3.9. More on Driver Namelists

There are a series of driver/coupler namelist input files created by the driver namelist generator $CIMEROOT/driver_cpl/cime_config/buildnml. These are

  • drv_in

  • drv_flds_in

  • cpl_modelio.nml, atm_modelio.nml, esp_modelio.nml, glc_modelio.nml, ice_modelio.nml, lnd_modelio.nmlo, ocn_modelio.nml, rof_modelio.nml, wav_modelio.nml

  • seq_maps.rc

The *_modelio.nml files set the filename for the primary standard output file and also provide settings for the parallel IO library, PIO. The drv_in namelist file contains several different namelist groups associated with general options, time manager options, pe layout, timing output, and parallel IO settings. The seq_maps.rc file specifies the mapping files for the configuration. Note that seq_maps.rc is NOT a Fortran namelist file but the format should be relatively clear from the default settings.