Interface to the env_batch.xml file. This class inherits from EnvBase
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_base import EnvBase
from CIME.utils import transform_vars, get_cime_root, convert_to_seconds, get_cime_config, get_batch_script_for_job, get_logging_options
from collections import OrderedDict
import stat, re, math
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# pragma pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs]class EnvBatch(EnvBase):
def __init__(self, case_root=None, infile="env_batch.xml", schema=None):
initialize an object interface to file env_batch.xml in the case directory
self._batchtype = None
# This arbitrary setting should always be overwritten
self._default_walltime = "00:20:00"
if not schema:
schema = os.path.join(get_cime_root(), "config", "xml_schemas", "env_batch.xsd")
super(EnvBatch,self).__init__(case_root, infile, schema=schema)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def set_value(self, item, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=False):
Override the entry_id set_value function with some special cases for this class
val = None
if item == "JOB_QUEUE":
expect(value in self._get_all_queue_names() or ignore_type,
"Unknown Job Queue specified use --force to set")
# allow the user to set item for all jobs if subgroup is not provided
if subgroup is None:
gnodes = self.get_children("group")
for gnode in gnodes:
node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=gnode)
if node is not None:
self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type)
val = value
group = self.get_optional_child("group", {"id":subgroup})
if group is not None:
node = self.get_optional_child("entry", {"id":item}, root=group)
if node is not None:
val = self._set_value(node, value, vid=item, ignore_type=ignore_type)
return val
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def get_value(self, item, attribute=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None):
Must default subgroup to something in order to provide single return value
value = None
node = self.get_optional_child(item, attribute)
if node is None:
# this will take the last instance of item listed in all batch_system elements
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
cnode = self.get_optional_child(item, attribute, root=bsnode)
if cnode is not None:
node = cnode
if node is None or item in ("BATCH_SYSTEM", "PROJECT_REQUIRED"):
value = super(EnvBatch, self).get_value(item,attribute,resolved)
value = self.text(node)
if resolved:
value = self.get_resolved_value(value)
return value
[docs] def get_type_info(self, vid):
gnodes = self.get_children("group")
for gnode in gnodes:
nodes = self.get_children("entry",{"id":vid}, root=gnode)
type_info = None
for node in nodes:
new_type_info = self._get_type_info(node)
if type_info is None:
type_info = new_type_info
expect( type_info == new_type_info,
"Inconsistent type_info for entry id={} {} {}".format(vid, new_type_info, type_info))
return type_info
[docs] def get_jobs(self):
groups = self.get_children("group")
results = []
for group in groups:
if self.get(group, "id") not in ["job_submission", "config_batch"]:
results.append(self.get(group, "id"))
return results
[docs] def create_job_groups(self, batch_jobs, is_test):
# Subtle: in order to support dynamic batch jobs, we need to remove the
# job_submission group and replace with job-based groups
orig_group = self.get_child("group", {"id":"job_submission"},
err_msg="Looks like job groups have already been created")
orig_group_children = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children(root=orig_group)
childnodes = []
for child in reversed(orig_group_children):
for name, jdict in batch_jobs:
if name == "case.run" and is_test:
pass # skip
elif name == "case.test" and not is_test:
pass # skip
elif name == "case.run.sh":
pass # skip
new_job_group = self.make_child("group", {"id":name})
for field in jdict.keys():
val = jdict[field]
node = self.make_child("entry", {"id":field,"value":val}, root=new_job_group)
self.make_child("type", root=node, text="char")
for child in childnodes:
self.add_child(self.copy(child), root=new_job_group)
[docs] def cleanupnode(self, node):
if self.get(node, "id") == "batch_system":
fnode = self.get_child(name="file", root=node)
self.remove_child(fnode, root=node)
gnode = self.get_child(name="group", root=node)
self.remove_child(gnode, root=node)
vnode = self.get_optional_child(name="values", root=node)
if vnode is not None:
self.remove_child(vnode, root=node)
node = super(EnvBatch, self).cleanupnode(node)
return node
[docs] def set_batch_system(self, batchobj, batch_system_type=None):
if batch_system_type is not None:
if batchobj.batch_system_node is not None and batchobj.machine_node is not None:
for node in batchobj.get_children("",root=batchobj.machine_node):
name = self.name(node)
if name != 'directives':
oldnode = batchobj.get_optional_child(name, root=batchobj.batch_system_node)
if oldnode is not None:
logger.debug( "Replacing {}".format(self.name(oldnode)))
