Source code for CIME.scripts.create_test

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Script to create, build and run CIME tests. This script can:

1) Run a single test, or more than one test
   ./create_test TESTNAME
   ./create_test TESTNAME1 TESTNAME2 ...
2) Run a test suite from a text file with one test per line
   ./create_test -f TESTFILE
3) Run an E3SM test suite:
  Below, a suite name, SUITE, is defined in $CIMEROOT/scripts/lib/
  - Run a single suite
   ./create_test SUITE
  - Run two suites
   ./create_test SUITE1 SUITE2
  - Run all tests in a suite except for one
   ./create_test SUITE ^TESTNAME
  - Run all tests in a suite except for tests that are in another suite
   ./create_test SUITE1 ^SUITE2
  - Run all tests in a suite with baseline comparisons against master baselines
   ./create_test SUITE1 -c -b master
4) Run a CESM test suite(s):
   ./create_test --xml-category XML_CATEGORY [--xml-machine XML_MACHINE] [--xml-compiler XML_COMPILER] [ --xml-testlist XML_TESTLIST]

If this tool is missing any feature that you need, please add an issue on
from CIME.Tools.standard_script_setup import *
from CIME import get_tests
from CIME.test_scheduler import TestScheduler, RUN_PHASE
from CIME import utils
from CIME.utils import (
from CIME.config import Config
from CIME.XML.machines import Machines
from import Case
from CIME.test_utils import get_tests_from_xml
from argparse import RawTextHelpFormatter

import argparse, math, glob

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def parse_command_line(args, description): ############################################################################### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter ) model_config = Config.instance() CIME.utils.setup_standard_logging_options(parser) config = get_cime_config() parser.add_argument( "--no-run", action="store_true", help="Do not run generated tests" ) parser.add_argument( "--no-build", action="store_true", help="Do not build generated tests, implies --no-run", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-setup", action="store_true", help="Do not setup generated tests, implies --no-build and --no-run", ) parser.add_argument( "-u", "--use-existing", action="store_true", help="Use pre-existing case directories they will pick up at the " "\nlatest PEND state or re-run the first failed state. Requires test-id", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "SAVE_TIMING", False, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--save-timing", action="store_true", default=default, help="Enable archiving of performance data.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-batch", action="store_true", help="Do not submit jobs to batch system, run locally." "\nIf false, this will default to machine setting.", ) parser.add_argument( "--single-exe", action="store_true", default=False, help="Use a single build for all cases. This can " "\ndrastically improve test throughput but is currently use-at-your-own risk." "\nIt's up to the user to ensure that all cases are build-compatible." "\nE3SM tests belonging to a suite with share enabled will always share exes.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "SINGLE_SUBMIT", False, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--single-submit", action="store_true", default=default, help="Use a single interactive allocation to run all the tests. This can " "\ndrastically reduce queue waiting but only makes sense on batch machines.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "TEST_ROOT", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--test-root", default=default, help="Where test cases will be created. The default is output root" "\nas defined in the config_machines file", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "OUTPUT_ROOT", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--output-root", default=default, help="Where the case output is written." ) default = get_default_setting(config, "BASELINE_ROOT", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--baseline-root", default=default, help="Specifies a root directory for baseline datasets that will " "\nbe used for Bit-for-bit generate and/or compare testing.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "CLEAN", False, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--clean", action="store_true", default=default, help="Specifies if tests should be cleaned after run. If set, all object" "\nexecutables and data files will be removed after the tests are run.