Wrapper around all env XML for a case.
All interaction with and between the module files in XML/ takes place
through the Case module.
from copy import deepcopy
import glob, os, shutil, math, six
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
#pylint: disable=import-error,redefined-builtin
from six.moves import input
from CIME.utils import expect, get_cime_root, append_status
from CIME.utils import convert_to_type, get_model, set_model
from CIME.utils import get_project, get_charge_account, check_name
from CIME.utils import get_current_commit, safe_copy, get_cime_default_driver
from CIME.locked_files import LOCKED_DIR, lock_file
from CIME.XML.machines import Machines
from CIME.XML.pes import Pes
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.XML.testlist import Testlist
from CIME.XML.component import Component
from CIME.XML.compsets import Compsets
from CIME.XML.grids import Grids
from CIME.XML.batch import Batch
from CIME.XML.workflow import Workflow
from CIME.XML.pio import PIO
from CIME.XML.archive import Archive
from CIME.XML.env_test import EnvTest
from CIME.XML.env_mach_specific import EnvMachSpecific
from CIME.XML.env_case import EnvCase
from CIME.XML.env_mach_pes import EnvMachPes
from CIME.XML.env_build import EnvBuild
from CIME.XML.env_run import EnvRun
from CIME.XML.env_archive import EnvArchive
from CIME.XML.env_batch import EnvBatch
from CIME.XML.env_workflow import EnvWorkflow
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
from CIME.user_mod_support import apply_user_mods
from CIME.aprun import get_aprun_cmd_for_case
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Case(object):
The Case class is the heart of the CIME Case Control system. All
interactions with a Case take part through this class. All of the
variables used to create and manipulate a case are defined in xml
files and for every xml file there is a python class to interact
with that file.
XML files which are part of the CIME distribution and are meant to
be readonly with respect to a case are typically named
config_something.xml and the corresponding python Class is
Something and can be found in file CIME.XML.something.py. I'll
refer to these as the CIME config classes.
XML files which are part of a case and thus are read/write to a
case are typically named env_whatever.xml and the cooresponding
python modules are CIME.XML.env_whatever.py and classes are
EnvWhatever. I'll refer to these as the Case env classes.
The Case Class includes an array of the Case env classes, in the
configure function and it's supporting functions defined below
the case object creates and manipulates the Case env classes
by reading and interpreting the CIME config classes.
This class extends across multiple files, class members external to this file
are listed in the following imports
from CIME.case.case_setup import case_setup
from CIME.case.case_clone import create_clone, _copy_user_modified_to_clone
from CIME.case.case_test import case_test
from CIME.case.case_submit import check_DA_settings, check_case, submit
from CIME.case.case_st_archive import case_st_archive, restore_from_archive, \
archive_last_restarts, test_st_archive, test_env_archive
from CIME.case.case_run import case_run
from CIME.case.case_cmpgen_namelists import case_cmpgen_namelists
from CIME.case.check_lockedfiles import check_lockedfile, check_lockedfiles, check_pelayouts_require_rebuild
from CIME.case.preview_namelists import create_dirs, create_namelists
from CIME.case.check_input_data import check_all_input_data, stage_refcase, check_input_data
def __init__(self, case_root=None, read_only=True):
if case_root is None:
case_root = os.getcwd()
self._caseroot = case_root
logger.debug("Initializing Case.")
self._read_only_mode = True
self._force_read_only = read_only
self._primary_component = None
self._env_entryid_files = []
self._env_generic_files = []
self._files = []
# Hold arbitary values. In create_newcase we may set values
# for xml files that haven't been created yet. We need a place
# to store them until we are ready to create the file. At file
# creation we get the values for those fields from this lookup
# table and then remove the entry.
self.lookups = {}
self._cime_model = get_model()
self.set_lookup_value('MODEL', self._cime_model)
self._compsetname = None
self._gridname = None
self._pesfile = None
self._gridfile = None
self._components = []
self._component_classes = []
self._component_description = {}
self._is_env_loaded = False
# these are user_mods as defined in the compset
# Command Line user_mods are handled seperately
# Derived attributes
self.thread_count = None
self.total_tasks = None
self.tasks_per_node = None
self.num_nodes = None
self.spare_nodes = None
self.tasks_per_numa = None
self.cores_per_task = None
self.srun_binding = None
# check if case has been configured and if so initialize derived
if self.get_value("CASEROOT") is not None:
[docs] def check_if_comp_var(self, vid):
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
new_vid, new_comp, iscompvar = env_file.check_if_comp_var(vid)
if iscompvar:
return new_vid, new_comp, iscompvar
return vid, None, False
[docs] def initialize_derived_attributes(self):
These are derived variables which can be used in the config_* files
for variable substitution using the {{ var }} syntax
env_mach_pes = self.get_env("mach_pes")
env_mach_spec = self.get_env('mach_specific')
comp_classes = self.get_values("COMP_CLASSES")
max_mpitasks_per_node = self.get_value("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE")
self.thread_count = env_mach_pes.get_max_thread_count(comp_classes)
mpi_attribs = {
"compiler" : self.get_value("COMPILER"),
"mpilib" : self.get_value("MPILIB"),
"threaded" : self.get_build_threaded(),
job = self.get_primary_job()
executable = env_mach_spec.get_mpirun(self, mpi_attribs, job, exe_only=True)[0]
if executable is not None and "aprun" in executable:
_, self.num_nodes, self.total_tasks, self.tasks_per_node, self.thread_count = get_aprun_cmd_for_case(self, "e3sm.exe")
self.spare_nodes = env_mach_pes.get_spare_nodes(self.num_nodes)
self.num_nodes += self.spare_nodes
self.total_tasks = env_mach_pes.get_total_tasks(comp_classes)
self.tasks_per_node = env_mach_pes.get_tasks_per_node(self.total_tasks, self.thread_count)
self.num_nodes, self.spare_nodes = env_mach_pes.get_total_nodes(self.total_tasks, self.thread_count)
self.num_nodes += self.spare_nodes
logger.debug("total_tasks {} thread_count {}".format(self.total_tasks, self.thread_count))
self.tasks_per_numa = int(math.ceil(self.tasks_per_node / 2.0))
smt_factor = max(1,int(self.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE") / max_mpitasks_per_node))
threads_per_node = self.tasks_per_node * self.thread_count
threads_per_core = 1 if (threads_per_node <= max_mpitasks_per_node) else smt_factor
self.cores_per_task = self.thread_count / threads_per_core
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(self.thread_count)