batchobj.remove_child(oldnode, root=batchobj.batch_system_node)
if batchobj.batch_system_node is not None:
if batchobj.machine_node is not None:
self.set_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", batch_system_type)
[docs] def get_job_overrides(self, job, case):
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
total_tasks, num_nodes, tasks_per_node, thread_count = env_workflow.get_job_specs(job)
overrides = {}
if total_tasks:
overrides["total_tasks"] = total_tasks
overrides["num_nodes"] = num_nodes
overrides["tasks_per_node"] = tasks_per_node
if thread_count:
overrides["thread_count"] = thread_count
total_tasks = case.get_value("TOTALPES")*int(case.thread_count)
thread_count = case.thread_count
if int(total_tasks)*int(thread_count) < case.get_value("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE"):
overrides["max_tasks_per_node"] = int(total_tasks)
overrides["mpirun"] = case.get_mpirun_cmd(job=job, overrides=overrides)
return overrides
[docs] def make_batch_script(self, input_template, job, case, outfile=None):
expect(os.path.exists(input_template), "input file '{}' does not exist".format(input_template))
overrides = self.get_job_overrides(job, case)
ext = os.path.splitext(job)[-1]
if len(ext) == 0:
ext = job
if ext.startswith('.'):
ext = ext[1:]
overrides["job_id"] = ext + '.' + case.get_value("CASE")
if "pleiades" in case.get_value("MACH"):
# pleiades jobname needs to be limited to 15 chars
overrides["job_id"] = overrides["job_id"][:15]
overrides["batchdirectives"] = self.get_batch_directives(case, job, overrides=overrides)
output_text = transform_vars(open(input_template,"r").read(), case=case, subgroup=job, overrides=overrides)
output_name = get_batch_script_for_job(job) if outfile is None else outfile
logger.info("Creating file {}".format(output_name))
with open(output_name, "w") as fd:
# make sure batch script is exectuble
os.chmod(output_name, os.stat(output_name).st_mode | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
[docs] def set_job_defaults(self, batch_jobs, case):
if self._batchtype is None:
self._batchtype = self.get_batch_system_type()
if self._batchtype == "none":
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
known_jobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
for job, jsect in batch_jobs:
if job not in known_jobs:
walltime = case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME", subgroup=job) else None
force_queue = case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE", subgroup=job) else None
walltime_format = case.get_value("walltime_format", subgroup=job) if case.get_value("walltime_format", subgroup=job) else None
logger.info("job is {} USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME {} USER_REQUESTED_QUEUE {} WALLTIME_FORMAT {}".format(job, walltime, force_queue, walltime_format))
task_count = int(jsect["task_count"]) if "task_count" in jsect else case.total_tasks
walltime = jsect["walltime"] if ("walltime" in jsect and walltime is None) else walltime
if "task_count" in jsect:
# job is using custom task_count, need to compute a node_count based on this
node_count = int(math.ceil(float(task_count)/float(case.tasks_per_node)))
node_count = case.num_nodes
if force_queue:
if not self.queue_meets_spec(force_queue, node_count, task_count, walltime=walltime, job=job):
logger.warning("WARNING: User-requested queue '{}' does not meet requirements for job '{}'".format(force_queue, job))
if self.queue_meets_spec(force_queue, node_count, task_count, walltime=None, job=job):
if case.get_value("TEST"):
walltime = self.get_queue_specs(force_queue)[3]
logger.warning(" Using walltime '{}' instead".format(walltime))
logger.warning(" Continuing with suspect walltime, batch submission may fail")
queue = force_queue
queue = self.select_best_queue(node_count, task_count, walltime=walltime, job=job)
if queue is None and walltime is not None:
# Try to see if walltime was the holdup
queue = self.select_best_queue(node_count, task_count, walltime=None, job=job)
if queue is not None:
# It was, override the walltime if a test, otherwise just warn the user
new_walltime = self.get_queue_specs(queue)[3]
expect(new_walltime is not None, "Should never make it here")
logger.warning("WARNING: Requested walltime '{}' could not be matched by any queue".format(walltime))
if case.get_value("TEST"):
logger.warning(" Using walltime '{}' instead".format(new_walltime))
walltime = new_walltime
logger.warning(" Continuing with suspect walltime, batch submission may fail")
if queue is None:
logger.warning("WARNING: No queue on this system met the requirements for this job. Falling back to defaults")
default_queue_node = self.get_default_queue()
queue = self.text(default_queue_node)
walltime = self.get_queue_specs(queue)[3]
specs = self.get_queue_specs(queue)
if walltime is None:
# Figure out walltime
if specs is None:
# Queue is unknown, use specs from default queue
walltime = self.get(self.get_default_queue(), "walltimemax")
walltime = specs[3]
walltime = self._default_walltime if walltime is None else walltime # last-chance fallback
