Interface to the env_batch.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_base import EnvBase
from CIME.utils import transform_vars, get_cime_root, convert_to_seconds, get_cime_config, get_batch_script_for_job, get_logging_options
from CIME.locked_files import lock_file, unlock_file
from collections import OrderedDict
import stat, re, math
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pragma pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs]class EnvBatch(EnvBase):
def __init__(self, case_root=None, infile="env_batch.xml", read_only=False):
initialize an object interface to file env_batch.xml in the case directory
self._batchtype = None
# This arbitrary setting should always be overwritten
self._default_walltime = "00:20:00"
schema = os.path.join(get_cime_root(), "config", "xml_schemas", "env_batch.xsd")
super(EnvBatch,self).__init__(case_root, infile, schema=schema, read_only=read_only)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def set_value(self, item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False):
Override the entry_id set_value function with some special cases for this class
val = None
if item == "JOB_QUEUE":
expect(value in self._get_all_queue_names() or ignore_type,
"Unknown Job Queue specified use --force to set")
# allow the user to set item for all jobs if subgroup is not provided
if subgroup is None:
gnodes = self.get_children("group")
for gnode in gnodes:
node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=gnode)
if node is not None:
self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type)
val = value
group = self.get_optional_child("group", {"id":subgroup})
if group is not None:
node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=group)
if node is not None:
val = self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type)
return val
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def get_value(self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None):
Must default subgroup to something in order to provide single return value
value = None
node = self.get_optional_child(item, attribute)
return super(EnvBatch, self).get_value(item,attribute,resolved)
if not node:
# this will take the last instance of item listed in all batch_system elements
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
cnode = self.get_optional_child(item, attribute, root=bsnode)
if cnode:
node = cnode
if node:
value = self.text(node)
if resolved:
value = self.get_resolved_value(value)
return value
[docs] def get_type_info(self, vid):
gnodes = self.get_children("group")
for gnode in gnodes:
nodes = self.get_children("entry",{"id":vid}, root=gnode)
type_info = None
for node in nodes:
new_type_info = self._get_type_info(node)
if type_info is None:
type_info = new_type_info
expect( type_info == new_type_info,
"Inconsistent type_info for entry id={} {} {}".format(vid, new_type_info, type_info))
return type_info
[docs] def get_jobs(self):
groups = self.get_children("group")
results = []
for group in groups:
if self.get(group, "id") not in ["job_submission", "config_batch"]:
results.append(self.get(group, "id"))
return results
[docs] def create_job_groups(self, batch_jobs, is_test):
# Subtle: in order to support dynamic batch jobs, we need to remove the
# job_submission group and replace with job-based groups
orig_group = self.get_child("group", {"id":"job_submission"},
err_msg="Looks like job groups have already been created")
orig_group_children = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children(root=orig_group)
childnodes = []
for child in reversed(orig_group_children):
for name, jdict in batch_jobs:
if name == "case.run" and is_test:
pass # skip
elif name == "case.test" and not is_test:
pass # skip
elif name == "case.run.sh":
pass # skip
new_job_group = self.make_child("group", {"id":name})
for field in jdict.keys():
val = jdict[field]
node = self.make_child("entry", {"id":field,"value":val}, root=new_job_group)
self.make_child("type", root=node, text="char")
for child in childnodes:
self.add_child(self.copy(child), root=new_job_group)
[docs] def cleanupnode(self, node):
if self.get(node, "id") == "batch_system":
fnode = self.get_child(name="file", root=node)
self.remove_child(fnode, root=node)
gnode = self.get_child(name="group", root=node)
self.remove_child(gnode, root=node)
vnode = self.get_optional_child(name="values", root=node)
if vnode is not None:
self.remove_child(vnode, root=node)
node = super(EnvBatch, self).cleanupnode(node)
return node
[docs] def set_batch_system(self, batchobj, batch_system_type=None):
if batch_system_type is not None:
if batchobj.batch_system_node is not None and batchobj.machine_node is not None:
for node in batchobj.get_children("",root=batchobj.machine_node):
name = self.name(node)
if name != 'directives':
oldnode = batchobj.get_optional_child(name, root=batchobj.batch_system_node)
if oldnode is not None:
logger.debug( "Replacing {}".format(self.name(oldnode)))