self.srun_binding = smt_factor*max_mpitasks_per_node / self.tasks_per_node
# Define __enter__ and __exit__ so that we can use this as a context manager
# and force a flush on exit.
def __enter__(self):
if not self._force_read_only:
self._read_only_mode = False
return self
def __exit__(self, *_):
self._read_only_mode = True
return False
[docs] def read_xml(self):
for env_file in self._files:
expect(not env_file.needsrewrite, "Potential loss of unflushed changes in {}".format(env_file.filename))
self._env_entryid_files = []
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvCase(self._caseroot, components=None, read_only=self._force_read_only))
components = self._env_entryid_files[0].get_values("COMP_CLASSES")
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvRun(self._caseroot, components=components, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvBuild(self._caseroot, components=components, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvMachPes(self._caseroot, components=components, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvBatch(self._caseroot, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvWorkflow(self._caseroot, read_only=self._force_read_only))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._caseroot,"env_test.xml")):
self._env_entryid_files.append(EnvTest(self._caseroot, components=components, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_generic_files = []
self._env_generic_files.append(EnvMachSpecific(self._caseroot, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._env_generic_files.append(EnvArchive(self._caseroot, read_only=self._force_read_only))
self._files = self._env_entryid_files + self._env_generic_files
[docs] def get_case_root(self):
"""Returns the root directory for this case."""
return self._caseroot
[docs] def get_env(self, short_name, allow_missing=False):
full_name = "env_{}.xml".format(short_name)
for env_file in self._files:
if os.path.basename(env_file.filename) == full_name:
return env_file
if allow_missing:
return None
expect(False,"Could not find object for {} in case".format(full_name))
[docs] def check_timestamps(self, short_name=None):
if short_name is not None:
env_file = self.get_env(short_name)
for env_file in self._files:
[docs] def copy(self, newcasename, newcaseroot, newcimeroot=None, newsrcroot=None):
newcase = deepcopy(self)
for env_file in newcase._files: # pylint: disable=protected-access
basename = os.path.basename(env_file.filename)
newfile = os.path.join(newcaseroot, basename)
env_file.change_file(newfile, copy=True)
if newcimeroot is not None:
newcase.set_value("CIMEROOT", newcimeroot)
if newsrcroot is not None:
newcase.set_value("SRCROOT", newsrcroot)
# Important, and subtle: Writability should NOT be copied because
# this allows the copy to be modified without needing a "with" statement
# which opens the door to tricky errors such as unflushed writes.
newcase._read_only_mode = True # pylint: disable=protected-access
return newcase
[docs] def flush(self, flushall=False):
if not os.path.isdir(self._caseroot):
# do not flush if caseroot wasnt created
for env_file in self._files:
[docs] def get_values(self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None):
for env_file in self._files:
# Wait and resolve in self rather than in env_file
results = env_file.get_values(item, attribute, resolved=False, subgroup=subgroup)
if len(results) > 0:
new_results = []
if resolved:
for result in results:
if isinstance(result, six.string_types):
result = self.get_resolved_value(result)
vtype = env_file.get_type_info(item)
if vtype is not None or vtype != "char":
result = convert_to_type(result, vtype, item)
new_results = results
return new_results
# Return empty result
return []
[docs] def get_value(self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None):
result = None
for env_file in self._files:
# Wait and resolve in self rather than in env_file
result = env_file.get_value(item, attribute, resolved=False, subgroup=subgroup)
if result is not None:
if resolved and isinstance(result, six.string_types):
result = self.get_resolved_value(result)
vtype = env_file.get_type_info(item)
if vtype is not None and vtype != "char":
result = convert_to_type(result, vtype, item)
return result
# Return empty result
return result
[docs] def get_record_fields(self, variable, field):
""" get_record_fields gets individual requested field from an entry_id file
this routine is used only by xmlquery """
# Empty result
result = []
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
# Wait and resolve in self rather than in env_file
logger.debug("(get_record_field) Searching in {}".format(env_file.__class__.__name__))
if field == "varid":
roots = env_file.scan_children("entry")
roots = env_file.get_nodes_by_id(variable)
for root in roots:
if root is not None:
if field == "raw":
elif field == "desc":
elif field == "varid":
result.append(env_file.get(root, "id"))
elif field == "group":
elif field == "valid_values":
# pylint: disable=protected-access
vv = env_file._get_valid_values(root)
if vv:
elif field == "file":
if not result:
for env_file in self._env_generic_files:
roots = env_file.scan_children(variable)
for root in roots:
if root is not None:
if field == "raw":
elif field == "group":
elif field == "file":
return list(set(result))
[docs] def get_type_info(self, item):
result = None
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
result = env_file.get_type_info(item)
if result is not None:
return result
return result
[docs] def get_resolved_value(self, item, recurse=0, allow_unresolved_envvars=False):
num_unresolved = item.count("$") if item else 0
recurse_limit = 10
if (num_unresolved > 0 and recurse < recurse_limit ):
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
item = env_file.get_resolved_value(item,
if ("$" not in item):
return item
item = self.get_resolved_value(item, recurse=recurse+1,
return item
[docs] def set_value(self, item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False, allow_undefined=False, return_file=False):
If a file has been defined, and the variable is in the file,
then that value will be set in the file object and the resovled value
is returned unless return_file is True, in which case (resolved_value, filename)
is returned where filename is the name of the modified file.
expect(not self._read_only_mode, "Cannot modify case, read_only. "
"Case must be opened with read_only=False and can only be modified within a context manager")
if item == "CASEROOT":
self._caseroot = value
result = None
for env_file in self._files:
result = env_file.set_value(item, value, subgroup, ignore_type)
if (result is not None):
logger.debug("Will rewrite file {} {}".format(env_file.filename, item))
return (result, env_file.filename) if return_file else result
if len(self._files) == 1:
expect(allow_undefined or result is not None,
"No variable {} found in file {}".format(item, self._files[0].filename))
expect(allow_undefined or result is not None,
"No variable {} found in case".format(item))
[docs] def set_valid_values(self, item, valid_values):
Update or create a valid_values entry for item and populate it
expect(not self._read_only_mode, "Cannot modify case, read_only. "
"Case must be opened with read_only=False and can only be modified within a context manager")
result = None
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
result = env_file.set_valid_values(item, valid_values)
if (result is not None):
logger.debug("Will rewrite file {} {}".format(env_file.filename, item))
return result
[docs] def set_lookup_value(self, item, value):
if item in self.lookups and self.lookups[item] is not None:
logger.warning("Item {} already in lookups with value {}".format(item,self.lookups[item]))
logger.debug("Setting in lookups: item {}, value {}".format(item,value))
self.lookups[item] = value
[docs] def clean_up_lookups(self, allow_undefined=False):
# put anything in the lookups table into existing env objects
for key,value in list(self.lookups.items()):
logger.debug("lookup key {} value {}".format(key, value))
result = self.set_value(key,value, allow_undefined=allow_undefined)
if result is not None:
del self.lookups[key]
def _set_compset(self, compset_name, files, driver="mct"):
Loop through all the compset files and find the compset
specifation file that matches either the input 'compset_name'.