# Set the walltime to the correct walltime_format, if set.
# Assuming correct format is #H:#M or %H:%M:%S.
if walltime_format is not None:
if len(components) > len(walltime_format.split(":")):
walltime = ':'.join(components[:len(walltime_format.split(":"))])
logger.info(" Changing USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME to {} to match walltime_format {}".format(walltime,walltime_format))
if len(components) < len(walltime_format.split(":")):
walltime = walltime + ':' + ':'.join(["00"]*(len(walltime_format.split(":")) - len(components)))
logger.info(" Changing USER_REQUESTED_WALLTIME to {} to match walltime_format {}".format(walltime,walltime_format))
env_workflow.set_value("JOB_QUEUE", queue, subgroup=job, ignore_type=specs is None)
env_workflow.set_value("JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME", walltime, subgroup=job)
logger.debug("Job {} queue {} walltime {}".format(job, queue, walltime))
def _match_attribs(self, attribs, case, queue):
# check for matches with case-vars
for attrib in attribs:
if attrib in ["default", "prefix"]:
# These are not used for matching
elif attrib == "queue":
if not self._match(queue, attribs["queue"]):
return False
val = case.get_value(attrib.upper())
expect(val is not None, "Cannot match attrib '%s', case has no value for it" % attrib.upper())
if not self._match(val, attribs[attrib]):
return False
return True
def _match(self, my_value, xml_value):
if xml_value.startswith("!"):
result = re.match(xml_value[1:],str(my_value)) is None
elif isinstance(my_value, bool):
if my_value: result = xml_value == "TRUE"
else: result = xml_value == "FALSE"
result = re.match(xml_value,str(my_value)) is not None
logger.debug("(env_mach_specific) _match {} {} {}".format(my_value, xml_value, result))
return result
[docs] def get_batch_directives(self, case, job, overrides=None, output_format='default'):
result = []
directive_prefix = None
roots = self.get_children("batch_system")
queue = self.get_value("JOB_QUEUE", subgroup=job)
if self._batchtype != "none" and not queue in self._get_all_queue_names():
unknown_queue = True
qnode = self.get_default_queue()
default_queue = self.text(qnode)
unknown_queue = False
for root in roots:
if root is not None:
if directive_prefix is None:
if output_format == 'default':
directive_prefix = self.get_element_text("batch_directive", root=root)
elif output_format == 'cylc':
directive_prefix = " "
if unknown_queue:
unknown_queue_directives = self.get_element_text("unknown_queue_directives",
if unknown_queue_directives is None:
queue = default_queue
queue = unknown_queue_directives
dnodes = self.get_children("directives", root=root)
for dnode in dnodes:
nodes = self.get_children("directive", root=dnode)
if self._match_attribs(self.attrib(dnode), case, queue):
for node in nodes:
directive = self.get_resolved_value("" if self.text(node) is None else self.text(node))
if output_format == 'cylc':
if self._batchtype == 'pbs':
# cylc includes the -N itself, no need to add
if directive.startswith("-N"):
m = re.match(r'\s*(-[\w])', directive)
if m:
directive = re.sub(r'(-[\w]) ','{} = '.format(m.group(1)), directive)
default = self.get(node, "default")
if default is None:
directive = transform_vars(directive, case=case, subgroup=job, default=default, overrides=overrides)
directive = transform_vars(directive, default=default)
custom_prefix = self.get(node, "prefix")
prefix = directive_prefix if custom_prefix is None else custom_prefix
result.append("{}{}".format("" if not prefix else (prefix + " "), directive))
return "\n".join(result)
[docs] def get_submit_args(self, case, job):
return a list of touples (flag, name)
submitargs = " "
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
submit_arg_nodes = []
for node in bs_nodes:
sanode = self.get_optional_child("submit_args", root=node)
if sanode is not None:
submit_arg_nodes += self.get_children("arg",root=sanode)
for arg in submit_arg_nodes:
flag = self.get(arg, "flag")
name = self.get(arg, "name")
if self._batchtype == "cobalt" and job == "case.st_archive":
if flag == "-n":
name = 'task_count'
if flag == "--mode":
if name is None:
submitargs+=" {}".format(flag)
if name.startswith("$"):
name = name[1:]
if '$' in name:
# We have a complex expression and must rely on get_resolved_value.
# Hopefully, none of the values require subgroup
val = case.get_resolved_value(name)
val = case.get_value(name, subgroup=job)
if val is not None and len(str(val)) > 0 and val != "None":
# Try to evaluate val if it contains any whitespace
if " " in val:
rval = eval(val)
rval = val
rval = val
# need a correction for tasks per node
if flag == "-n" and rval<= 0:
rval = 1
if flag == "-q" and rval == "batch" and case.get_value("MACH") == "blues":
# Special case. Do not provide '-q batch' for blues
if flag.rfind("=", len(flag)-1, len(flag)) >= 0 or\
flag.rfind(":", len(flag)-1, len(flag)) >= 0:
submitargs+=" {}{}".format(flag,str(rval).strip())
submitargs+=" {} {}".format(flag,str(rval).strip())
return submitargs
[docs] def submit_jobs(self, case, no_batch=False, job=None, user_prereq=None, skip_pnl=False,
allow_fail=False, resubmit_immediate=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None,
batch_args=None, dry_run=False):
env_workflow = case.get_env('workflow')
external_workflow = case.get_value("EXTERNAL_WORKFLOW")
alljobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
alljobs = [j for j in alljobs
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self._caseroot,get_batch_script_for_job(j)))]
startindex = 0
jobs = []
firstjob = job
if job is not None:
expect(job in alljobs, "Do not know about batch job {}".format(job))
startindex = alljobs.index(job)
for index, job in enumerate(alljobs):
logger.debug( "Index {:d} job {} startindex {:d}".format(index, job, startindex))
if index < startindex:
prereq = env_workflow.get_value('prereq', subgroup=job, resolved=False)
if external_workflow or prereq is None or job == firstjob or (dry_run and prereq == "$BUILD_COMPLETE"):
prereq = True
prereq = case.get_resolved_value(prereq)
prereq = eval(prereq)
expect(False,"Unable to evaluate prereq expression '{}' for job '{}'".format(self.get_value('prereq',subgroup=job), job))
if prereq:
jobs.append((job, env_workflow.get_value('dependency', subgroup=job)))
if self._batchtype == "cobalt":
depid = OrderedDict()
jobcmds = []
if resubmit_immediate:
num_submit = case.get_value("RESUBMIT") + 1
case.set_value("RESUBMIT", 0)
if num_submit <= 0:
num_submit = 1
num_submit = 1
prev_job = None
batch_job_id = None
for _ in range(num_submit):
for job, dependency in jobs:
if dependency is not None:
deps = dependency.split()
deps = []
dep_jobs = []
if user_prereq is not None:
for dep in deps:
if dep in depid.keys() and depid[dep] is not None:
if prev_job is not None:
logger.debug("job {} depends on {}".format(job, dep_jobs))
result = self._submit_single_job(case, job,
batch_job_id = str(alljobs.index(job)) if dry_run else result
depid[job] = batch_job_id
jobcmds.append( (job, result) )
if self._batchtype == "cobalt" or external_workflow:
if not external_workflow:
expect(batch_job_id, "No result from jobs {}".format(jobs))
prev_job = batch_job_id
if dry_run:
return jobcmds
return depid
def _get_supported_args(job, no_batch):
Returns a map of the supported parameters and their arguments to the given script
TODO: Maybe let each script define this somewhere?