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "MACHINE", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--machine", default=default, help="The machine for creating and building tests. This machine must be defined" "\nin the config_machines.xml file for the given model. The default is to " "\nto match the name of the machine in the test name or the name of the " "\nmachine this script is run on to the NODENAME_REGEX field in " "\nconfig_machines.xml. WARNING: This option is highly unsafe and should " "\nonly be used if you are an expert.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "MPILIB", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "--mpilib", default=default, help="Specify the mpilib. To see list of supported MPI libraries for each machine, " "\ninvoke ./query_config. The default is the first listing .", ) if model_config.create_test_flag_mode == "cesm": parser.add_argument( "-c", "--compare", help="While testing, compare baselines against the given compare directory. ", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--generate", help="While testing, generate baselines in the given generate directory. " "\nNOTE: this can also be done after the fact with bless_test_results", ) parser.add_argument( "--xml-machine", help="Use this machine key in the lookup in testlist.xml. " "\nThe default is all if any --xml- argument is used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--xml-compiler", help="Use this compiler key in the lookup in testlist.xml. " "\nThe default is all if any --xml- argument is used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--xml-category", help="Use this category key in the lookup in testlist.xml. " "\nThe default is all if any --xml- argument is used.", ) parser.add_argument( "--xml-testlist", help="Use this testlist to lookup tests.The default is specified in config_files.xml", ) parser.add_argument( "--driver", choices=model_config.driver_choices, help="Override driver specified in tests and use this one.", ) parser.add_argument( "testargs", nargs="*", help="Tests to run. Testname form is TEST.GRID.COMPSET[.MACHINE_COMPILER]", ) else: parser.add_argument( "testargs", nargs="+", help="Tests or test suites to run." " Testname form is TEST.GRID.COMPSET[.MACHINE_COMPILER]", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--baseline-name", help="If comparing or generating baselines, use this directory under baseline root. " "\nDefault will be current branch name.", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--compare", action="store_true", help="While testing, compare baselines", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--generate", action="store_true", help="While testing, generate baselines. " "\nNOTE: this can also be done after the fact with bless_test_results", ) parser.add_argument( "--driver", help="Override driver specified in tests and use this one.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "COMPILER", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "--compiler", default=default, help="Compiler for building cime. Default will be the name in the " "\nTestname or the default defined for the machine.", ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--namelists-only", action="store_true", help="Only perform namelist actions for tests", ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--project", help="Specify a project id for the case (optional)." "\nUsed for accounting and directory permissions when on a batch system." "\nThe default is user or machine specified by PROJECT." "\nAccounting (only) may be overridden by user or machine specified CHARGE_ACCOUNT.", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--test-id", help="Specify an 'id' for the test. This is simply a string that is appended " "\nto the end of a test name. If no test-id is specified, a time stamp plus a " "\nrandom string will be used (ensuring a high probability of uniqueness). " "\nIf a test-id is specified, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that " "\neach run of create_test uses a unique test-id. WARNING: problems will occur " "\nif you use the same test-id twice on the same file system, even if the test " "\nlists are completely different.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "PARALLEL_JOBS", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "-j", "--parallel-jobs", type=int, default=default, help="Number of tasks create_test should perform simultaneously. The default " "\n is min(num_cores, num_tests).", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "PROC_POOL", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--proc-pool", type=int, default=default, help="The size of the processor pool that create_test can use. The default is " "\nMAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE + 25 percent.", ) default = os.getenv("CIME_GLOBAL_WALLTIME") if default is None: default = get_default_setting(config, "WALLTIME", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "--walltime", default=default, help="Set the wallclock limit for all tests in the suite. " "\nUse the variable CIME_GLOBAL_WALLTIME to set this for all tests.