Source code for CIME.XML.generic_xml

Common interface to XML files, this is an abstract class and is expected to
be used by other XML interface modules and not directly.
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.utils import safe_copy, get_src_root

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

# pylint: disable=import-error
from shutil import which
import getpass
from copy import deepcopy
from collections import namedtuple

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class _Element(
):  # private class, don't want users constructing directly or calling methods on it
    def __init__(self, xml_element):
        self.xml_element = xml_element

    def __eq__(self, rhs):
        expect(isinstance(rhs, _Element), "Wrong type")
        return self.xml_element == rhs.xml_element  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    def __ne__(self, rhs):
        expect(isinstance(rhs, _Element), "Wrong type")
        return self.xml_element != rhs.xml_element  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.xml_element)

    def __deepcopy__(self, _):
        return _Element(deepcopy(self.xml_element))

[docs] class GenericXML(object): _FILEMAP = {} DISABLE_CACHING = False CacheEntry = namedtuple("CacheEntry", ["tree", "root", "modtime"])
[docs] @classmethod def invalidate(cls, filename): if filename in cls._FILEMAP: del cls._FILEMAP[filename]
def __init__( self, infile=None, schema=None, root_name_override=None, root_attrib_override=None, read_only=True, ): """ Initialize an object """ logger.debug("Initializing {}".format(infile)) self.tree = None self.root = None self.locked = False self.read_only = read_only self.filename = infile self.needsrewrite = False if infile is None: return if ( os.path.isfile(infile) and os.access(infile, os.R_OK) and os.stat(infile).st_size > 0 ): # If file is defined and exists, read it, schema) else: # if file does not exist create a root xml element # and set it's id to file expect( not self.read_only, "Makes no sense to have empty read-only file: {}".format(infile), ) logger.debug("File {} does not exist.".format(infile)) expect("$" not in infile, "File path not fully resolved: {}".format(infile)) root = _Element(ET.Element("xml")) if root_name_override: self.root = self.make_child( root_name_override, root=root, attributes=root_attrib_override ) else: self.root = self.make_child( "file", root=root, attributes={"id": os.path.basename(infile), "version": "2.0"}, ) self.tree = ET.ElementTree(root) self._FILEMAP[infile] = self.CacheEntry(self.tree, self.root, 0.0)
[docs] def read(self, infile, schema=None): """ Read and parse an xml file into the object. The schema variable can either be a path to an xsd schema file or a dictionary of paths to files by version. """ cached_read = False if not self.DISABLE_CACHING and infile in self._FILEMAP: timestamp_cache = self._FILEMAP[infile].modtime timestamp_file = os.path.getmtime(infile) if timestamp_file == timestamp_cache: logger.debug("read (cached): {}".format(infile)) expect( self.read_only or not self.filename or not self.needsrewrite, "Reading into object marked for rewrite, file {}".format( self.filename ), ) self.tree, self.root, _ = self._FILEMAP[infile] cached_read = True if not cached_read: logger.debug("read: {}".format(infile)) with open(infile, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: self.read_fd(fd) version = str(self.get_version()) if type(schema) is dict: self.validate_xml_file(infile, schema[version]) elif schema is not None and self.get_version() > 1.0: self.validate_xml_file(infile, schema) logger.debug("File version is {}".format(str(self.get_version()))) self._FILEMAP[infile] = self.CacheEntry( self.tree, self.root, os.path.getmtime(infile) )
[docs] def read_fd(self, fd): expect( self.read_only or not self.filename or not self.needsrewrite, "Reading into object marked for rewrite, file {}".format(self.filename), ) read_only = self.read_only if self.tree: addroot = _Element(ET.parse(fd).getroot()) # we need to override the read_only mechanism here to append the xml object self.read_only = False if addroot.xml_element.tag == for child in self.get_children(root=addroot): self.add_child(child) else: self.add_child(addroot) self.read_only = read_only else: self.tree = ET.parse(fd) self.root = _Element(self.tree.getroot()) include_elems = self.scan_children("xi:include") # First remove all includes found from the list for elem in include_elems: self.read_only = False self.remove_child(elem) self.read_only = read_only # Then recursively add the included files. for elem in include_elems: path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(self.filename), self.get(elem, "href") ) ) logger.debug("Include file {}".format(path))
