Source code for CIME.tests.test_unit_xml_tests

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import re
import unittest
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
from unittest import mock

from CIME.XML.tests import Tests

[docs] class TestXMLTests(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): # reset file caching Tests._FILEMAP = {}
# skip hard to mock function call
[docs] @mock.patch( "CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_compare_two.SystemTestsCompareTwo._setup_cases_if_not_yet_done" ) def test_support_single_exe(self, _setup_cases_if_not_yet_done): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: test_file = Path(tdir) / "" test_file.touch(exist_ok=True) caseroot = Path(tdir) / "caseroot1" caseroot.mkdir(exist_ok=True) case = mock.MagicMock() case.get_compset_components.return_value = () case.get_value.side_effect = ( "SMS", tdir, f"{caseroot}", "SMS.f19_g16.S", "cpl", "SMS.f19_g16.S", f"{caseroot}", "SMS.f19_g16.S", ) tests = Tests() tests.support_single_exe(case)
# skip hard to mock function call
[docs] @mock.patch( "CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_compare_two.SystemTestsCompareTwo._setup_cases_if_not_yet_done" ) def test_support_single_exe_error(self, _setup_cases_if_not_yet_done): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: test_file = Path(tdir) / "" test_file.touch(exist_ok=True) caseroot = Path(tdir) / "caseroot1" caseroot.mkdir(exist_ok=True) case = mock.MagicMock() case.get_compset_components.return_value = () case.get_value.side_effect = ( "ERP", tdir, f"{caseroot}", "ERP.f19_g16.S", "cpl", "ERP.f19_g16.S", f"{caseroot}", "ERP.f19_g16.S", ) tests = Tests() with self.assertRaises(Exception) as e: tests.support_single_exe(case) assert ( r"does not support the '--single-exe' option as it requires separate builds", f"{e.exception}", ) is not None ), f"{e.exception}"
if __name__ == "__main__": unittest.main()