create_clone is a member of the Case class from file case.py
import os, glob, shutil
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.utils import expect, check_name, safe_copy
from CIME.user_mod_support import apply_user_mods
from CIME.locked_files import lock_file
from CIME.simple_compare import compare_files
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]def create_clone(self, newcase, keepexe=False, mach_dir=None, project=None,
cime_output_root=None, exeroot=None, rundir=None,
Create a case clone
If exeroot or rundir are provided (not None), sets these directories
to the given paths; if not provided, uses default values for these
directories. It is an error to provide exeroot if keepexe is True.
if cime_output_root is None:
cime_output_root = self.get_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT")
newcaseroot = os.path.abspath(newcase)
expect(not os.path.isdir(newcaseroot),
"New caseroot directory {} already exists".format(newcaseroot))
newcasename = os.path.basename(newcaseroot)
"New case name invalid {} ".format(newcasename))
newcase_cimeroot = os.path.abspath(get_cime_root())
# create clone from case to case
clone_cimeroot = self.get_value("CIMEROOT")
if newcase_cimeroot != clone_cimeroot:
logger.warning(" case CIMEROOT is {} ".format(newcase_cimeroot))
logger.warning(" clone CIMEROOT is {} ".format(clone_cimeroot))
logger.warning(" It is NOT recommended to clone cases from different versions of CIME.")
# *** create case object as deepcopy of clone object ***
srcroot = os.path.join(newcase_cimeroot,"..")
newcase = self.copy(newcasename, newcaseroot, newsrcroot=srcroot)
newcase.set_value("CIMEROOT", newcase_cimeroot)
# if we are cloning to a different user modify the output directory
olduser = self.get_value("USER")
newuser = os.environ.get("USER")
if olduser != newuser:
cime_output_root = cime_output_root.replace(olduser, newuser)
newcase.set_value("USER", newuser)
newcase.set_value("CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT", cime_output_root)
# try to make the new output directory and raise an exception
# on any error other than directory already exists.
if os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):
expect(os.access(cime_output_root, os.W_OK), "Directory {} is not writable "
"by this user. Use the --cime-output-root flag to provide a writable "
"scratch directory".format(cime_output_root))
if not os.path.isdir(cime_output_root):
# determine if will use clone executable or not
if keepexe:
orig_exeroot = self.get_value("EXEROOT")
newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", orig_exeroot)
orig_bld_complete = self.get_value("BUILD_COMPLETE")
if not orig_bld_complete:
logger.warning("\nWARNING: Creating a clone with --keepexe before building the original case may cause PIO_TYPENAME to be invalid in the clone")
logger.warning("Avoid this message by building case one before you clone.\n")
# set machdir
if mach_dir is not None:
newcase.set_value("MACHDIR", mach_dir)
# set exeroot and rundir if requested
if exeroot is not None:
expect(not keepexe, "create_case_clone: if keepexe is True, "
"then exeroot cannot be set")
newcase.set_value("EXEROOT", exeroot)
if rundir is not None:
newcase.set_value("RUNDIR", rundir)
# Set project id
# Note: we do not just copy this from the clone because it seems likely that
# users will want to change this sometimes, especially when cloning another
# user's case. However, note that, if a project is not given, the fallback will
# be to copy it from the clone, just like other xml variables are copied.
if project is None:
project = self.get_value("PROJECT", subgroup=self.get_primary_job())
if project is not None:
newcase.set_value("PROJECT", project)
# create caseroot
# Many files in the case will be links back to the source tree
# but users may have broken links to modify files locally. In this case
# copy the locally modified file. We only want to do this for files that
# already exist in the clone.
#pylint: disable=protected-access
self._copy_user_modified_to_clone(self.get_value("CASEROOT"), newcase.get_value("CASEROOT"))
self._copy_user_modified_to_clone(self.get_value("CASETOOLS"), newcase.get_value("CASETOOLS"))
# copy user_ files
cloneroot = self.get_case_root()
files = glob.glob(cloneroot + '/user_*')
for item in files:
safe_copy(item, newcaseroot)
# copy SourceMod and Buildconf files
# if symlinks exist, copy rather than follow links
for casesub in ("SourceMods", "Buildconf"):
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cloneroot, casesub),
os.path.join(newcaseroot, casesub),
# copy the postprocessing directory if it exists
if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(cloneroot, "postprocess")):
shutil.copytree(os.path.join(cloneroot, "postprocess"),
os.path.join(newcaseroot, "postprocess"),
# lock env_case.xml in new case
lock_file("env_case.xml", newcaseroot)
# apply user_mods if appropriate
newcase_root = newcase.get_value("CASEROOT")
if user_mods_dir is not None:
if keepexe:
# If keepexe CANNOT change any env_build.xml variables - so make a temporary copy of
# env_build.xml and verify that it has not been modified
safe_copy(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))
# Now apply contents of user_mods directory
apply_user_mods(newcase_root, user_mods_dir, keepexe=keepexe)
# Determine if env_build.xml has changed
if keepexe:
success, comment = compare_files(os.path.join(newcaseroot, "env_build.xml"),
os.path.join(newcaseroot, "LockedFiles", "env_build.xml"))
if not success:
expect(False, "env_build.xml cannot be changed via usermods if keepexe is an option: \n "
"Failed to clone case, removed {}\n".format(newcase_root))
# if keep executable, then remove the new case SourceMods directory and link SourceMods to
# the clone directory
if keepexe:
shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))
os.symlink(os.path.join(cloneroot, "SourceMods"),
os.path.join(newcase_root, "SourceMods"))
# Update README.case
fclone = open(cloneroot + "/README.case", "r")
fnewcase = open(newcaseroot + "/README.case", "a")
fnewcase.write("\n *** original clone README follows ****")
fnewcase.write("\n " + fclone.read())
clonename = self.get_value("CASE")
logger.info(" Successfully created new case {} from clone case {} ".format(newcasename, clonename))
return newcase
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
def _copy_user_modified_to_clone(self, origpath, newpath):
If file_ exists and is a link in newpath, and exists but is not a
link in origpath, copy origpath file to newpath
for file_ in os.listdir(newpath):
if (os.path.islink(os.path.join(newpath, file_)) and
os.path.isfile(os.path.join(origpath, file_)) and
not os.path.islink(os.path.join(origpath, file_))):
logger.info("Copying user modified file {} to clone".format(file_))
os.unlink(os.path.join(newpath, file_))
safe_copy(os.path.join(origpath, file_), newpath)