Source code for CIME.Servers.wget

WGET Server class.  Interact with a server using WGET protocol
# pylint: disable=super-init-not-called
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.Servers.generic_server import GenericServer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class WGET(GenericServer): def __init__(self, address, user='', passwd=''): self._args = '--no-check-certificate ' if user: self._args += "--user {} ".format(user) if passwd: self._args += "--password {} ".format(passwd) self._server_loc = address
[docs] @classmethod def wget_login(cls, address, user='', passwd=''): args = '--no-check-certificate ' if user: args += "--user {} ".format(user) if passwd: args += "--password {} ".format(passwd) try: err = run_cmd("wget {} --spider {}".format(args, address), timeout=60)[0] except: logger.warning("Could not connect to repo '{0}'\nThis is most likely either a proxy, or network issue .".format(address)) return None if err: logger.warning("Could not connect to repo '{0}'\nThis is most likely either a proxy, or network issue .".format(address)) return None return cls(address, user=user, passwd=passwd)
[docs] def fileexists(self, rel_path): full_url = os.path.join(self._server_loc, rel_path) stat, out, err = run_cmd("wget {} --spider {}".format(self._args, full_url)) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("FAIL: Repo '{}' does not have file '{}'\nReason:{}\n{}\n".format(self._server_loc, full_url, out, err)) return False return True
[docs] def getfile(self, rel_path, full_path): full_url = os.path.join(self._server_loc, rel_path) stat, output, errput = \ run_cmd("wget {} {} -nc --output-document {}".format(self._args, full_url, full_path)) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("wget failed with output: {} and errput {}\n".format(output, errput)) # wget puts an empty file if it fails. try: os.remove(full_path) except OSError: pass return False else:"SUCCESS\n") return True
[docs] def getdirectory(self, rel_path, full_path): full_url = os.path.join(self._server_loc, rel_path) stat, output, errput = \ run_cmd("wget {} {} -r -N --no-directories ".format(self._args, full_url+os.sep), from_dir=full_path) logger.debug(output) logger.debug(errput) if (stat != 0): logging.warning("wget failed with output: {} and errput {}\n".format(output, errput)) # wget puts an empty file if it fails. try: os.remove(full_path) except OSError: pass return False else:"SUCCESS\n") return True