!-- Turn on two-way coupling for TG compsets - even though there are no
feedbacks for a TG compset, this will give us additional diagnostics -->
<value compset="_DLND.+CISM\d">TRUE</value>
<desc>Whether the glacier component feeds back to the rest of the system
This affects:
(1) Whether CLM updates its areas based on glacier areas sent from GLC
(2) Whether GLC sends fluxes (e.g., calving fluxes) to the coupler
Note that this is set to TRUE by default for TG compsets - even though there are
no feedbacks for TG compsets, this enables extra coupler diagnostics for these
<entry id="CCSM_GCOST">
<desc>2**n relative cost of grid where f19_g15 is 1 (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<entry id="CCSM_MCOST">
<desc>2**n relative cost of machine (DO NOT EDIT)</desc>
<desc compset="BGC%BPRP">BGC CO2=prog, rad CO2=prog:</desc>
<desc compset="BGC%BDRD">BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=diag:</desc>
<desc compset="BGC%BCRD">BGC CO2=cons, rad CO2=diag:</desc>
<desc compset="BGC%BDRC">BGC CO2=diag, rad CO2=cons:</desc>
<desc compset="BGC%BCRC">BGC CO2=cons, rad CO2=cons:</desc>
<desc compset="POP2%ECO">ECO in POP:</desc>
<desc compset="_TEST" >--DO NOT USE FOR LONG SIMULATIONS:</desc>
<desc compset="1850_">pre-industrial:</desc>
<desc compset="2000_">present day:</desc>
<desc compset="HIST_">Historical 1850 to 2000 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="20TR_">Historical 1850 to 2000 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="AMIP_">AMIP for stand-alone cam:</desc>
<desc compset="SSP585_">Future transient using CMIP6 SSP5_8.5 scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="C2R[68]_">CCMI REFC2 1950 to 2100 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="C2R4_">CCMI REFC2 2004 to 2100 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="4804_">1948 to 2004 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="FRC1_">CCMI REFC1 Free running, 1950 to 2010 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="SDC1_">CCMI REFC1 Specified dynamics, 1975 to 2010 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="C2R8_">RCP8.5 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="C2R6_">RCP6.0 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="C2R4_">RCP4.5 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="5505_">1955 to 2005 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="RCP8_">RCP8.5 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="RCP6_">RCP6.0 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="RCP4_">RCP4.5 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="RCP2_">RCP2.6 future scenario:</desc>
<desc compset="2013_">RCP4.5 based scenario from 2013 (control for WACCM/CARMA nuclear winter study):</desc>
<desc compset="9205_CAM">1992 to 2005 transient:</desc>
<desc compset="SDYN_CAM">prescribed meteorology: for stand-alone cam</desc>
<desc compset="AR95_CAM">ARM95 IOP: for stand-alone cam</desc>
<desc compset="AR97_CAM">ARM97 IOP: for stand-alone cam</desc>
<desc compset="HIST_CLM4[05]%CN">CLM transient land use:</desc>
<desc compset="20TR_CLM4[05]%CN">CLM transient land use:</desc>
<desc compset="PIPD">
pre-industrial (1850) to present day:
-----------------------------WARNING ------------------------------------------------
"PIPD" compsets use complete forcing data from observed sources
up to the year 2005. Following this period they are a combination of observed sources
(land-use, SST, sea ice, CO2, CH4, N2O) to present day and IPCC RCP4.5 scenario data.
<desc compset="CAM4.*_BGC%B">
-----------------------------WARNING ------------------------------------------------
This compset is not spun-up! In later versions of the model, spun-up initial
conditions will be provided and this warning will be removed.
XML variables and component descriptions specific to the E3SM driver/coupler
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="config_compsets.xsl" ?>
<entry_id version="3.0">
<!-- modifier_mode allowed values are
'*' 0 or more modifiers (default)
'1' exactly 1 modifier
'?' 0 or 1 modifiers
'+' 1 or more modifiers
This file may have forcing and cpl desc entries.
<description modifier_mode="1">
<desc forcing="1850"></desc>
<desc forcing="2000">1972-2004</desc>
<desc forcing="2003">2002-2003</desc>
<desc forcing="HIST">Historic transient </desc>
<desc forcing="20TR">Twentieth century transient</desc>
<desc forcing="4804"></desc>
<desc forcing="SSP119">CMIP6 SSP1-1.9 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP126">CMIP6 SSP1-2.6 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP245">CMIP6 SSP2-4.5 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP370">CMIP6 SSP3-7.0 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP434">CMIP6 SSP4-3.4 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP460">CMIP6 SSP4-6.0 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP534">CMIP6 SSP5-3.4 forcing</desc>
<desc forcing="SSP585">CMIP6 SSP5-8.5 forcing</desc>
<desc cpl="BGC[%BDRD][%BPRP]">Biogeochemistry intercomponent </desc>
<desc option="BDRD"> with diagnostic CO2</desc>
<desc option="BPRP"> with prognostic CO2 </desc>
<entry id="MODEL_DOI_URL">
<desc>run DOI</desc>
<entry id="DRV_THREADING">
<desc>Turns on component varying thread control in the driver.
Used to set the driver namelist variable "drv_threading".</desc>
<desc>Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for the whole model
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose).</desc>
<entry id="INFO_TASKMAP_COMP">
<desc>Sets level of task-to-node mapping output for supported component models
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose).</desc>
<entry id="SAVE_TIMING">
<desc>logical to save timing files in rundir</desc>
<entry id="TPROF_TOTAL">
<desc>Determines number of times profiler is called over the model run period.
This sets values for tprof_option and tprof_n that determine the timing output file frequency
<entry id="TIMER_DETAIL">
integer indicating maximum detail level to profile. This xml
variable is used to set the namelist variable
timing_detail_limit. This namelist variable is used by perf_mod
(in $CIMEROOT/src/share/timing/perf_mod.F90) to turn timers off
and on depending on calls to the routine t_adj_detailf. If in the
code a statement appears like t_adj_detailf(+1), then the current
timer detail level is incremented by 1 and compared to the
time_detail_limit obtained from the namelist. If the limit is
exceeded then the timer is turned off.
<entry id="TIMER_LEVEL">
<desc>Maximum code stack depth of enabled timers.</desc>
<desc>Logical to archive all interim restart files, not just those at eor
If TRUE, perform short term archiving on all interim restart files,
not just those at the end of the run. By default, this value is TRUE.
The restart files are saved under the specific component directory
($DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/$COMPONENT/rest rather than the top-level $DOUT_S_ROOT/$CASE/rest directory).
Interim restart files are created using the REST_N and REST_OPTION variables.
This is for expert users ONLY and requires expert knowledge.
We will not document this further in this guide.</desc>
<entry id="BFBFLAG">
<desc>turns on coupler bit-for-bit reproducibility with varying pe counts</desc>
<entry id="BARRIER_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DATM.+_CLM">ndays</value>
sets frequency of full model barrier (same options as STOP_OPTION) for synchronization with BARRIER_N and BARRIER_DATE
<entry id="CCSM_BGC">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_CAM">CO2A</value>
<value compset="_DATM">none</value>
<value compset="_DATM%CPLHIST.+POP\d">CO2A</value>
<value compset="HIST.*_DATM.*_CLM">CO2A</value>
<value compset="SSP.*_DATM.*_CLM">CO2A</value>
<value compset="_BGC%BPRP">CO2C</value>
<value compset="_BGC%BDRD">CO2C</value>
<desc>Activates additional CO2-related fields to be exchanged between components. Possible values are:
CO2A: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2a = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere to the land and ocean.
CO2B: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2b = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere just to the land, and the surface upward flux of CO2 to be
sent from the land back to the atmosphere
CO2C: sets the driver namelist variable flds_co2c = .true.; this adds
prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from
the atmosphere to the land and ocean, and the surface upward flux of CO2
to be sent from the land and the open ocean back to the atmosphere.
The namelist variables flds_co2a, flds_co2b and flds_co2c are in the
namelist group cpl_flds_inparm.
<entry id="CPL_USER_MODS">
<values match="last">
<desc>User mods to apply to specific compset matches. </desc>
<entry id="NCPL_BASE_PERIOD">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">year</value>
<value compset="_MPAS" >hour</value>
<desc>Base period associated with NCPL coupling frequency.