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("", False)
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("case.test", False)
{'skip_pnl': '--skip-preview-namelist'}
>>> EnvBatch._get_supported_args("case.st_archive", True)
{'resubmit': '--resubmit'}
supported = {}
if job in ["case.run", "case.test"]:
supported["skip_pnl"] = "--skip-preview-namelist"
if job == "case.run":
supported["set_continue_run"] = "--completion-sets-continue-run"
if job in ["case.st_archive", "case.run"]:
if job == "case.st_archive" and no_batch:
supported["resubmit"] = "--resubmit"
supported["submit_resubmits"] = "--resubmit"
return supported
def _build_run_args(job, no_batch, **run_args):
Returns a map of the filtered parameters for the given script,
as well as the values passed and the equivalent arguments for calling the script
>>> EnvBatch._build_run_args("case.run", False, skip_pnl=True, cthulu="f'taghn")
{'skip_pnl': (True, '--skip-preview-namelist')}
>>> EnvBatch._build_run_args("case.run", False, skip_pnl=False, cthulu="f'taghn")
supported_args = EnvBatch._get_supported_args(job, no_batch)
args = {}
for arg_name, arg_value in run_args.items():
if arg_value and (arg_name in supported_args.keys()):
args[arg_name] = (arg_value, supported_args[arg_name])
return args
def _build_run_args_str(self, job, no_batch, **run_args):
Returns a string of the filtered arguments for the given script,
based on the arguments passed
args = self._build_run_args(job, no_batch, **run_args)
run_args_str = " ".join(param for _, param in args.values())
logging_options = get_logging_options()
if logging_options:
run_args_str += " {}".format(logging_options)
batch_env_flag = self.get_value("batch_env", subgroup=None)
batch_system = self.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", subgroup=None)
if not batch_env_flag:
return run_args_str
elif batch_system == "lsf":
return "{} \"all, ARGS_FOR_SCRIPT={}\"".format(batch_env_flag, run_args_str)
return "{} ARGS_FOR_SCRIPT='{}'".format(batch_env_flag, run_args_str)
def _submit_single_job(self, case, job, dep_jobs=None, allow_fail=False,
no_batch=False, skip_pnl=False, mail_user=None, mail_type=None,
batch_args=None, dry_run=False, resubmit_immediate=False):
if not dry_run:
logger.warning("Submit job {}".format(job))
batch_system = self.get_value("BATCH_SYSTEM", subgroup=None)
if batch_system is None or batch_system == "none" or no_batch:
logger.info("Starting job script {}".format(job))
function_name = job.replace(".", "_")
job_name = "."+job
if not dry_run:
args = self._build_run_args(job, True, skip_pnl=skip_pnl, set_continue_run=resubmit_immediate,
submit_resubmits=not resubmit_immediate)
if hasattr(case, function_name):
getattr(case, function_name)(**{k: v for k, (v, _) in args.items()})
expect(os.path.isfile(job_name),"Could not find file {}".format(job_name))
run_cmd_no_fail(os.path.join(self._caseroot,job_name), combine_output=True, verbose=True, from_dir=self._caseroot)
submitargs = self.get_submit_args(case, job)
args_override = self.get_value("BATCH_COMMAND_FLAGS", subgroup=job)
if args_override:
submitargs = args_override
if dep_jobs is not None and len(dep_jobs) > 0:
logger.debug("dependencies: {}".format(dep_jobs))
if allow_fail:
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_allow_string", subgroup=None)
if dep_string is None:
logger.warning("'depend_allow_string' is not defined for this batch system, " +
"falling back to the 'depend_string'")
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_string", subgroup=None)
dep_string = self.get_value("depend_string", subgroup=None)
expect(dep_string is not None, "'depend_string' is not defined for this batch system")
separator_string = self.get_value("depend_separator", subgroup=None)
expect(separator_string is not None,"depend_separator string not defined")
expect("jobid" in dep_string, "depend_string is missing jobid for prerequisite jobs")
dep_ids_str = str(dep_jobs[0])
for dep_id in dep_jobs[1:]:
dep_ids_str += separator_string + str(dep_id)
dep_string = dep_string.replace("jobid",dep_ids_str.strip()) # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
submitargs += " " + dep_string
if batch_args is not None:
submitargs += " " + batch_args
cime_config = get_cime_config()
if mail_user is None and cime_config.has_option("main", "MAIL_USER"):
mail_user = cime_config.get("main", "MAIL_USER")
if mail_user is not None:
mail_user_flag = self.get_value('batch_mail_flag', subgroup=None)
if mail_user_flag is not None:
submitargs += " " + mail_user_flag + " " + mail_user
if mail_type is None:
if job == "case.test" and cime_config.has_option("create_test", "MAIL_TYPE"):
mail_type = cime_config.get("create_test", "MAIL_TYPE")
elif cime_config.has_option("main", "MAIL_TYPE"):
mail_type = cime_config.get("main", "MAIL_TYPE")
mail_type = self.get_value("batch_mail_default")
if mail_type:
mail_type = mail_type.split(",") # pylint: disable=no-member
if mail_type:
mail_type_flag = self.get_value("batch_mail_type_flag", subgroup=None)
if mail_type_flag is not None:
mail_type_args = []
for indv_type in mail_type:
mail_type_arg = self.get_batch_mail_type(indv_type)
if mail_type_flag == "-m":
# hacky, PBS-type systems pass multiple mail-types differently
submitargs += " {} {}".format(mail_type_flag, "".join(mail_type_args))
submitargs += " {} {}".format(mail_type_flag, " {} ".format(mail_type_flag).join(mail_type_args))
batchsubmit = self.get_value("batch_submit", subgroup=None)
expect(batchsubmit is not None,
"Unable to determine the correct command for batch submission.")