Note that the input compset name (i.e. compset_name) can be
either a longname or an alias. This will set various compset-related
Returns a tuple: (compset_alias, science_support, component_defining_compset)
(For a user-defined compset - i.e., a compset without an alias - these
return values will be None, [], None.)
science_support = []
compset_alias = None
components = files.get_components("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE")
logger.debug(" Possible components for COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE are {}".format(components))
self.set_lookup_value("COMP_INTERFACE", driver)
if self._cime_model == 'cesm':
comp_root_dir_cpl = files.get_value("COMP_ROOT_DIR_CPL")
# Loop through all of the files listed in COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE and find the file
# that has a match for either the alias or the longname in that order
for component in components:
# Determine the compsets file for this component
compsets_filename = files.get_value("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE", {"component":component})
# If the file exists, read it and see if there is a match for the compset alias or longname
if (os.path.isfile(compsets_filename)):
compsets = Compsets(compsets_filename)
match, compset_alias, science_support = compsets.get_compset_match(name=compset_name)
if match is not None:
self._compsetname = match
logger.info("Compset longname is {}".format(match))
logger.info("Compset specification file is {}".format(compsets_filename))
if compset_alias is None:
logger.info("Did not find an alias or longname compset match for {} ".format(compset_name))
self._compsetname = compset_name
# Fill in compset name
self._compsetname, self._components = self.valid_compset(self._compsetname, compset_alias, files)
# if this is a valiid compset longname there will be at least 7 components.
components = self.get_compset_components()
expect(len(components) > 6, "No compset alias {} found and this does not appear to be a compset longname.".format(compset_name))
return compset_alias, science_support
[docs] def get_primary_component(self):
if self._primary_component is None:
self._primary_component = self._find_primary_component()
return self._primary_component
def _find_primary_component(self):
try to glean the primary component based on compset name
progcomps = {}
spec = {}
primary_component = None
for comp in self._component_classes:
if comp == "CPL":
spec[comp] = self.get_value("COMP_{}".format(comp))
notprogcomps = ("D{}".format(comp),"X{}".format(comp),"S{}".format(comp))
if spec[comp].upper() in notprogcomps:
progcomps[comp] = False
progcomps[comp] = True
expect("ATM" in progcomps and "LND" in progcomps and "OCN" in progcomps and \
"ICE" in progcomps, " Not finding expected components in {}".format(self._component_classes))
if progcomps["ATM"] and progcomps["LND"] and progcomps["OCN"] and \
primary_component = "allactive"
elif progcomps["LND"] and progcomps["OCN"] and progcomps["ICE"]:
# this is a "J" compset
primary_component = "allactive"
elif progcomps["ATM"]:
if "DOCN%SOM" in self._compsetname and progcomps["LND"]:
# This is an "E" compset
primary_component = "allactive"
# This is an "F" or "Q" compset
primary_component = spec["ATM"]
elif progcomps["LND"]:
# This is an "I" compset
primary_component = spec["LND"]
elif progcomps["OCN"]:
# This is a "C" or "G" compset
primary_component = spec["OCN"]
elif progcomps["ICE"]:
# This is a "D" compset
primary_component = spec["ICE"]
elif "GLC" in progcomps and progcomps["GLC"]:
# This is a "TG" compset
primary_component = spec["GLC"]
# This is "A", "X" or "S"
primary_component = "drv"
return primary_component
def _valid_compset_impl(self, compset_name, compset_alias, comp_classes, comp_hash):
"""Add stub models missing in <compset_name>, return full compset name.
<comp_classes> is a list of all supported component classes.
<comp_hash> is a dictionary where each key is a supported component
(e.g., datm) and the associated value is the index in <comp_classes> of
that component's class (e.g., 1 for atm).