[docs] def lock(self): """ A subclass is doing caching, we need to lock the tree structure in order to avoid invalidating cache. """ self.locked = True
[docs] def unlock(self): self.locked = False
[docs] def change_file(self, newfile, copy=False): if copy: new_case = os.path.dirname(newfile) if not os.path.exists(new_case): os.makedirs(new_case) safe_copy(self.filename, newfile) self.tree = None self.filename = newfile
# # API for individual node operations #
[docs] def get(self, node, attrib_name, default=None): return node.xml_element.get(attrib_name, default=default)
[docs] def has(self, node, attrib_name): return attrib_name in node.xml_element.attrib
[docs] def set(self, node, attrib_name, value): if self.get(node, attrib_name) != value: expect( not self.read_only, "read_only: cannot set attrib[{}]={} for node {} in file {}".format( attrib_name, value,, self.filename ), ) if attrib_name == "id": expect( not self.locked, "locked: cannot set attrib[{}]={} for node {} in file {}".format( attrib_name, value,, self.filename ), ) self.needsrewrite = True return node.xml_element.set(attrib_name, value)
[docs] def pop(self, node, attrib_name): expect( not self.read_only, "read_only: cannot pop attrib[{}] for node {} in file {}".format( attrib_name,, self.filename ), ) if attrib_name == "id": expect( not self.locked, "locked: cannot pop attrib[{}] for node {} in file {}".format( attrib_name,, self.filename ), ) self.needsrewrite = True return node.xml_element.attrib.pop(attrib_name)
[docs] def attrib(self, node): # Return a COPY. We do not want clients making changes directly return ( None if node.xml_element.attrib is None else dict(node.xml_element.attrib) )
[docs] def set_name(self, node, name): expect( not self.read_only, "read_only: set node name {} in file {}".format(name, self.filename), ) if node.xml_element.tag != name: self.needsrewrite = True node.xml_element.tag = name
[docs] def set_text(self, node, text): expect( not self.read_only, "read_only: set node text {} for node {} in file {}".format( text,, self.filename ), ) if node.xml_element.text != text: node.xml_element.text = text self.needsrewrite = True
[docs] def name(self, node): return node.xml_element.tag
[docs] def text(self, node): return node.xml_element.text
[docs] def add_child(self, node, root=None, position=None): """ Add element node to self at root """ expect( not self.locked and not self.read_only, "{}: cannot add child {} in file {}".format( "read_only" if self.read_only else "locked",, self.filename, ), ) self.needsrewrite = True root = root if root is not None else self.root if position is not None: root.xml_element.insert(position, node.xml_element) else: root.xml_element.append(node.xml_element)
[docs] def copy(self, node): return deepcopy(node)
[docs] def remove_child(self, node, root=None): expect( not self.locked and not self.read_only, "{}: cannot remove child {} in file {}".format( "read_only" if self.read_only else "locked",, self.filename, ), ) self.needsrewrite = True root = root if root is not None else self.root root.xml_element.remove(node.xml_element)
[docs] def make_child(self, name, attributes=None, root=None, text=None): expect( not self.locked and not self.read_only, "{}: cannot make child {} in file {}".format( "read_only" if self.read_only else "locked", name, self.filename ), ) root = root if root is not None else self.root self.needsrewrite = True if attributes is None: node = _Element(ET.SubElement(root.xml_element, name)) else: node = _Element(ET.SubElement(root.xml_element, name, attrib=attributes)) if text: self.set_text(node, text) return node
[docs] def make_child_comment(self, root=None, text=None): expect( not self.locked and not self.read_only, "{}: cannot make child {} in file {}".format( "read_only" if self.read_only else "locked", text, self.filename ), ) root = root if root is not None else self.root self.needsrewrite = True et_comment = ET.Comment(text) node = _Element(et_comment) root.xml_element.append(node.xml_element) return node
[docs] def get_children(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None): """ This is the critical function, its interface and performance are crucial. You can specify attributes={key:None} if you want to select children with the key attribute but you don't care what its value is. """ root = root if root is not None else self.root children = [] for child in root.xml_element: if name is not None: if child.tag != name: continue if attributes is not None: if child.attrib is None: continue else: match = True for key, value in attributes.items(): if key not in child.attrib: match = False break elif value is not None: if child.attrib[key] != value: match = False break if not match: continue children.append(_Element(child)) return children