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "JOB_QUEUE", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "-q", "--queue", default=default, help="Force batch system to use a certain queue", ) parser.add_argument( "-f", "--testfile", help="A file containing an ascii list of tests to run" ) default = get_default_setting( config, "ALLOW_BASELINE_OVERWRITE", False, check_main=False ) parser.add_argument( "-o", "--allow-baseline-overwrite", action="store_true", default=default, help="If the --generate option is given, then an attempt to overwrite " "\nan existing baseline directory will raise an error. WARNING: Specifying this " "\noption will allow existing baseline directories to be silently overwritten.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "WAIT", False, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--wait", action="store_true", default=default, help="On batch systems, wait for submitted jobs to complete", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "ALLOW_PNL", False, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--allow-pnl", action="store_true", default=default, help="Do not pass skip-pnl to case.submit", ) parser.add_argument( "--check-throughput", action="store_true", help="Fail if throughput check fails. Requires --wait on batch systems", ) parser.add_argument( "--check-memory", action="store_true", help="Fail if memory check fails. Requires --wait on batch systems", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-namelists", action="store_true", help="Do not fail if there namelist diffs", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-diffs", action="store_true", help="Do not fail if there history file diffs", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignore-memleak", action="store_true", help="Do not fail if there's a memleak" ) default = get_default_setting(config, "FORCE_PROCS", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--force-procs", type=int, default=default, help="For all tests to run with this number of processors", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "FORCE_THREADS", None, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--force-threads", type=int, default=default, help="For all tests to run with this number of threads", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "INPUT_DIR", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "-i", "--input-dir", default=default, help="Use a non-default location for input files", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "PESFILE", None, check_main=True) parser.add_argument( "--pesfile", default=default, help="Full pathname of an optional pes specification file. The file" "\ncan follow either the config_pes.xml or the env_mach_pes.xml format.", ) default = get_default_setting(config, "RETRY", 0, check_main=False) parser.add_argument( "--retry", type=int, default=default, help="Automatically retry failed tests. >0 implies --wait", ) parser.add_argument( "-N", "--non-local", action="store_true", help="Use when you've requested a machine that you aren't on. " "Will reduce errors for missing directories etc.", ) if config and config.has_option("main", "workflow"): workflow_default = config.get("main", "workflow") else: workflow_default = "default" parser.add_argument( "--workflow", default=workflow_default, help="A workflow from config_workflow.xml to apply to this case. ", ) parser.add_argument( "--chksum", action="store_true", help="Verifies input data checksums." ) srcroot_default = utils.get_src_root() parser.add_argument( "--srcroot", default=srcroot_default, help="Alternative pathname for source root directory. " f"The default is {srcroot_default}", ) parser.add_argument( "--force-rebuild", action="store_true", help="When used with 'use-existing' and 'test-id', the" "tests will have their 'BUILD_SHAREDLIB' phase reset to 'PEND'.", ) CIME.utils.add_mail_type_args(parser) args = CIME.utils.parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(args, parser) CIME.utils.resolve_mail_type_args(args) if args.force_rebuild: expect( args.use_existing and args.test_id, "Cannot force a rebuild without 'use-existing' and 'test-id'", ) # generate and compare flags may not point to the same directory if model_config.create_test_flag_mode == "cesm": if args.generate is not None: expect( not (args.generate ==, "Cannot generate and compare baselines at the same time", ) if args.xml_testlist is not None: expect( not ( args.xml_machine is None and args.xml_compiler is None and args.xml_category is None ), "If an xml-testlist is present at least one of --xml-machine, " "--xml-compiler, --xml-category must also be