batchobj.remove_child(oldnode, root=batchobj.batch_system_node)
if batchobj.batch_system_node is not None:
if batchobj.machine_node is not None:
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._caseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_batch.xml")):
unlock_file(os.path.basename(batchobj.filename), caseroot=self._caseroot)
self.set_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", batch_system_type)
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._caseroot, "LockedFiles")):
lock_file(os.path.basename(batchobj.filename), caseroot=self._caseroot)
[docs] def get_job_overrides(self, job, case):
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
total_tasks, num_nodes, tasks_per_node, thread_count = env_workflow.get_job_specs(case, job)
overrides = {}
if total_tasks:
overrides["total_tasks"] = total_tasks
overrides["num_nodes"] = num_nodes
overrides["tasks_per_node"] = tasks_per_node
if thread_count:
overrides["thread_count"] = thread_count
total_tasks = case.get_value("TOTALPES")*int(case.thread_count)
thread_count = case.thread_count
if int(total_tasks)*int(thread_count) < case.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"):
overrides["max_tasks_per_node"] = int(total_tasks)
overrides["mpirun"] = case.get_mpirun_cmd(job=job, overrides=overrides)
return overrides
[docs] def make_batch_script(self, input_template, job, case, outfile=None):
expect(os.path.exists(input_template), "input file '{}' does not exist".format(input_template))
overrides = self.get_job_overrides(job, case)
ext = os.path.splitext(job)[-1]
if len(ext) == 0:
ext = job
if ext.startswith('.'):
ext = ext[1:]
overrides["job_id"] = ext + '.' + case.get_value("CASE")
if "pleiades" in case.get_value("MACH"):
# pleiades jobname needs to be limited to 15 chars
overrides["job_id"] = overrides["job_id"][:15]
overrides["batchdirectives"] = self.get_batch_directives(case, job, overrides=overrides)
output_text = transform_vars(open(input_template,"r").read(), case=case, subgroup=job, overrides=overrides)
output_name = get_batch_script_for_job(job) if outfile is None else outfile
logger.info("Creating file {}".format(output_name))
with open(output_name, "w") as fd:
# make sure batch script is exectuble
os.chmod(output_name, os.stat(output_name).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
[docs] def set_job_defaults(self, batch_jobs, case):
if self._batchtype is None:
self._batchtype = self.get_batch_system_type()
if self._batchtype == "none":
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
known_jobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
for job, jsect in batch_jobs:
if job not in known_jobs:
walltime = case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME", subgroup=job) else None
force_queue = case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE", subgroup=job) else None
walltime_format = case.get_value("walltime_format", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("walltime_format", subgroup=job) else None
logger.info("job is {} USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME {} USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE {} WALLTIME_FORMAT {}".format(job, walltime, force_queue, walltime_format))
task_count = int(jsect["task_count"]) if "task_count" in jsect else case.total_tasks
walltime = jsect["walltime"] if ("walltime" in jsect and walltime is None) else walltime
if "task_count" in jsect:
# job is using custom task_count, need to compute a node_count based on this
node_count = int(math.ceil(float(task_count)/float(case.tasks_per_node)))
node_count = case.num_nodes
queue = self.select_best_queue(node_count, task_count, name=force_queue, walltime=walltime, job=job)
if queue is None and walltime is not None:
# Try to see if walltime was the holdup
queue = self.select_best_queue(node_count, task_count, name=force_queue, walltime=None, job=job)
if queue is not None:
# It was, override the walltime if a test, otherwise just warn the user
new_walltime = self.get_queue_specs(queue)[3]
expect(new_walltime is not None, "Should never make it here")
logger.warning("WARNING: Requested walltime '{}' could not be matched by any {} queue".format(walltime, force_queue))
if case.get_value("TEST"):
logger.warning(" Using walltime '{}' instead".format(new_walltime))
walltime = new_walltime
logger.warning(" Continuing with suspect walltime, batch submission may fail")
if queue is None:
logger.warning("WARNING: No queue on this system met the requirements for this job. Falling back to defaults")
queue = self.get_default_queue()
walltime = self.get_queue_specs(queue)[3]
specs = self.get_queue_specs(queue)
if walltime is None:
# Figure out walltime
if specs is None:
# Queue is unknown, use specs from default queue
walltime = self.get(self.get_default_queue(), "walltimemax")
walltime = specs[3]
walltime = self._default_walltime if walltime is None else walltime # last-chance fallback