This xml variable is only used to set the driver namelist variables,
atm_cpl_dt, lnd_cpl_dt, ocn_cpl_dt, ice_cpl_dt, glc_cpl_dt, rof_cpl_dt, wav_cpl_dt, and esp_dt.</desc>
<entry id="ATM_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCBC">144</value>
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCMX">288</value>
<value compset="_CAM\d+%WCXI">288</value>
<value compset="_DATM%COPYALL_NPS">72</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CLM">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_MOM6">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*_CICE.*_POP2">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*_CICE.*_MOM6">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_CICE.*_DOCN">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%US20">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM%CPLHIST.+POP\d">48</value>
<value compset="_DATM%CPLHIST.+MOM\d">48</value>
<value compset="_MPAS">1</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%0.23x0.31">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne60np4">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne60np4.pg3">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne60np4.pg4">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne120np4">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne120np4.pg2">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne120np4.pg3">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne120np4.pg4">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne240np4">384</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne240np4.pg2">384</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne240np4.pg3">384</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4CONUS.ne30x8">384</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4.ARCTIC.ne30x4">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%ne0np4.ARCTICGRIS.ne30x8">384</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%C24">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%C48">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%C96">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%C192">96</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%C384">192</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T42">72</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T85">144</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="a%T341">288</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_urbanc">48</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_mexico">24</value>
<value compset=".+" grid="1x1_vancou">24</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2.*_WW3">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_MOM6.*_WW3">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_POP2.*_DWAV">4</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DICE.*_MOM6.*_DWAV">4</value>
<desc>Number of atm coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ATM_NCPL,
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="LND_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<desc>Number of land coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist atm_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/LND_NCPL,
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="ICE_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<desc>Number of ice coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist ice_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ICE_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="OCN_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_POP2">1</value>
<value compset="_MOM6">24</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%tx0.1v2">4</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%gx1v6">24</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%gx1v7">24</value>
<value compset="_DATM%NYF.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN.*_SWAV">1</value>
<value compset="_DATM%NYF.*_DLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN.*_DWAV">1</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_XOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_SOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_NEMO">24</value>
<desc>Number of ocn coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
Thisn is used to set the driver namelist ocn_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/OCN_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_SGLC">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_XGLC">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_MOM6">1</value>
<desc>Number of glc coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.</desc>
<entry id="GLC_AVG_PERIOD">
<desc>Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC.
This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called
(i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency).
This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs
as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to
still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts.
Setting GLC_AVG_PERIOD to 'glc_coupling_period' means that the averaging is
done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL).
IMPORTANT: In order to restart mid-year when running with CISM, you MUST specify GLC_AVG_PERIOD = 'yearly'.
If using GLC_AVG_PERIOD = 'glc_coupling_period' with CISM, you can only restart on year boundaries.
<entry id="ROF_NCPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DATM.*_POP2.*_DROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_MOM6.*_DROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%SOM">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DATM%CPLHIST.+POP\d">8</value>
<value compset="_DATM%CPLHIST.+MOM\d">8</value>
<value compset="_XATM.*_XLND.*_XICE.*_XOCN">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_DLND.*_CISM\d">1</value>
<value compset="_SROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<value compset="_XROF">$ATM_NCPL</value>
<desc>Number of rof coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist rof_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/ROF_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<entry id="WAV_NCPL">
<desc>Number of wav coupling intervals per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD.
This is used to set the driver namelist wav_cpl_dt, equal to basedt/WAV_NCPL
where basedt is equal to NCPL_BASE_PERIOD in seconds.</desc>
<!-- Logic for CPL_ALBAV should be reworked to depend on datm forcing rather
than compset: see -->
<entry id="CPL_ALBAV">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.+POP\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="DATM.+MOM\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="DATM.+DOCN%IAF">TRUE</value>
<value compset="DATM%CPLHIST.+POP\d">FALSE</value>
<value compset="DOCN%AQP11">TRUE</value>
<value compset="DATM%CPLHIST.+MOM\d">FALSE</value>
Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J):
If true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down
If false (default), albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component has a diurnal cycle and zenith-angle
dependence. This is normally the case when using an active atm component
If true, albedos are computed with the assumption that downward
solar radiation from the atm component is a daily average quantity and
does not have a zenith-angle dependence. This is often the case when
using a data atm component. Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J).
NOTE: This should really depend on the datm forcing and not the compset per se.
So, for example, whether it is set in a J compset should depend on
what datm forcing is used.
<entry id="CPL_EPBAL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.+POP\d">ocn</value>
<value compset="DATM%CPLHIST.+POP\d">off</value>
Only used for compsets with DATM and POP (currently C, G and J):
If ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precipitation.
Provides EP balance factor for precip for POP. A factor computed by
POP is applied to precipitation so that precipitation balances
evaporation and ocn global salinity does not drift. This is intended
for use when coupling POP to a DATM. Only used for C, G and J compsets.
Default is off
<entry id="CPL_SEQ_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DATM.*_DOCN%SOM" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_POP2" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_MOM6" >RASM_OPTION1</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%gx1v6" >RASM_OPTION1</value>
<value compset="_POP2" grid="oi%gx1v7" >RASM_OPTION1</value>
<value compset="_DATM%NYF.*_SLND.*_DICE.*_DOCN" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_XATM.*_XLND.*_XICE.*_XOCN" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_SOCN" >CESM1_MOD</value>
<value compset="_MPAS" >CESM1_MOD</value>
Coupler sequencing option. This is used to set the driver namelist variable cpl_seq_option.
CESM1_MOD includes a cesm1.3 mod that swaps ocean merging and atm/ocn flux
RASM_OPTION1 runs prep ocean before the ocean coupling reducing
most of the lags and field inconsistency but still allowing the ocean to run
concurrently with the ice and atmosphere.
but sequences the ice model, prep ocean and ocean model in that order. The
ocean model loses some of the concurrency with the ice model.
CESM1_MOD_TIGHT are consistent with the old variables ocean_tight_coupling = true in the driver.
<entry id="AVGHIST_OPTION">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DOCN%IAF">nmonths</value>
<desc>Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_OPTION)</desc>
<entry id="AVGHIST_N">
<values match="last">
<value compset="_DOCN%IAF">1</value>
<desc>Sets driver average history file frequency (like REST_N)</desc>
<entry id="AVGHIST_DATE">
<desc>yyyymmdd format, sets driver average history date (like REST_DATE)</desc>
<entry id="BUDGETS">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DATM.*_POP\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="CAM.*_POP\d">TRUE</value>
<value compset="CAM.*_DOCN%SOM">TRUE</value>
<desc>logical that turns on diagnostic budgets for driver</desc>
<entry id="CCSM_CO2_PPMV">
<values match="last">
<value compset="^2000">367.0</value>
<value compset="DATM.*POP2%ECO">284.7</value>
Mechanism for setting the CO2 value in ppmv for
CLM if CLM_CO2_TYPE is constant or for
POP if OCN_CO2_TYPE is constant.
<entry id="FLDS_WISO">
<values match="last">
<value compset="%WISO">TRUE</value>
<value compset="%ISO">TRUE</value>
<desc>Turn on the passing of water isotope fields through the coupler</desc>
<entry id="GLC_NEC">
<desc>Number of glacier elevation classes used in CLM.
Used by both CLM and the coupler (even if CISM is not running, and only SGLC is used).</desc>
<values match="last">
<value compset="_CLM.+CISM\d">TRUE</value>
<!-- Turn on two-way coupling for TG compsets - even though there are no
feedbacks for a TG compset, this will give us additional diagnostics -->
<value compset="_DLND.+CISM\d">TRUE</value>
<desc>Whether the glacier component feeds back to the rest of the system
This affects:
(1) Whether CLM updates its areas based on glacier areas sent from GLC
(2) Whether GLC sends fluxes (e.g., calving fluxes) to the coupler
Note that this is set to TRUE by default for TG compsets - even though there are
no feedbacks for TG compsets, this enables extra coupler diagnostics for these
<desc>Freezing point calculation for salt water.</desc>
XML settings for driver/coupler defined component set (compset) configurations.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compsets version="2.0">
compset naming convention
The compset longname below has the specified order
atm, lnd, ice, ocn, river, glc wave esp cesm-options
The notation for the compset longname below is
The following compsets are those that can be tested in CIME stand-alone configurations
without any prognostic components.
For the compsets below the following are the only allowable values of the components.
TIME = Time period (e.g. 2000, HIST, SSP585...)
