Source code for CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_common

Base class for CIME system tests
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_run import EnvRun
from CIME.utils import append_testlog, get_model, safe_copy, get_timestamp, CIMEError
from CIME.test_status import *
from CIME.hist_utils import copy_histfiles, compare_test, generate_teststatus, \
    compare_baseline, get_ts_synopsis, generate_baseline
from CIME.provenance import save_test_time, get_test_success
from CIME.locked_files import LOCKED_DIR, lock_file, is_locked
import as build

import glob, gzip, time, traceback, six

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SystemTestsCommon(object): def __init__(self, case, expected=None): """ initialize a CIME system test object, if the locked env_run.orig.xml does not exist copy the current env_run.xml file. If it does exist restore values changed in a previous run of the test. """ self._case = case caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") self._caseroot = caseroot self._orig_caseroot = caseroot self._runstatus = None self._casebaseid = self._case.get_value("CASEBASEID") self._test_status = TestStatus(test_dir=caseroot, test_name=self._casebaseid) self._init_environment(caseroot) self._init_locked_files(caseroot, expected) self._skip_pnl = False self._cpllog = "med" if self._case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE")=="nuopc" else "cpl" def _init_environment(self, caseroot): """ Do initializations of environment variables that are needed in __init__ """ # Needed for sh scripts os.environ["CASEROOT"] = caseroot def _init_locked_files(self, caseroot, expected): """ If the locked env_run.orig.xml does not exist, copy the current env_run.xml file. If it does exist, restore values changed in a previous run of the test. """ if is_locked("env_run.orig.xml"): self.compare_env_run(expected=expected) elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(caseroot, "env_run.xml")): lock_file("env_run.xml", caseroot=caseroot, newname="env_run.orig.xml") def _resetup_case(self, phase, reset=False): """ Re-setup this case. This is necessary if user is re-running an already-run phase. """ # We never want to re-setup if we're doing the resubmitted run phase_status = self._test_status.get_status(phase) if reset or (self._case.get_value("IS_FIRST_RUN") and phase_status != TEST_PEND_STATUS): logging.warning("Resetting case due to detected re-run of phase {}".format(phase)) self._case.set_initial_test_values() self._case.case_setup(reset=True, test_mode=True)
[docs] def build(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): """ Do NOT override this method, this method is the framework that controls the build phase. build_phase is the extension point that subclasses should use. """ success = True for phase_name, phase_bool in [(SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE, not model_only), (MODEL_BUILD_PHASE, not sharedlib_only)]: if phase_bool: self._resetup_case(phase_name) with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status(phase_name, TEST_PEND_STATUS) start_time = time.time() try: self.build_phase(sharedlib_only=(phase_name==SHAREDLIB_BUILD_PHASE), model_only=(phase_name==MODEL_BUILD_PHASE)) except BaseException as e: # We want KeyboardInterrupts to generate FAIL status success = False if isinstance(e, CIMEError): # Don't want to print stacktrace for a build failure since that # is not a CIME/infrastructure problem. excmsg = str(e) else: excmsg = "Exception during build:\n{}\n{}".format(str(e), traceback.format_exc()) append_testlog(excmsg, self._orig_caseroot) raise finally: time_taken = time.time() - start_time with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status(phase_name, TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS, comments=("time={:d}".format(int(time_taken)))) return success
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): """ This is the default build phase implementation, it just does an individual build. This is the subclass' extension point if they need to define a custom build phase. PLEASE THROW EXCEPTION ON FAIL """ self.build_indv(sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs] def build_indv(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): """ Perform an individual build """ model = self._case.get_value('MODEL') build.case_build(self._caseroot, case=self._case, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only, save_build_provenance=not model=='cesm')
[docs] def clean_build(self, comps=None): if comps is None: comps = [x.lower() for x in self._case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES")] build.clean(self._case, cleanlist=comps)
