#!/usr/bin/env python
Library for implementing getTiming tool which gets timing
information from a run.
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.utils import safe_copy
import datetime, re
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class _GetTimingInfo:
def __init__(self, name):
self.name = name
self.tmin = 0
self.tmax = 0
self.adays = 0
class _TimingParser:
def __init__(self, case, lid="999999-999999"):
self.case = case
self.caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT")
self.lid = lid
self.finlines = None
self.fout = None
self.models = {}
def write(self, text):
def prttime(self, label, offset=None, div=None, coff=-999):
if offset is None:
if div is None:
div = self.adays
datalen = 20
cstr = "<---->"
clen = len(cstr)
minval, maxval, found = self.gettime(label)
if div >= 1.0:
mind = minval/div
maxd = maxval/div
mind = minval
maxd = maxval
pstrlen = 25
if mind >= 0 and maxd >= 0 and found:
if coff >= 0:
zoff = pstrlen + coff + int((datalen-clen)/2)
csp = offset - coff - int((datalen-clen)/2)
self.write(" {label:<{width1}}{cstr:<{width2}} {minv:8.3f}:{maxv:8.3f} \n".format(label=label, width1=zoff, cstr=cstr, width2=csp, minv=mind, maxv=maxd))
zoff = pstrlen + offset
self.write(" {label:<{width1}} {minv:8.3f}:{maxv:8.3f} \n".format(label=label, width1=zoff, minv=mind, maxv=maxd))
def gettime2(self, heading_padded):
nprocs = 0
ncount = 0
heading = '"' + heading_padded.strip() + '"'
for line in self.finlines:
m = re.match(r'\s*{}\s*(\d+)\s*\d+\s*(\S+)'.format(heading), line)
if m:
nprocs = int(float(m.groups()[0]))
ncount = int(float(m.groups()[1]))
return (nprocs, ncount)
m = re.match(r'\s*{}\s+(\d+)\s'.format(heading), line)
if m:
nprocs = 1
ncount = int(float(m.groups()[0]))
return (nprocs, ncount)
return (0, 0)
def gettime(self, heading_padded):
found = False
heading = '"' + heading_padded.strip() + '"'
minval = 0
maxval = 0
for line in self.finlines:
m = re.match(r'\s*{}\s*\d+\s*\d+\s*\S+\s*\S+\s*(\d*\.\d+)\s*\(.*\)\s*(\d*\.\d+)\s*\(.*\)'.format(heading), line)
if m:
maxval = float(m.groups()[0])
minval = float(m.groups()[1])
found = True
return (minval, maxval, found)
return (0, 0, False)
def getTiming(self):
ninst = 1
multi_driver = self.case.get_value("MULTI_DRIVER")
if multi_driver:
ninst = self.case.get_value("NINST_MAX")
if ninst > 1:
for inst in range(ninst):
def _getTiming(self, inst=0):
for s in components:
self.models[s] = _GetTimingInfo(s)
atm = self.models['ATM']
lnd = self.models['LND']
rof = self.models['ROF']
ice = self.models['ICE']
ocn = self.models['OCN']
glc = self.models['GLC']
cpl = self.models['CPL']
cime_model = self.case.get_value("MODEL")
caseid = self.case.get_value("CASE")
mach = self.case.get_value("MACH")
user = self.case.get_value("USER")
continue_run = self.case.get_value("CONTINUE_RUN")
rundir = self.case.get_value("RUNDIR")
run_type = self.case.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
ncpl_base_period = self.case.get_value("NCPL_BASE_PERIOD")
ncpl = 0
for compclass in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
comp_ncpl = self.case.get_value("{}_NCPL".format(compclass))
if compclass == "OCN":
ocn_ncpl = comp_ncpl
if comp_ncpl is not None:
ncpl = max(ncpl, comp_ncpl)
compset = self.case.get_value("COMPSET")
if compset is None:
compset = ""
grid = self.case.get_value("GRID")
run_type = self.case.get_value("RUN_TYPE")
stop_option = self.case.get_value("STOP_OPTION")
stop_n = self.case.get_value("STOP_N")
cost_pes = self.case.get_value("COST_PES")
costpes_per_node = self.case.get_value("COSTPES_PER_NODE")
totalpes = self.case.get_value("TOTALPES")
max_mpitasks_per_node = self.case.get_value("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE")
smt_factor = max(1,int(self.case.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE") / max_mpitasks_per_node))
if cost_pes > 0:
pecost = cost_pes
elif costpes_per_node:
pecost = self.case.num_nodes * costpes_per_node
pecost = totalpes
for m in self.models.values():
for key in ["NTASKS", "ROOTPE", "PSTRID", "NTHRDS", "NINST"]:
if key == "NINST" and m.name == "CPL":
m.ninst = 1
setattr(m, key.lower(),
int(self.case.get_value("{}_{}".format(key, m.name))))
m.comp = self.case.get_value("COMP_{}".format(m.name))
m.pemax = m.rootpe + m.ntasks * m.pstrid - 1
now = datetime.datetime.ctime(datetime.datetime.now())
inittype = "FALSE"
if (run_type == "startup" or run_type == "hybrid") and \
not continue_run:
inittype = "TRUE"
if inst > 0:
inst_label = '_{:04d}'.format(inst)
inst_label = ''
binfilename = os.path.join(rundir, "timing", "model_timing{}_stats" . format(inst_label))