GLC = [ SGLC ]
IAC = [ SIAC ]
The OPTIONAL %phys attributes specify submodes of the given system
For example DOCN%DOM is the data ocean model for DOCN
ALL data models must have a %phys option that corresponds to the data model mode
Each compset node is associated with the following elements
- lname
- alias
- support (optional description of the support level for this compset)
Each compset node can also have the following attributes
- grid (optional regular expression match for grid to work with the compset)
<entry id="PAUSE_ACTIVE_CPL">
<values match="last">
<value compset="DESP">TRUE</value>
XML settings for driver/coupler defined component set (compset) PE layouts.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<grid name="any">
<mach name="any">
<pes pesize="any" compset="any">
<grid name="a%T62">
<mach name="yellowstone|pronghorn">
<pes pesize="any" compset="DATM%IAF">
<grid name="a%T62">
<mach name="yellowstone|pronghorn">
<pes pesize="L" compset="DATM%IAF">
<grid name="any">
<mach name="mira">
<pes pesize="any" compset="[DX]ATM">
<grid name="any">
<mach name="cetus">
<pes pesize="any" compset="any">
<comment>PE layout for tests</comment>
XML namelist definitions for the driver/coupler.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="namelist_definition.xsl"?>
<entry_id version="2.0">
<!-- Each namelist variable is defined in an <entry> element. The
content of the element is the documentation of how the variable is
used. Other elements are:
The variable's name. *** N.B. *** The name must be lower case.
The module convert all namelist variable names to lower case
since Fortran is case insensitive.
An abbreviation of the fortran declaration for the variable.
Valid declarations are:
char, integer, logical, real
Any of these types may be followed by a comma separated list of
integers enclosed in parenthesis to indicate an array.
The current namelist validation code only distinquishes between
string and non-string types.
Only include this attribute to indicate that the variable
contains the pathname of an input dataset that resides in the
CIME inputdata directory tree.
The recognized values are
"abs" - an absolute pathname is required
"rel:var_name" - the pathname is relative and that
the namelist variable "var_name" contains the absolute
root directory.
"mapping" - the absolute inputdata path is specified and
will be included in the cpl.inputdata_list
A category assigned for organizing the documentation.
The namelist group that the variable is declared in.
This is an optional attribute that is mainly useful for variables
that have only a small number of allowed values.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group cime_driver_inst -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="ninst_driver" modify_via_xml="NINST_MAX">
Number of CESM driver instances. Only used if MULTI_DRIVER is TRUE.
<value MULTI_DRIVER=".true.">$NINST_MAX</value>
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group seq_cplflds_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="flds_co2a">
If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean.
If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2A', then flds_co2a will be set to .true. by default
<value BGC_MODE="CO2A.*">.true.</value>
<entry id="flds_co2b">
If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
model level to be sent from the atmosphere just to the land, and the
surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land back to the
If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2B', then flds_co2b will be set to .true. by default.
<value BGC_MODE="CO2B">.true.</value>
<entry id="flds_co2c">
If set to .true., adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest
model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land and ocean, and the
surface upward flux of CO2 to be sent from the land and the open ocean
back to the atmosphere.
If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2C', then flds_co2c will be set to .true. by default.
<value BGC_MODE="CO2C">.true.</value>
<entry id="flds_co2_dmsa">
If CCSM_BGC is set to 'CO2_DMSA', then flds_co2_dmsa will be set to .true. by default.
<value BGC_MODE="CO2_DMSA">.true.</value>
<entry id="flds_bgc_oi">
If set to .true. BGC fields will be passed back and forth between the ocean and seaice
via the coupler.
<value BGC_MODE=".*_OI">.true.</value>
<entry id="flds_wiso" modify_via_xml="FLDS_WISO">
Pass water isotopes between components
<entry id="glc_nec" modify_via_xml="GLC_NEC">
Number of cism elevation classes. Set by the xml variable GLC_NEC in env_run.xml
<entry id="ice_ncat" modify_via_xml="ICE_NCAT">
Number of sea ice thickness categories. Set by the xml variable ICE_NCAT in env_build.xml
<entry id="seq_flds_i2o_per_cat" modify_via_xml="CPL_I2O_PER_CAT">
.true. if select per ice thickness category fields are passed to the ocean.
Set by the xml variable CPL_I2O_PER_CAT in env_run.xml
<entry id="nan_check_component_fields">
.true. means that all fields passed to coupler are checked for NaN values
<value cime_model='cesm'>.true.</value>
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- -group seq_cplflds_custom -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="cplflds_custom">
New fields that are user specidied can be added as namelist variables
by the user in the cpl namelist seq_flds_user using the namelist variable
array cplflds_customs. The user specified new fields must follow the
above naming convention.
As an example, say you want to add a new state 'foo' that is passed
from the land to the atm - you would do this as follows
cplflds_custom = 'Sa_foo->a2x', 'Sa_foo->x2a'
This would add the field 'Sa_foo' to the character strings defining the
attribute vectors a2x and x2a. It is assumed that code would need to be
introduced in the atm and land components to deal with this new attribute
vector field.
Modify user_nl_cpl to edit this.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group seq_infodata_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="cime_model" modify_via_xml="CIME_MODEL">
<desc>cime model</desc>
<value cime_model='cesm'>cesm</value>
<value cime_model='e3sm'>e3sm</value>
<entry id="aqua_planet">
true => turn on aquaplanet mode in cam
<entry id="aqua_planet_sst">
1 => default sst mode for aquaplanet in cam
<entry id="case_name" modify_via_xml="CASE">
case name.
<entry id="case_desc" modify_via_xml="CASESTR">
case description.
<entry id="model_version" modify_via_xml="CCSM_REPOTAG">
model version documentation,
<entry id="model_doi_url" modify_via_xml="MODEL_DOI_URL">
model doi url
<entry id="username" modify_via_xml="USER">
username documentation
<entry id="hostname" modify_via_xml="MACH">
hostname information,
<entry id="timing_dir">
location of timing output.
<entry id="tchkpt_dir">
location of timing checkpoint output.
<entry id="start_type" modify_via_xml="RUN_TYPE">
mode to start the run up, [startup,branch,continue],
automatically derived from RUN_TYPE in env_run.xml
<value run_type="startup" continue_run=".false.">startup</value>
<value run_type="hybrid" continue_run=".false.">startup</value>
<value run_type="branch" continue_run=".false.">branch</value>
<value run_type="startup" continue_run=".true.">continue</value>
<value run_type="hybrid" continue_run=".true.">continue</value>
<value run_type="branch" continue_run=".true.">continue</value>
<entry id="brnch_retain_casename" modify_via_xml="RUN_REFCASE">
Allow same branch casename as reference casename. If $CASE and $REFCASE are the same and the start_type is
not startup, then the value of brnch_retain_casename is set to .true.
<entry id="info_debug" modify_via_xml="INFO_DBUG">
Level of debug output, 0=minimum, 1=normal, 2=more, 3=too much (default: 1)
<entry id="bfbflag" modify_via_xml="BFBFLAG">
turns on bfb option in coupler which produce bfb results in the
coupler on different processor counts. (default: .false.)
<entry id="orb_mode">
orbital model setting. this sets how the orbital mode will be
"fixed_year" uses the orb_iyear and other orb inputs are ignored. In
this mode, the orbital parameters are constant and based on the year.
"variable_year" uses the orb_iyear and orb_iyear_align. In this mode,
the orbital parameters vary as the model year advances and the model
year orb_iyear_align has the equivalent orbital year of orb_iyear.
"fixed_parameters" uses the orb_eccen, orb_mvelp, and orb_obliq to set
the orbital parameters which then remain constant through the model
integration. [fixed_year, variable_year, fixed_parameters] (default: 'fixed_year'.)
<value iyear='HIST' cime_model='cesm'>variable_year</value>
<entry id="orb_iyear_align">
model year associated with orb_iyear when orb_mode is variable_year. (default: 1990)
<value iyear="1850" cime_model="cesm">1850</value>
<value iyear="2000" cime_model="cesm">2000</value>
<value iyear='HIST' cime_model='cesm'>1850</value>
<entry id="orb_iyear">
year of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_year or variable_year. (default: 1990)
<value iyear="1850" cime_model="cesm">1850</value>
<value iyear="2000" cime_model="cesm">2000</value>
<value iyear='HIST' cime_model='cesm'>1850</value>
<entry id="orb_eccen">
eccentricity of orbit, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36) (Not currently used in build-namelist)
<entry id="orb_mvelp">
location of vernal equinox in longitude degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36)(Not currently used in build-namelist)
<entry id="orb_obliq">
obliquity of orbit in degrees, used when orb_mode is fixed_parameters.
default: SHR_ORB_UNDEF_REAL (1.e36) (Not currently used in build-namelist)
<entry id="wv_sat_scheme">
Type of water vapor saturation vapor pressure scheme employed. 'GoffGratch' for
Goff and Gratch (1946); 'MurphyKoop' for Murphy and Koop (2005); 'Bolton' for
Bolton (1980); 'Flatau' for Flatau, Walko, and Cotton (1992).