[docs] def run(self, skip_pnl=False): """ Do NOT override this method, this method is the framework that controls the run phase. run_phase is the extension point that subclasses should use. """ success = True start_time = time.time() self._skip_pnl = skip_pnl try: self._resetup_case(RUN_PHASE) with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status(RUN_PHASE, TEST_PEND_STATUS) self.run_phase() if self._case.get_value("GENERATE_BASELINE"): self._phase_modifying_call(GENERATE_PHASE, self._generate_baseline) if self._case.get_value("COMPARE_BASELINE"): self._phase_modifying_call(BASELINE_PHASE, self._compare_baseline) self._phase_modifying_call(MEMCOMP_PHASE, self._compare_memory) self._phase_modifying_call(THROUGHPUT_PHASE, self._compare_throughput) self._phase_modifying_call(MEMLEAK_PHASE, self._check_for_memleak) self._phase_modifying_call(STARCHIVE_PHASE, self._st_archive_case_test) except BaseException as e: # We want KeyboardInterrupts to generate FAIL status success = False if isinstance(e, CIMEError): # Don't want to print stacktrace for a model failure since that # is not a CIME/infrastructure problem. excmsg = str(e) else: excmsg = "Exception during run:\n{}\n{}".format(str(e), traceback.format_exc()) append_testlog(excmsg, self._orig_caseroot) raise finally: # Writing the run status should be the very last thing due to wait_for_tests time_taken = time.time() - start_time status = TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status(RUN_PHASE, status, comments=("time={:d}".format(int(time_taken)))) if get_model() == "e3sm": # If run phase worked, remember the time it took in order to improve later walltime ests baseline_root = self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") if success: save_test_time(baseline_root, self._casebaseid, time_taken) # If overall things did not pass, offer the user some insight into what might have broken things overall_status = self._test_status.get_overall_test_status(ignore_namelists=True) if overall_status != TEST_PASS_STATUS: srcroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") worked_before, last_pass, last_fail_transition = \ get_test_success(baseline_root, srcroot, self._casebaseid) if worked_before: if last_pass is not None: # commits between last_pass and now broke things stat, out, err = run_cmd("git rev-list --first-parent {}..{}".format(last_pass, "HEAD"), from_dir=srcroot) if stat == 0: append_testlog("NEW FAIL: Potentially broken merges:\n{}".format(out), self._orig_caseroot) else: logger.warning("Unable to list potentially broken merges: {}\n{}".format(out, err)) else: if last_pass is not None and last_fail_transition is not None: # commits between last_pass and last_fail_transition broke things stat, out, err = run_cmd("git rev-list --first-parent {}..{}".format(last_pass, last_fail_transition), from_dir=srcroot) if stat == 0: append_testlog("OLD FAIL: Potentially broken merges:\n{}".format(out), self._orig_caseroot) else: logger.warning("Unable to list potentially broken merges: {}\n{}".format(out, err)) if get_model() == "cesm" and self._case.get_value("GENERATE_BASELINE"): baseline_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"), self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE")) generate_teststatus(self._caseroot, baseline_dir) # We return success if the run phase worked; memleaks, diffs will NOT be taken into account # with this return value. return success
[docs] def run_phase(self): """ This is the default run phase implementation, it just does an individual run. This is the subclass' extension point if they need to define a custom run phase. PLEASE THROW AN EXCEPTION ON FAIL """ self.run_indv()
def _get_caseroot(self): """ Returns the current CASEROOT value """ return self._caseroot def _set_active_case(self, case): """ Use for tests that have multiple cases """ self._case = case self._case.load_env(reset=True) self._caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
[docs] def run_indv(self, suffix="base", st_archive=False): """ Perform an individual run. Raises an EXCEPTION on fail. """ stop_n = self._case.get_value("STOP_N") stop_option = self._case.get_value("STOP_OPTION") run_type = self._case.get_value("RUN_TYPE") rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") is_batch = self._case.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM") != "none" # remove any cprnc output leftover from previous runs for compout in glob.iglob(os.path.join(rundir,"*.cprnc.out")): os.remove(compout) infostr = "doing an {:d} {} {} test".format(stop_n, stop_option, run_type) rest_option = self._case.get_value("REST_OPTION") if rest_option == "none" or rest_option == "never": infostr += ", no restarts written" else: rest_n = self._case.get_value("REST_N") infostr += ", with restarts every {:d} {}".format(rest_n, rest_option) self._case.case_run(skip_pnl=self._skip_pnl, submit_resubmits=is_batch) if not self._coupler_log_indicates_run_complete(): expect(False, "Coupler did not indicate run passed") if suffix is not None: self._component_compare_copy(suffix) if st_archive: self._case.case_st_archive(resubmit=True)
