CIME ERI test This class inherits from SystemTestsCommon
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.utils import safe_copy
from CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_common import SystemTestsCommon
import shutil, glob, os
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _helper(dout_sr, refdate, refsec, rundir):
rest_path = os.path.join(dout_sr, "rest", "{}-{}".format(refdate, refsec))
for item in glob.glob("{}/*{}*".format(rest_path, refdate)):
dst = os.path.join(rundir, os.path.basename(item))
if os.path.exists(dst):
os.symlink(item, dst)
for item in glob.glob("{}/*rpointer*".format(rest_path)):
safe_copy(item, rundir)
[docs]class ERI(SystemTestsCommon):
def __init__(self, case):
initialize an object interface to the ERI system test
SystemTestsCommon.__init__(self, case)
self._testname = "ERI"
[docs] def run_phase(self):
caseroot = self._case.get_value("CASEROOT")
clone1_path = "{}.ref1".format(caseroot)
clone2_path = "{}.ref2".format(caseroot)
#self._case.set_value("CHECK_TIMING", False)
# clone the main case to create ref1 and ref2 cases
for clone_path in [clone1_path, clone2_path]:
if os.path.exists(clone_path):
clone1, clone2 = [self._case.create_clone(clone_path, keepexe=True) for clone_path in [clone1_path, clone2_path]]
orig_case = self._case
orig_casevar = orig_case.get_value("CASE")
# determine run lengths needed below
stop_n = self._case.get_value("STOP_N")
stop_option = self._case.get_value("STOP_OPTION")
run_startdate = self._case.get_value("RUN_STARTDATE")
stop_n1 = int(stop_n / 6)
rest_n1 = stop_n1
start_1 = run_startdate
stop_n2 = stop_n - stop_n1
rest_n2 = int(stop_n2 / 2 + 1)
hist_n = stop_n2
start_1_year, start_1_month, start_1_day = [int(item) for item in start_1.split("-")]
start_2_year = start_1_year + 2
start_2 = "{:04d}-{:02d}-{:02d}".format(start_2_year, start_1_month, start_1_day)
stop_n3 = stop_n2 - rest_n2
rest_n3 = int(stop_n3 / 2 + 1)
stop_n4 = stop_n3 - rest_n3
expect(stop_n4 >= 1 and stop_n1 >= 1, "Run length too short")
# (1) Test run:
# do an initial ref1 case run
# cloned the case and running there
# (NOTE: short term archiving is on)
logger.info("ref1 startup: doing a {} {} startup run from {} and 00000 seconds".format(stop_n1, stop_option, start_1))
logger.info(" writing restarts at {} {}".format(rest_n1, stop_option))
logger.info(" short term archiving is on ")
clone1.set_value("CONTINUE_RUN", False)
clone1.set_value("RUN_STARTDATE", start_1)
clone1.set_value("STOP_N", stop_n1)
clone1.set_value("REST_OPTION", stop_option)
clone1.set_value("REST_N", rest_n1)
clone1.set_value("HIST_OPTION", "never")
dout_sr1 = clone1.get_value("DOUT_S_ROOT")
# force cam namelist to write out initial file at end of run
if os.path.exists("user_nl_cam"):
if "inithist" not in open("user_nl_cam", "r").read():
with open("user_nl_cam", "a") as fd:
fd.write("inithist = 'ENDOFRUN'\n")
clone1.case_setup(test_mode=True, reset=True)
# if the initial case is hybrid this will put the reference data in the correct location
self._skip_pnl = False
self.run_indv(st_archive=True, suffix=None)
# (2) Test run:
# do a hybrid ref2 case run
# cloned the main case and running with ref1 restarts
# (NOTE: short term archiving is on)
# Set startdate to start2, set ref date based on ref1 restart
refdate_2 = run_cmd_no_fail(r'ls -1dt {}/rest/*-00000* | head -1 | sed "s/-00000.*//" | sed "s/^.*rest\///"'.format(dout_sr1))