Default: GoffGratch
<entry id="wv_sat_transition_start">
Width of the liquid-ice transition range in mixed-phase water saturation vapor
pressure calculations. The range always ends at 0 degrees Celsius, so this
variable only affects the start of the transition.
Default: 20K
WARNING: CAM is tuned to the default value of this variable. Because it affects
so many different parameterizations, changes to this variable may require a
significant retuning of CAM's cloud physics to give reasonable results.
<entry id="wv_sat_use_tables">
Whether or not to produce lookup tables at init time to use as a cache for
saturation vapor pressure.
Default: .false.
<entry id="wv_sat_table_spacing">
Temperature resolution of saturation vapor pressure lookup tables in Kelvin.
(This is only used if wv_sat_use_tables is .true.)
Default: 1.0
<entry id="tfreeze_option" modify_via_xml="TFREEZE_SALTWATER_OPTION">
<desc>Freezing point calculation for salt water.</desc>
<entry id="flux_epbal" modify_via_xml="CPL_EPBAL">
Only used for C,G compsets: if ocn, ocn provides EP balance factor for precip
<entry id="flux_albav" modify_via_xml="CPL_ALBAV">
Only used for C,G compsets: if true, compute albedos to work with daily avg SW down
<entry id="glc_renormalize_smb">
Whether to renormalize the surface mass balance (smb) sent from lnd to glc so that the
global integral on the glc grid agrees with the global integral on the lnd grid.
Unlike most fluxes, smb is remapped with bilinear rather than conservative mapping weights,
so this option is needed for conservation. However, conservation is not required in many
cases, since we often run glc as a diagnostic (one-way-coupled) component.
Allowable values are:
'on': always do this renormalization
'off': never do this renormalization (see WARNING below)
'on_if_glc_coupled_fluxes': Determine at runtime whether to do this renormalization.
Does the renormalization if we're running a two-way-coupled glc that sends fluxes
to other components (which is the case where we need conservation).
Does NOT do the renormalization if we're running a one-way-coupled glc, or if
we're running a glc-only compset (T compsets).
(In these cases, conservation is not important.)
Only used if running with a prognostic GLC component.
WARNING: Setting this to 'off' will break conservation when running with an
evolving, two-way-coupled glc.
<entry id="wall_time_limit">
Wall time limit for run
default: -1.0
<entry id="force_stop_at">
Force stop at the next month, day, etc when wall_time_limit is hit
default: month
<entry id="coldair_outbreak_mod">
if true use Mahrt and Sun 1995,MWR modification to surface flux calculation
<value cime_model='e3sm'>.false.</value>
<value cime_model='cesm'>.true.</value>
<value cime_model='cesm' atm_grid="T62">.false.</value>
<value cime_model='cesm' atm_grid="TL319">.false.</value>
<entry id="flux_diurnal">
If true, turn on diurnal cycle in computing atm/ocn fluxes
default: false
<entry id="ocn_surface_flux_scheme">
0: standard surface flux calculation as in E3SMv1
1: COAREv3.0 flux computation (Fairall et al., 2003)
2: University of Arizona algorithm (Zeng et al., 1998)
default: 0
<entry id="flux_convergence">
Iterate atmocn flux calculation to this % difference
Setting this to zero will always do flux_max_iteration
<!-- the value for f09 grids is maintained as 0.0 for compatibility with cmip6 experiments
the 1% convergence criteria improves performance of the atm ocn flux calculation in shr_flux_mod.F90 -->
<value cime_model='cesm'>0.01</value>
<value cime_model='cesm' atm_grid="0.9x1.25">0.0</value>
<value cime_model='e3sm'>0.0</value>
<entry id="flux_max_iteration">
Iterate atmocn flux calculation a max of this value
<value cime_model='cesm'>5</value>
<value cime_model='e3sm'>2</value>
<entry id="atm_gnam" modify_via_xml="ATM_GRID">
ATM_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="lnd_gnam" modify_via_xml="LND_GRID">
LND_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="ocn_gnam" modify_via_xml="OCN_GRID">
OCN_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="ice_gnam" modify_via_xml="ICE_GRID">
ICE_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="rof_gnam" modify_via_xml="ROF_GRID">
ROF_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="glc_gnam" modify_via_xml="GLC_GRID">
GLC_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="wav_gnam" modify_via_xml="WAV_GRID">
WAV_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="iac_gnam" modify_via_xml="IAC_GRID">
IAC_GRID values passed into driver.
<entry id="shr_map_dopole">
invoke pole averaging corrections in shr_map_mod weights generation (default: true)
<entry id="vect_map" modify_via_xml="VECT_MAP">
turns on the vector mapping option for u and v vector mapping between
atm and ocean grids in the coupler. the options are none, npfix,
cart3d, cart3d_diag, cart3d_uvw, and cart3d_uvw_diag. the none option
results in scalar mapping independently for the u and v field which
tends to generate large errors near the poles. npfix is the
traditional option where the vectors are corrected on the ocean grid
north of the last latitude line of the atmosphere grid. the cart3d
options convert the east (u) and north (v) vectors to 3d (x,y,z)
triplets, and maps those fields before converting back to the east (u)
and north (v) directions. the cart3d ignores the resuling "w"
velocity. the cart3d_uvw calculates the resulting u and v vectors by
preserving the total "u,v,w" speed and the angle of the (u,v) vector.
the _diag options just add diagnotics to the log file about the vector
<entry id="aoflux_grid">
Grid for atm ocn flux calc (untested)
default: ocn
<entry id="mct_usealltoall">
mct alltoall mapping flag
default: false
<entry id="mct_usevector">
mct vector flag
default: false
<entry id="cpl_decomp" modify_via_xml="CPL_DECOMP">
cpl decomp option (0=default, 1=comp decomp, 2=rearr comp decomp, 3=new single 1d seg
default: 0
<entry id="cpl_seq_option" modify_via_xml="CPL_SEQ_OPTION">
Set the coupler sequencing.
<entry id="do_budgets" modify_via_xml="BUDGETS">
logical that turns on diagnostic budgets, false means budgets will never be written
<entry id="do_histinit">
logical to write an extra initial coupler history file
<entry id="budget_inst">
sets the diagnotics level of the instantaneous budgets. [0,1,2,3],
written only if BUDGETS variable is true
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets
default: 0
<entry id="budget_daily">
sets the diagnotics level of the daily budgets. [0,1,2,3],
written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets
default: 0
<entry id="budget_month">
sets the diagnotics level of the monthy budgets. [0,1,2,3],
written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets
default: 1
<entry id="budget_ann">
sets the diagnotics level of the annual budgets. [0,1,2,3],
written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets
default: 1
<entry id="budget_ltann">
sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end
of the year. [0,1,2,3],
written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets,
default: 1
<entry id="budget_ltend">
sets the diagnotics level of the longterm budgets written at the end
of each run. [0,1,2,3],
written only if do_budgets variable is .true.,
1=+net summary budgets,
2=+detailed lnd/ocn/ice component budgets,
3=+detailed atm budgets,
default: 0
<entry id="histaux_a2x">
turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous atm to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_a2x1hr">
turns on coupler history stream for 1-hour average atm to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_a2x1hri">
turns on coupler history stream for 1-hour instantaneous atm to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_a2x3hr">
turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_a2x3hrp">
turns on coupler history stream for 3-hour average atm to coupler precip fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_a2x24hr">
turns on coupler history stream for daily average atm to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_l2x">
turns on coupler history stream for instantaneous land to coupler fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_r2x">
turns on coupler history stream for average* runoff to coupler fields
(*despite the lack of an averaging time span in the name).
Files are written at time-of-day = 00000, and at the end of the run interval,
even if that time is not 00000.
Run length less than 24 hours; averaging period is the run length,
Otherwise; averaging period is 24 hours for files before the last (partial) day,
averaging period is the last (partial) day for the last file.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_l2x1yrg">
turns on coupler history stream for annual lnd to coupler glc forcing fields.
default: false
<entry id="histaux_double_precision">
if true, use double-precision rather than single-precision for
coupler auxiliary history files
default: false
<entry id="histavg_atm">
writes atm fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_lnd">
writes lnd fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_ocn">
writes ocn fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_ice">
writes ice fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_rof">
writes rof fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_glc">
writes glc fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_wav">
writes wav fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_iac">
writes iac fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="histavg_xao">
writes xao fields in coupler average history files.
default: true
<entry id="drv_threading" modify_via_xml="DRV_THREADING">
turn on run time control of threading per pe per component by the driver
default: false
<entry id="run_barriers" modify_via_xml="COMP_RUN_BARRIERS">
default: .false.