present", ) else: expect( not ( args.baseline_name is not None and (not and not args.generate) ), "Provided baseline name but did not specify compare or generate", ) expect( not ( and args.generate), "Tried to compare and generate at same time", ) expect( not (args.namelists_only and not (args.generate or, "Must provide either --compare or --generate with --namelists-only", ) if args.retry > 0: args.wait = True if args.parallel_jobs is not None: expect( args.parallel_jobs > 0, "Invalid value for parallel_jobs: %d" % args.parallel_jobs, ) if args.use_existing: expect(args.test_id is not None, "Must provide test-id of pre-existing cases") if args.no_setup: args.no_build = True if args.no_build: args.no_run = True # Namelist-only forces some other options: if args.namelists_only: expect(not args.no_setup, "Cannot compare namelists without setup") args.no_build = True args.no_run = True args.no_batch = True expect( not (args.non_local and not args.no_build), "Cannot build on non-local machine" ) if args.single_submit: expect( not args.no_run, "Doesn't make sense to request single-submit if no-run is on", ) args.no_build = True args.no_run = True args.no_batch = True if args.test_id is None: args.test_id = "%s_%s" % (CIME.utils.get_timestamp(), CIME.utils.id_generator()) else: expect( CIME.utils.check_name(args.test_id, additional_chars="."), "invalid test-id argument provided", ) if args.testfile is not None: with open(args.testfile, "r") as fd: args.testargs.extend( [ line.strip() for line in if line.strip() and not line.startswith("#") ] ) # Propagate `srcroot` to `GenericXML` to resolve $SRCROOT # See call to `Machines` below utils.GLOBAL["SRCROOT"] = args.srcroot # Compute list of fully-resolved test_names test_extra_data = {} if model_config.check_machine_name_from_test_name: machine_name = args.xml_machine if args.machine is None else args.machine # If it's still unclear what machine to use, look at test names if machine_name is None: for test in args.testargs: testsplit = CIME.utils.parse_test_name(test) if testsplit[4] is not None: if machine_name is None: machine_name = testsplit[4] else: expect( machine_name == testsplit[4], "ambiguity in machine, please use the --machine option", ) mach_obj = Machines(machine=machine_name) if args.testargs: args.compiler = ( mach_obj.get_default_compiler() if args.compiler is None else args.compiler ) test_names = get_tests.get_full_test_names( args.testargs, mach_obj.get_machine_name(), args.compiler ) else: expect( not ( args.xml_machine is None and args.xml_compiler is None and args.xml_category is None and args.xml_testlist is None ), "At least one of --xml-machine, --xml-testlist, " "--xml-compiler, --xml-category or a valid test name must be provided.", ) test_data = get_tests_from_xml( xml_machine=args.xml_machine, xml_category=args.xml_category, xml_compiler=args.xml_compiler, xml_testlist=args.xml_testlist, machine=machine_name, compiler=args.compiler, driver=args.driver, ) test_names = [item["name"] for item in test_data] for test_datum in test_data: test_extra_data[test_datum["name"]] = test_datum"Testnames: %s" % test_names) else: inf_machine, inf_compilers = get_tests.infer_arch_from_tests(args.testargs) if args.machine is None: args.machine = inf_machine mach_obj = Machines(machine=args.machine) if args.compiler is None: if len(inf_compilers) == 0: args.compiler = mach_obj.get_default_compiler() elif len(inf_compilers) == 1: args.compiler = inf_compilers[0] else: # User has multiple compiler specifications in their testargs args.compiler = inf_compilers[0] expect( not and not args.generate, "It is not safe to do baseline operations with heterogenous compiler set: {}".format( inf_compilers ), ) test_names = get_tests.get_full_test_names( args.testargs, mach_obj.get_machine_name(), args.compiler ) expect( mach_obj.is_valid_compiler(args.compiler), "Compiler %s not valid for machine %s" % (args.compiler, mach_obj.get_machine_name()), ) if not args.wait and mach_obj.has_batch_system() and not args.no_batch: expect( not args.check_throughput, "Makes no sense to use --check-throughput without --wait", ) expect( not args.check_memory, "Makes no sense to use --check-memory without --wait" ) # Normalize compare/generate between the models baseline_cmp_name = None baseline_gen_name = None if or args.generate: if model_config.create_test_flag_mode == "cesm": if is not None: baseline_cmp_name = if args.generate is not None: baseline_gen_name = args.generate else: baseline_name = ( args.baseline_name if args.baseline_name else CIME.utils.get_current_branch(repo=CIME.utils.get_cime_root()) ) expect( baseline_name is not None, "Could not determine baseline name from branch, please use -b option", ) if baseline_cmp_name = baseline_name elif