finfilename = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing",
"{}_timing{}_stats.{}".format(cime_model, inst_label, self.lid))
foutfilename = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing",
"{}_timing{}.{}.{}".format(cime_model, inst_label, caseid, self.lid))
timingDir = os.path.join(self.caseroot, "timing")
if not os.path.isdir(timingDir):
safe_copy(binfilename, finfilename)
fin = open(finfilename, "r")
self.finlines = fin.readlines()
except Exception as e:
logger.critical("Unable to open file {}".format(finfilename))
raise e
tlen = 1.0
if ncpl_base_period == "decade":
tlen = 3650.0
elif ncpl_base_period == "year":
tlen = 365.0
elif ncpl_base_period == "day":
tlen = 1.0
elif ncpl_base_period == "hour":
tlen = 1.0/24.0
logger.warning("Unknown NCPL_BASE_PERIOD={}".format(ncpl_base_period))
nprocs, ncount = self.gettime2('CPL:CLOCK_ADVANCE ')
nsteps = ncount / nprocs
adays = nsteps*tlen/ncpl
odays = nsteps*tlen/ncpl
if inittype == "TRUE":
odays = odays - (tlen/ocn_ncpl)
peminmax = max([m.rootpe for m in self.models.values()])+1
if ncpl_base_period in ["decade","year","day"] and int(adays) > 0:
adays = int(adays)
if tlen % ocn_ncpl == 0:
odays = int(odays)
self.adays = adays
maxoffset = 40
extraoff = 20
for m in self.models.values():
m.offset = int((maxoffset*m.rootpe)/peminmax) + extraoff
cpl.offset = 0
self.fout = open(foutfilename, "w")
except Exception as e:
logger.critical("Could not open file for writing: {}".format(foutfilename))
raise e
self.write("---------------- TIMING PROFILE ---------------------\n")
self.write(" Case : {}\n".format(caseid))
self.write(" LID : {}\n".format(self.lid))
self.write(" Machine : {}\n".format(mach))
self.write(" Caseroot : {}\n".format(self.caseroot))
self.write(" Timeroot : {}/Tools\n".format(self.caseroot))
self.write(" User : {}\n".format(user))
self.write(" Curr Date : {}\n".format(now))
self.write(" grid : {}\n".format(grid))
self.write(" compset : {}\n".format(compset))
self.write(" run_type : {}, continue_run = {} (inittype = {})\n".format(run_type, str(continue_run).upper(), inittype))
self.write(" stop_option : {}, stop_n = {}\n".format(stop_option, stop_n))
self.write(" run_length : {} days ({} for ocean)\n\n".format(adays, odays))
self.write(" component comp_pes root_pe tasks "
"x threads"
" instances (stride) \n")
self.write(" --------- ------ ------- ------ "
"------ --------- ------ \n")
maxthrds = 0
for k in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
m = self.models[k]
if m.comp == "cpl":
comp_label = m.comp + inst_label
comp_label = m.comp
self.write(" {} = {:<8s} {:<6d} {:<6d} {:<6d} x {:<6d} {:<6d} ({:<6d}) \n".format(m.name.lower(), comp_label, (m.ntasks*m.nthrds *smt_factor), m.rootpe, m.ntasks, m.nthrds, m.ninst, m.pstrid))
if m.nthrds > maxthrds:
maxthrds = m.nthrds
nmax = self.gettime(' CPL:INIT ')[1]
tmax = self.gettime(' CPL:RUN_LOOP ')[1]
wtmin = self.gettime(' CPL:TPROF_WRITE ')[0]
fmax = self.gettime(' CPL:FINAL ')[1]
for k in components:
if k != "CPL":
m = self.models[k]
m.tmin, m.tmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:{}_RUN '.format(m.name))
otmin, otmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN ')
# pick OCNT_RUN for tight coupling
if otmax > ocn.tmax:
ocn.tmin = otmin
ocn.tmax = otmax
cpl.tmin, cpl.tmax, _ = self.gettime(' CPL:RUN ')
xmax = self.gettime(' CPL:COMM ')[1]
ocnwaittime = self.gettime(' CPL:C2O_INITWAIT')[0]
if odays != 0:
ocnrunitime = ocn.tmax * (adays/odays - 1.0)
ocnrunitime = 0.0
correction = max(0, ocnrunitime - ocnwaittime)
tmax = tmax + wtmin + correction
ocn.tmax += ocnrunitime
for m in self.models.values():
m.tmaxr = 0
if m.tmax > 0:
m.tmaxr = adays*86400.0/(m.tmax*365.0)
xmaxr = 0
if xmax > 0:
xmaxr = adays*86400.0/(xmax*365.0)
tmaxr = 0
if tmax > 0:
tmaxr = adays*86400.0/(tmax*365.0)
self.write(" total pes active : {} \n".format(totalpes*maxthrds*smt_factor ))
self.write(" mpi tasks per node : {} \n".format(max_mpitasks_per_node))
self.write(" pe count for cost estimate : {} \n".format(pecost))
self.write(" Overall Metrics: \n")
if adays > 0:
self.write(" Model Cost: {:10.2f} pe-hrs/simulated_year \n".format((tmax*365.0*pecost)/(3600.0*adays)))
if tmax > 0:
self.write(" Model Throughput: {:10.2f} simulated_years/day \n".format((86400.0*adays)/(tmax*365.0)) )
self.write(" Init Time : {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(nmax))
if adays > 0:
self.write(" Run Time : {:10.3f} seconds {:10.3f} seconds/day \n".format(tmax, tmax/adays))
self.write(" Final Time : {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(fmax))