<entry id="eps_frac" modify_via_xml="EPS_FRAC">
Error tolerance for differences in fractions in domain checking
default: 1.0e-02
<entry id="eps_amask" modify_via_xml="EPS_AMASK">
Error tolerance for differences in atm/land masks in domain checking
default: 1.0e-13
<entry id="eps_agrid" modify_via_xml="EPS_AGRID">
Error tolerance for differences in atm/land lat/lon in domain checking
default: 1.0e-12
<entry id="eps_aarea" modify_via_xml="EPS_AAREA">
Error tolerance for differences in atm/land areas in domain checking
default: 1.0e-07
<entry id="eps_omask" modify_via_xml="EPS_OMASK">
Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice masks in domain checking
default: 1.0e-06
<entry id="eps_ogrid" modify_via_xml="EPS_OGRID">
Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking
default: 1.0e-2
<entry id="eps_oarea" modify_via_xml="EPS_OAREA">
Error tolerance for differences in ocean/ice lon/lat in domain checking
default: 1.0e-1
<entry id="single_column" modify_via_xml="PTS_MODE">
turns on single column mode. set by PTS_MODE in env_case.xml, default: false
<value single_column="true">.true.</value>
<entry id="scmlat" modify_via_xml="PTS_LAT">
grid point latitude associated with single column mode.
if set to -999, ignore this value
<value single_column="true">$PTS_LAT</value>
<entry id="scmlon" modify_via_xml="PTS_LON">
grid point longitude associated with single column mode.
set by PTS_LON in env_run.xml.
<value single_column="true">$PTS_LON</value>
<entry id="reprosum_use_ddpdd">
Use faster method for reprosum, but one where reproducibility is not always guaranteed.
default: .false.
<entry id="reprosum_allow_infnan">
Allow INF and NaN in summands
default: .false.
<entry id="reprosum_diffmax">
Tolerance for relative error
default: -1.0e-8
<entry id="reprosum_recompute">
Recompute with non-scalable algorithm if reprosum_diffmax is exceeded.
default: .false.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group seq_timemgr_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="atm_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="ATM_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
atm coupling interval in seconds
set via ATM_NCPL in env_run.xml.
ATM_NCPL is the number of times the atm is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, and has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="lnd_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="LND_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
lnd coupling interval in seconds
set via LND_NCPL in env_run.xml.
LND_NCPL is the number of times the lnd is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="rof_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="ROF_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
river runoff coupling interval in seconds
currently set by default to 10800 seconds.
default: 10800
<entry id="ice_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="ICE_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
ice coupling interval in seconds
set via ICE_NCPL in env_run.xml.
ICE_NCPL is the number of times the ice is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="ocn_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="OCN_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
ocn coupling interval in seconds
set via OCN_NCPL in env_run.xml.
OCN_NCPL is the number of times the ocn is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="glc_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="GLC_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
glc coupling interval in seconds
set via GLC_NCPL in env_run.xml.
GLC_NCPL is the number of times the glc is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="glc_avg_period" modify_via_xml="GLC_AVG_PERIOD">
Period at which coupler averages fields sent to GLC.
This supports doing the averaging to GLC less frequently than GLC is called
(i.e., separating the averaging frequency from the calling frequency).
This is useful because there are benefits to only averaging the GLC inputs
as frequently as they are really needed (yearly for CISM), but GLC needs to
still be called more frequently than that in order to support mid-year restarts.
Setting glc_avg_period to 'glc_coupling_period' means that the averaging is
done exactly when the GLC is called (governed by GLC_NCPL).
<entry id="wav_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="WAV_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
wav coupling interval in seconds
set via WAV_NCPL in env_run.xml.
WAV_NCPL is the number of times the wav is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="iac_cpl_dt" modify_via_xml="IAC_NCPL" skip_default_entry="true">
iac coupling interval in seconds
set via IAC_NCPL in env_run.xml.
IAC_NCPL is the number of times the iac is coupled per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is also set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
<entry id="esp_cpl_dt" skip_default_entry="true">
esp run interval in seconds
esp_cpl_dt is the number of times the esp is run per NCPL_BASE_PERIOD
NCPL_BASE_PERIOD is set in env_run.xml and is the base period
associated with NCPL coupling frequency, nad has valid values: hour,day,year,decade
default value set by buildnml to be the pause interval if pause is active
otherwise, it is set to the shortest component coupling time
<entry id="atm_cpl_offset">
atm coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="lnd_cpl_offset">
lnd coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="ice_cpl_offset">
ice coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="ocn_cpl_offset">
ocn coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="glc_cpl_offset">
glc coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="wav_cpl_offset">
wav coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="iac_cpl_offset">
iac coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="esp_cpl_offset">
esp coupling interval offset in seconds default: 0
<entry id="esp_run_on_pause" modify_via_xml="ESP_RUN_ON_PAUSE">
true => ESP component runs after driver 'pause cycle' If any
component 'pauses' (see PAUSE_OPTION,
variables), the ESP component (if present) will be run to
process the component 'pause' (restart) files and set any
required 'resume' signals. If true, esp_cpl_dt and
esp_cpl_offset settings are ignored. default: true
<entry id="calendar" modify_via_xml="CALENDAR">
calendar in use. [NO_LEAP, GREOGORIAN].
set by CALENDAR in env_build.xml
<entry id="start_ymd" modify_via_xml="RUN_STARTDATE">
Run start date in yyyymmdd format, only used for startup and hybrid runs.
default: 00010101
<entry id="start_tod" modify_via_xml="START_TOD">
Start time-of-day in universal time (seconds), should be between zero and 86400
default: 0
<entry id="stop_option" modify_via_xml="STOP_OPTION">
sets the run length with stop_n and stop_ymd
stop_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , stops every stop_n nsteps , relative to current run start time
[nsecond/s] , stops every stop_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
[nminute/s] , stops every stop_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
[nhour/s] , stops every stop_n nhours , relative to current run start time
[nday/s] , stops every stop_n ndays , relative to current run start time
[nmonth/s] , stops every stop_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
[monthly/s] , stops every month , relative to current run start time
[nyear/s] , stops every stop_n nyears , relative to current run start time
[date] , stops at stop_ymd value
[ifdays0] , stops at stop_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
[end] , stops at end
<entry id="stop_n" modify_via_xml="STOP_N">
Sets the run length with stop_option and stop_ymd
<entry id="stop_ymd" modify_via_xml="STOP_DATE">
date in yyyymmdd format, sets the run length with stop_option and stop_n,
can be in addition to stop_option and stop_n, negative value implies off
<entry id="restart_file">
Driver restart filename.
<entry id="restart_option" modify_via_xml="REST_OPTION">
sets the restart frequency with restart_n and restart_ymd
restart_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , restarts every restart_n nsteps , relative to current run start time
[nsecond/s] , restarts every restart_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
[nminute/s] , restarts every restart_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
[nhour/s] , restarts every restart_n nhours , relative to current run start time
[nday/s] , restarts every restart_n ndays , relative to current run start time
[monthly/s] , restarts every month , relative to current run start time
[nmonth/s] , restarts every restart_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
[nyear/s] , restarts every restart_n nyears , relative to current run start time
[date] , restarts at restart_ymd value
[ifdays0] , restarts at restart_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
[end] , restarts at end
<entry id="restart_n" modify_via_xml="REST_N">
Sets model restart writes with restart_option and restart_ymd (same options as stop_n)
<entry id="restart_ymd" modify_via_xml="REST_YMD">
Date in yyyymmdd format, sets model restart write date with rest_option and restart_n
default: STOP_N
<entry id="end_restart">
true => write restarts at end of run
forces a restart write at the end of the run in addition to any
setting associated with rest_option. default=true. this setting
will be set to false if restart_option is none or never.
default: false
<entry id="history_option" modify_via_xml="HIST_OPTION">
coupler history snapshot option (used with history_n and history_ymd)
set by HIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.
history_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , history snapshot every history_n nsteps , relative to current run start time
[nsecond/s] , history snapshot every history_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
[nminute/s] , history snapshot every history_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
[nhour/s] , history snapshot every history_n nhours , relative to current run start time
[nday/s] , history snapshot every history_n ndays , relative to current run start time
[monthly/s] , history snapshot every month , relative to current run start time
[nmonth/s] , history snapshot every history_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
[nyear/s] , history snapshot every history_n nyears , relative to current run start time
[date] , history snapshot at history_ymd value
[ifdays0] , history snapshot at history_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
[end] , history snapshot at end
<entry id="history_n" modify_via_xml="HIST_N">
sets coupler snapshot history file frequency (like restart_n)
set by HIST_N in env_run.xml.
