CIME.XML package


CIME.XML.archive module

Interface to the archive.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.archive.Archive(infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: ArchiveBase


Returns the list of ARCHIVE_SPEC_FILES that exist on disk as defined in config_files.xml

setup(env_archive, components, files=None)[source]

CIME.XML.archive_base module

Base class for archive files. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.archive_base.ArchiveBase(infile=None, schema=None, root_name_override=None, root_attrib_override=None, read_only=True)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


Checks if component should be excluded from testing.

get_all_hist_files(casename, model, from_dir, suffix='', ref_case=None)[source]

gets all history files in directory from_dir with suffix (if provided) ignores files with ref_case in the name if ref_case is provided


Returns an xml node corresponding to compname in comp_archive_spec

get_entry_value(name, archive_entry)[source]

get the xml text associated with name under root archive_entry returns None if no entry is found, expects only one entry


get the xml text associated with each of the hist_file_ext_regex entries based at root archive_entry (root is based on component name) returns a list of text entries or an empty list if no entries are found


get the xml text associated with each of the hist_file_extensions based at root archive_entry (root is based on component name) returns a list of text entries or an empty list if no entries are found

get_latest_hist_files(casename, model, from_dir, suffix='', ref_case=None)[source]

get the most recent history files in directory from_dir with suffix if provided


get the xml text associated with each of the rest_file_extensions based at root archive_entry (root is based on component name) returns a list of text entries or an empty list if no entries are found

CIME.XML.batch module

Interface to the config_batch.xml file. This class inherits from

The batch_system type=”foo” blocks define most things. Machine-specific overrides can be defined by providing a batch_system MACH=”mach” block.

class CIME.XML.batch.Batch(batch_system=None, machine=None, infile=None, files=None, extra_machines_dir=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


Return a list of jobs with the first element the name of the case script and the second a dict of qualifiers for the job


Return the name of the batch system

get_optional_batch_node(nodename, attributes=None)[source]

Return data on a node for a batch system

get_value(name, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get Value of fields in the config_batch.xml file

set_batch_system(batch_system, machine=None)[source]

Sets the batch system block in the Batch object

CIME.XML.component module

Interface to the config_component.xml files. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.component.Component(infile, comp_class)[source]

Bases: EntryID


return a list of all possible valid generic (e.g. atm, clm, …) model components from the entries in the model CONFIG_CPL_FILE

get_value(name, attribute=None, resolved=False, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches


print values for help and description in target config_component.xml file


return a list of hashes from target config_component.xml file This routine is used by external tools in

CIME.XML.compsets module

Common interface to XML files which follow the compsets format,

class CIME.XML.compsets.Compsets(infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


science support is used in cesm to determine if this compset and grid is scientifically supported. science_support is returned as an array of grids for this compset

get_compset_var_settings(compset, grid)[source]

Variables can be set in config_compsets.xml in entry id settings with compset and grid attributes find and return id value pairs here

get_value(name, attribute=None, resolved=False, subgroup=None)[source]

get_value is expected to be defined by the derived classes, if you get here the value was not found in the class.


CIME.XML.entry_id module

Common interface to XML files which follow the entry id format, this is an abstract class and is expected to be used by other XML interface modules and not directly.

class CIME.XML.entry_id.EntryID(infile=None, schema=None, read_only=True)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

add_elements_by_group(srcobj, attributes=None, infile=None)[source]

Add elements from srcobj to self under the appropriate group element, entries to be added must have a child element <file> with value “infile”

check_if_comp_var(vid, attribute=None, node=None)[source]

in, not expected to get here

compare_xml(other, root=None, otherroot=None)[source]
get_child_content(vid, childname)[source]
get_default_value(node, attributes=None)[source]

Set the value of an entry to the default value for that entry

get_elements_from_child_content(childname, childcontent)[source]
get_node_element_info(vid, element_name)[source]
get_valid_value_string(node, value, vid=None, ignore_type=False)[source]
get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches

get_value_match(vid, attributes=None, exact_match=False, entry_node=None, replacement_for_none=None)[source]

Handle this case: <entry id …>


<value A=”a1”>X</value> <value A=”a2”>Y</value> <value A=”a3” B=”b1”>Z</value>



If replacement_for_none is provided, then: if the found text value would give a None value, instead replace it with the value given by the replacement_for_none argument. (However, still return None if no match is found.) This may or may not be needed, but is in place to maintain some old logic.

get_values(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Same functionality as get_value but it returns a list, if the value in xml contains commas the list have multiple elements split on commas

set_default_value(vid, val)[source]
set_valid_values(vid, new_valid_values)[source]
set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.env_archive module

Interface to the env_archive.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_archive.EnvArchive(case_root=None, infile='env_archive.xml', read_only=False)[source]

Bases: ArchiveBase, EnvBase


CIME.XML.env_base module

Base class for env files. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.env_base.EnvBase(case_root, infile, schema=None, read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EntryID

change_file(newfile, copy=False)[source]
check_if_comp_var(vid, attribute=None, node=None)[source]

Remove the <group>, <file>, <values> and <value> childnodes from node

get_children(name=None, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

This is the critical function, its interface and performance are crucial.