refsec_2 = "00000"
logger.info("ref2 hybrid: doing a {} {} startup hybrid run".format(stop_n2, stop_option))
logger.info(" starting from {} and using ref1 {} and {} seconds".format(start_2, refdate_2, refsec_2))
logger.info(" writing restarts at {} {}".format(rest_n2, stop_option))
logger.info(" short term archiving is on ")
# setup ref2 case
clone2.set_value("RUN_TYPE", "hybrid")
clone2.set_value("RUN_STARTDATE", start_2)
clone2.set_value("RUN_REFCASE", "{}.ref1".format(orig_casevar))
clone2.set_value("RUN_REFDATE", refdate_2)
clone2.set_value("RUN_REFTOD", refsec_2)
clone2.set_value("GET_REFCASE", False)
clone2.set_value("CONTINUE_RUN", False)
clone2.set_value("STOP_N", stop_n2)
clone2.set_value("REST_OPTION", stop_option)
clone2.set_value("REST_N", rest_n2)
clone2.set_value("HIST_OPTION", stop_option)
clone2.set_value("HIST_N", hist_n)
rundir2 = clone2.get_value("RUNDIR")
dout_sr2 = clone2.get_value("DOUT_S_ROOT")
_helper(dout_sr1, refdate_2, refsec_2, rundir2)
# run ref2 case (all component history files will go to short term archiving)
clone2.case_setup(test_mode=True, reset=True)
self._skip_pnl = False
self.run_indv(suffix="hybrid", st_archive=True)
# (3a) Test run:
# do a branch run from ref2 restart (short term archiving is off)
refdate_3 = run_cmd_no_fail(r'ls -1dt {}/rest/*-00000* | head -1 | sed "s/-00000.*//" | sed "s/^.*rest\///"'.format(dout_sr2))
refsec_3 = "00000"
logger.info("branch: doing a {} {} branch".format(stop_n3, stop_option))
logger.info(" starting from ref2 {} and {} seconds restarts".format(refdate_3, refsec_3))
logger.info(" writing restarts at {} {}".format(rest_n3, stop_option))
logger.info(" short term archiving is off")
self._case.set_value("RUN_TYPE" , "branch")
self._case.set_value("RUN_REFCASE" , "{}.ref2".format(self._case.get_value("CASE")))
self._case.set_value("RUN_REFDATE" , refdate_3)
self._case.set_value("RUN_REFTOD" , refsec_3)
self._case.set_value("GET_REFCASE" , False)
self._case.set_value("CONTINUE_RUN" , False)
self._case.set_value("STOP_N" , stop_n3)
self._case.set_value("REST_OPTION" , stop_option)
self._case.set_value("REST_N" , rest_n3)
self._case.set_value("HIST_OPTION" , stop_option)
self._case.set_value("HIST_N" , stop_n2)
self._case.set_value("DOUT_S" , False)
rundir = self._case.get_value("RUNDIR")
if not os.path.exists(rundir):
_helper(dout_sr2, refdate_3, refsec_3, rundir)
# link the hybrid history files from ref2 to the run dir for comparison
for item in glob.iglob("%s/*.hybrid"%rundir2):
newfile = "{}".format(item.replace(".ref2", ""))
newfile = os.path.basename(newfile)
dst = os.path.join(rundir, newfile)
if os.path.exists(dst):
os.symlink(item, dst)
self._skip_pnl = False
# run branch case (short term archiving is off)
# (3b) Test run:
# do a restart continue from (3a) (short term archiving off)
logger.info("branch restart: doing a {} {} continue restart test".format(stop_n4, stop_option))
self._case.set_value("CONTINUE_RUN", True)
self._case.set_value("STOP_N", stop_n4)
self._case.set_value("REST_OPTION", "never")
self._case.set_value("DOUT_S", False)
self._case.set_value("HIST_OPTION", stop_option)
self._case.set_value("HIST_N", hist_n)
# do the restart run (short term archiving is off)
self._component_compare_test("base", "hybrid")
self._component_compare_test("base", "rest")