Welcome to visualCaseGen!
visualCaseGen is a Jupyter-based graphical user interface (GUI) designed to streamline the creation and configuration of Community Earth System Model v.3 (CESM3) cases. The visualCaseGen GUI allows users to:
Browse Standard CESM Configurations: Easily explore and select from available CESM compsets and resolutions.
Create Custom Configurations: Rapidly customize CESM experiments with advanced options for component selection, grid generation, and configuration.
Key Features
Easy Case Setup: Intuitive interface for configuring experiments.
Hierarchical Modeling: Combine different complexity levels across components.
Flexible Configurations: Mix and match models and grids with compatibility guidance.
Automated Case Creation: Generates input files and handles XML/namelist adjustments.
Modify CLM Inputs: Easily adjust land masks and surface datasets with a form-based interface.
MOM6 Grid & Bathymetry Customization: Create or modify grids and bathymetries with a point-and-click tool.

Typical Workflow
Launch: Open the visualCaseGen GUI within your Jupyter notebook environment.
Select Compset: Choose from available standard CESM compsets or create a custom one by selecting models, physics options, and other settings for each component (e.g., atmosphere, ocean, land, ice).
Define Resolution: Select a compatible standard resolution or create a custom one by combining different grids for each model component or generating new ones.
Generate Case: Once your compset and resolution are set, visualCaseGen will create the CESM case, automatically generating required input files and making all necessary modifications to CESM XML and user namelist files.
For more information on each step, please refer to the corresponding sections in this user guide.
Video Demo
Click here to watch a quick video demo of visualCaseGen.