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('2000_DATM%NYF_SLND_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DROF%NYF_SGLC_SWAV', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1,'dlnd':2,'slnd':2,'dice':3,'sice':3,'docn':4,'socn':4,'drof':5,'srof':5,'sglc':6,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('2000_DATM%NYF_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DROF%NYF', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1,'dlnd':2,'slnd':2,'dice':3,'sice':3,'docn':4,'socn':4,'drof':5,'srof':5,'sglc':6,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('2000_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DATM%NYF_DROF%NYF', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1,'dlnd':2,'slnd':2,'dice':3,'sice':3,'docn':4,'socn':4,'drof':5,'srof':5,'sglc':6,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('2000_DICE%SSMI_DOCN%DOM_DATM%NYF_DROF%NYF_TEST', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1,'dlnd':2,'slnd':2,'dice':3,'sice':3,'docn':4,'socn':4,'drof':5,'srof':5,'sglc':6,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('1850_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1, 'cam':1,'dlnd':2,'clm':2,'slnd':2,'cice':3,'dice':3,'sice':3,'pop':4,'docn':4,'socn':4,'mosart':5,'drof':5,'srof':5,'cism':6,'sglc':6,'ww':7,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('1850_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO%ABIO-DIC_MOSART_CISM2%NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD_TEST', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'IAC', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1, 'cam':1,'dlnd':2,'clm':2,'slnd':2,'cice':3,'dice':3,'sice':3,'pop':4,'docn':4,'socn':4,'mosart':5,'drof':5,'srof':5,'cism':6,'sglc':6,'ww':7,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('1850_SATM_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SGLC_SWAV', 'S', ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'IAC', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1, 'cam':1,'dlnd':2,'clm':2,'slnd':2,'cice':3,'dice':3,'sice':3,'pop':4,'docn':4,'socn':4,'mosart':5,'drof':5,'srof':5,'cism':6,'sglc':6,'ww':7,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8})
>>> Case(read_only=False)._valid_compset_impl('1850_SATM_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SGLC_SWAV', None, ['CPL', 'ATM', 'LND', 'ICE', 'OCN', 'ROF', 'GLC', 'WAV', 'IAC', 'ESP'], {'datm':1,'satm':1, 'cam':1,'dlnd':2,'clm':2,'slnd':2,'cice':3,'dice':3,'sice':3,'pop':4,'docn':4,'socn':4,'mosart':5,'drof':5,'srof':5,'cism':6,'sglc':6,'ww':7,'swav':7,'ww3':7,'sesp':8}) #doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CIMEError: ERROR: Invalid compset name, 1850_SATM_SLND_SICE_SOCN_SGLC_SWAV, all stub components generated
# Find the models declared in the compset
model_set = [None]*len(comp_classes)
components = compset_name.split('_')
model_set[0] = components[0]
noncomps = []
allstubs = True
for model in components[1:]:
match = Case.__mod_match_re__.match(model.lower())
expect(match is not None, "No model match for {}".format(model))
mod_match = match.group(1)
# Check for noncomponent appends (BGC & TEST)
if mod_match in ('bgc', 'test'):
expect(mod_match in comp_hash,
"Unknown model type, {}".format(model))
comp_ind = comp_hash[mod_match]
model_set[comp_ind] = model
# Fill in missing components with stubs
for comp_ind in range(1, len(model_set)):
if model_set[comp_ind] is None:
comp_class = comp_classes[comp_ind]
stub = 'S' + comp_class
logger.info("Automatically adding {} to compset".format(stub))
model_set[comp_ind] = stub
elif model_set[comp_ind][0] != 'S':
allstubs = False
expect((compset_alias is not None) or (not allstubs),
'Invalid compset name, {}, all stub components generated'.format(compset_name))
# Return the completed compset
compsetname = '_'.join(model_set)
for noncomp in noncomps:
compsetname = compsetname + '_' + noncomp
return compsetname, model_set
# RE to match component type name without optional piece (stuff after %).
# Drop any trailing digits (e.g., the 60 in CAM60) to ensure match
# Note, this will also drop trailing digits such as in ww3 but since it
# is handled consistenly, this should not affect functionality.
# Note: interstitial digits are included (e.g., in FV3GFS).
__mod_match_re__ = re.compile(r"([^%]*[^0-9%]+)")
[docs] def valid_compset(self, compset_name, compset_alias, files):
"""Add stub models missing in <compset_name>, return full compset name.
<files> is used to collect set of all supported components.
# First, create hash of model names
# A note about indexing. Relevant component classes start at 1
# because we ignore CPL for finding model components.
# Model components would normally start at zero but since we are
# dealing with a compset, 0 is reserved for the time field
drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file, "CPL")
comp_classes = drv_comp.get_valid_model_components()
comp_hash = {} # Hash model name to component class index
for comp_ind in range(1, len(comp_classes)):
comp = comp_classes[comp_ind]
# Find list of models for component class
# List can be in different locations, check CONFIG_XXX_FILE
node_name = 'CONFIG_{}_FILE'.format(comp)
models = files.get_components(node_name)
if (models is None) or (None in models):
# Backup, check COMP_ROOT_DIR_XXX
node_name = 'COMP_ROOT_DIR_' + comp
models = files.get_components(node_name)
expect((models is not None) and (None not in models),
"Unable to find list of supported components")
for model in models:
mod_match = Case.__mod_match_re__.match(model.lower()).group(1)
comp_hash[mod_match] = comp_ind
return self._valid_compset_impl(compset_name, compset_alias,
comp_classes, comp_hash)
def _set_info_from_primary_component(self, files, pesfile=None):
Sets file and directory paths that depend on the primary component of
this compset.
Assumes that self._primary_component has already been set.
component = self.get_primary_component()
compset_spec_file = files.get_value("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE",
{"component":component}, resolved=False)
self.set_lookup_value("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE" ,compset_spec_file)
if pesfile is None:
self._pesfile = files.get_value("PES_SPEC_FILE", {"component":component})
pesfile_unresolved = files.get_value("PES_SPEC_FILE", {"component":component}, resolved=False)
logger.info("Pes specification file is {}".format(self._pesfile))
self._pesfile = pesfile
pesfile_unresolved = pesfile
expect(self._pesfile is not None,"No pesfile found for component {}".format(component))
self.set_lookup_value("PES_SPEC_FILE", pesfile_unresolved)
tests_filename = files.get_value("TESTS_SPEC_FILE", {"component":component}, resolved=False)
tests_mods_dir = files.get_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR" , {"component":component}, resolved=False)
user_mods_dir = files.get_value("USER_MODS_DIR" , {"component":component}, resolved=False)
self.set_lookup_value("TESTS_SPEC_FILE", tests_filename)
self.set_lookup_value("TESTS_MODS_DIR" , tests_mods_dir)
self.set_lookup_value("USER_MODS_DIR" , user_mods_dir)
[docs] def get_compset_components(self):
#If are doing a create_clone then, self._compsetname is not set yet
components = []
compset = self.get_value("COMPSET")
if compset is None:
compset = self._compsetname
expect(compset is not None,
"compset is not set")
# the first element is always the date operator - skip it
elements = compset.split('_')[1:] # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
for element in elements:
# ignore the possible BGC or TEST modifier
if element.startswith("BGC%") or element.startswith("TEST"):
element_component = element.split('%')[0].lower()
if "ww" not in element_component and "fv3" not in element_component:
element_component = re.sub(r'[0-9]*',"",element_component)
return components
def __iter__(self):
for entryid_file in self._env_entryid_files:
for key, val in entryid_file:
if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and '$' in val:
yield key, self.get_resolved_value(val)
yield key, val
[docs] def set_comp_classes(self, comp_classes):
self._component_classes = comp_classes
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
def _get_component_config_data(self, files, driver=None):
# attributes used for multi valued defaults
# attlist is a dictionary used to determine the value element that has the most matches
attlist = {"compset":self._compsetname, "grid":self._gridname, "cime_model":self._cime_model}