<entry id="history_ymd" modify_via_xml="HIST_YMD">
date associated with history_option date. yyyymmdd format.
set by HIST_DATE in env_run.xml.
<entry id="histavg_option" modify_via_xml="HISTAVG_OPTION">
coupler time average history option (used with histavg_n and histavg_ymd)
set by AVGHIST_OPTION in env_run.xml.
histavg_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nsteps , relative to current run start time
[nsecond/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
[nminute/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
[nhour/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nhours , relative to current run start time
[nday/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n ndays , relative to current run start time
[monthly/s] , history snapshot every month , relative to current run start time
[nmonth/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
[nyear/s] , history snapshot every histavg_n nyears , relative to current run start time
[date] , history snapshot at histavg_ymd value
[ifdays0] , history snapshot at histavg_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
[end] , history snapshot at end
<entry id="histavg_n" modify_via_xml="HISTAVG_N">
Sets coupler time-average history file frequency (like restart_option)
set by AVGHIST_N in env_run.xml.
<entry id="histavg_ymd" modify_via_xml="HISTAVG_YMD">
date associated with histavg_option date. yyyymmdd format.
set by AVGHIST_DATE in env_run.xml.
<entry id="barrier_option" modify_via_xml="BARRIER_OPTION">
sets the driver barrier frequency to sync models across all tasks with barrier_n and barrier_ymd
barrier_option alarms are like restart_option
default: never
<entry id="barrier_n" modify_via_xml="BARRIER_N">
Sets model barriers with barrier_option and barrier_ymd (same options as stop_n)
default: 1
<entry id="barrier_ymd" modify_via_xml="BARRIER_DATE">
Date in yyyymmdd format, sets model barriers date with barrier_option and barrier_n
<entry id="tprof_option">
Sets timing output file frequency (like rest_option but relative to run start date)
tprof_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , every tprof_n nsteps , relative to current run start time
[nsecond/s] , every tprof_n nseconds, relative to current run start time
[nminute/s] , every tprof_n nminutes, relative to current run start time
[nhour/s] , every tprof_n nhours , relative to current run start time
[nday/s] , every tprof_n ndays , relative to current run start time
[monthly/s] , every month , relative to current run start time
[nmonth/s] , every tprof_n nmonths , relative to current run start time
[nyear/s] , every tprof_n nyears , relative to current run start time
[date] , at tprof_ymd value
[ifdays0] , at tprof_n calendar day value and seconds equal 0
[end] , at end
<entry id="tprof_n">
Sets timing output file frequency (like restart_n)
<entry id="tprof_ymd">
yyyymmdd format, sets timing output file date (like restart_date)
<entry id="pause_option" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_OPTION">
sets the pause frequency with pause_n
pause_option alarms are:
[none/never], turns option off
[nstep/s] , pauses every pause_n nsteps , relative to start or last pause time
[nsecond/s] , pauses every pause_n nseconds, relative to start or last pause time
[nminute/s] , pauses every pause_n nminutes, relative to start or last pause time
[nhour/s] , pauses every pause_n nhours , relative to start or last pause time
[nday/s] , pauses every pause_n ndays , relative to start or last pause time
[nmonth/s] , pauses every pause_n nmonths , relative to start or last pause time
[monthly/s] , pauses every month , relative to start or last pause time
[nyear/s] , pauses every pause_n nyears , relative to start or last pause time
<entry id="pause_n" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_N">
Sets the pause frequency with pause_option
<entry id="pause_active_atm" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_ATM">
Whether Pause signals are active for component atm
<entry id="pause_active_cpl" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_CPL">
Whether Pause signals are active for component CPL
<entry id="pause_active_ocn" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_OCN">
Whether Pause signals are active for component ocn
<entry id="pause_active_wav" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_WAV">
Whether Pause signals are active for component wav
<entry id="pause_active_iac" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_IAC">
Whether Pause signals are active for component iac
<entry id="pause_active_glc" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_GLC">
Whether Pause signals are active for component glc
<entry id="pause_active_rof" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_ROF">
Whether Pause signals are active for component rof
<entry id="pause_active_ice" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_ICE">
Whether Pause signals are active for component ice
<entry id="pause_active_lnd" modify_via_xml="PAUSE_ACTIVE_LND">
Whether Pause signals are active for component lnd
<entry id="logfilepostfix">
Ending suffix "postfix" for output log files.
<entry id="outpathroot">
Root directory for driver output files
<entry id="max_cplstep_time">
Abort model if coupler timestep wallclock time exceeds this value, ignored if 0,
if < 0 then use abs(max_cplstep_time)*cktime as the threshold.
default: 0
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group esmf_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="esmf_logfile_kind" modify_via_xml="ESMF_LOGFILE_KIND">
Specify type of ESMF logging
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group seq_cime_pes -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="atm_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_ATM">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the atm components.
set by NTASKS_ATM in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="atm_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_ATM">
the number of threads per mpi task for the atm component.
set by NTHRDS_ATM in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="atm_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_ATM">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the atm component.
set by ROOTPE_ATM in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="atm_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_ATM">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the atm component.
set by PSTRID_ATM in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="atm_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_ATM_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance atms (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="lnd_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_LND">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the lnd components.
set by NTASKS_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="lnd_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_LND">
the number of threads per mpi task for the lnd component.
set by NTHRDS_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="lnd_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_LND">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the lnd component.
set by ROOTPE_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="lnd_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_LND">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the lnd component.
set by PSTRID_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="lnd_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_LND_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance lnds (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="ice_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_ICE">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ice components.
set by NTASKS_ICE in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ice_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_ICE">
the number of threads per mpi task for the ice component.
set by NTHRDS_ICE in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ice_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_ICE">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ice component.
set by ROOTPE_ICE in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ice_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_ICE">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ice component.
set by PSTRID_ICE in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ice_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_ICE_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance ices (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="ocn_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_OCN">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the ocn components.
set by NTASKS_OCN in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ocn_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_OCN">
the number of threads per mpi task for the ocn component.
set by NTHRDS_OCN in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ocn_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_OCN">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the ocn component.
set by ROOTPE_OCN in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="ocn_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_OCN">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the ocn component.
set by PSTRID_OCN in env_configure.xml. default: 1
<entry id="ocn_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_OCN_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance ocns (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="glc_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_GLC">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the glc components.
set by NTASKS_GLC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="glc_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_GLC">
the number of threads per mpi task for the glc component.
set by NTHRDS_GLC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="glc_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_GLC">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the glc component.
set by ROOTPE_GLC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="glc_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_GLC">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the glc component.
set by PSTRID_GLC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="glc_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_GLC_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance glcs (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="wav_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_WAV">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the wav components.
set by NTASKS_WAV in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="wav_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_WAV">
the number of threads per mpi task for the wav component.
set by NTHRDS_WAV in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="wav_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_WAV">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the wav component.
set by ROOTPE_WAV in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="wav_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_WAV">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the wav component.
set by PSTRID_WAV in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="wav_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_WAV_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance wavs (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="iac_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_IAC">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the iac components.
set by NTASKS_IAC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="iac_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_IAC">
the number of threads per mpi task for the iac component.
set by NTHRDS_IAC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="iac_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_IAC">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the iac component.
set by ROOTPE_IAC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="iac_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_IAC">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the iac component.
set by PSTRID_IAC in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="iac_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_IAC_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance iacs (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="rof_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_ROF">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the lnd components.
set by NTASKS_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="rof_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_ROF">
the number of threads per mpi task for the lnd component.
set by NTHRDS_ROF in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="rof_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_ROF">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the lnd component.
set by ROOTPE_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="rof_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_ROF">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the lnd component.
set by PSTRID_LND in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="rof_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_ROF_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance lnds (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="esp_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_ESP">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the esp components.
set by NTASKS_ESP in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="esp_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_ESP">
the number of threads per mpi task for the esp component.
set by NTHRDS_ESP in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="esp_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_ESP">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the esp component.
set by ROOTPE_ESP in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="esp_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_ESP">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the esp component.
set by PSTRID_ESP in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="esp_layout" modify_via_xml="NINST_ESP_LAYOUT">
Layout of multi-instance external system processor (if there are more than 1)
<entry id="cpl_ntasks" modify_via_xml="NTASKS_CPL">
the number of mpi tasks assigned to the cpl components.
set by NTASKS_CPL in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="cpl_nthreads" modify_via_xml="NTHRDS_CPL">
the number of threads per mpi task for the cpl component.
set by NTHRDS_CPL in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="cpl_rootpe" modify_via_xml="ROOTPE_CPL">
the global mpi task rank of the root processor assigned to the cpl component.
set by ROOTPE_CPL in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="cpl_pestride" modify_via_xml="PSTRID_CPL">
the mpi global processors stride associated with the mpi tasks for the cpl component.
set by PSTRID_CPL in env_configure.xml.