You can specify attributes={key:None} if you want to select children with the key attribute but you don’t care what its value is.

get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches

scan_children(nodename, attributes=None, root=None)[source]
set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.env_batch module

Interface to the env_batch.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_batch.EnvBatch(case_root=None, infile='env_batch.xml', read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase


Remove the <group>, <file>, <values> and <value> childnodes from node

create_job_groups(batch_jobs, is_test)[source]
get_batch_directives(case, job, overrides=None, output_format='default')[source]
get_children(name=None, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

This is the critical function, its interface and performance are crucial.

You can specify attributes={key:None} if you want to select children with the key attribute but you don’t care what its value is.

get_job_overrides(job, case)[source]

Get queue specifications from node.

Returns (nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, is_strict)

get_submit_args(case, job, resolve=True)[source]

return a list of touples (flag, name)

get_value(item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Must default subgroup to something in order to provide single return value

make_batch_script(input_template, job, case, outfile=None)[source]
queue_meets_spec(queue, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=None, job=None)[source]
select_best_queue(num_nodes, num_tasks, name=None, walltime=None, job=None)[source]
set_batch_system(batchobj, batch_system_type=None)[source]
set_job_defaults(batch_jobs, case)[source]
set_value(item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Override the entry_id set_value function with some special cases for this class

submit_jobs(case, no_batch=False, job=None, user_prereq=None, skip_pnl=False, allow_fail=False, resubmit_immediate=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None, batch_args=None, dry_run=False, workflow=True)[source]

no_batch indicates that the jobs should be run directly rather that submitted to a queueing system job is the first job in the workflow sequence to start user_prereq is a batch system prerequisite as requested by the user skip_pnl indicates that the preview_namelist should not be run by this job allow_fail indicates that the prereq job need only complete not nessasarily successfully to start the next job resubmit_immediate indicates that all jobs indicated by the RESUBMIT option should be submitted at the same time instead of

waiting to resubmit at the end of the first sequence

workflow is a logical indicating whether only “job” is submitted or the workflow sequence starting with “job” is submitted

CIME.XML.env_batch.get_job_deps(dependency, depid, prev_job=None, user_prereq=None)[source]

Gather list of job batch ids that a job depends on.



List of dependent job names.


Lookup where keys are job names and values are the batch id.


User requested dependency.



List of batch ids that job depends on.

CIME.XML.env_build module

Interface to the env_build.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_build.EnvBuild(case_root=None, infile='env_build.xml', components=None, read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.env_case module

Interface to the env_case.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_case.EnvCase(case_root=None, infile='env_case.xml', components=None, read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase

CIME.XML.env_mach_pes module

Interface to the env_mach_pes.xml file. This class inherits from EntryID

class CIME.XML.env_mach_pes.EnvMachPes(case_root=None, infile='env_mach_pes.xml', components=None, read_only=False, comp_interface='mct')[source]

Bases: EnvBase


Find the maximum number of openmp threads for any component in the case

get_tasks_per_node(total_tasks, max_thread_count)[source]
get_total_nodes(total_tasks, max_thread_count)[source]

Return (num_active_nodes, num_spare_nodes)

get_total_tasks(comp_classes, async_interface=False)[source]
get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None, max_mpitasks_per_node=None, max_cputasks_per_gpu_node=None, ngpus_per_node=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.env_mach_specific module

Interface to the env_mach_specific.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_mach_specific.EnvMachSpecific(caseroot=None, infile='env_mach_specific.xml', components=None, unit_testing=False, read_only=False, standalone_configure=False, comp_interface=None)[source]

Bases: EnvBase


Return True if stderr output from module commands should be assumed to be an error. Default False. This is necessary since implementations of environment modules are highlty variable and some systems produce stderr output even when things are working fine.

get_aprun_args(case, attribs, job, overrides=None)[source]

Return the module system used on this machine

get_mpirun(case, attribs, job, exe_only=False, overrides=None)[source]

Find best match, return (executable, {arg_name : text})

load_env(case, force_method=None, job=None, verbose=False)[source]

Should only be called by case.load_env

make_env_mach_specific_file(shell, case, output_dir='')[source]

Writes or .env_mach_specific.csh

Args: shell: string - ‘sh’ or ‘csh’ case: case object output_dir: string - path to output directory (if empty string, uses current directory)

populate(machobj, attributes=None)[source]

Add entries to the file using information from a Machines object. mpilib must match attributes if set


Get a string representation of all current environment info and save it to file.