def _coupler_log_indicates_run_complete(self): newestcpllogfiles = self._get_latest_cpl_logs() logger.debug("Latest Coupler log file(s) {}" .format(newestcpllogfiles)) # Exception is raised if the file is not compressed allgood = len(newestcpllogfiles) for cpllog in newestcpllogfiles: try: if six.b("SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION") in, 'rb').read(): allgood = allgood - 1 except Exception as e: # Probably want to be more specific here msg = e.__str__()"{} is not compressed, assuming run failed {}".format(cpllog, msg)) return allgood==0 def _component_compare_copy(self, suffix): comments = copy_histfiles(self._case, suffix) append_testlog(comments, self._orig_caseroot) def _component_compare_test(self, suffix1, suffix2, success_change=False, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=False): """ Return value is not generally checked, but is provided in case a custom run case needs indirection based on success. If success_change is True, success requires some files to be different. If ignore_fieldlist_diffs is True, then: If the two cases differ only in their field lists (i.e., all shared fields are bit-for-bit, but one case has some diagnostic fields that are missing from the other case), treat the two cases as identical. """ success, comments = self._do_compare_test(suffix1, suffix2, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=ignore_fieldlist_diffs) if success_change: success = not success append_testlog(comments, self._orig_caseroot) status = TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status("{}_{}_{}".format(COMPARE_PHASE, suffix1, suffix2), status) return success def _do_compare_test(self, suffix1, suffix2, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=False): """ Wraps the call to compare_test to facilitate replacement in unit tests """ return compare_test(self._case, suffix1, suffix2, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=ignore_fieldlist_diffs) def _st_archive_case_test(self): result = self._case.test_env_archive() with self._test_status: if result: self._test_status.set_status(STARCHIVE_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS) else: self._test_status.set_status(STARCHIVE_PHASE, TEST_FAIL_STATUS) def _get_mem_usage(self, cpllog): """ Examine memory usage as recorded in the cpl log file and look for unexpected increases. """ memlist = [] meminfo = re.compile(r".*model date =\s+(\w+).*memory =\s+(\d+\.?\d+).*highwater") if cpllog is not None and os.path.isfile(cpllog): if '.gz' == cpllog[-3:]: fopen = else: fopen = open with fopen(cpllog, "rb") as f: for line in f: m = meminfo.match(line.decode('utf-8')) if m: memlist.append((float(, float( # Remove the last mem record, it's sometimes artificially high if len(memlist) > 0: memlist.pop() return memlist def _get_throughput(self, cpllog): """ Examine memory usage as recorded in the cpl log file and look for unexpected increases. """ if cpllog is not None and os.path.isfile(cpllog): with, "rb") as f: cpltext ='utf-8') m ="# simulated years / cmp-day =\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s",cpltext) if m: return float( return None def _phase_modifying_call(self, phase, function): """ Ensures that unexpected exceptions from phases will result in a FAIL result in the TestStatus file for that phase. """ try: function() except Exception as e: # Do NOT want to catch KeyboardInterrupt msg = e.__str__() excmsg = "Exception during {}:\n{}\n{}".format(phase, msg, traceback.format_exc()) logger.warning(excmsg) append_testlog(excmsg, self._orig_caseroot) with self._test_status: self._test_status.set_status(phase, TEST_FAIL_STATUS, comments="exception") def _check_for_memleak(self): """ Examine memory usage as recorded in the cpl log file and look for unexpected increases. """ with self._test_status: latestcpllogs = self._get_latest_cpl_logs() for cpllog in latestcpllogs: memlist = self._get_mem_usage(cpllog) if len(memlist)<3: self._test_status.set_status(MEMLEAK_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS, comments="insuffiencient data for memleak test") else: finaldate = int(memlist[-1][0]) originaldate = int(memlist[0][0]) finalmem = float(memlist[-1][1]) originalmem = float(memlist[0][1]) memdiff = -1 if originalmem > 0: memdiff = (finalmem - originalmem)/originalmem tolerance = self._case.get_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE") if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.1 expect(tolerance > 0.0, "Bad value for memleak tolerance in test") if memdiff < 0: self._test_status.set_status(MEMLEAK_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS, comments="insuffiencient data for memleak test") elif memdiff < tolerance: self._test_status.set_status(MEMLEAK_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS) else: comment = "memleak detected, memory went from {:f} to {:f} in {:d} days".format(originalmem, finalmem, finaldate-originaldate) append_testlog(comment, self._orig_caseroot) self._test_status.set_status(MEMLEAK_PHASE, TEST_FAIL_STATUS, comments=comment)