# Determine list of component classes that this coupler/driver knows how
# to deal with. This list follows the same order as compset longnames follow.
# Add the group and elements for the config_files.xml
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
env_file.add_elements_by_group(files, attlist)
drv_config_file = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE")
drv_comp = Component(drv_config_file, "CPL")
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
env_file.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp, attributes=attlist)
drv_config_file_model_specific = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE_MODEL_SPECIFIC")
"No {} specific file found for driver {}".format(get_model(),driver))
drv_comp_model_specific = Component(drv_config_file_model_specific, 'CPL')
self._component_description["forcing"] = drv_comp_model_specific.get_forcing_description(self._compsetname)
logger.info("Compset forcing is {}".format(self._component_description["forcing"]))
self._component_description["CPL"] = drv_comp_model_specific.get_description(self._compsetname)
if len(self._component_description["CPL"]) > 0:
logger.info("Com forcing is {}".format(self._component_description["CPL"]))
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
env_file.add_elements_by_group(drv_comp_model_specific, attributes=attlist)
# loop over all elements of both component_classes and components - and get config_component_file for
# for each component
# will need a change here for new cpl components
root_dir_node_name = 'COMP_ROOT_DIR_CPL'
comp_root_dir = files.get_value(root_dir_node_name, {"component":driver}, resolved=False)
if comp_root_dir is not None:
self.set_value(root_dir_node_name, comp_root_dir)
for i in range(1,len(self._component_classes)):
comp_class = self._component_classes[i]
comp_name = self._components[i-1]
root_dir_node_name = 'COMP_ROOT_DIR_' + comp_class
node_name = 'CONFIG_' + comp_class + '_FILE'
comp_root_dir = files.get_value(root_dir_node_name, {"component":comp_name}, resolved=False)
if comp_root_dir is not None:
self.set_value(root_dir_node_name, comp_root_dir)
compatt = {"component":comp_name}
# Add the group and elements for the config_files.xml
comp_config_file = files.get_value(node_name, compatt, resolved=False)
expect(comp_config_file is not None,"No component {} found for class {}".format(comp_name, comp_class))
self.set_value(node_name, comp_config_file)
comp_config_file = files.get_value(node_name, compatt)
expect(comp_config_file is not None and os.path.isfile(comp_config_file),
"Config file {} for component {} not found.".format(comp_config_file, comp_name))
compobj = Component(comp_config_file, comp_class)
# For files following version 3 schema this also checks the compsetname validity
self._component_description[comp_class] = compobj.get_description(self._compsetname)
expect(self._component_description[comp_class] is not None,
"No description found in file {} for component {} in comp_class {}".format(comp_config_file, comp_name, comp_class))
logger.info("{} component is {}".format(comp_class, self._component_description[comp_class]))
for env_file in self._env_entryid_files:
env_file.add_elements_by_group(compobj, attributes=attlist)
def _setup_mach_pes(self, pecount, multi_driver, ninst, machine_name, mpilib):
# pe layout
mach_pes_obj = None
# self._pesfile may already be env_mach_pes.xml if so we can just return
gfile = GenericXML(infile=self._pesfile)
ftype = gfile.get_id()
expect(ftype == "env_mach_pes.xml" or ftype == "config_pes", " Do not recognize {} as a valid CIME pes file {}".format(self._pesfile, ftype))
if ftype == "env_mach_pes.xml":
new_mach_pes_obj = EnvMachPes(infile=self._pesfile, components=self._component_classes)
self.update_env(new_mach_pes_obj, "mach_pes", blow_away=True)
return new_mach_pes_obj.get_value("TOTALPES")
pesobj = Pes(self._pesfile)
match1 = re.match('(.+)x([0-9]+)', "" if pecount is None else pecount)
match2 = re.match('([0-9]+)', "" if pecount is None else pecount)
pes_ntasks = {}
pes_nthrds = {}
pes_rootpe = {}
pes_pstrid = {}
other = {}
comment = None
force_tasks = None
force_thrds = None
if match1:
opti_tasks = match1.group(1)
if opti_tasks.isdigit():
force_tasks = int(opti_tasks)
pes_ntasks = pesobj.find_pes_layout(self._gridname, self._compsetname, machine_name,
pesize_opts=opti_tasks, mpilib=mpilib)[0]
force_thrds = int(match1.group(2))
elif match2:
force_tasks = int(match2.group(1))
pes_nthrds = pesobj.find_pes_layout(self._gridname, self._compsetname, machine_name, mpilib=mpilib)[1]
pes_ntasks, pes_nthrds, pes_rootpe, pes_pstrid, other, comment = pesobj.find_pes_layout(self._gridname, self._compsetname,
machine_name, pesize_opts=pecount, mpilib=mpilib)
if match1 or match2:
for component_class in self._component_classes:
if force_tasks is not None:
string_ = "NTASKS_" + component_class
pes_ntasks[string_] = force_tasks
if force_thrds is not None:
string_ = "NTHRDS_" + component_class
pes_nthrds[string_] = force_thrds
# Always default to zero rootpe if user forced procs and or threads
string_ = "ROOTPE_" + component_class
pes_rootpe[string_] = 0
mach_pes_obj = self.get_env("mach_pes")
if other is not None:
for key, value in other.items():
self.set_value(key, value)
totaltasks = []
for comp_class in self._component_classes:
ntasks_str = "NTASKS_{}".format(comp_class)
nthrds_str = "NTHRDS_{}".format(comp_class)
rootpe_str = "ROOTPE_{}".format(comp_class)
pstrid_str = "PSTRID_{}".format(comp_class)
ntasks = pes_ntasks[ntasks_str] if ntasks_str in pes_ntasks else 1
nthrds = pes_nthrds[nthrds_str] if nthrds_str in pes_nthrds else 1
rootpe = pes_rootpe[rootpe_str] if rootpe_str in pes_rootpe else 0
pstrid = pes_pstrid[pstrid_str] if pstrid_str in pes_pstrid else 1
totaltasks.append( (ntasks + rootpe) * nthrds )
mach_pes_obj.set_value(ntasks_str, ntasks)
mach_pes_obj.set_value(nthrds_str, nthrds)
mach_pes_obj.set_value(rootpe_str, rootpe)
mach_pes_obj.set_value(pstrid_str, pstrid)
if multi_driver:
mach_pes_obj.set_value("MULTI_DRIVER", True)
