Source code for

functions for building CIME models
import glob, shutil, time, threading, subprocess
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup  import *
from CIME.utils                 import get_model, analyze_build_log, stringify_bool, run_and_log_case_status, get_timestamp, run_sub_or_cmd, run_cmd, get_batch_script_for_job, gzip_existing_file, safe_copy
from CIME.provenance            import save_build_provenance as save_build_provenance_sub
from CIME.locked_files          import lock_file, unlock_file

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]def get_standard_makefile_args(case, shared_lib=False): make_args = "CIME_MODEL={} ".format(case.get_value("MODEL")) make_args += " compile_threaded={} ".format(stringify_bool(case.get_build_threaded())) if not shared_lib: make_args += " USE_KOKKOS={} ".format(stringify_bool(uses_kokkos(case))) for var in _CMD_ARGS_FOR_BUILD: make_args += xml_to_make_variable(case, var) return make_args
[docs]def get_standard_cmake_args(case, shared_lib=False): cmake_args = "-DCIME_MODEL={} ".format(case.get_value("MODEL")) if not shared_lib: cmake_args += " -DUSE_KOKKOS={} ".format(stringify_bool(uses_kokkos(case))) for var in _CMD_ARGS_FOR_BUILD: cmake_args += xml_to_make_variable(case, var, cmake=True) # Disable compiler checks cmake_args += " -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS=1 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS=1 -DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS=1" return cmake_args
[docs]def xml_to_make_variable(case, varname, cmake=False): varvalue = case.get_value(varname) if varvalue is None: return "" if type(varvalue) == type(True): varvalue = stringify_bool(varvalue) return "{}{}=\"{}\" ".format("-D" if cmake else "", varname, varvalue)
[docs]def uses_kokkos(case): ############################################################################### cam_target = case.get_value("CAM_TARGET") return get_model() == "e3sm" and cam_target in ("preqx_kokkos", "theta-l")
############################################################################### def _build_model(build_threaded, exeroot, incroot, complist, lid, caseroot, cimeroot, compiler, buildlist, comp_interface, case): ############################################################################### logs = [] thread_bad_results = [] for model, comp, nthrds, _, config_dir in complist: if buildlist is not None and model.lower() not in buildlist: continue # aquap has a dependency on atm so we will build it after the threaded loop if comp == "aquap": logger.debug("Skip aquap ocn build here") continue # coupler handled seperately if model == "cpl": continue # special case for clm # clm 4_5 and newer is a shared (as in sharedlibs, shared by all tests) library # (but not in E3SM) and should be built in build_libraries if get_model() != "e3sm" and comp == "clm": continue else:" - Building {} Library ".format(model)) smp = nthrds > 1 or build_threaded bldroot = os.path.join(exeroot, model, "obj") libroot = os.path.join(exeroot, "lib") file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(model, lid)) logger.debug("bldroot is {}".format(bldroot)) logger.debug("libroot is {}".format(libroot)) # make sure bldroot and libroot exist for build_dir in [bldroot, libroot]: if not os.path.exists(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) # build the component library # thread_bad_results captures error output from thread (expected to be empty) # logs is a list of log files to be compressed and added to the case logs/bld directory t = threading.Thread(target=_build_model_thread, args=(config_dir, model, comp, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler, case)) t.start() logs.append(file_build) # Wait for threads to finish while(threading.active_count() > 1): time.sleep(1) expect(not thread_bad_results, "\n".join(thread_bad_results)) # # Now build the executable # if not buildlist: cime_model = get_model() file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(cime_model, lid)) config_dir = os.path.join(cimeroot, "src", "drivers", comp_interface, "cime_config") if not os.path.isdir(config_dir): config_dir = os.path.join(cimeroot,"..","src","model","NEMS","cime","cime_config") expect(os.path.exists(config_dir), "Config directory not found {}".format(config_dir)) if "cpl" in complist: bldroot = os.path.join(exeroot, "cpl", "obj") if not os.path.isdir(bldroot): os.makedirs(bldroot)"Building {} with output to {} ".format(cime_model, file_build)) with open(file_build, "w") as fd: stat = run_cmd("{}/buildexe {} {} {} " .format(config_dir, caseroot, libroot, bldroot), from_dir=bldroot, arg_stdout=fd, arg_stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[0] analyze_build_log("{} exe".format(cime_model), file_build, compiler) expect(stat == 0, "BUILD FAIL: buildexe failed, cat {}".format(file_build)) # Copy the just-built ${MODEL}.exe to ${MODEL}.exe.