[docs] def compare_env_run(self, expected=None): """ Compare env_run file to original and warn about differences """ components = self._case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES") f1obj = self._case.get_env("run") f2obj = EnvRun(self._caseroot, os.path.join(LOCKED_DIR, "env_run.orig.xml"), components=components) diffs = f1obj.compare_xml(f2obj) for key in diffs.keys(): if expected is not None and key in expected: logging.warning(" Resetting {} for test".format(key)) f1obj.set_value(key, f2obj.get_value(key, resolved=False)) else: print("WARNING: Found difference in test {}: case: {} original value {}".format(key, diffs[key][0], diffs[key][1])) return False return True
def _get_latest_cpl_logs(self): """ find and return the latest cpl log file in the run directory """ coupler_log_path = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cpllogs = glob.glob(os.path.join(coupler_log_path, '{}*.log.*'.format(self._cpllog))) lastcpllogs = [] if cpllogs: lastcpllogs.append(max(cpllogs, key=os.path.getctime)) basename = os.path.basename(lastcpllogs[0]) suffix = basename.split('.',1)[1] for log in cpllogs: if log in lastcpllogs: continue if log.endswith(suffix): lastcpllogs.append(log) return lastcpllogs def _compare_memory(self): with self._test_status: # compare memory usage to baseline baseline_name = self._case.get_value("BASECMP_CASE") basecmp_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"), baseline_name) newestcpllogfiles = self._get_latest_cpl_logs() if len(newestcpllogfiles) > 0: memlist = self._get_mem_usage(newestcpllogfiles[0]) for cpllog in newestcpllogfiles: m ="/({}.*.log).*.gz".format(self._cpllog),cpllog) if m is not None: baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir,".gz" if baselog is None or not os.path.isfile(baselog): # for backward compatibility baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir, self._cpllog+".log") if os.path.isfile(baselog) and len(memlist) > 3: blmem = self._get_mem_usage(baselog) blmem = 0 if blmem == [] else blmem[-1][1] curmem = memlist[-1][1] diff = (curmem-blmem)/blmem if diff < 0.1 and self._test_status.get_status(MEMCOMP_PHASE) is None: self._test_status.set_status(MEMCOMP_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS) elif self._test_status.get_status(MEMCOMP_PHASE) != TEST_FAIL_STATUS: comment = "Error: Memory usage increase > 10% from baseline" self._test_status.set_status(MEMCOMP_PHASE, TEST_FAIL_STATUS, comments=comment) append_testlog(comment, self._orig_caseroot) def _compare_throughput(self): with self._test_status: # compare memory usage to baseline baseline_name = self._case.get_value("BASECMP_CASE") basecmp_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"), baseline_name) newestcpllogfiles = self._get_latest_cpl_logs() for cpllog in newestcpllogfiles: m ="/({}.*.log).*.gz".format(self._cpllog), cpllog) if m is not None: baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir,".gz" if baselog is None or not os.path.isfile(baselog): # for backward compatibility baselog = os.path.join(basecmp_dir, self._cpllog) if os.path.isfile(baselog): # compare throughput to baseline current = self._get_throughput(cpllog) baseline = self._get_throughput(baselog) #comparing ypd so bigger is better if baseline is not None and current is not None: diff = (baseline - current)/baseline tolerance = self._case.get_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE") if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.1 expect(tolerance > 0.0, "Bad value for throughput tolerance in test") if diff < tolerance and self._test_status.get_status(THROUGHPUT_PHASE) is None: self._test_status.set_status(THROUGHPUT_PHASE, TEST_PASS_STATUS) elif self._test_status.get_status(THROUGHPUT_PHASE) != TEST_FAIL_STATUS: comment = "Error: Computation time increase > {:d} pct from baseline".format(int(tolerance*100)) self._test_status.set_status(THROUGHPUT_PHASE, TEST_FAIL_STATUS, comments=comment) append_testlog(comment, self._orig_caseroot) def _compare_baseline(self): """ compare the current test output to a baseline result """ with self._test_status: # compare baseline success, comments = compare_baseline(self._case) append_testlog(comments, self._orig_caseroot) status = TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS baseline_name = self._case.get_value("BASECMP_CASE") ts_comments = os.path.dirname(baseline_name) + ": " + get_ts_synopsis(comments) self._test_status.set_status(BASELINE_PHASE, status, comments=ts_comments) def _generate_baseline(self): """ generate a new baseline case based on the current test """ with self._test_status: # generate baseline success, comments = generate_baseline(self._case) append_testlog(comments, self._orig_caseroot) status = TEST_PASS_STATUS if success else TEST_FAIL_STATUS baseline_name = self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE") self._test_status.set_status(GENERATE_PHASE, status, comments=os.path.dirname(baseline_name)) basegen_dir = os.path.join(self._case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT"), self._case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE")) # copy latest cpl log to baseline # drop the date so that the name is generic newestcpllogfiles = self._get_latest_cpl_logs() for cpllog in newestcpllogfiles: m ="/({}.*.log).*.gz".format(self._cpllog),cpllog) if m is not None: baselog = os.path.join(basegen_dir,".gz" safe_copy(cpllog, os.path.join(basegen_dir,baselog))