# Make sure that every component has been accounted for
# set, nthrds and ntasks to 1 otherwise. Also set the ninst values here.
for compclass in self._component_classes:
key = "NINST_{}".format(compclass)
if compclass == "CPL":
mach_pes_obj.set_value(key, ninst)
key = "NTASKS_{}".format(compclass)
if key not in pes_ntasks:
key = "NTHRDS_{}".format(compclass)
if compclass not in pes_nthrds:
[docs] def get_compset_var_settings(self, files):
compset_obj = Compsets(infile=infile, files=files)
matches = compset_obj.get_compset_var_settings(self._compsetname, self._gridname)
for name, value in matches:
if len(value) > 0:
logger.info("Compset specific settings: name is {} and value is {}".format(name, value))
self.set_lookup_value(name, value)
[docs] def set_initial_test_values(self):
testobj = self.get_env("test")
[docs] def get_batch_jobs(self):
batchobj = self.get_env("batch")
return batchobj.get_jobs()
def _set_pio_xml(self):
pioobj = PIO()
grid = self.get_value("GRID")
compiler = self.get_value("COMPILER")
mach = self.get_value("MACH")
compset = self.get_value("COMPSET")
mpilib = self.get_value("MPILIB")
defaults = pioobj.get_defaults(grid=grid,compset=compset,mach=mach,compiler=compiler, mpilib=mpilib)
for vid, value in defaults.items():
def _create_caseroot_tools(self):
machines_dir = os.path.abspath(self.get_value("MACHDIR"))
machine = self.get_value("MACH")
toolsdir = os.path.join(self.get_value("CIMEROOT"),"scripts","Tools")
casetools = os.path.join(self._caseroot, "Tools")
# setup executable files in caseroot/
exefiles = (os.path.join(toolsdir, "case.setup"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "case.build"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "case.submit"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "case.qstatus"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "case.cmpgen_namelists"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "preview_namelists"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "preview_run"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "check_input_data"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "check_case"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "xmlchange"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "xmlquery"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "pelayout"))
for exefile in exefiles:
destfile = os.path.join(self._caseroot,os.path.basename(exefile))
os.symlink(exefile, destfile)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("FAILED to set up exefiles: {}".format(str(e)))
toolfiles = [os.path.join(toolsdir, "check_lockedfiles"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "get_standard_makefile_args"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "getTiming"),
os.path.join(toolsdir, "save_provenance"),
# used on Titan
if os.path.isfile( os.path.join(toolsdir,"mdiag_reduce.csh") ):
toolfiles.append( os.path.join(toolsdir,"mdiag_reduce.csh") )
toolfiles.append( os.path.join(toolsdir,"mdiag_reduce.pl") )
for toolfile in toolfiles:
destfile = os.path.join(casetools, os.path.basename(toolfile))
expect(os.path.isfile(toolfile)," File {} does not exist".format(toolfile))
os.symlink(toolfile, destfile)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("FAILED to set up toolfiles: {} {} {}".format(str(e), toolfile, destfile))
if get_model() == "e3sm":
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(machines_dir, "syslog.{}".format(machine))):
safe_copy(os.path.join(machines_dir, "syslog.{}".format(machine)), os.path.join(casetools, "mach_syslog"))
safe_copy(os.path.join(machines_dir, "syslog.noop"), os.path.join(casetools, "mach_syslog"))
# add archive_metadata to the CASEROOT but only for CESM
if get_model() == "cesm":
exefile = os.path.join(toolsdir, "archive_metadata")
destfile = os.path.join(self._caseroot,os.path.basename(exefile))
os.symlink(exefile, destfile)
except Exception as e:
logger.warning("FAILED to set up exefiles: {}".format(str(e)))
def _create_caseroot_sourcemods(self):
components = self.get_compset_components()
components.extend(['share', 'drv'])
readme_message = """Put source mods for the {component} library in this directory.
WARNING: SourceMods are not kept under version control, and can easily
become out of date if changes are made to the source code on which they
are based. We only recommend using SourceMods for small, short-term
changes that just apply to one or two cases. For larger or longer-term
changes, including gradual, incremental changes towards a final
solution, we highly recommend making changes in the main source tree,
leveraging version control (git or svn).
for component in components:
directory = os.path.join(self._caseroot,"SourceMods","src.{}".format(component))
# don't make SourceMods for stub components
if not os.path.exists(directory) and component not in ('satm','slnd','sice','socn','sesp','sglc','swav'):
# Besides giving some information on SourceMods, this
# README file serves one other important purpose: By
# putting a file inside each SourceMods subdirectory, we
# prevent aggressive scrubbers from scrubbing these
# directories due to being empty (which can cause builds
# to fail).
readme_file = os.path.join(directory, "README")
with open(readme_file, "w") as fd:
if get_model() == "cesm":
# Note: this is CESM specific, given that we are referencing cism explitly
if "cism" in components:
directory = os.path.join(self._caseroot, "SourceMods", "src.cism", "source_cism")
if not os.path.exists(directory):
readme_file = os.path.join(directory, "README")
str_to_write = """Put source mods for the source_cism library in this subdirectory.
This includes any files from $COMP_ROOT_DIR_GLC/source_cism. Anything
else (e.g., mods to source_glc or drivers) goes in the src.cism
directory, NOT in this subdirectory."""
with open(readme_file, "w") as fd:
[docs] def create_caseroot(self, clone=False):
if not os.path.exists(self._caseroot):
# Make the case directory
logger.info(" Creating Case directory {}".format(self._caseroot))
# Create relevant directories in $self._caseroot
if clone:
newdirs = (LOCKED_DIR, "Tools")
newdirs = ("SourceMods", LOCKED_DIR, "Buildconf", "Tools")
for newdir in newdirs:
# Open a new README.case file in $self._caseroot
append_status(" ".join(sys.argv), "README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
compset_info = "Compset longname is {}".format(self.get_value("COMPSET"))
"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
append_status("Compset specification file is {}".format(self.get_value("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE")),
"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
append_status("Pes specification file is {}".format(self.get_value("PES_SPEC_FILE")),
"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
if "forcing" in self._component_description:
append_status("Forcing is {}".format(self._component_description["forcing"])
,"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
for component_class in self._component_classes:
if component_class in self._component_description and \
append_status("Component {} is {}".format(component_class, self._component_description[component_class]),"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
if component_class == "CPL":
append_status("Using %s coupler instances" %
"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
comp_grid = "{}_GRID".format(component_class)
append_status("{} is {}".format(comp_grid,self.get_value(comp_grid)),
"README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
comp = str(self.get_value("COMP_{}".format(component_class)))
user_mods = self._get_comp_user_mods(comp)
if user_mods is not None:
note = "This component includes user_mods {}".format(user_mods)
append_status(note, "README.case", caseroot=self._caseroot)
if not clone:
[docs] def apply_user_mods(self, user_mods_dir=None):
User mods can be specified on the create_newcase command line (usually when called from create test)
or they can be in the compset definition, or both.
