Source code for CIME.XML.env_workflow

Interface to the env_workflow.xml file.  This class inherits from EnvBase

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_base import EnvBase
from CIME.utils import get_cime_root
import re, math

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pragma pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init

[docs]class EnvWorkflow(EnvBase): def __init__(self, case_root=None, infile="env_workflow.xml", read_only=False): """ initialize an object interface to file env_workflow.xml in the case directory """ # This arbitrary setting should always be overwritten # schema = os.path.join(get_cime_root(), "config", "xml_schemas", "env_workflow.xsd") # TODO: define schema for this file schema = None super(EnvWorkflow,self).__init__(case_root, infile, schema=schema, read_only=read_only)
[docs] def create_job_groups(self, batch_jobs, is_test): # Subtle: in order to support dynamic batch jobs, we need to remove the # job_submission group and replace with job-based groups orig_group = self.get_child("group", {"id":"job_submission"}, err_msg="Looks like job groups have already been created") orig_group_children = super(EnvWorkflow, self).get_children(root=orig_group) childnodes = [] for child in reversed(orig_group_children): childnodes.append(child) self.remove_child(orig_group) for name, jdict in batch_jobs: if name == "" and is_test: pass # skip elif name == "case.test" and not is_test: pass # skip elif name == "": pass # skip else: new_job_group = self.make_child("group", {"id":name}) for field in jdict.keys(): if field == "runtime_parameters": continue val = jdict[field] node = self.make_child("entry", {"id":field,"value":val}, root=new_job_group) self.make_child("type", root=node, text="char") for child in childnodes: self.add_child(self.copy(child), root=new_job_group)
[docs] def get_jobs(self): groups = self.get_children("group") results = [] for group in groups: results.append(self.get(group, "id")) return results
[docs] def get_type_info(self, vid): gnodes = self.get_children("group") type_info = None for gnode in gnodes: nodes = self.get_children("entry",{"id":vid}, root=gnode) type_info = None for node in nodes: new_type_info = self._get_type_info(node) if type_info is None: type_info = new_type_info else: expect( type_info == new_type_info, "Inconsistent type_info for entry id={} {} {}".format(vid, new_type_info, type_info)) return type_info
[docs] def get_job_specs(self, case, job): task_count = case.get_resolved_value(self.get_value("task_count", subgroup=job)) tasks_per_node = case.get_resolved_value(self.get_value("tasks_per_node", subgroup=job)) thread_count = case.get_resolved_value(self.get_value("thread_count", subgroup=job)) num_nodes = None if task_count is not None and tasks_per_node is not None: task_count = int(task_count) num_nodes = int(math.ceil(float(task_count)/float(tasks_per_node))) tasks_per_node = task_count//num_nodes if not thread_count: thread_count = 1 return task_count, num_nodes, tasks_per_node, thread_count
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def get_value(self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup="PRIMARY"): """ Must default subgroup to something in order to provide single return value """ value = None if subgroup == "PRIMARY": subgroup = "case.test" if "case.test" in self.get_jobs() else "" #pylint: disable=assignment-from-none if value is None: value = super(EnvWorkflow, self).get_value(item, attribute=attribute, resolved=resolved, subgroup=subgroup) return value
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def set_value(self, item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False): """ Override the entry_id set_value function with some special cases for this class """ val = None # allow the user to set item for all jobs if subgroup is not provided if subgroup is None: gnodes = self.get_children("group") for gnode in gnodes: node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=gnode) if node is not None: self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type) val = value else: group = self.get_optional_child("group", {"id":subgroup}) if group is not None: node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=group) if node is not None: val = self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type) return val
[docs] def get_children(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None): if name in ("JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME", "PROJECT", "CHARGE_ACCOUNT", "JOB_QUEUE", "BATCH_COMMAND_FLAGS"): nodes = super(EnvWorkflow, self).get_children("entry", attributes={"id":name}, root=root) else: nodes = super(EnvWorkflow, self).get_children(name, attributes=attributes, root=root) return nodes