<entry id="info_taskmap_model">
level of task-to-node mapping output for the whole model
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose)
<entry id="info_taskmap_comp">
level of task-to-node mapping output for individual component models
(0: no output; 1: compact; 2: verbose)
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group prof_inparm -->
<!-- in perf_mod.F90 -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="profile_global_stats">
<entry id="profile_single_file">
<entry id="profile_disable">
<value timer_level='pos'>.false.</value>
<value timer_level='neg'>.true.</value>
<entry id="profile_barrier">
<entry id="profile_depth_limit" modify_via_xml="TIMER_LEVEL">
<entry id="profile_outpe_stride">
<entry id="profile_detail_limit" modify_via_xml="TIMER_DETAIL">
<entry id="profile_timer">
<value>4</value> <!-- mpiwtime -->
<value MACH="yellowstone">2</value> <!-- nanotime -->
<value MPILIB="mpi-serial">1</value> <!-- gettimeofday -->
<value MPILIB="mpi-serial" OS="AIX">3</value> <!-- read_real_time -->
<entry id="profile_ovhd_measurement">
default: .false.
<entry id="profile_add_detail">
default: .false.
<entry id="profile_outpe_num">
default: 1
<entry id="profile_papi_enable" modify_via_xml="PROFILE_PAPI_ENABLE">
default: .false.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group papi_inparm -->
<!-- in perf_mod.F90 -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="papi_ctr1_str">
See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
<entry id="papi_ctr2_str">
See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
<entry id="papi_ctr3_str">
See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
<entry id="papi_ctr4_str">
See gptl_papi.c for the list of valid values
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group pio_default_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="pio_async_interface">
future asynchronous IO capability (not currently supported).
If pio_async_interface is .true. or {component}_PIO_* variable is not set or set to -99
the component variable will be set using the pio_* value.
default: .false.
<entry id="pio_debug_level" modify_via_xml="PIO_DEBUG_LEVEL">
pio debug level
valid values: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6
<entry id="pio_blocksize" modify_via_xml="PIO_BLOCKSIZE">
blocksize for pio box rearranger
<entry id="pio_buffer_size_limit" modify_via_xml="PIO_BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT">
pio buffer size limit
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_type" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_TYPE">
pio rearranger communication type.
valid values: p2p, coll, default
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_fcd" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_FCD">
pio rearranger communication flow control direction.
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_max_pend_req_comp2io" modify_via_xml=" PIO_REARR_COMM_MAX_PEND_REQ_COMP2IO">
pio rearranger communication max pending req (comp2io)
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_enable_hs_comp2io" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_ENABLE_HS_COMP2IO">
pio rearranger communication option: Enable handshake (comp2io)
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_enable_isend_comp2io" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_ENABLE_ISEND_COMP2IO">
pio rearranger communication option: Enable isends (comp2io)
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_max_pend_req_io2comp" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_MAX_PEND_REQ_IO2COMP">
pio rearranger communication max pending req (io2comp)
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_enable_hs_io2comp" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARR_COMM_ENABLE_HS_IO2COMP">
pio rearranger communication option: Enable handshake (io2comp)
<entry id="pio_rearr_comm_enable_isend_io2comp">
pio rearranger communication option: Enable isends (io2comp)
default: .false.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group seq_maps -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="atm2ocn_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_FMAPNAME">
atm to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="atm2ocn_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2ocn_smapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_SMAPNAME">
atm to ocn state mapping file for states
<entry id="atm2ocn_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2ocn_vmapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_VMAPNAME">
atm to ocn state mapping file for velocity
<entry id="atm2ocn_vmaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_VMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ocn2atm_fmapname" modify_via_xml="OCN2ATM_FMAPNAME">
ocn to atm mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="ocn2atm_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ocn2atm_smapname" modify_via_xml="OCN2ATM_SMAPNAME">
ocn to atm mapping file for states
<entry id="ocn2atm_smaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2ice_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2ICE_FMAPNAME">
atm to ice flux mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="atm2ice_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2ICE_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2ice_smapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2ICE_SMAPNAME">
atm to ice state mapping file for states
<entry id="atm2ice_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2ice_vmapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2ICE_VMAPNAME">
atm to ice state mapping file for velocity
<entry id="atm2ice_vmaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2OCN_VMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ice2atm_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ICE2ATM_FMAPNAME">
ice to atm mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="ice2atm_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ice2atm_smapname" modify_via_xml="ICE2ATM_FMAPNAME">
ice to atm mapping file for states
<entry id="ice2atm_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ICE2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2lnd_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2LND_FMAPNAME">
atm to land mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="atm2lnd_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2LND_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2lnd_smapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2LND_SMAPNAME">
atm to land mapping file for states
<entry id="atm2lnd_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2LND_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="lnd2atm_fmapname" modify_via_xml="LND2ATM_FMAPNAME">
land to atm mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="lnd2atm_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="LND2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="lnd2atm_smapname" modify_via_xml="LND2ATM_SMAPNAME">
land to atm mapping file for states
<entry id="lnd2atm_smaptype" modify_via_xml="LND2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="lnd2rof_fmapname" modify_via_xml="LND2ROF_FMAPNAME">
lnd to runoff conservative mapping file
<entry id="lnd2rof_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="LND2ROF_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="rof2lnd_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ROF2LND_FMAPNAME">
runoff to lnd conservative mapping file
<entry id="rof2lnd_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="ROF2LND_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="rof2ocn_fmapname" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME">
runoff to ocn area overlap conservative mapping file
<entry id="rof2ocn_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ocn_fmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_FMAPNAME">
glc to ocn flux mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="glc2ocn_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ocn_smapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_SMAPNAME">
glc to ocn state mapping file for states
<entry id="glc2ocn_smaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ocn_liq_rmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_LIQ_RMAPNAME">
glc to ocn runoff conservative mapping file for liquid runoff
<entry id="glc2ocn_liq_rmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_LIQ_RMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ocn_ice_rmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_ICE_RMAPNAME">
glc to ocn runoff conservative mapping file for ice runoff
<entry id="glc2ocn_ice_rmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2OCN_ICE_RMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ocn2glc_fmapname" modify_via_xml="OCN2GLC_FMAPNAME">
ocn to glc flux mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="ocn2glc_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2GLC_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ocn2glc_smapname" modify_via_xml="OCN2GLC_SMAPNAME">
ocn to glc state mapping file for states
<entry id="ocn2glc_smaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2GLC_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ice_rmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_RMAPNAME">
glc to ice runoff conservative mapping file
<entry id="glc2ice_rmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_RMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="rof2ocn_liq_rmapname" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_LIQ_RMAPNAME">
runoff to ocn nearest neighbor plus smoothing conservative mapping file
<entry id="rof2ocn_liq_rmaptype" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_LIQ_RMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="rof2ocn_ice_rmapname" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_ICE_RMAPNAME">
runoff to ocn nearest neighbor plus smoothing conservative mapping file
<entry id="rof2ocn_ice_rmaptype" modify_via_xml="ROF2OCN_ICE_RMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="lnd2glc_fmapname" modify_via_xml="LND2GLC_FMAPNAME">
land to glc mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="lnd2glc_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="LND2GLC_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="lnd2glc_smapname" modify_via_xml="LND2GLC_SMAPNAME">
land to glc mapping file for states
<entry id="lnd2glc_smaptype" modify_via_xml="LND2GLC_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2lnd_fmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2LND_FMAPNAME">
glc to land mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="glc2lnd_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2LND_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2lnd_smapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2LND_SMAPNAME">
glc to land mapping file for states
<entry id="glc2lnd_smaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2LND_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ice_fmapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_FMAPNAME">
glc to ice flux mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="glc2ice_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="glc2ice_smapname" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_SMAPNAME">
glc to ice state mapping file for states
<entry id="glc2ice_smaptype" modify_via_xml="GLC2ICE_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="atm2wav_smapname" modify_via_xml="ATM2WAV_SMAPNAME">
atm to wav state mapping file for states
<entry id="atm2wav_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ATM2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ocn2wav_smapname" modify_via_xml="OCN2WAV_SMAPNAME">
ocn to wav state mapping file for states
<entry id="ocn2wav_smaptype" modify_via_xml="OCN2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="ice2wav_smapname" modify_via_xml="ICE2WAV_SMAPNAME">
ice to wav state mapping file for states
<entry id="ice2wav_smaptype" modify_via_xml="ICE2WAV_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="wav2ocn_smapname" modify_via_xml="WAV2OCN_SMAPNAME">
wav to ocn state mapping file for states
<entry id="wav2ocn_smaptype" modify_via_xml="WAV2OCN_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="drv_flds_in_files" skip_default_entry="true">
List of files to merge together that contains drv_flds_in namelists
The paths are relative to the case directory. drv_flds_in include the namelists that
the driver reads and gives information on additional fields to be passed to different
components that need to look at the same data.