all_user_mods = []
for comp in self._component_classes:
component = str(self.get_value("COMP_{}".format(comp)))
if component == self._primary_component:
comp_user_mods = self._get_comp_user_mods(component)
if comp_user_mods is not None:
# get the primary last so that it takes precidence over other components
comp_user_mods = self._get_comp_user_mods(self._primary_component)
if comp_user_mods is not None:
if user_mods_dir is not None:
# This looping order will lead to the specified user_mods_dir taking
# precedence over self._user_mods, if there are any conflicts.
for user_mods in all_user_mods:
if os.path.isabs(user_mods):
user_mods_path = user_mods
user_mods_path = self.get_value('USER_MODS_DIR')
user_mods_path = os.path.join(user_mods_path, user_mods)
apply_user_mods(self._caseroot, user_mods_path)
# User mods may have modified underlying XML files
if all_user_mods:
def _get_comp_user_mods(self, component):
For a component 'foo', gets the value of FOO_USER_MODS.
Returns None if no value was found, or if the value is an empty string.
comp_user_mods = self.get_value("{}_USER_MODS".format(component.upper()))
#pylint: disable=no-member
if comp_user_mods is None or comp_user_mods == "" or comp_user_mods.isspace():
return None
return comp_user_mods
[docs] def submit_jobs(self, no_batch=False, job=None, skip_pnl=None, prereq=None, allow_fail=False,
resubmit_immediate=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None, batch_args=None,
dry_run=False, workflow=True):
env_batch = self.get_env('batch')
result = env_batch.submit_jobs(self, no_batch=no_batch, skip_pnl=skip_pnl,
job=job, user_prereq=prereq, allow_fail=allow_fail,
mail_user=mail_user, mail_type=mail_type,
batch_args=batch_args, dry_run=dry_run, workflow=workflow)
return result
[docs] def get_job_info(self):
Get information on batch jobs associated with this case
xml_job_ids = self.get_value("JOB_IDS")
if not xml_job_ids:
return {}
result = {}
job_infos = xml_job_ids.split(", ") # pylint: disable=no-member
for job_info in job_infos:
jobname, jobid = job_info.split(":")
result[jobname] = jobid
return result
[docs] def report_job_status(self):
jobmap = self.get_job_info()
if not jobmap:
logger.info("No job ids associated with this case. Either case.submit was not run or was run with no-batch")
for jobname, jobid in jobmap.items():
status = self.get_env("batch").get_status(jobid)
if status:
logger.info("{}: {}".format(jobname, status))
logger.info("{}: Unable to get status. Job may be complete already.".format(jobname))
[docs] def cancel_batch_jobs(self, jobids):
env_batch = self.get_env('batch')
for jobid in jobids:
success = env_batch.cancel_job(jobid)
if not success:
logger.warning("Failed to kill {}".format(jobid))
[docs] def get_mpirun_cmd(self, job=None, allow_unresolved_envvars=True, overrides=None):
if job is None:
job = self.get_primary_job()
env_mach_specific = self.get_env('mach_specific')
run_exe = env_mach_specific.get_value("run_exe")
run_misc_suffix = env_mach_specific.get_value("run_misc_suffix")
run_misc_suffix = "" if run_misc_suffix is None else run_misc_suffix
mpirun_cmd_override = self.get_value("MPI_RUN_COMMAND")
if mpirun_cmd_override not in ["", None, "UNSET"]:
return self.get_resolved_value(mpirun_cmd_override + " " + run_exe + " " + run_misc_suffix)
# Things that will have to be matched against mpirun element attributes
mpi_attribs = {
"compiler" : self.get_value("COMPILER"),
"mpilib" : self.get_value("MPILIB"),
"threaded" : self.get_build_threaded(),
"queue" : self.get_value("JOB_QUEUE", subgroup=job),
"unit_testing" : False
executable, mpi_arg_list, custom_run_exe, custom_run_misc_suffix = env_mach_specific.get_mpirun(self, mpi_attribs, job)
if custom_run_exe:
logger.info('Using a custom run_exe {}'.format(custom_run_exe))
run_exe = custom_run_exe
if custom_run_misc_suffix:
logger.info('Using a custom run_misc_suffix {}'.format(custom_run_misc_suffix))
run_misc_suffix = custom_run_misc_suffix
# special case for aprun
if executable is not None and "aprun" in executable and not "theta" in self.get_value("MACH"):
aprun_args, num_nodes = get_aprun_cmd_for_case(self, run_exe, overrides=overrides)[0:2]
if job in ("case.run","case.test"):
expect( (num_nodes + self.spare_nodes) == self.num_nodes, "Not using optimized num nodes")
return self.get_resolved_value(executable + aprun_args + " " + run_misc_suffix, allow_unresolved_envvars=allow_unresolved_envvars)
mpi_arg_string = " ".join(mpi_arg_list)
if self.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM") == "cobalt":
mpi_arg_string += " : "
return self.get_resolved_value("{} {} {} {}".format(executable if executable is not None else "", mpi_arg_string, run_exe, run_misc_suffix), allow_unresolved_envvars=allow_unresolved_envvars)
[docs] def set_model_version(self, model):
version = "unknown"
srcroot = self.get_value("SRCROOT")
version = get_current_commit(True, srcroot, tag=(model=="cesm"))
self.set_value("MODEL_VERSION", version)
if version != "unknown":
logger.info("{} model version found: {}".format(model, version))
logger.warning("WARNING: No {} Model version found.".format(model))
[docs] def load_env(self, reset=False, job=None, verbose=False):
if not self._is_env_loaded or reset:
if job is None:
job = self.get_primary_job()
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"] = str(self.thread_count)
env_module = self.get_env("mach_specific")
env_module.load_env(self, job=job, verbose=verbose)
self._is_env_loaded = True
[docs] def get_build_threaded(self):
Returns True if current settings require a threaded build/run.
