Source code for CIME.status

# These routines were moved from to avoid circular dependancies
import time, os, sys, logging
from CIME.utils import Timeout, CASE_SUCCESS, CASE_FAILURE

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def append_status(msg, sfile, caseroot="."): """ Append msg to sfile in caseroot """ ctime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") # Reduce empty lines in CaseStatus. It's a very concise file # and does not need extra newlines for readability line_ending = "\n" with open(os.path.join(caseroot, sfile), "a") as fd: fd.write(ctime + msg + line_ending) fd.write(" ---------------------------------------------------" + line_ending)
[docs] def append_testlog(msg, caseroot="."): """ Add to TestStatus.log file """ append_status(msg, "TestStatus.log", caseroot)
[docs] def append_case_status(phase, status, msg=None, caseroot=".", gitinterface=None): """ Update CaseStatus file """ msg = msg if msg else "" append_status( "{} {} {}".format(phase, status, msg), "CaseStatus", caseroot, ) if gitinterface: filelist = gitinterface.git_operation( "ls-files", "--deleted", "--exclude-standard" ).splitlines() # First delete files that have been removed for f in filelist: logger.debug("removing file {}".format(f)) gitinterface.git_operation("rm", f) filelist = gitinterface.git_operation( "ls-files", "--others", "--modified", "--exclude-standard" ).splitlines() # Files that should not be added should have been excluded by the .gitignore file for f in filelist: logger.debug("adding file {}".format(f)) gitinterface.git_operation("add", f) msg = msg if msg else " no message provided" gitinterface.git_operation("commit", "-m", '"' + msg + '"') remote = gitinterface.git_operation("remote") if remote: with Timeout(30): gitinterface.git_operation("push", remote)
[docs] def run_and_log_case_status( func, phase, caseroot=".", custom_starting_msg_functor=None, custom_success_msg_functor=None, is_batch=False, gitinterface=None, ): starting_msg = None if custom_starting_msg_functor is not None: starting_msg = custom_starting_msg_functor() # Delay appending "starting" on "case.subsmit" phase when batch system is # present since we don't have the jobid yet if phase != "case.submit" or not is_batch: append_case_status( phase, "starting", msg=starting_msg, caseroot=caseroot, gitinterface=gitinterface, ) rv = None try: rv = func() except BaseException: custom_success_msg = ( custom_success_msg_functor(rv) if custom_success_msg_functor and rv is not None else None ) if phase == "case.submit" and is_batch: append_case_status( phase, "starting", msg=custom_success_msg, caseroot=caseroot, gitinterface=gitinterface, ) e = sys.exc_info()[1] append_case_status( phase, CASE_FAILURE, msg=("\n{}".format(e)), caseroot=caseroot, gitinterface=gitinterface, ) raise else: custom_success_msg = ( custom_success_msg_functor(rv) if custom_success_msg_functor else None ) if phase == "case.submit" and is_batch: append_case_status( phase, "starting", msg=custom_success_msg, caseroot=caseroot, gitinterface=gitinterface, ) append_case_status( phase, CASE_SUCCESS, msg=custom_success_msg, caseroot=caseroot, gitinterface=gitinterface, ) return rv