[docs] def get_child(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None): child = self.get_optional_child( root=root, name=name, attributes=attributes, err_msg=err_msg ) expect( child, err_msg if err_msg else "Expected one child, found None with name '{}' and attribs '{}' in file {}".format( name, attributes, self.filename ), ) return child
[docs] def get_optional_child(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None): children = self.get_children(root=root, name=name, attributes=attributes) if len(children) > 1: # see if we can reduce to 1 based on attribute counts if not attributes: children = [c for c in children if not c.xml_element.attrib] else: attlen = len(attributes) children = [c for c in children if len(c.xml_element.attrib) == attlen] expect( len(children) <= 1, err_msg if err_msg else "Multiple matches for name '{}' and attribs '{}' in file {}".format( name, attributes, self.filename ), ) return children[0] if children else None
[docs] def get_element_text(self, element_name, attributes=None, root=None): element_node = self.get_optional_child( name=element_name, attributes=attributes, root=root ) if element_node is not None: return self.text(element_node) return None
[docs] def set_element_text(self, element_name, new_text, attributes=None, root=None): element_node = self.get_optional_child( name=element_name, attributes=attributes, root=root ) if element_node is not None: self.set_text(element_node, new_text) return new_text return None
[docs] def to_string(self, node, method="xml", encoding="us-ascii"): return ET.tostring(node.xml_element, method=method, encoding=encoding)
# # API for operations over the entire file #
[docs] def get_version(self): version = self.get(self.root, "version") version = 1.0 if version is None else float(version) return version
[docs] def check_timestamp(self): """ Returns True if timestamp matches what is expected """ timestamp_cache = self._FILEMAP[self.filename].modtime if timestamp_cache != 0.0: timestamp_file = os.path.getmtime(self.filename) return timestamp_file == timestamp_cache else: return True
[docs] def validate_timestamp(self): timestamp_ok = self.check_timestamp() expect( timestamp_ok, "File {} appears to have changed without a corresponding invalidation.".format( self.filename ), )
[docs] def write(self, outfile=None, force_write=False): """ Write an xml file from data in self """ if not (self.needsrewrite or force_write): return self.validate_timestamp() if outfile is None: outfile = self.filename logger.debug("write: " + outfile) xmlstr = self.get_raw_record() # xmllint provides a better format option for the output file xmllint = which("xmllint") if xmllint: if isinstance(outfile, str): run_cmd_no_fail( "{} --format --output {} -".format(xmllint, outfile), input_str=xmlstr, ) else: outfile.write( run_cmd_no_fail("{} --format -".format(xmllint), input_str=xmlstr) ) else: with open(outfile, "w") as xmlout: xmlout.write(xmlstr) self._FILEMAP[self.filename] = self.CacheEntry( self.tree, self.root, os.path.getmtime(self.filename) ) self.needsrewrite = False
[docs] def scan_child(self, nodename, attributes=None, root=None): """ Get an xml element matching nodename with optional attributes. Error unless exactly one match. """ nodes = self.scan_children(nodename, attributes=attributes, root=root) expect( len(nodes) == 1, "Incorrect number of matches, {:d}, for nodename '{}' and attrs '{}' in file '{}'".format( len(nodes), nodename, attributes, self.filename ), ) return nodes[0]
[docs] def scan_optional_child(self, nodename, attributes=None, root=None): """ Get an xml element matching nodename with optional attributes. Return None if no match. """ nodes = self.scan_children(nodename, attributes=attributes, root=root) expect( len(nodes) <= 1, "Multiple matches for nodename '{}' and attrs '{}' in file '{}', found {} matches".format( nodename, attributes, self.filename, len(nodes) ), ) return nodes[0] if nodes else None