batchredirect = self.get_value("batch_redirect", subgroup=None)
batch_env_flag = self.get_value("batch_env", subgroup=None)
run_args = self._build_run_args_str(job, False, skip_pnl=skip_pnl, set_continue_run=resubmit_immediate,
submit_resubmits=not resubmit_immediate)
if batch_system == 'lsf' and batch_env_flag == 'none':
sequence = (run_args, batchsubmit, submitargs, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job))
elif batch_env_flag:
sequence = (batchsubmit, submitargs, run_args, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job))
sequence = (batchsubmit, submitargs, batchredirect, get_batch_script_for_job(job), run_args)
submitcmd = " ".join(s.strip() for s in sequence if s is not None)
if dry_run:
return submitcmd
logger.info("Submitting job script {}".format(submitcmd))
output = run_cmd_no_fail(submitcmd, combine_output=True)
jobid = self.get_job_id(output)
logger.info("Submitted job id is {}".format(jobid))
return jobid
[docs] def get_batch_mail_type(self, mail_type):
raw = self.get_value("batch_mail_type", subgroup=None)
mail_types = [item.strip() for item in raw.split(",")] # pylint: disable=no-member
idx = ["never", "all", "begin", "end", "fail"].index(mail_type)
return mail_types[idx] if idx < len(mail_types) else None
[docs] def get_batch_system_type(self):
nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for node in nodes:
type_ = self.get(node, "type")
if type_ is not None:
self._batchtype = type_
return self._batchtype
[docs] def set_batch_system_type(self, batchtype):
self._batchtype = batchtype
[docs] def get_job_id(self, output):
jobid_pattern = self.get_value("jobid_pattern", subgroup=None)
expect(jobid_pattern is not None, "Could not find jobid_pattern in env_batch.xml")
search_match = re.search(jobid_pattern, output)
expect(search_match is not None,
"Couldn't match jobid_pattern '{}' within submit output:\n '{}'".format(jobid_pattern, output))
jobid = search_match.group(1)
return jobid
[docs] def queue_meets_spec(self, queue, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=None, job=None):
specs = self.get_queue_specs(queue)
if specs is None:
logger.warning("WARNING: queue '{}' is unknown to this system".format(queue))
return True
nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, strict = specs
# A job name match automatically meets spec
if job is not None and jobname is not None:
return jobname == job
if nodemin is not None and num_nodes < nodemin or \
nodemax is not None and num_nodes > nodemax or \
jobmin is not None and num_tasks < jobmin or \
jobmax is not None and num_tasks > jobmax:
return False
if walltime is not None and walltimemax is not None and strict:
walltime_s = convert_to_seconds(walltime)
walltimemax_s = convert_to_seconds(walltimemax)
if walltime_s > walltimemax_s:
return False
return True
def _get_all_queue_names(self):
all_queues = []
all_queues = self.get_all_queues()
# Default queue needs to be first
all_queues.insert(0, self.get_default_queue())
queue_names = []
for queue in all_queues:
return queue_names
[docs] def select_best_queue(self, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=None, job=None):
# Make sure to check default queue first.
qnames = self._get_all_queue_names()
for qname in qnames:
if self.queue_meets_spec(qname, num_nodes, num_tasks, walltime=walltime, job=job):
return qname
return None
[docs] def get_queue_specs(self, queue):
Get queue specifications by name.