self.write(" Actual Ocn Init Wait Time : {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(ocnwaittime))
self.write(" Estimated Ocn Init Run Time : {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(ocnrunitime))
self.write(" Estimated Run Time Correction : {:10.3f} seconds \n".format(correction))
self.write(" (This correction has been applied to the ocean and"
" total run times) \n")
self.write("Runs Time in total seconds, seconds/model-day, and"
" model-years/wall-day \n")
self.write("CPL Run Time represents time in CPL pes alone, "
"not including time associated with data exchange "
"with other components \n")
if adays > 0:
self.write(" TOT Run Time: {:10.3f} seconds {:10.3f} seconds/mday {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(tmax, tmax/adays, tmaxr))
for k in self.case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"):
m = self.models[k]
self.write(" {} Run Time: {:10.3f} seconds {:10.3f} seconds/mday {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(k, m.tmax, m.tmax/adays, m.tmaxr))
self.write(" CPL COMM Time: {:10.3f} seconds {:10.3f} seconds/mday {:10.2f} myears/wday \n".format(xmax, xmax/adays, xmaxr))
self.write("\n\n---------------- DRIVER TIMING FLOWCHART "
"--------------------- \n\n")
pstrlen = 25
hoffset = 1
self.write(" NOTE: min:max driver timers (seconds/day): \n")
for k in ["CPL", "OCN", "LND", "ROF", "ICE", "ATM", "GLC", "WAV"]:
m = self.models[k]
xspace = (pstrlen+hoffset+m.offset) * ' '
self.write(" {} {} (pes {:d} to {:d}) \n".format(xspace, k, m.rootpe, m.pemax))
self.prttime(' CPL:CLOCK_ADVANCE ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2O_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
self.prttime(' CPL:C2O ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2L_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2L ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2I_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2I ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2W_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2W ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2R_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2R ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ICE_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ICE_RUN ', offset=ice.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:LND_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:LND_RUN ', offset=lnd.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ROF_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ROF_RUN ', offset=rof.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:WAV_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:WAV_RUN ', offset=rof.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNT_RUN ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
self.prttime(' CPL:O2CT_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
self.prttime(' CPL:O2CT ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:L2C_BARRIER ', offset=lnd.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:L2C ', offset=lnd.offset, div=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2G_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2G ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:R2C_BARRIER ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:R2C ', offset=rof.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:I2C_BARRIER ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:I2C ', offset=ice.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:FRACSET_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:FRACSET ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2O2_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
self.prttime(' CPL:C2O2 ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays,
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ_BARRIER')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:C2A_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:C2A ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:OCN_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
self.prttime(' CPL:OCN_RUN ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays)
self.prttime(' CPL:ATM_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ATM_RUN ', offset=atm.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:GLC_RUN_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:GLC_RUN ', offset=glc.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:W2C_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:W2C ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST ', cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:G2C_BARRIER ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:G2C ', offset=glc.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:A2C_BARRIER ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:A2C ', offset=atm.offset, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF ')