# Set the walltime to the correct walltime_format, if set.
# Assuming correct format is #H:#M or %H:%M:%S.
if walltime_format is not None:
if len(components) > len(walltime_format.split(":")):
walltime = ':'.join(components[:len(walltime_format.split(":"))])
logger.info(" Changing USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME to {} to match walltime_format {}".format(walltime,walltime_format))
if len(components) < len(walltime_format.split(":")):
walltime = walltime + ':' + ':'.join(["00"]*(len(walltime_format.split(":")) - len(components)))
logger.info(" Changing USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME to {} to match walltime_format {}".format(walltime,walltime_format))
env_workflow.set_value("JOB_QUEUE", self.text(queue), subgroup=job, ignore_type=specs is None)
env_workflow.set_value("JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME", walltime, subgroup=job)
logger.debug("Job {} queue {} walltime {}".format(job, self.text(queue), walltime))
def _match_attribs(self, attribs, case, queue):
# check for matches with case-vars
for attrib in attribs:
if attrib in ["default", "prefix"]:
# These are not used for matching
elif attrib == "queue":
if not self._match(queue, attribs["queue"]):
return False
val = case.get_value(attrib.upper())
expect(val is not None, "Cannot match attrib '%s', case has no value for it" % attrib.upper())
if not self._match(val, attribs[attrib]):
return False
return True
def _match(self, my_value, xml_value):
if xml_value.startswith("!"):
result = re.match(xml_value[1:],str(my_value)) is None
elif isinstance(my_value, bool):
if my_value: result = xml_value == "TRUE"
else: result = xml_value == "FALSE"
result = re.match(xml_value,str(my_value)) is not None
logger.debug("(env_mach_specific) _match {} {} {}".format(my_value, xml_value, result))
return result
[docs] def get_batch_directives(self, case, job, overrides=None, output_format='default'):
result = []
directive_prefix = None
roots = self.get_children("batch_system")
queue = self.get_value("JOB_QUEUE", subgroup=job)
if self._batchtype != "none" and not queue in self._get_all_queue_names():
unknown_queue = True
qnode = self.get_default_queue()
default_queue = self.text(qnode)
unknown_queue = False
for root in roots:
if root is not None:
if directive_prefix is None:
if output_format == 'default':
directive_prefix = self.get_element_text("batch_directive", root=root)
elif output_format == 'cylc':
directive_prefix = " "
if unknown_queue:
unknown_queue_directives = self.get_element_text("unknown_queue_directives",
if unknown_queue_directives is None:
queue = default_queue
queue = unknown_queue_directives
dnodes = self.get_children("directives", root=root)
for dnode in dnodes:
nodes = self.get_children("directive", root=dnode)
if self._match_attribs(self.attrib(dnode), case, queue):
for node in nodes:
directive = self.get_resolved_value("" if self.text(node) is None else self.text(node))
if output_format == 'cylc':
if self._batchtype == 'pbs':
# cylc includes the -N itself, no need to add
if directive.startswith("-N"):
m = re.match(r'\s*(-[\w])', directive)
if m:
directive = re.sub(r'(-[\w]) ','{} = '.format(m.group(1)), directive)
default = self.get(node, "default")
if default is None:
directive = transform_vars(directive, case=case, subgroup=job, default=default, overrides=overrides)
directive = transform_vars(directive, default=default)
custom_prefix = self.get(node, "prefix")
prefix = directive_prefix if custom_prefix is None else custom_prefix
result.append("{}{}".format("" if not prefix else (prefix + " "), directive))
return "\n".join(result)
[docs] def get_submit_args(self, case, job):
return a list of touples (flag, name)
submitargs = " "
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
submit_arg_nodes = []
for node in bs_nodes:
sanode = self.get_optional_child("submit_args", root=node)
if sanode is not None:
submit_arg_nodes += self.get_children("arg",root=sanode)
for arg in submit_arg_nodes:
flag = self.get(arg, "flag")
name = self.get(arg, "name")
if self._batchtype == "cobalt" and job == "case.st_archive":
if flag == "-n":
name = 'task_count'
if flag == "--mode":
if name is None:
submitargs+=" {}".format(flag)
if name.startswith("$"):
name = name[1:]
if '$' in name:
# We have a complex expression and must rely on get_resolved_value.
# Hopefully, none of the values require subgroup
val = case.get_resolved_value(name)
val = case.get_value(name, subgroup=job)
if val is not None and len(str(val)) > 0 and val != "None":
# Try to evaluate val if it contains any whitespace
if " " in val:
rval = eval(val)
except Exception:
rval = val
rval = val
# need a correction for tasks per node
if flag == "-n" and rval<= 0:
rval = 1
if flag == "-q" and rval == "batch" and case.get_value("MACH") == "blues":
# Special case. Do not provide '-q batch' for blues
if flag.rfind("=", len(flag)-1, len(flag)) >= 0 or\
flag.rfind(":", len(flag)-1, len(flag)) >= 0:
submitargs+=" {}{}".format(flag,str(rval).strip())
submitargs+=" {} {}".format(flag,str(rval).strip())
return submitargs
[docs] def submit_jobs(self, case, no_batch=False, job=None, user_prereq=None, skip_pnl=False,
allow_fail=False, resubmit_immediate=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None,
batch_args=None, dry_run=False, workflow=True):
no_batch indicates that the jobs should be run directly rather that submitted to a queueing system
job is the first job in the workflow sequence to start
user_prereq is a batch system prerequisite as requested by the user
skip_pnl indicates that the preview_namelist should not be run by this job
allow_fail indicates that the prereq job need only complete not nessasarily successfully to start the next job
resubmit_immediate indicates that all jobs indicated by the RESUBMIT option should be submitted at the same time instead of
waiting to resubmit at the end of the first sequence
workflow is a logical indicating whether only "job" is submitted or the workflow sequence starting with "job" is submitted
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
external_workflow = case.get_value("EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW")
alljobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
alljobs = [j for j in alljobs
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._caseroot,get_batch_script_for_job(j)))]
startindex = 0
jobs = []
firstjob = job
if job is not None:
expect(job in alljobs, "Do not know about batch job {}".format(job))
startindex = alljobs.index(job)
for index, job in enumerate(alljobs):
logger.debug( "Index {:d} job {} startindex {:d}".format(index, job, startindex))
if index < startindex:
prereq = env_workflow.get_value('prereq', subgroup=job, resolved=False)
if external_workflow or prereq is None or job == firstjob or (dry_run and prereq == "$BUILD_COMPLETE"):
prereq = True
prereq = case.get_resolved_value(prereq)
prereq = eval(prereq)
except Exception:
expect(False,"Unable to evaluate prereq expression '{}' for job '{}'".format(self.get_value('prereq',subgroup=job), job))
if prereq:
jobs.append((job, env_workflow.get_value('dependency', subgroup=job)))
if self._batchtype == "cobalt":
depid = OrderedDict()
jobcmds = []
if workflow and resubmit_immediate:
num_submit = case.get_value("RESUBMIT") + 1
case.set_value("RESUBMIT", 0)
if num_submit <= 0:
num_submit = 1
num_submit = 1
prev_job = None
batch_job_id = None
for _ in range(num_submit):
for job, dependency in jobs:
if dependency is not None:
deps = dependency.split()
deps = []
dep_jobs = []
if user_prereq is not None:
for dep in deps:
if dep in depid.keys() and depid[dep] is not None:
if prev_job is not None:
logger.debug("job {} depends on {}".format(job, dep_jobs))
result = self._submit_single_job(case, job,
batch_job_id = str(alljobs.index(job)) if dry_run else result
depid[job] = batch_job_id
jobcmds.append( (job, result) )
if self._batchtype == "cobalt" or external_workflow or not workflow:
if not external_workflow and not no_batch:
expect(batch_job_id, "No result from jobs {}".format(jobs))
prev_job = batch_job_id
if dry_run:
return jobcmds
return depid
def _get_supported_args(job, no_batch):
Returns a map of the supported parameters and their arguments to the given script
TODO: Maybe let each script define this somewhere?