$LID safe_copy("{}/{}.exe".format(exeroot, cime_model), "{}/{}.exe.{}".format(exeroot, cime_model, lid)) logs.append(file_build) return logs ############################################################################### def _build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, debug, compiler, mpilib, complist, ninst_build, smp_value, model_only, buildlist): ############################################################################### """ check if a build needs to be done and warn if a clean is warrented first returns the relative sharedpath directory for sharedlibraries """ smp_build = case.get_value("SMP_BUILD") build_status = case.get_value("BUILD_STATUS") expect(comp_interface in ("mct", "moab", "nuopc"), "Only supporting mct nuopc, or moab comp_interfaces at this time, found {}".format(comp_interface)) smpstr = "" ninst_value = "" for model, _, nthrds, ninst, _ in complist: if nthrds > 1: build_threaded = True if build_threaded: smpstr += "{}1".format(model[0]) else: smpstr += "{}0".format(model[0]) ninst_value += "{}{:d}".format((model[0]),ninst) case.set_value("SMP_VALUE", smpstr) case.set_value("NINST_VALUE", ninst_value) debugdir = "debug" if debug else "nodebug" threaddir = "threads" if build_threaded else "nothreads" sharedpath = os.path.join(compiler, mpilib, debugdir, threaddir, comp_interface) logger.debug("compiler={} mpilib={} debugdir={} threaddir={}" .format(compiler,mpilib,debugdir,threaddir)) expect(ninst_build == ninst_value or ninst_build == "0", """ ERROR, NINST VALUES HAVE CHANGED NINST_BUILD = {} NINST_VALUE = {} A manual clean of your obj directories is strongly recommended You should execute the following: ./ --clean Then rerun the build script interactively ---- OR ---- You can override this error message at your own risk by executing: ./xmlchange -file env_build.xml -id NINST_BUILD -val 0 Then rerun the build script interactively """.format(ninst_build, ninst_value)) expect(smp_build == smpstr or smp_build == "0", """ ERROR, SMP VALUES HAVE CHANGED SMP_BUILD = {} SMP_VALUE = {} smpstr = {} A manual clean of your obj directories is strongly recommended You should execute the following: ./ --clean Then rerun the build script interactively ---- OR ---- You can override this error message at your own risk by executing: ./xmlchange -file env_build.xml -id SMP_BUILD -val 0 Then rerun the build script interactively """.format(smp_build, smp_value, smpstr)) expect(build_status == 0, """ ERROR env_build HAS CHANGED A manual clean of your obj directories is required You should execute the following: ./ --clean-all """) case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", False) # User may have rm -rf their build directory case.create_dirs() case.flush() if not model_only and not buildlist:"Generating component namelists as part of build") case.create_namelists() return sharedpath ############################################################################### def _build_libraries(case, exeroot, sharedpath, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, lid, compiler, buildlist, comp_interface): ############################################################################### shared_lib = os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath, "lib") shared_inc = os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath, "include") for shared_item in [shared_lib, shared_inc]: if (not os.path.exists(shared_item)): os.makedirs(shared_item) mpilib = case.get_value("MPILIB") if 'CPL' in case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"): libs = ["gptl", "mct", "pio", "csm_share"] else: libs = [] if mpilib == "mpi-serial": libs.insert(0, mpilib) if uses_kokkos(case): libs.append("kokkos") sharedlibroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")) # Check if we need to build our own cprnc if case.get_value("TEST"): cprnc_loc = case.