CIME.XML.env_run module

Interface to the env_run.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_run.EnvRun(case_root=None, infile='env_run.xml', components=None, read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase

get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches. Special case for pio variables when PIO_ASYNC_INTERFACE is True.

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.env_test module

Interface to the env_test.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_test.EnvTest(case_root=None, infile='env_test.xml', components=None, read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase


keep the values component set

get_settings_for_phase(name, cnt)[source]
get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches


The values to initialize a test are defined in env_test.xml copy them to the appropriate case env files to initialize a test ignore fields set in the BUILD and RUN clauses, they are set in the appropriate build and run phases.

set_test_parameter(name, value)[source]

If a node already exists update the value otherwise create a node and initialize it to value

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

check if vid is in test section of file

CIME.XML.env_workflow module

Interface to the env_workflow.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase

class CIME.XML.env_workflow.EnvWorkflow(case_root=None, infile='env_workflow.xml', read_only=False)[source]

Bases: EnvBase

create_job_groups(batch_jobs, is_test)[source]
get_children(name=None, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

This is the critical function, its interface and performance are crucial.

You can specify attributes={key:None} if you want to select children with the key attribute but you don’t care what its value is.

get_job_specs(case, job)[source]
get_value(item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup='PRIMARY')[source]

Must default subgroup to something in order to provide single return value

hidden_job(case, job)[source]
set_value(item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Override the entry_id set_value function with some special cases for this class

CIME.XML.expected_fails_file module

Interface to an expected failure xml file

Here is an example:

<?xml version= “1.0”?>

<expectedFails version=”1.1”>
<test name=”ERP_D_Ld10_P36x2.f10_f10_musgs.IHistClm50BgcCrop.cheyenne_intel.clm-ciso_decStart”>
<phase name=”RUN”>

<status>FAIL</status> <issue>#404</issue>

</phase> <phase name=”COMPARE_base_rest”>

<status>PEND</status> <issue>#404</issue> <comment>Because of the RUN failure, this phase is listed as PEND</comment>


</test> <test name=”PFS_Ld20.f09_g17.I2000Clm50BgcCrop.cheyenne_intel”>

<phase name=”GENERATE”>

<status>FAIL</status> <issue>ESMCI/cime#2917</issue>

</phase> <phase name=”BASELINE”>

<status>FAIL</status> <issue>ESMCI/cime#2917</issue>




However, many of the above elements are optional, for human consumption only (i.e., not parsed here). The only required elements are given by this example:

<?xml version= “1.0”?>

<expectedFails version=”1.1”>
<test name=”…”>
<phase name=”…”>





class CIME.XML.expected_fails_file.ExpectedFailsFile(infile)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


Returns a dictionary of ExpectedFails objects, where the keys are test names

CIME.XML.files module

Interface to the config_files.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.files.Files(comp_interface=None)[source]

Bases: EntryID

get_schema(nodename, attributes=None)[source]
get_value(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get a value for entry with id attribute vid. or from the values field if the attribute argument is provided and matches

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False)[source]

Set the value of an entry-id field to value Returns the value or None if not found subgroup is ignored in the general routine and applied in specific methods

CIME.XML.generic_xml module

Common interface to XML files, this is an abstract class and is expected to be used by other XML interface modules and not directly.

class CIME.XML.generic_xml.GenericXML(infile=None, schema=None, root_name_override=None, root_attrib_override=None, read_only=True)[source]

Bases: object

class CacheEntry(tree, root, modtime)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 2


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

add_child(node, root=None, position=None)[source]

Add element node to self at root

change_file(newfile, copy=False)[source]

Returns True if timestamp matches what is expected

get(node, attrib_name, default=None)[source]
get_child(name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None)[source]
get_children(name=None, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

This is the critical function, its interface and performance are crucial.

You can specify attributes={key:None} if you want to select children with the key attribute but you don’t care what its value is.

get_element_text(element_name, attributes=None, root=None)[source]
get_optional_child(name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None)[source]
get_resolved_value(raw_value, allow_unresolved_envvars=False, subgroup=None)[source]

A value in the xml file may contain references to other xml variables or to environment variables. These are refered to in the perl style with $name and $ENV{name}.