[docs] def scan_children(self, nodename, attributes=None, root=None): logger.debug( "(get_nodes) Input values: {}, {}, {}, {}".format( self.__class__.__name__, nodename, attributes, root ) ) if root is None: root = self.root nodes = [] namespace = {"xi": ""} xpath = ".//" + (nodename if nodename else "") if attributes: # xml.etree has limited support for xpath and does not allow more than # one attribute in an xpath query so we query seperately for each attribute # and create a result with the intersection of those lists for key, value in attributes.items(): if value is None: xpath = ".//{}[@{}]".format(nodename, key) else: xpath = ".//{}[@{}='{}']".format(nodename, key, value) logger.debug("xpath is {}".format(xpath)) try: newnodes = root.xml_element.findall(xpath, namespace) except Exception as e: expect( False, "Bad xpath search term '{}', error: {}".format(xpath, e) ) if not nodes: nodes = newnodes else: for node in nodes[:]: if node not in newnodes: nodes.remove(node) if not nodes: return [] else: logger.debug("xpath: {}".format(xpath)) nodes = root.xml_element.findall(xpath, namespace) logger.debug("Returning {} nodes ({})".format(len(nodes), nodes)) return [_Element(node) for node in nodes]
[docs] def get_value( self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ get_value is expected to be defined by the derived classes, if you get here the value was not found in the class. """ logger.debug("Get Value for " + item) return None
[docs] def get_values( self, vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument logger.debug("Get Values for " + vid) return []
[docs] def set_value( self, vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=True ): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ ignore_type is not used in this flavor """ valnodes = self.get_children(vid) for node in valnodes: self.set_text(node, value) return value if valnodes else None
[docs] def get_resolved_value( self, raw_value, allow_unresolved_envvars=False, subgroup=None ): """ A value in the xml file may contain references to other xml variables or to environment variables. These are refered to in the perl style with $name and $ENV{name}. >>> obj = GenericXML() >>> os.environ["FOO"] = "BAR" >>> os.environ["BAZ"] = "BARF" >>> obj.get_resolved_value("one $ENV{FOO} two $ENV{BAZ} three") 'one BAR two BARF three' >>> obj.get_resolved_value("2 + 3 - 1") '4' >>> obj.get_resolved_value("0001-01-01") '0001-01-01' >>> obj.get_resolved_value("$SHELL{echo hi}") == 'hi' True """ logger.debug("raw_value {}".format(raw_value)) reference_re = re.compile(r"\${?(\w+)}?") env_ref_re = re.compile(r"\$ENV\{(\w+)\}") shell_ref_re = re.compile(r"\$SHELL\{([^}]+)\}") math_re = re.compile(r"\s[+-/*]\s") item_data = raw_value if item_data is None: return None if not isinstance(item_data, str): return item_data for m in env_ref_re.finditer(item_data): logger.debug("look for {} in env".format(item_data)) env_var = m.groups()[0] env_var_exists = env_var in os.environ if not allow_unresolved_envvars: expect(env_var_exists, "Undefined env var '{}'".format(env_var)) if env_var_exists: item_data = item_data.replace(, os.environ[env_var]) for s in shell_ref_re.finditer(item_data): logger.debug("execute {} in shell".format(item_data)) shell_cmd = s.groups()[0] item_data = item_data.replace(, run_cmd_no_fail(shell_cmd)) for m in reference_re.finditer(item_data): var = m.groups()[0] logger.debug("find: {}".format(var)) # The overridden versions of this method do not simply return None # so the pylint should not be flagging this # pylint: disable=assignment-from-none ref = self.get_value(var, subgroup=subgroup) if ref is not None: logger.debug("resolve: " + str(ref)) item_data = item_data.replace(, self.get_resolved_value(str(ref)) ) elif var == "CIMEROOT": cimeroot = get_cime_root() item_data = item_data.replace(, cimeroot) elif var == "SRCROOT": srcroot = get_src_root() item_data = item_data.replace(, srcroot) elif var == "USER": item_data = item_data.replace(, getpass.getuser()) if try: tmp = eval(item_data) except Exception: tmp = item_data item_data = str(tmp) return item_data
[docs] def validate_xml_file(self, filename, schema): """ validate an XML file against a provided schema file using pylint """ expect( filename and os.path.isfile(filename), "xml file not found {}".format(filename), ) expect( schema and os.path.isfile(schema), "schema file not found {}".format(schema) ) xmllint = which("xmllint") expect( xmllint and os.path.isfile(xmllint), " xmllint not found in PATH, xmllint is required for cime. PATH={}".format( os.environ["PATH"] ), ) logger.debug("Checking file {} against schema {}".format(filename, schema)) run_cmd_no_fail( "{} --xinclude --noout --schema {} {}".format(xmllint, schema, filename) )
[docs] def get_raw_record(self, root=None): logger.debug("writing file {}".format(self.filename)) if root is None: root = self.root try: xmlstr = ET.tostring(root.xml_element) except ET.ParseError as e: ET.dump(root.xml_element) expect( False, "Could not write file {}, xml formatting error '{}'".format( self.filename, e ), ) return xmlstr
[docs] def get_id(self): xmlid = self.get(self.root, "id") if xmlid is not None: return xmlid return