args.generate: baseline_gen_name = baseline_name if args.input_dir is not None: args.input_dir = os.path.abspath(args.input_dir) # sanity check for name in test_names: dot_count = name.count(".") expect(dot_count > 1 and dot_count <= 4, "Invalid test Name, '{}'".format(name)) # for e3sm, sort by walltime if model_config.sort_tests: if args.walltime is None: # Longest tests should run first test_names.sort(key=get_tests.key_test_time, reverse=True) else: test_names.sort() return ( test_names, test_extra_data, args.compiler, mach_obj.get_machine_name(), args.no_run, args.no_build, args.no_setup, args.no_batch, args.test_root, args.baseline_root, args.clean, baseline_cmp_name, baseline_gen_name, args.namelists_only, args.project, args.test_id, args.parallel_jobs, args.walltime, args.single_submit, args.proc_pool, args.use_existing, args.save_timing, args.queue, args.allow_baseline_overwrite, args.output_root, args.wait, args.force_procs, args.force_threads, args.mpilib, args.input_dir, args.pesfile, args.retry, args.mail_user, args.mail_type, args.check_throughput, args.check_memory, args.ignore_namelists, args.ignore_diffs, args.ignore_memleak, args.allow_pnl, args.non_local, args.single_exe, args.workflow, args.chksum, args.force_rebuild, args.driver, )
[docs] def get_default_setting(config, varname, default_if_not_found, check_main=False): ############################################################################### if config.has_option("create_test", varname): default = config.get("create_test", varname) elif check_main and config.has_option("main", varname): default = config.get("main", varname) else: default = default_if_not_found return default
[docs] def single_submit_impl( machine_name, test_id, proc_pool, _, args, job_cost_map, wall_time, test_root ): ############################################################################### mach = Machines(machine=machine_name) expect( mach.has_batch_system(), "Single submit does not make sense on non-batch machine '%s'" % mach.get_machine_name(), ) machine_name = mach.get_machine_name() # # Compute arg list for second call to create_test # new_args = list(args) new_args.remove("--single-submit") new_args.append("--no-batch") new_args.append("--use-existing") no_arg_is_a_test_id_arg = True no_arg_is_a_proc_pool_arg = True no_arg_is_a_machine_arg = True for arg in new_args: if arg == "-t" or arg.startswith("--test-id"): no_arg_is_a_test_id_arg = False elif arg.startswith("--proc-pool"): no_arg_is_a_proc_pool_arg = False elif arg == "-m" or arg.startswith("--machine"): no_arg_is_a_machine_arg = True if no_arg_is_a_test_id_arg: new_args.append("-t %s" % test_id) if no_arg_is_a_proc_pool_arg: new_args.append("--proc-pool %d" % proc_pool) if no_arg_is_a_machine_arg: new_args.append("-m %s" % machine_name) # # Resolve batch directives manually. There is currently no other way # to do this without making a Case object. Make a throwaway case object # to help us here. # testcase_dirs = glob.glob("%s/*%s*/TestStatus" % (test_root, test_id)) expect(testcase_dirs, "No test case dirs found!?") first_case = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(testcase_dirs[0])) with Case(first_case, read_only=False) as case: env_batch = case.get_env("batch") submit_cmd = env_batch.get_value("batch_submit", subgroup=None) submit_args = env_batch.get_submit_args(case, "case.test") tasks_per_node = mach.get_value("MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE") num_nodes = int(math.ceil(float(proc_pool) / tasks_per_node)) if wall_time is None: wall_time = compute_total_time(job_cost_map, proc_pool) wall_time_bab = convert_to_babylonian_time(int(wall_time)) else: wall_time_bab = wall_time queue = env_batch.select_best_queue(num_nodes, proc_pool, walltime=wall_time_bab) wall_time_max_bab = env_batch.get_queue_specs(queue)[3] if wall_time_max_bab is not None: wall_time_max = convert_to_seconds(wall_time_max_bab) if wall_time_max < wall_time: wall_time = wall_time_max wall_time_bab = convert_to_babylonian_time(wall_time) overrides = { "job_id": "create_test_single_submit_%s" % test_id, "num_nodes": num_nodes, "tasks_per_node": tasks_per_node, "totaltasks": tasks_per_node * num_nodes, "job_wallclock_time": wall_time_bab, "job_queue": env_batch.text(queue), } directives = env_batch.get_batch_directives(case, "case.test", overrides=overrides) # # Make simple submit script and submit # script = "#! /bin/bash\n" script += "\n%s" % directives script += "\n" script += "cd %s\n" % os.getcwd() script += "%s %s\n" % (__file__, " ".join(new_args)) submit_cmd = "%s %s" % (submit_cmd, submit_args)"Script:\n%s" % script) run_cmd_no_fail( submit_cmd, input_str=script, arg_stdout=None, arg_stderr=None, verbose=True )