>>> obj = GenericXML()
>>> os.environ["FOO"] = "BAR"
>>> os.environ["BAZ"] = "BARF"
>>> obj.get_resolved_value("one $ENV{FOO} two $ENV{BAZ} three")
'one BAR two BARF three'
>>> obj.get_resolved_value("2 + 3 - 1")
>>> obj.get_resolved_value("0001-01-01")
>>> obj.get_resolved_value("$SHELL{echo hi}") == 'hi'
get_value(item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

get_value is expected to be defined by the derived classes, if you get here the value was not found in the class.

get_values(vid, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]
has(node, attrib_name)[source]
classmethod invalidate(filename)[source]

A subclass is doing caching, we need to lock the tree structure in order to avoid invalidating cache.

make_child(name, attributes=None, root=None, text=None)[source]
make_child_comment(root=None, text=None)[source]
pop(node, attrib_name)[source]
read(infile, schema=None)[source]

Read and parse an xml file into the object. The schema variable can either be a path to an xsd schema file or a dictionary of paths to files by version.

remove_child(node, root=None)[source]
scan_child(nodename, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

Get an xml element matching nodename with optional attributes.

Error unless exactly one match.

scan_children(nodename, attributes=None, root=None)[source]
scan_optional_child(nodename, attributes=None, root=None)[source]

Get an xml element matching nodename with optional attributes.

Return None if no match.

set(node, attrib_name, value)[source]
set_element_text(element_name, new_text, attributes=None, root=None)[source]
set_name(node, name)[source]
set_text(node, text)[source]
set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=True)[source]

ignore_type is not used in this flavor

to_string(node, method='xml', encoding='us-ascii')[source]
validate_xml_file(filename, schema)[source]

validate an XML file against a provided schema file using pylint

write(outfile=None, force_write=False)[source]

Write an xml file from data in self

CIME.XML.grids module

Common interface to XML files which follow the grids format, This is not an abstract class - but inherits from the abstact class GenericXML

class CIME.XML.grids.Grids(infile=None, files=None, comp_interface=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

get_grid_info(name, compset, driver)[source]

Find the matching grid node

Returns a dictionary containing relevant grid variables: domains, gridmaps, etc.

get_grid_longname(grids_node, model_gridnode, compset=None, atmnlev=None, lndnlev=None)[source]

CIME.XML.headers module

Interface to the config_headers.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.headers.Headers(infile=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


CIME.XML.inputdata module

Interface to the config_inputdata.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.inputdata.Inputdata(infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


CIME.XML.machines module

Interface to the config_machines.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.machines.Machines(infile=None, files=None, machine=None, extra_machines_dir=None, read_only=True)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

get_child(name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None)[source]

Get the MPILIB to use from the list of MPILIBS


Get the compiler to use from the list of COMPILERS

get_field_from_list(listname, reqval=None, attributes=None)[source]

Some of the fields have lists of valid values in the xml, parse these lists and return the first value if reqval is not provided and reqval if it is a valid setting for the machine


Return the names of all the child nodes for the target machine


Return the name of the machine


Return the directory of the machines file


Return the names of all the child nodes for the target machine

get_value(name, attributes=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get Value of fields in the config_machines.xml file


Return if this machine has a batch system

is_valid_MPIlib(mpilib, attributes=None)[source]

Check the MPILIB is valid for the current machine


Check the compiler is valid for the current machine


Return a list of machines defined for a given CIME_MODEL


Find a matching regular expression for hostname in the NODENAME_REGEX field in the file. First match wins.


return a dictionary of machine info This routine is used by external tools in

set_machine(machine, schema=None)[source]

Sets the machine block in the Machines object

>>> machobj = Machines(machine="melvin")
>>> machobj.get_machine_name()
>>> machobj.set_machine("trump") 
Traceback (most recent call last):
CIMEError: ERROR: No machine trump found
set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=True)[source]

ignore_type is not used in this flavor

CIME.XML.namelist_definition module

Interface to namelist_definition.xml.

This module contains only one class, NamelistDefinition, inheriting from EntryID.

class CIME.XML.namelist_definition.CaseInsensitiveDict(data)[source]

Bases: dict

Basic case insensitive dict with strings only keys. From

get(k, default=None)[source]

Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.

proxy = {}
class CIME.XML.namelist_definition.NamelistDefinition(infile, files=None)[source]

Bases: EntryID

Class representing variable definitions for a namelist. This class inherits from EntryID, and supports most inherited methods; however, set_value is unsupported.