force_threaded = self.get_value("FORCE_BUILD_SMP")
smp_present = force_threaded or self.thread_count > 1
return smp_present
def _check_testlists(self, compset_alias, grid_name, files):
CESM only: check the testlist file for tests of this compset grid combination
compset_alias should be None for a user-defined compset (i.e., a compset
without an alias)
if "TESTS_SPEC_FILE" in self.lookups:
tests_spec_file = self.get_resolved_value(self.lookups["TESTS_SPEC_FILE"])
tests_spec_file = self.get_value("TESTS_SPEC_FILE")
testcnt = 0
if os.path.isfile(tests_spec_file) and compset_alias is not None:
# It's important that we not try to find matching tests if
# compset_alias is None, since compset=None tells get_tests to find
# tests of all compsets!
# Only collect supported tests as this _check_testlists is only
# called if run_unsupported is False.
tests = Testlist(tests_spec_file, files)
testlist = tests.get_tests(compset=compset_alias, grid=grid_name, supported_only=True)
test_categories = ["prealpha", "prebeta", "test_release", "aux_"]
for test in testlist:
if test["category"] in test_categories \
or get_cime_default_driver() in test["category"]:
testcnt += 1
if testcnt > 0:
logger.warning("This compset and grid combination is not scientifically supported, however it is used in {:d} tests.".format(testcnt))
expect(False, "\nThis compset and grid combination is untested in CESM. "
"Override this warning with the --run-unsupported option to create_newcase.",
error_prefix="STOP: ")
[docs] def set_file(self, xmlfile):
force the case object to consider only xmlfile
expect(os.path.isfile(xmlfile), "Could not find file {}".format(xmlfile))
if not self._read_only_mode:
gfile = GenericXML(infile=xmlfile)
ftype = gfile.get_id()
logger.warning("setting case file to {}".format(xmlfile))
components = self.get_value("COMP_CLASSES")
new_env_file = None
for env_file in self._files:
if os.path.basename(env_file.filename) == ftype:
if ftype == "env_run.xml":
new_env_file = EnvRun(infile=xmlfile, components=components)
elif ftype == "env_build.xml":
new_env_file = EnvBuild(infile=xmlfile, components=components)
elif ftype == "env_case.xml":
new_env_file = EnvCase(infile=xmlfile, components=components)
elif ftype == "env_mach_pes.xml":
new_env_file = EnvMachPes(infile=xmlfile, components=components)
elif ftype == "env_batch.xml":
new_env_file = EnvBatch(infile=xmlfile)
elif ftype == "env_workflow.xml":
new_env_file = EnvWorkflow(infile=xmlfile)
elif ftype == "env_test.xml":
new_env_file = EnvTest(infile=xmlfile)
elif ftype == "env_archive.xml":
new_env_file = EnvArchive(infile=xmlfile)
elif ftype == "env_mach_specific.xml":
new_env_file = EnvMachSpecific(infile=xmlfile)
expect(False, "No match found for file type {}".format(ftype))
if new_env_file is not None:
self._env_entryid_files = []
self._env_generic_files = []
if ftype in ["env_archive.xml", "env_mach_specific.xml"]:
self._env_generic_files = [new_env_file]
self._env_entryid_files = [new_env_file]
expect(new_env_file is not None, "No match found for file type {}".format(ftype))
self._files = [new_env_file]
[docs] def update_env(self, new_object, env_file, blow_away=False):
Replace a case env object file
old_object = self.get_env(env_file)
if not blow_away:
expect(not old_object.needsrewrite, "Potential loss of unflushed changes in {}".format(env_file))
new_object.filename = old_object.filename
if old_object in self._env_entryid_files:
elif old_object in self._env_generic_files:
[docs] def get_latest_cpl_log(self, coupler_log_path=None, cplname="cpl"):
find and return the latest cpl log file in the
coupler_log_path directory
if coupler_log_path is None:
coupler_log_path = self.get_value("RUNDIR")
cpllog = None
cpllogs = glob.glob(os.path.join(coupler_log_path, '{}.log.*'.format(cplname)))
if cpllogs:
cpllog = max(cpllogs, key=os.path.getctime)
return cpllog
return None
[docs] def create(self, casename, srcroot, compset_name, grid_name,
user_mods_dir=None, machine_name=None,
project=None, pecount=None, compiler=None, mpilib=None,
pesfile=None, gridfile=None,
multi_driver=False, ninst=1, test=False,
walltime=None, queue=None, output_root=None,
run_unsupported=False, answer=None,
input_dir=None, driver=None, workflowid="default", non_local=False):
# Set values for env_case.xml
self.set_lookup_value("CASE", os.path.basename(casename))
self.set_lookup_value("CASEROOT", self._caseroot)
self.set_lookup_value("SRCROOT", srcroot)
# Configure the Case
self.configure(compset_name, grid_name, machine_name=machine_name,
pecount=pecount, compiler=compiler, mpilib=mpilib,
pesfile=pesfile, gridfile=gridfile,
multi_driver=multi_driver, ninst=ninst, test=test,
walltime=walltime, queue=queue,
run_unsupported=run_unsupported, answer=answer,
input_dir=input_dir, driver=driver,
workflowid=workflowid, non_local=non_local)
# Write out the case files
# Lock env_case.xml
lock_file("env_case.xml", self._caseroot)
except Exception:
if os.path.exists(self._caseroot):
if not logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) and not test:
logger.warning("Failed to setup case, removing {}\nUse --debug to force me to keep caseroot".format(self._caseroot))
logger.warning("Leaving broken case dir {}".format(self._caseroot))
[docs] def is_save_timing_dir_project(self,project):
Check whether the project is permitted to archive performance data in the location
specified for the current machine
save_timing_dir_projects = self.get_value("SAVE_TIMING_DIR_PROJECTS")
if not save_timing_dir_projects:
return False
save_timing_dir_projects = save_timing_dir_projects.split(",") # pylint: disable=no-member
for save_timing_dir_project in save_timing_dir_projects:
regex = re.compile(save_timing_dir_project)
if regex.match(project):
return True
return False
[docs] def get_primary_job(self):
return "case.test" if self.get_value("TEST") else "case.run"
[docs] def get_first_job(self):
env_workflow = self.get_env("workflow")
jobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
return jobs[0]