<entry id="iac2atm_fmapname" modify_via_xml="IAC2ATM_FMAPNAME">
iac to atm mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="iac2atm_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="IAC2ATM_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="iac2atm_smapname" modify_via_xml="IAC2ATM_SMAPNAME">
iac to atm mapping file for states
<entry id="iac2atm_smaptype" modify_via_xml="IAC2ATM_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="iac2lnd_fmapname" modify_via_xml="IAC2LND_FMAPNAME">
iac to lnd mapping file for fluxes
<entry id="iac2lnd_fmaptype" modify_via_xml="IAC2LND_FMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="iac2lnd_smapname" modify_via_xml="IAC2LND_SMAPNAME">
iac to lnd mapping file for states
<entry id="iac2lnd_smaptype" modify_via_xml="IAC2LND_SMAPTYPE">
The type of mapping desired, either "source" or "destination" mapping.
X is associated with rearrangement of the source grid to the
destination grid and then local mapping. Y is associated with mapping
on the source grid and then rearrangement and sum to the destination
<value bfbflag="on">X</value>
<entry id="data_assimilation_atm" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_ATM">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component atm
<entry id="data_assimilation_cpl" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_CPL">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component CPL
<entry id="data_assimilation_ocn" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_OCN">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component ocn
<entry id="data_assimilation_wav" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_WAV">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component wav
<entry id="data_assimilation_iac" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_IAC">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component iac
<entry id="data_assimilation_glc" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_GLC">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component glc
<entry id="data_assimilation_rof" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_ROF">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component rof
<entry id="data_assimilation_ice" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_ICE">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component ice
<entry id="data_assimilation_lnd" modify_via_xml="DATA_ASSIMILATION_LND">
Whether Data Assimilation is on for component lnd
<entry id="seq_flux_mct_albdif">
Surface albedo for direct radiation
<value aqua_planet_sst_type="sst_aquap11">0.07D0</value>
<entry id="seq_flux_mct_albdir">
Surface albedo for diffuse radiation
<entry id="seq_flux_atmocn_minwind">
minimum wind speed for atmOcn flux calculations
<value aqua_planet_sst_type="sst_aquap11">1.0D0</value>
XML namelist definitions for the driver/coupler fields.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href=""?>
<entry_id version="2.0">
The following lists all of the namelist variables that can appear in the Buildconf/xxxconf/drv_flds_in
files, where xxx = [cam, clm, ...]. The driver buildnml treats all of these files as user_nl_cpl files
for generating the driver drv_flds_in file, which will appear in CaseDocs and in $RUNDIR.
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<!-- MEGAN VOC emissions namelist options -->
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<entry id="megan_factors_file">
File containing MEGAN emissions factors. Includes the list of MEGAN compounds that can be
used in the Comp_Name variable on the file.
<entry id="megan_specifier">
MEGAN specifier. This is in the form of: Chem-compound = megan_compound(s)
where megan_compound(s) can be the sum of megan compounds with a "+" between them.
In each equation, the item to the left of the equal sign is a CAM chemistry compound, the
items to the right are compounds known to the MEGAN model (single or combinations).
For example: megan_specifier = 'ISOP = isoprene', 'C10H16 = pinene_a + carene_3 + thujene_a'
<entry id="megan_mapped_emisfctrs">
MEGAN mapped isoprene emissions factors switch
If TRUE then use mapped MEGAN emissions factors for isoprene.
<entry id="megan_cmpds">
List of possible MEGAN compounds to use
(the list used by the simulation is on the megan_factors_file as the Comp_Name)
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<!-- drydep Namelists -->
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<entry id="drydep_method">
Where dry deposition is calculated (from land, atmosphere, or from a table)
This specifies the method used to calculate dry
deposition velocities of gas-phase chemical species. The available methods are:
'table' - prescribed method in CAM
'xactive_atm' - interactive method in CAM
'xactive_lnd' - interactive method in CLM
<entry id="drydep_list">
List of species that undergo dry deposition.
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<!-- Nitrogen deposition -->
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<entry id="ndep_list">
<category>nitrogen deposition</category>
List of nitrogen deposition fluxes to be sent from CAM to surfae models.
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<!-- Fire emissions fluxes -->
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<entry id="fire_emis_factors_file">
File containing fire emissions factors.
<entry id="fire_emis_specifier">
Fire emissions specifier.
<entry id="fire_emis_elevated">
If ture fire emissions are input into atmosphere as elevated forcings.
Otherwise they are treated as surface emissions.
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<!-- CARMA fields -->
<!-- ======================================================================================== -->
<entry id="carma_fields">
List of fluxes needed by the CARMA model, from CLM to CAM.
XML namelist definitions for the driver/coupler model input/output settings.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl"?>
<entry_id version="2.0">
<!-- Each namelist variable is defined in an <entry> element. The
content of the element is the documentation of how the variable is
used. Other elements are:
The variable's name. *** N.B. *** The name must be lower case.
The module convert all namelist variable names to lower case
since Fortran is case insensitive.
An abbreviation of the fortran declaration for the variable.
Valid declarations are:
char*n, integer, logical, real
Any of these types may be followed by a comma separated list of
integers enclosed in parenthesis to indicate an array.
The current namelist validation code only distinquishes between
string and non-string types.
Only include this attribute to indicate that the variable
contains the pathname of an input dataset that resides in the
CIME inputdata directory tree.
The recognized values are
"abs" - an absolute pathname is required
"rel:var_name" - the pathname is relative and that
the namelist variable "var_name" contains the absolute
root directory.
"mapping" - the absolute inputdata path is specified and
will be included in the cpl.inputdata_list
A category assigned for organizing the documentation.
The namelist group that the variable is declared in.
This is an optional attribute that is mainly useful for variables
that have only a small number of allowed values.
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group pio_inparm -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="pio_stride" modify_via_xml="PIO_STRIDE">
stride of tasks in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent.
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_STRIDE</value>
<value component="esp">-99</value>
<entry id="pio_root" modify_via_xml="PIO_ROOT">
io task root in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent.
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_ROOT</value>
<value component="esp">-99</value>
<entry id="pio_rearranger" modify_via_xml="PIO_REARRANGER">
Rearranger method for pio 1=box, 2=subset.
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_REARRANGER</value>
<value component="esp">-99</value>
<entry id="pio_numiotasks" modify_via_xml="PIO_NUMTASKS">
number of io tasks in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent.
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_NUMTASKS</value>
<value component="esp">-99</value>
<entry id="pio_typename" modify_via_xml="PIO_TYPENAME">
io type in pio used generically, component based value takes precedent.
valid values: netcdf, pnetcdf, netcdf4p, netcdf4c, default
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_TYPENAME</value>
<value component="esp">nothing</value>
<entry id="pio_netcdf_format" modify_via_xml="PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT">
format of netcdf files created by pio, ignored if
PIO_TYPENAME is netcdf4p or netcdf4c. 64bit_data only
supported in netcdf 4.4.0 or newer
<value component="cpl">$CPL_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="atm">$ATM_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="lnd">$LND_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="ocn">$OCN_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="ice">$ICE_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="rof">$ROF_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="glc">$GLC_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="wav">$WAV_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<value component="iac">$IAC_PIO_NETCDF_FORMAT</value>
<!-- =========================== -->
<!-- group modelio -->
<!-- =========================== -->
<entry id="diri">
<desc>input directory (no longer needed)</desc>
<entry id="diro">
<desc>directory for output log files</desc>
<entry id="logfile">
<desc>name of component output log file</desc>