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("", False)
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("case.test", False)
{'skip_pnl': '--skip-preview-namelist'}
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("case.st_archive", True)
{'resubmit': '--resubmit'}
supported = {}
if job in ["case.run", "case.test"]:
supported["skip_pnl"] = "--skip-preview-namelist"
if job == "case.run":
supported["set_continue_run"] = "--completion-sets-continue-run"
if job in ["case.st_archive", "case.run"]:
if job == "case.st_archive" and no_batch:
supported["resubmit"] = "--resubmit"
supported["submit_resubmits"] = "--resubmit"
return supported
def _build_run_args(job, no_batch, **run_args):
Returns a map of the filtered parameters for the given script,
as well as the values passed and the equivalent arguments for calling the script
>>> EnvBatch._build_run_args("case.run", False, skip_pnl=True, cthulu="f'taghn")
{'skip_pnl': (True, '--skip-preview-namelist')}
>>> EnvBatch._build_run_args("case.run", False, skip_pnl=False, cthulu="f'taghn")
supported_args = EnvBatch._get_supported_args(job, no_batch)
args = {}
for arg_name, arg_value in run_args.items():
if arg_value and (arg_name in supported_args.keys()):
args[arg_name] = (arg_value, supported_args[arg_name])
return args
def _build_run_args_str(self, job, no_batch, **run_args):
Returns a string of the filtered arguments for the given script,
based on the arguments passed
args = self._build_run_args(job, no_batch, **run_args)
run_args_str = " ".join(param for _, param in args.values())
logging_options = get_logging_options()
if logging_options:
run_args_str += " {}".format(logging_options)
batch_env_flag = self.get_value("batch_env", subgroup=None)
if not batch_env_flag:
return run_args_str
elif len(run_args_str) > 0:
batch_system = self.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", subgroup=None)
logger.debug("batch_system: {}: ".format(batch_system))
if batch_system == "lsf":
return "{} \"all, ARGS_FOR_SCRIPT={}\"".format(batch_env_flag, run_args_str)
return "{} ARGS_FOR_SCRIPT='{}'".format(batch_env_flag, run_args_str)
return ""
def _submit_single_job(self, case, job, dep_jobs=None, allow_fail=False,
no_batch=False, skip_pnl=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None,
batch_args=None, dry_run=False, resubmit_immediate=False, workflow=True):
if not dry_run:
logger.warning("Submit job {}".format(job))
batch_system = self.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", subgroup=None)
if batch_system is None or batch_system == "none" or no_batch:
logger.info("Starting job script {}".format(job))
function_name = job.replace(".", "_")
job_name = "."+job
if not dry_run:
args = self._build_run_args(job, True, skip_pnl=skip_pnl, set_continue_run=resubmit_immediate,
submit_resubmits=workflow and not resubmit_immediate)
if hasattr(case, function_name):
getattr(case, function_name)(**{k: v for k, (v, _) in args.items()})
expect(os.path.isfile(job_name),"Could not find file {}".format(job_name))
run_cmd_no_fail(os.path.join(self._caseroot,job_name), combine_output=True, verbose=True, from_dir=self._caseroot)
except Exception as e:
# We don't want exception from the run phases getting into submit phase
logger.warning("Exception from {}: {}".format(function_name, str(e)))
submitargs = self.get_submit_args(case, job)
args_override = self.get_value("BATCH_COMMAND_FLAGS", subgroup=job)
if args_override:
submitargs = args_override
if dep_jobs is not None and len(dep_jobs) > 0:
logger.debug("dependencies: {}".format(dep_jobs))
if allow_fail:
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_allow_string", subgroup=None)
if dep_string is None:
logger.warning("'depend_allow_string' is not defined for this batch system, " +
"falling back to the 'depend_string'")
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_string", subgroup=None)
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_string", subgroup=None)
expect(dep_string is not None, "'depend_string' is not defined for this batch system")
separator_string = self.get_value("depend_separator", subgroup=None)
expect(separator_string is not None,"depend_separator string not defined")
expect("jobid" in dep_string, "depend_string is missing jobid for prerequisite jobs")
dep_ids_str = str(dep_jobs[0])
for dep_id in dep_jobs[1:]:
dep_ids_str += separator_string + str(dep_id)
dep_string = dep_string.replace("jobid",dep_ids_str.strip()) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
submitargs += " " + dep_string
if batch_args is not None:
submitargs += " " + batch_args
cime_config = get_cime_config()
if mail_user is None and cime_config.has_option("main", "MAIL_USER"):
mail_user = cime_config.get("main", "MAIL_USER")
if mail_user is not None:
mail_user_flag = self.get_value('batch_mail_flag', subgroup=None)
if mail_user_flag is not None:
submitargs += " " + mail_user_flag + " " + mail_user
if mail_type is None:
if job == "case.test" and cime_config.has_option("create_test", "MAIL_TYPE"):
mail_type = cime_config.get("create_test", "MAIL_TYPE")
elif cime_config.has_option("main", "MAIL_TYPE"):
mail_type = cime_config.get("main", "MAIL_TYPE")
mail_type = self.get_value("batch_mail_default")
if mail_type:
mail_type = mail_type.split(",") # pylint: disable=no-member
if mail_type:
mail_type_flag = self.get_value("batch_mail_type_flag", subgroup=None)
if mail_type_flag is not None:
mail_type_args = []
for indv_type in mail_type:
mail_type_arg = self.get_batch_mail_type(indv_type)
if mail_type_flag == "-m":
# hacky, PBS-type systems pass multiple mail-types differently
submitargs += " {} {}".format(mail_type_flag, "".join(mail_type_args))
submitargs += " {} {}".format(mail_type_flag, " {} ".format(mail_type_flag).join(mail_type_args))
batchsubmit = self.get_value("batch_submit", subgroup=None)
expect(batchsubmit is not None,
"Unable to determine the correct command for batch submission.")