self.prttime(' CPL:O2C_BARRIER ', offset=ocn.offset,
div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:O2C ', offset=ocn.offset, div=odays, coff=cpl.offset)
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:RESTART_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:RESTART')
self.prttime(' CPL:HISTORY_BARRIER ')
self.prttime(' CPL:HISTORY ')
self.prttime(' CPL:TSTAMP_WRITE ')
self.prttime(' CPL:TPROF_WRITE ')
self.prttime(' CPL:RUN_LOOP_BSTOP ')
self.write("More info on coupler timing:\n")
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ocnpre1_atm2ocn ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPRE2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ocnprep_avg ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ocnprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_atm2lnd ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_mrgx2l ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_ocn2ice ')
self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_atm2ice ')
self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_mrgx2i ')
self.prttime(' CPL:iceprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_atm2wav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_ocn2wav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_ice2wav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_mrgx2w ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_l2xavg ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_lnd2rof ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_mrgx2r ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_avg ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_lnd2glc ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_mrgx2g ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPREP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_xao2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_ocn2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_alb2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_ice2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_lnd2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_mrgx2a ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmprep_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNP ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCN2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_ice2ocn ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_wav2ocn ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_fluxo ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_fluxe ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_mrgx2o ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_accum ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnp_ocnalb ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMOCNQ ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_ocn2atm ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_fluxa ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmocnq_atm2ocnf ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOSTT ')
self.prttime(' CPL:OCNPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ocnpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:LNDPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_acc2lr ')
self.prttime(' CPL:lndpost_acc2lg ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ROFOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_histaux ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2lnd ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2ice ')
self.prttime(' CPL:rofpost_rof2ocn ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ICEPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:icepost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:WAVPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:wavpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:GLCPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2lnd ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2ice ')
self.prttime(' CPL:glcpost_glc2ocn ')
self.prttime(' CPL:ATMPOST ')
self.prttime(' CPL:atmpost_diagav ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET1 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET2 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGET3 ')
self.prttime(' CPL:BUDGETF ')
[docs]def get_timing(case, lid):
parser = _TimingParser(case, lid)