[docs]class FakeTest(SystemTestsCommon): """ Inheriters of the FakeTest Class are intended to test the code. All members of the FakeTest Class must have names beginnig with "TEST" this is so that the find_system_test in will work with these classes. """ def _set_script(self, script): self._script = script # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): if (not sharedlib_only): exeroot = self._case.get_value("EXEROOT") cime_model = self._case.get_value("MODEL") modelexe = os.path.join(exeroot, "{}.exe".format(cime_model)) with open(modelexe, 'w') as f: f.write("#!/bin/bash\n") f.write(self._script) os.chmod(modelexe, 0o755) build.post_build(self._case, [], build_complete=True)
[docs] def run_indv(self, suffix="base", st_archive=False): mpilib = self._case.get_value("MPILIB") # This flag is needed by mpt to run a script under mpiexec if mpilib == "mpt": os.environ["MPI_SHEPHERD"] = "true" super(FakeTest, self).run_indv(suffix, st_archive)
[docs]class TESTRUNPASS(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") script = \ """ echo Insta pass echo SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} """.format(rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs]class TESTRUNDIFF(FakeTest): """ You can generate a diff with this test as follows: 1) Run the test and generate a baseline 2) set TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE environment variable to TRUE 3) Re-run the same test from step 1 but do a baseline comparison instead of generation 3.a) This should give you a DIFF """
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") script = \ """ echo Insta pass echo SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID if [ -z "$TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE" ]; then cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} else cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} fi """.format(rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs]class TESTTESTDIFF(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") script = \ """ echo Insta pass echo SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} """.format(rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) super(TESTTESTDIFF, self).build_phase(sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs] def run_phase(self): super(TESTTESTDIFF, self).run_phase() self._component_compare_test("base", "rest")
[docs]class TESTRUNFAIL(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") script = \ """ if [ -z "$TESTRUNFAIL_PASS" ]; then echo Insta fail echo model failed > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID exit -1 else echo Insta pass echo SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} fi """.format(rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs] def run_phase(self): raise RuntimeError("Exception from run_phase")
[docs]class TESTRUNSTARCFAIL(TESTRUNPASS): def _st_archive_case_test(self): raise RuntimeError("Exception from st archive")
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): if "TESTBUILDFAIL_PASS" in os.environ: TESTRUNPASS.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only, model_only) else: if (not sharedlib_only): blddir = self._case.get_value("EXEROOT") bldlog = os.path.join(blddir, "{}.bldlog.{}".format(get_model(), get_timestamp("%y%m%d-%H%M%S"))) with open(bldlog, "w") as fd: fd.write("BUILD FAIL: Intentional fail for testing infrastructure") expect(False, "BUILD FAIL: Intentional fail for testing infrastructure")
[docs]class TESTBUILDFAILEXC(FakeTest): def __init__(self, case): FakeTest.__init__(self, case) raise RuntimeError("Exception from init")
[docs]class TESTRUNSLOWPASS(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") script = \ """ sleep 300 echo Slow pass echo SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} """.format(rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs]class TESTMEMLEAKFAIL(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") testfile = os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","tests","cpl.log.failmemleak.gz") script = \ """ echo Insta pass gunzip -c {testfile} > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} """.format(testfile=testfile, rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)
[docs]class TESTMEMLEAKPASS(FakeTest):
[docs] def build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=False, model_only=False): rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR") cimeroot = self._case.get_value("CIMEROOT") case = self._case.get_value("CASE") testfile = os.path.join(cimeroot,"scripts","tests","cpl.log.passmemleak.gz") script = \ """ echo Insta pass gunzip -c {testfile} > {rundir}/{log}.log.$LID cp {root}/scripts/tests/ {rundir}/{case} """.format(testfile=testfile, rundir=rundir, log=self._cpllog, root=cimeroot, case=case) self._set_script(script) FakeTest.build_phase(self, sharedlib_only=sharedlib_only, model_only=model_only)