############################################################################### # pragma pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs] def create_test( test_names, test_data, compiler, machine_name, no_run, no_build, no_setup, no_batch, test_root, baseline_root, clean, baseline_cmp_name, baseline_gen_name, namelists_only, project, test_id, parallel_jobs, walltime, single_submit, proc_pool, use_existing, save_timing, queue, allow_baseline_overwrite, output_root, wait, force_procs, force_threads, mpilib, input_dir, pesfile, run_count, mail_user, mail_type, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists, ignore_diffs, ignore_memleak, allow_pnl, non_local, single_exe, workflow, chksum, force_rebuild, driver, ): ############################################################################### impl = TestScheduler( test_names, test_data=test_data, no_run=no_run, no_build=no_build, no_setup=no_setup, no_batch=no_batch, test_root=test_root, test_id=test_id, baseline_root=baseline_root, baseline_cmp_name=baseline_cmp_name, baseline_gen_name=baseline_gen_name, clean=clean, machine_name=machine_name, compiler=compiler, namelists_only=namelists_only, project=project, parallel_jobs=parallel_jobs, walltime=walltime, proc_pool=proc_pool, use_existing=use_existing, save_timing=save_timing, queue=queue, allow_baseline_overwrite=allow_baseline_overwrite, output_root=output_root, force_procs=force_procs, force_threads=force_threads, mpilib=mpilib, input_dir=input_dir, pesfile=pesfile, run_count=run_count, mail_user=mail_user, mail_type=mail_type, allow_pnl=allow_pnl, non_local=non_local, single_exe=single_exe, workflow=workflow, chksum=chksum, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, driver=driver, ) success = impl.run_tests( wait=wait, check_throughput=check_throughput, check_memory=check_memory, ignore_namelists=ignore_namelists, ignore_diffs=ignore_diffs, ignore_memleak=ignore_memleak, ) if success and single_submit: # Get real test root test_root = impl._test_root job_cost_map = {} largest_case = 0 for test in impl._tests: test_dir = impl._get_test_dir(test) procs_needed = impl._get_procs_needed(test, RUN_PHASE) time_needed = convert_to_seconds( run_cmd_no_fail( "./xmlquery JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME -value -subgroup case.test", from_dir=test_dir, ) ) job_cost_map[test] = (procs_needed, time_needed) if procs_needed > largest_case: largest_case = procs_needed if proc_pool is None: # Based on size of created jobs, choose a reasonable proc_pool. May need to put # more thought into this. proc_pool = 2 * largest_case # Create submit script single_submit_impl( machine_name, test_id, proc_pool, project, sys.argv[1:], job_cost_map, walltime, test_root, ) return success
############################################################################### def _main_func(description=None): ############################################################################### customize_path = os.path.join(utils.get_src_root(), "cime_config", "customize") if os.path.exists(customize_path): Config.instance().load(customize_path) ( test_names, test_data, compiler, machine_name, no_run, no_build, no_setup, no_batch, test_root, baseline_root, clean, baseline_cmp_name, baseline_gen_name, namelists_only, project, test_id, parallel_jobs, walltime, single_submit, proc_pool, use_existing, save_timing, queue, allow_baseline_overwrite, output_root, wait, force_procs, force_threads, mpilib, input_dir, pesfile, retry, mail_user, mail_type, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists, ignore_diffs, ignore_memleak, allow_pnl, non_local, single_exe, workflow, chksum, force_rebuild, driver, ) = parse_command_line(sys.argv, description) success = False run_count = 0 while not success and run_count <= retry: use_existing = use_existing if run_count == 0 else True allow_baseline_overwrite = allow_baseline_overwrite if run_count == 0 else True success = create_test( test_names, test_data, compiler, machine_name, no_run, no_build, no_setup, no_batch, test_root, baseline_root, clean, baseline_cmp_name, baseline_gen_name, namelists_only, project, test_id, parallel_jobs, walltime, single_submit, proc_pool, use_existing, save_timing, queue, allow_baseline_overwrite, output_root, wait, force_procs, force_threads, mpilib, input_dir, pesfile, run_count, mail_user, mail_type, check_throughput, check_memory, ignore_namelists, ignore_diffs, ignore_memleak, allow_pnl, non_local, single_exe, workflow, chksum, force_rebuild, driver, ) run_count += 1 # For testing only os.environ["TESTBUILDFAIL_PASS"] = "True" os.environ["TESTRUNFAIL_PASS"] = "True" sys.exit(0 if success else CIME.utils.TESTS_FAILED_ERR_CODE) ############################################################################### if __name__ == "__main__": _main_func(__doc__)