batchredirect = self.get_value("batch_redirect", subgroup=None)
batch_env_flag = self.get_value("batch_env", subgroup=None)
run_args = self._build_run_args_str(job, False, skip_pnl=skip_pnl, set_continue_run=resubmit_immediate,
submit_resubmits=workflow and not resubmit_immediate)
if batch_system == 'lsf' and not batch_env_flag:
sequence = (run_args, batchsubmit, submitargs, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job))
elif batch_env_flag:
sequence = (batchsubmit, submitargs, run_args, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job))
sequence = (batchsubmit, submitargs, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job), run_args)
submitcmd = " ".join(s.strip() for s in sequence if s is not None)
if submitcmd.startswith("ssh"):
# add ` before cd $CASEROOT and at end of command
submitcmd = submitcmd.replace("cd $CASEROOT","\'cd $CASEROOT") + "\'"
if dry_run:
return submitcmd
submitcmd = case.get_resolved_value(submitcmd)
logger.info("Submitting job script {}".format(submitcmd))
output = run_cmd_no_fail(submitcmd, combine_output=True)
jobid = self.get_job_id(output)
logger.info("Submitted job id is {}".format(jobid))
return jobid
[docs] def get_batch_mail_type(self, mail_type):
raw = self.get_value("batch_mail_type", subgroup=None)
mail_types = [item.strip() for item in raw.split(",")] # pylint: disable=no-member
idx = ["never", "all", "begin", "end", "fail"].index(mail_type)
return mail_types[idx] if idx < len(mail_types) else None
[docs] def get_batch_system_type(self):
nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for node in nodes:
type_ = self.get(node, "type")
if type_ is not None:
self._batchtype = type_
return self._batchtype
[docs] def set_batch_system_type(self, batchtype):
self._batchtype = batchtype
[docs] def get_job_id(self, output):
jobid_pattern = self.get_value("jobid_pattern", subgroup=None)
expect(jobid_pattern is not None, "Could not find jobid_pattern in env_batch.xml")
search_match = re.search(jobid_pattern, output)
expect(search_match is not None,
"Couldn't match jobid_pattern '{}' within submit output:\n '{}'".format(jobid_pattern, output))
jobid = search_match.group(1)
return jobid
[docs] def queue_meets_spec(self, queue, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=None, job=None):
specs = self.get_queue_specs(queue)
nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, strict = specs
# A job name match automatically meets spec
if job is not None and jobname is not None:
return jobname == job
if nodemin is not None and num_nodes < nodemin or \
nodemax is not None and num_nodes > nodemax or \
jobmin is not None and num_tasks < jobmin or \
jobmax is not None and num_tasks > jobmax:
return False
if walltime is not None and walltimemax is not None and strict:
walltime_s = convert_to_seconds(walltime)
walltimemax_s = convert_to_seconds(walltimemax)
if walltime_s > walltimemax_s:
return False
return True
def _get_all_queue_names(self):
all_queues = []
all_queues = self.get_all_queues()
queue_names = []
for queue in all_queues:
return queue_names
[docs] def select_best_queue(self, num_nodes, num_tasks, name=None, walltime=None, job=None):
# Make sure to check default queue first.
qnodes = self.get_all_queues(name=name)
for qnode in qnodes:
if self.queue_meets_spec(qnode, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=walltime, job=job):
return qnode
return None
[docs] def get_queue_specs(self, qnode):
Get queue specifications from node.