Returns (nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, is_strict)
for queue_node in self.get_all_queues():
if self.text(queue_node) == queue:
nodemin = self.get(queue_node, "nodemin")
nodemin = None if nodemin is None else int(nodemin)
nodemax = self.get(queue_node, "nodemax")
nodemax = None if nodemax is None else int(nodemax)
jobmin = self.get(queue_node, "jobmin")
jobmin = None if jobmin is None else int(jobmin)
jobmax = self.get(queue_node, "jobmax")
jobmax = None if jobmax is None else int(jobmax)
expect( nodemin is None or jobmin is None, "Cannot specify both nodemin and jobmin for a queue")
expect( nodemax is None or jobmax is None, "Cannot specify both nodemax and jobmax for a queue")
jobname = self.get(queue_node, "jobname")
walltimemax = self.get(queue_node, "walltimemax")
strict = self.get(queue_node, "strict") == "true"
return nodemin, nodemax, jobname, walltimemax, jobmin, jobmax, strict
return None
[docs] def get_default_queue(self):
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
node = None
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
qnodes = self.get_children("queues", root=bsnode)
for qnode in qnodes:
node = self.get_optional_child("queue", attributes={"default" : "true"}, root=qnode)
if node is None:
node = self.get_optional_child("queue", root=qnode)
expect(node is not None, "No queues found")
return node
[docs] def get_all_queues(self):
bs_nodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
nodes = []
for bsnode in bs_nodes:
qnode = self.get_optional_child("queues", root=bsnode)
if qnode is not None:
nodes.extend(self.get_children("queue", root=qnode))
return nodes
[docs] def get_children(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None):
if name == "PROJECT_REQUIRED":
nodes = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children("entry", attributes={"id":name}, root=root)
nodes = super(EnvBatch, self).get_children(name, attributes=attributes, root=root)
return nodes
[docs] def get_status(self, jobid):
batch_query = self.get_optional_child("batch_query")
if batch_query is None:
logger.warning("Batch queries not supported on this platform")
cmd = self.text(batch_query) + " "
if self.has(batch_query, "per_job_arg"):
cmd += self.get(batch_query, "per_job_arg") + " "
cmd += jobid
status, out, err = run_cmd(cmd)
if status != 0:
logger.warning("Batch query command '{}' failed with error '{}'".format(cmd, err))
return out.strip()
[docs] def cancel_job(self, jobid):
batch_cancel = self.get_optional_child("batch_cancel")
if batch_cancel is None:
logger.warning("Batch cancellation not supported on this platform")
return False
cmd = self.text(batch_cancel) + " " + str(jobid)
status, out, err = run_cmd(cmd)
if status != 0:
logger.warning("Batch cancel command '{}' failed with error '{}'".format(cmd, out + "\n" + err))
return True
[docs] def compare_xml(self, other):
xmldiffs = {}
f1batchnodes = self.get_children("batch_system")
for bnode in f1batchnodes:
f2bnodes = other.get_children("batch_system",
attributes = self.attrib(bnode))
if len(f2bnodes):
f2bnode = f2bnodes[0]
f1batchnodes = self.get_children(root=bnode)
for node in f1batchnodes:
name = self.name(node)
text1 = self.text(node)
text2 = ""
attribs = self.attrib(node)
f2matches = other.scan_children(name, attributes=attribs, root=f2bnode)
for chkmatch in f2matches:
name2 = other.name(chkmatch)
attribs2 = other.attrib(chkmatch)
text2 = other.text(chkmatch)
if(name == name2 and attribs==attribs2 and text1==text2):
if not foundmatch:
xmldiffs[name] = [text1, text2]
f1groups = self.get_children("group")
for node in f1groups:
group = self.get(node, "id")
f2group = other.get_child("group", attributes={"id":group})
xmldiffs.update(super(EnvBatch, self).compare_xml(other,
root=node, otherroot=f2group))
return xmldiffs
[docs] def make_all_batch_files(self, case):
machdir = case.get_value("MACHDIR")
env_workflow = case.get_env("workflow")
logger.info("Creating batch scripts")
jobs = env_workflow.get_jobs()
for job in jobs:
template = case.get_resolved_value(env_workflow.get_value('template', subgroup=job))
if os.path.isabs(template):
input_batch_script = template
input_batch_script = os.path.join(machdir,template)
if os.path.isfile(input_batch_script):
logger.info("Writing {} script from input template {}".format(job, input_batch_script))
self.make_batch_script(input_batch_script, job, case)
logger.warning("Input template file {} for job {} does not exist or cannot be read.".format(input_batch_script, job))