Source code for CIME.scripts.query_config

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Displays information about available compsets, component settings, grids and/or
machines. Typically run with one of the arguments --compsets, --settings,
--grids or --machines; if you specify more than one of these arguments,
information will be listed for each.

import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse

from CIME.Tools.standard_script_setup import *
from CIME import utils
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.XML.component import Component
from CIME.XML.compsets import Compsets
from CIME.XML.grids import Grids
from CIME.XML.machines import Machines
from CIME.config import Config

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

customize_path = os.path.join(utils.get_src_root(), "cime_config", "customize")

config = Config.load(customize_path)

def _main_func(description=__doc__):
    kwargs = parse_command_line(description)

    if kwargs["grids"]:

    if kwargs["compsets"] is not None:

    if kwargs["components"] is not None:

    if kwargs["machines"] is not None:

[docs] def parse_command_line(description): files = {x: Files(x) for x in list(config.driver_choices)} compset_active_components = get_compset_active_components(files) compset_active_components.extend(["all"]) components = get_components(files) components.extend(["all"]) default_driver = config.driver_default config_file = files[default_driver].get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE") utils.expect( os.path.isfile(config_file), "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file), ) machines = Machines(config_file, machine="Query") machine_names = ["all", "current"] machine_names.extend(machines.list_available_machines()) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter ) config_group = parser.add_argument_group("Config options") config_group.add_argument( "--compsets", nargs="?", const="all", choices=sorted(set(compset_active_components)), help="Query compsets for active component. If no value is passed, compsets for all active components will be printed.", ) config_group.add_argument( "--components", nargs="?", const="all", choices=sorted(set(components)), help="Query settings for component. If not value is passed, settings for all components will be printed.", ) config_group.add_argument( "--grids", action="store_true", help="Query grids for model." ) config_group.add_argument( "--machines", nargs="?", const="all", choices=machine_names, help="Query machines for model. If not value is passed, all machines will be printed.", ) output_group = parser.add_argument_group("Output options") output_group.add_argument( "--long", action="store_true", help="Print extended output for queries." ) output_group.add_argument("--xml", action="store_true", help="Print output in xml.") filter_group = parser.add_argument_group("Filter options") default_driver = config.driver_default filter_group.add_argument( "--driver", choices=config.driver_choices, default=default_driver, help=f"Filter by driver, defaults to {default_driver!r}.", ) filter_group.add_argument( "--comp_interface", choices=config.driver_choices, default="mct", action=utils.deprecate_action(", use --driver argument"), help="DEPRECATED: Use --driver argument", ) utils.setup_standard_logging_options(parser) kwargs = vars(parser.parse_args()) utils.configure_logging(**kwargs) # make sure at least one argument has been passed if not any([kwargs[x] for x in ["grids", "compsets", "components", "machines"]]): parser.print_help(sys.stderr) kwargs["files"] = files[kwargs["driver"]] return kwargs
[docs] def get_compset_active_components(files): values = [] for file in files.values(): active_components = file.get_components("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE") values.extend([x for x in active_components if x is not None]) return values
[docs] def get_components(files): values = [] for file in files.values(): classes = get_component_classes(file) for c in classes: components = file.get_components(f"COMP_ROOT_DIR_{c}") values.extend([x for x in components if x is not None]) return values
[docs] def get_component_classes(files): infile = files.get_value("CONFIG_CPL_FILE") config_drv = Component(infile, "CPL") return config_drv.get_valid_model_components()
[docs] def query_grids(files, long, xml, **_): config_file = files.get_value("GRIDS_SPEC_FILE") utils.expect( os.path.isfile(config_file), "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file), ) grids = Grids(config_file) if xml: print("{}".format(grids.get_raw_record().decode("UTF-8"))) else: grids.print_values(long=long)
[docs] def query_compsets(files, compsets, **kwargs): if compsets == "all": active_components = files.get_components("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE") for component in active_components: # the all_components flag will only print available components print_compset(component, files, all_components=True, **kwargs) else: print_compset(compsets, files, **kwargs)
[docs] def query_component_settings(components, files, **kwargs): classes = get_component_classes(files) if components == "all": # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml) for comp in classes: string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp) # determine all components in string components = files.get_components(string) for item in components: _query_component_settings(item, files, all_components=True, **kwargs) else: _query_component_settings(components, files, **kwargs)
def _query_component_settings(component, files, xml=False, all_components=False, **_): # Determine the valid component classes (e.g. atm) for the driver/cpl # These are then stored in comps_array classes = get_component_classes(files) # Loop through the elements for each component class (in config_files.xml) # and see if there is a match for the the target component in the component attribute match_found = False valid_components = [] config_exists = False for comp in classes: string = "CONFIG_{}_FILE".format(comp) config_file = None # determine all components in string root_dir_node_name = "COMP_ROOT_DIR_{}".format(comp) _components = files.get_components(root_dir_node_name) if _components is None: _components = files.get_components(string) for item in _components: valid_components.append(item) logger.debug("{}: valid_components {}".format(comp, valid_components)) # determine if config_file is on disk if component is None: config_file = files.get_value(string) elif component in valid_components: config_file = files.get_value(string, attribute={"component": component}) logger.debug("query {}".format(config_file)) if config_file is not None: match_found = True config_exists = os.path.isfile(config_file) break if not all_components and not config_exists: utils.expect( config_exists, "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file) ) elif all_components and not config_exists: print("WARNING: Couldn't find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file)) return # If name is not a valid argument - exit with error utils.expect( match_found, "Invalid input argument {}, valid input arguments are {}".format( component, valid_components ), ) # Check that file exists on disk, if not exit with error utils.expect( (config_file), "Cannot find any config_component.xml file for {}".format(component), ) # determine component xml content component = Component(config_file, "CPL") if xml: print("{}".format(component.get_raw_record().decode("UTF-8"))) else: component.print_values()
[docs] def query_machines(files, machines, xml, **_): config_file = files.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE") utils.expect( os.path.isfile(config_file), "Cannot find config_file {} on disk".format(config_file), ) # Provide a special machine name indicating no need for a machine name xml_machines = Machines(config_file, machine="Query") if xml: if machines == "all": print("{}".format(machines.get_raw_record().decode("UTF-8"))) else: xml_machines.set_machine(machines) print( "{}".format( xml_machines.get_raw_record(root=machines.machine_node).decode( "UTF-8" ) ) ) else: print_machine_values(xml_machines, machines)
if __name__ == "__main__": _main_func(__doc__)