Additional public methods: - dict_to_namelist. - is_valid_value - validate

dict_to_namelist(dict_, filename=None)[source]

Converts a dictionary of name-value pairs to a Namelist.

The input is assumed to be similar to the output of parse when groupless=True is set. This function uses the namelist definition file to look up the namelist group associated with each variable, and uses this information to create a true Namelist object.

The optional filename argument can be used to assist in error reporting when the namelist comes from a specific, known file.


Return this object’s attributes dictionary

get_default_value(item, attribute=None)[source]

Return the default value for the variable named item.

The return value is a list of strings corresponding to the comma-separated list of entries for the value (length 1 for scalars). If there is no default value in the file, this returns None.

get_value_match(vid, attributes=None, exact_match=True, entry_node=None)[source]

Return the default value for the variable named vid.

The return value is a list of strings corresponding to the comma-separated list of entries for the value (length 1 for scalars). If there is no default value in the file, this returns None.

is_valid_value(name, value)[source]

Determine whether a value is valid for the named variable.

The value argument must be a list of strings formatted as they would appear in the namelist (even for scalar variables, in which case the length of the list is always 1).

rename_group(oldgroup, newgroup)[source]
set_node_values(name, node)[source]

populates the object data types for all nodes that are not part of the skip_groups array returns nodes that do not have attributes of skip_default_entry or per_stream_entry

set_value(vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=True)[source]

This function is not implemented.


Split a ‘type’ attribute string into its component parts.

The name argument is the variable name. This is used for error reporting purposes.

The return value is a tuple consisting of the type itself, a length (which is an integer for character variables, otherwise None), and the size of the array (which is 1 for scalar variables).

validate(namelist, filename=None)[source]

Validate a namelist object against this definition.

The optional filename argument can be used to assist in error reporting when the namelist comes from a specific, known file.

CIME.XML.pes module

Interface to the config_pes.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.pes.Pes(infile, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

find_pes_layout(grid, compset, machine, pesize_opts='M', mpilib=None)[source]

CIME.XML.pio module

Class for config_pio files . This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.pio.PIO(comp_classes, infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: EntryID

check_if_comp_var(vid, attribute=None, node=None)[source]
get_defaults(grid=None, compset=None, mach=None, compiler=None, mpilib=None)[source]

CIME.XML.standard_module_setup module module

Interface to the streams.xml style files. This class inherits from

stream files predate cime and so do not conform to entry id format

class, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

get_value(item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None)[source]

Get Value of fields in a stream.xml file

CIME.XML.test_reporter module

Interface to the testreporter xml. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.test_reporter.TestReporter[source]

Bases: GenericXML

add_result(test_name, test_status)[source]
setup_header(tagname, machine, compiler, mpilib, testroot, testtype, baseline)[source]

CIME.XML.testlist module

Interface to the config_files.xml file. This class inherits from It supports version 2.0 of the testlist.xml file

In version 2 of the file options can be specified to further refine a test or set of tests. They can be specified either at the top level, in which case they apply to all machines/compilers for this test:

<test …>

<option name=”wallclock”>00:20</option>

</options> …


or at the level of a particular machine/compiler:

<test …>
<machine …>

<option name=”wallclock”>00:20</option>





Currently supported options are:

  • walltime: sets the wallclock limit in the queuing system

  • memleak_tolerance: specifies the relative memory growth expected for this test

  • comment: has no effect, but is written out when printing the test list

  • workflow: adds a workflow to the test

class CIME.XML.testlist.Testlist(infile, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

get_tests(machine=None, category=None, compiler=None, compset=None, grid=None, supported_only=False)[source]

CIME.XML.tests module

Interface to the config_tests.xml file. This class inherits from GenericEntry

class CIME.XML.tests.Tests(infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML


Print each test type and its description.

If skip_infrastructure_tests is True, then this does not write information for tests with the attribute INFRASTRUCTURE_TEST=”TRUE”.


Checks if case supports –single-exe.


Exception: If system test cannot be found. Exception: If case does not support –single-exe.

CIME.XML.testspec module

Interface to the testspec.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.testspec.TestSpec(infile)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

add_test(compiler, mpilib, testname)[source]
set_header(testroot, machine, testid, baselinetag=None, baselineroot=None)[source]
update_test_status(testname, phase, status)[source]

CIME.XML.workflow module

Interface to the config_workflow.xml file. This class inherits from

class CIME.XML.workflow.Workflow(infile=None, files=None)[source]

Bases: GenericXML

get_workflow_jobs(machine, workflowid='default')[source]

Return a list of jobs with the first element the name of the script and the second a dict of qualifiers for the job

Module contents