Returns (nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, is_strict)
nodemin = self.get(qnode, "nodemin")
nodemin = None if nodemin is None else int(nodemin)
nodemax = self.get(qnode, "nodemax")
nodemax = None if nodemax is None else int(nodemax)
jobmin = self.get(qnode, "jobmin")
jobmin = None if jobmin is None else int(jobmin)
jobmax = self.get(qnode, "jobmax")
jobmax = None if jobmax is None else int(jobmax)
expect( nodemin is None or jobmin is None, "Cannot specify both nodemin and jobmin for a queue")
expect( nodemax is None or jobmax is None, "Cannot specify both nodemax and jobmax for a queue")
jobname = self.get(qnode, "jobname")
walltimemax = self.get(qnode, "walltimemax")
strict = self.get(qnode, "strict") == "true"
return nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, strict
[docs] def get_default_queue(self):
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
node = None
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
qnodes = self.get_children("queues", root=bsnode)
for qnode in qnodes:
node = self.get_optional_child("queue", attributes={"default" : "true"}, root=qnode)
if node is None:
node = self.get_optional_child("queue", root=qnode)
expect(node is not None, "No queues found")
return node
[docs] def get_all_queues(self, name=None):
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
nodes = []
default_idx = None
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
qsnode = self.get_optional_child("queues", root=bsnode)
if qsnode is not None:
qnodes = self.get_children("queue", root=qsnode)
for qnode in qnodes:
if name is None or self.text(qnode) == name:
if self.get(qnode, "default", default="false") == "true":
default_idx = len(nodes) - 1
# Queues are selected by first match, so we want the queue marked
# as default to come first.
if default_idx is not None:
def_node = nodes.pop(default_idx)
nodes.insert(0, def_node)
return nodes
[docs] def get_children(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None):
if name == "PROJECT_REQUIRED":
nodes = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children("entry", attributes={"id":name}, root=root)
nodes = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children(name, attributes=attributes, root=root)
return nodes
[docs] def get_status(self, jobid):
batch_query = self.get_optional_child("batch_query")
if batch_query is None:
logger.warning("Batch queries not supported on this platform")
cmd = self.text(batch_query) + " "
if self.has(batch_query, "per_job_arg"):
cmd += self.get(batch_query, "per_job_arg") + " "
cmd += jobid
status, out, err = run_cmd(cmd)
if status != 0:
logger.warning("Batch query command '{}' failed with error '{}'".format(cmd, err))
return out.strip()
[docs] def cancel_job(self, jobid):
batch_cancel = self.get_optional_child("batch_cancel")
if batch_cancel is None:
logger.warning("Batch cancellation not supported on this platform")
return False
cmd = self.text(batch_cancel) + " " + str(jobid)
status, out, err = run_cmd(cmd)
if status != 0:
logger.warning("Batch cancel command '{}' failed with error '{}'".format(cmd, out + "\n" + err))
return True
[docs] def compare_xml(self, other):
xmldiffs = {}
f1batchnodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for bnode in f1batchnodes:
f2bnodes = other.get_children("batch_system",
attributes = self.attrib(bnode))
if len(f2bnodes):
f2bnode = f2bnodes[0]
f1batchnodes = self.get_children(root=bnode)
for node in f1batchnodes:
name = self.name(node)
text1 = self.text(node)
text2 = ""
attribs = self.attrib(node)
f2matches = other.scan_children(name, attributes=attribs, root=f2bnode)
for chkmatch in f2matches:
name2 = other.name(chkmatch)
attribs2 = other.attrib(chkmatch)
text2 = other.text(chkmatch)
if(name == name2 and attribs==attribs2 and text1==text2):
if not foundmatch:
xmldiffs[name] = [text1, text2]
f1groups = self.get_children("group")
for node in f1groups:
group = self.get(node, "id")
f2group = other.get_child("group", attributes={"id":group})
xmldiffs.update(super(EnvBatch, self).compare_xml(other,
root=node, otherroot=f2group))
return xmldiffs
[docs] def make_all_batch_files(self, case):
machdir = case.get_value("MACHDIR")
env_workflow = case.get_env("workflow")
logger.info("Creating batch scripts")
jobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
for job in jobs:
template = case.get_resolved_value(env_workflow.get_value('template', subgroup=job))
if os.path.isabs(template):
input_batch_script = template
input_batch_script = os.path.join(machdir,template)
if os.path.isfile(input_batch_script):
logger.info("Writing {} script from input template {}".format(job, input_batch_script))
self.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case)
logger.warning("Input template file {} for job {} does not exist or cannot be read.".format(input_batch_script, job))