cimeteststatus is a script in CIMEROOT/scripts/Tools.
$ ./cimeteststatus --help
usage: cimeteststatus [-h] [-i TESTID] [-s] [-d] [-t] [-tn TAGNAME]
cs.status options
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i TESTID, --testid TESTID
test id of the particular test suite, if not
specified, all tests with associated testspec files
will be reported
-s, --summary Generate summary
-d, --debug Debug options
Test Report specific options
-t, --testreport Send the test report to CSEG's Test Database
-tn TAGNAME, --tagname TAGNAME
The tag name being sent to the CSEG test database
-tt TESTTYPE, --testtype TESTTYPE
The test type being sent to the CSEG test database