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC") full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, compiler, "cprnc") if not cprnc_loc or not os.path.exists(cprnc_loc): case.set_value("CCSM_CPRNC", os.path.join(full_lib_path, "cprnc")) if not os.path.isdir(full_lib_path): os.makedirs(full_lib_path) libs.append("cprnc") logs = [] for lib in libs: if buildlist is not None and lib not in buildlist: continue if lib == "csm_share": # csm_share adds its own dir name full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, sharedpath) elif lib == "mpi-serial": full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, sharedpath, "mct", lib) elif lib == "cprnc": full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, compiler, "cprnc") else: full_lib_path = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, sharedpath, lib) # pio build creates its own directory if (lib != "pio" and not os.path.isdir(full_lib_path)): os.makedirs(full_lib_path) file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(lib, lid)) my_file = os.path.join(cimeroot, "src", "build_scripts", "buildlib.{}".format(lib))"Building {} with output to file {}".format(lib,file_build)) run_sub_or_cmd(my_file, [full_lib_path, os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath), caseroot], 'buildlib', [full_lib_path, os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath), case], logfile=file_build) analyze_build_log(lib, file_build, compiler) logs.append(file_build) if lib == "pio": bldlog = open(file_build, "r") for line in bldlog: if"Current setting for", line): logger.warning(line) # clm not a shared lib for E3SM if get_model() != "e3sm" and (buildlist is None or "lnd" in buildlist): comp_lnd = case.get_value("COMP_LND") if comp_lnd == "clm":" - Building clm library ") esmfdir = "esmf" if case.get_value("USE_ESMF_LIB") else "noesmf" bldroot = os.path.join(sharedlibroot, sharedpath, comp_interface, esmfdir, "clm","obj" ) libroot = os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath, comp_interface, esmfdir, "lib") incroot = os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath, comp_interface, esmfdir, "include") file_build = os.path.join(exeroot, "lnd.bldlog.{}".format( lid)) config_lnd_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_LND_FILE")) for ndir in [bldroot, libroot, incroot]: if (not os.path.isdir(ndir)): os.makedirs(ndir) smp = "SMP" in os.environ and os.environ["SMP"] == "TRUE" # thread_bad_results captures error output from thread (expected to be empty) # logs is a list of log files to be compressed and added to the case logs/bld directory thread_bad_results = [] _build_model_thread(config_lnd_dir, "lnd", comp_lnd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler, case) logs.append(file_build) expect(not thread_bad_results, "\n".join(thread_bad_results)) case.flush() # python sharedlib subs may have made XML modifications return logs ############################################################################### def _build_model_thread(config_dir, compclass, compname, caseroot, libroot, bldroot, incroot, file_build, thread_bad_results, smp, compiler, _): # (case not used yet) ###############################################################################"Building {} with output to {}".format(compclass, file_build)) t1 = time.time() cmd = os.path.join(caseroot, "SourceMods", "src." + compname, "buildlib") if os.path.isfile(cmd): logger.warning("WARNING: using local buildlib script for {}".format(compname)) else: cmd = os.path.join(config_dir, "buildlib") expect(os.path.isfile(cmd), "Could not find buildlib for {}".format(compname)) compile_cmd = "MODEL={} {} {} {} {} ".format(compclass, cmd, caseroot, libroot, bldroot) if get_model() != "ufs": compile_cmd = "SMP={} ".format(stringify_bool(smp))+compile_cmd with open(file_build, "w") as fd: stat = run_cmd(compile_cmd, from_dir=bldroot, arg_stdout=fd, arg_stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)[0] analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) if stat != 0: thread_bad_results.append("BUILD FAIL: {}.buildlib failed, cat {}".format(compname, file_build)) analyze_build_log(compclass, file_build, compiler) for mod_file in glob.glob(os.path.join(bldroot, "*_[Cc][Oo][Mm][Pp]_*.mod")): safe_copy(mod_file, incroot) t2 = time.time()"{} built in {:f} seconds".format(compname, (t2 - t1))) ############################################################################### def _clean_impl(case, cleanlist, clean_all, clean_depends): ############################################################################### exeroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("EXEROOT")) if clean_all: # If cleanlist is empty just remove the bld directory expect(exeroot is not None,"No EXEROOT defined in case") if os.path.isdir(exeroot):"cleaning directory {}".format(exeroot)) shutil.rmtree(exeroot) # if clean_all is True also remove the sharedlibpath sharedlibroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("SHAREDLIBROOT")) expect(sharedlibroot is not None,"No SHAREDLIBROOT defined in case") if sharedlibroot != exeroot and os.path.isdir(sharedlibroot): logging.warning("cleaning directory {}".format(sharedlibroot)) shutil.rmtree(sharedlibroot) else: expect((cleanlist is not None and len(cleanlist) > 0) or (clean_depends is not None and len(clean_depends)),"Empty cleanlist not expected") gmake = case.get_value("GMAKE") casetools = case.get_value("CASETOOLS") cmd = gmake + " -f " + os.path.join(casetools, "Makefile") cmd += " {}".format(get_standard_makefile_args(case)) if cleanlist is not None: for item in cleanlist: tcmd = cmd + " clean" + item"calling {} ".format(tcmd)) run_cmd_no_fail(tcmd) else: for item in clean_depends: tcmd = cmd + " clean_depends" + item"calling {} ".format(tcmd)) run_cmd_no_fail(tcmd) # unlink Locked files directory unlock_file("env_build.xml") # reset following values in xml files case.set_value("SMP_BUILD",str(0)) case.set_value("NINST_BUILD",str(0)) case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS",str(0)) case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE","FALSE") case.flush() ############################################################################### def _case_build_impl(caseroot, case, sharedlib_only, model_only, buildlist, save_build_provenance): ############################################################################### t1 = time.time() expect(not (sharedlib_only and model_only), "Contradiction: both sharedlib_only and model_only")"Building case in directory {}".format(caseroot))"sharedlib_only is {}".format(sharedlib_only))"model_only is {}".format(model_only)) expect(os.path.isdir(caseroot), "'{}' is not a valid directory".format(caseroot)) os.chdir(caseroot) expect(os.path.exists(get_batch_script_for_job(case.get_primary_job())), "ERROR: must invoke case.setup script before calling build script ") cimeroot = case.get_value("CIMEROOT") comp_classes = case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES") case.check_lockedfiles(skip="env_batch") # Retrieve relevant case data # This environment variable gets set for cesm Make and # needs to be unset before building again. if "MODEL" in os.environ: del os.environ["MODEL"] build_threaded = case.get_build_threaded() exeroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("EXEROOT")) incroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("INCROOT")) libroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("LIBROOT")) multi_driver = case.get_value("MULTI_DRIVER") complist = [] ninst = 1 comp_interface = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") for comp_class in comp_classes: if comp_class == "CPL": config_dir = None if multi_driver: ninst = case.get_value("NINST_MAX") else: config_dir = os.path.dirname(case.get_value("CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp_class))) if multi_driver: ninst = 1 else: ninst = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(comp_class)) comp = case.get_value("COMP_{}".format(comp_class)) if comp_interface == 'nuopc' and comp in ('satm', 'slnd', 'sesp', 'sglc', 'srof', 'sice', 'socn', 'swav', 'siac'): continue thrds = case.get_value("NTHRDS_{}".format(comp_class)) expect(ninst is not None,"Failed to get ninst for comp_class {}".format(comp_class)) complist.append((comp_class.lower(), comp, thrds, ninst, config_dir )) os.environ["COMP_{}".format(comp_class)] = comp compiler = case.get_value("COMPILER") mpilib = case.get_value("MPILIB") debug = case.get_value("DEBUG") ninst_build = case.get_value("NINST_BUILD") smp_value = case.get_value("SMP_VALUE") clm_use_petsc = case.get_value("CLM_USE_PETSC") cism_use_trilinos = case.get_value("CISM_USE_TRILINOS") mali_use_albany = case.get_value("MALI_USE_ALBANY") mach = case.get_value("MACH") # Load some params into env os.environ["BUILD_THREADED"] = stringify_bool(build_threaded) cime_model = get_model() if cime_model == "e3sm" and mach == "titan" and compiler == "pgiacc": case.set_value("CAM_TARGET", "preqx_acc") # This is a timestamp for the build , not the same as the testid, # and this case may not be a test anyway. For a production # experiment there may be many builds of the same case. lid = get_timestamp("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") os.environ["LID"] = lid # Set the overall USE_PETSC variable to TRUE if any of the # *_USE_PETSC variables are TRUE. # For now, there is just the one CLM_USE_PETSC variable, but in # the future there may be others -- so USE_PETSC will be true if # ANY of those are true. use_petsc = clm_use_petsc case.set_value("USE_PETSC", use_petsc) # Set the overall USE_TRILINOS variable to TRUE if any of the # *_USE_TRILINOS variables are TRUE. # For now, there is just the one CISM_USE_TRILINOS variable, but in # the future there may be others -- so USE_TRILINOS will be true if # ANY of those are true. use_trilinos = False if cism_use_trilinos is None else cism_use_trilinos case.set_value("USE_TRILINOS", use_trilinos) # Set the overall USE_ALBANY variable to TRUE if any of the # *_USE_ALBANY variables are TRUE. # For now, there is just the one MALI_USE_ALBANY variable, but in # the future there may be others -- so USE_ALBANY will be true if # ANY of those are true. use_albany = stringify_bool(mali_use_albany) case.set_value("USE_ALBANY", use_albany) # Load modules case.load_env() sharedpath = _build_checks(case, build_threaded, comp_interface, debug, compiler, mpilib, complist, ninst_build, smp_value, model_only, buildlist) t2 = time.time() logs = [] if not model_only: logs = _build_libraries(case, exeroot, sharedpath, caseroot, cimeroot, libroot, lid, compiler, buildlist, comp_interface) if not sharedlib_only: os.environ["INSTALL_SHAREDPATH"] = os.path.join(exeroot, sharedpath) # for MPAS makefile generators logs.extend(_build_model(build_threaded, exeroot, incroot, complist, lid, caseroot, cimeroot, compiler, buildlist, comp_interface, case)) if not buildlist: # in case component build scripts updated the xml files, update the case object case.read_xml() # Note, doing buildlists will never result in the system thinking the build is complete post_build(case, logs, build_complete=not (buildlist or sharedlib_only), save_build_provenance=save_build_provenance) t3 = time.time() if not sharedlib_only:"Time spent not building: {:f} sec".format(t2 - t1))"Time spent building: {:f} sec".format(t3 - t2))"MODEL BUILD HAS FINISHED SUCCESSFULLY") return True ###############################################################################
[docs]def post_build(case, logs, build_complete=False, save_build_provenance=True): ############################################################################### for log in logs: gzip_existing_file(log) if build_complete: # must ensure there's an lid lid = os.environ["LID"] if "LID" in os.environ else get_timestamp("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") if save_build_provenance: save_build_provenance_sub(case, lid=lid) # Set XML to indicate build complete case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", True) case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", 0) if "SMP_VALUE" in os.environ: case.set_value("SMP_BUILD", os.environ["SMP_VALUE"]) case.flush() lock_file("env_build.xml", caseroot=case.get_value("CASEROOT"))
[docs]def case_build(caseroot, case, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False, buildlist=None, save_build_provenance=True): ############################################################################### functor = lambda: _case_build_impl(caseroot, case, sharedlib_only, model_only, buildlist, save_build_provenance) cb = "" if (sharedlib_only == True): cb = cb + " (SHAREDLIB_BUILD)" if (model_only == True): cb = cb + " (MODEL_BUILD)" return run_and_log_case_status(functor, cb, caseroot=caseroot)
[docs]def clean(case, cleanlist=None, clean_all=False, clean_depends=None): ############################################################################### functor = lambda: _clean_impl(case, cleanlist, clean_all, clean_depends) return run_and_log_case_status(functor, "build.clean", caseroot=case.get_value("CASEROOT"))