Source code for CIME.hist_utils

Functions for actions pertaining to history files.
import logging
import os
import re
import filecmp

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.config import Config
from CIME.utils import (
from CIME.utils import CIMEError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

BLESS_LOG_NAME = "bless_log"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strings used in the comments generated by cprnc
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

CPRNC_FIELDLISTS_DIFFER = "files differ only in their field lists"

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Strings used in the comments generated by _compare_hists
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------

NO_COMPARE = "had no compare counterpart"
NO_ORIGINAL = "had no original counterpart"
FIELDLISTS_DIFFER = "had a different field list from"
DIFF_COMMENT = "did NOT match"
FAILED_OPEN = "Failed to open file"
# COMPARISON_COMMENT_OPTIONS should include all of the above: these are any of the special
# comment strings that describe the reason for a comparison failure
# Comments that indicate a true baseline comparison failure


def _iter_model_file_substrs(case):
    models = case.get_compset_components()
    for model in models:
        yield model

[docs] def copy_histfiles(case, suffix, match_suffix=None): """Copy the most recent batch of hist files in a case, adding the given suffix. This can allow you to temporarily "save" these files so they won't be blown away if you re-run the case. case - The case containing the files you want to save suffix - The string suffix you want to add to saved files, this can be used to find them later. returns (comments, num_copied) """ rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE") casename = case.get_value("CASE") # Loop over models archive = case.get_env("archive") comments = "Copying hist files to suffix '{}'\n".format(suffix) num_copied = 0 for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case): if case.get_value("TEST") and archive.exclude_testing(model): "Case is a test and component %r is excluded from comparison", model ) continue comments += " Copying hist files for model '{}'\n".format(model) test_hists = archive.get_latest_hist_files( casename, model, rundir, suffix=match_suffix, ref_case=ref_case ) num_copied += len(test_hists) for test_hist in test_hists: test_hist = os.path.join(rundir, test_hist) if not test_hist.endswith(".nc") or "once" in os.path.basename(test_hist):"Will not compare non-netcdf file {}".format(test_hist)) continue new_file = "{}.{}".format(test_hist, suffix) if os.path.exists(new_file): os.remove(new_file) comments += " Copying '{}' to '{}'\n".format(test_hist, new_file) # Need to copy rather than move in case there are some history files # that will need to continue to be filled on the next phase; this # can be the case for a restart run. # # (If it weren't for that possibility, a move/rename would be more # robust here: The problem with a copy is that there can be # confusion after the second run as to which files were created by # the first run and which by the second. For example, if the second # run fails to output any history files, the test will still pass, # because the test system will think that run1's files were output # by run2. But we live with that downside for the sake of the reason # noted above.) safe_copy(test_hist, new_file) expect( num_copied > 0, "copy_histfiles failed: no hist files found in rundir '{}'".format(rundir), ) return comments, num_copied
[docs] def rename_all_hist_files(case, suffix): """Renaming all hist files in a case, adding the given suffix. case - The case containing the files you want to save suffix - The string suffix you want to add to saved files, this can be used to find them later. """ rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE") # Loop over models archive = case.get_env("archive") comments = "Renaming hist files by adding suffix '{}'\n".format(suffix) num_renamed = 0 for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case): comments += " Renaming hist files for model '{}'\n".format(model) if model == "cpl": mname = "drv" else: mname = model test_hists = archive.get_all_hist_files( case.get_value("CASE"), mname, rundir, ref_case=ref_case ) num_renamed += len(test_hists) for test_hist in test_hists: test_hist = os.path.join(rundir, test_hist) new_file = "{}.{}".format(test_hist, suffix) if os.path.exists(new_file): os.remove(new_file) comments += " Renaming '{}' to '{}'\n".format(test_hist, new_file) os.rename(test_hist, new_file) expect( num_renamed > 0, "renaming failed: no hist files found in rundir '{}'".format(rundir), ) return comments
def _hists_match(model, hists1, hists2, suffix1="", suffix2=""): """ return (num in set 1 but not 2 , num in set 2 but not 1, matchups) >>> hists1 = ['', '', ''] >>> hists2 = ['', '', ''] >>> _hists_match('cpl', hists1, hists2) ([''], [''], [('', ''), ('', '')]) >>> hists1 = ['', '', ''] >>> hists2 = ['', '', ''] >>> _hists_match('cpl', hists1, hists2, 'SUF1', 'SUF2') ([''], [''], [('', ''), ('', '')]) >>> hists1 = [''] >>> hists2 = ['',''] >>> _hists_match('cam', hists1, hists2, '', '') ([], [], [('', ''), ('', '')]) >>> hists1 = ['',''] >>> hists2 = ['',''] >>> _hists_match('cam', hists1, hists2, 'base', 'rest') ([], [], [('', ''), ('', '')]) """ normalized1, normalized2 = [], [] multi_normalized1, multi_normalized2 = [], [] multiinst = False for hists, suffix, normalized, multi_normalized in [ (hists1, suffix1, normalized1, multi_normalized1), (hists2, suffix2, normalized2, multi_normalized2), ]: for hist in hists: hist_basename = os.path.basename(hist) offset = hist_basename.rfind(model) expect( offset >= 0, "ERROR: cant find model name {} in {}".format(model, hist_basename), ) normalized_name = os.path.basename(hist_basename[offset:]) if suffix != "": expect( normalized_name.endswith(suffix), "How did '{}' not have suffix '{}'".format(hist, suffix), ) normalized_name = normalized_name[ : len(normalized_name) - len(suffix) - 1 ] m ="(.+)_[0-9]{4}(.*.nc)", normalized_name) if m is not None: multiinst = True if".") and"."): multi_normalized.append( +[1:]) else: multi_normalized.append( + normalized.append(normalized_name) set_of_1_not_2 = set(normalized1) - set(normalized2) set_of_2_not_1 = set(normalized2) - set(normalized1) one_not_two = sorted([hists1[normalized1.index(item)] for item in set_of_1_not_2]) two_not_one = sorted([hists2[normalized2.index(item)] for item in set_of_2_not_1]) both = set(normalized1) & set(normalized2) match_ups = sorted( [ (hists1[normalized1.index(item)], hists2[normalized2.index(item)]) for item in both ] ) # Special case - comparing multiinstance to single instance files if multi_normalized1 != multi_normalized2: # in this case hists1 contains multiinstance hists2 does not if set(multi_normalized1) == set(normalized2): for idx, norm_hist1 in enumerate(multi_normalized1): for idx1, hist2 in enumerate(hists2): norm_hist2 = normalized2[idx1] if norm_hist1 == norm_hist2: match_ups.append((hists1[idx], hist2)) if hist2 in two_not_one: two_not_one.remove(hist2) if hists1[idx] in one_not_two: one_not_two.remove(hists1[idx]) # in this case hists2 contains multiinstance hists1 does not if set(multi_normalized2) == set(normalized1): for idx, norm_hist2 in enumerate(multi_normalized2): for idx1, hist1 in enumerate(hists1): norm_hist1 = normalized1[idx1] if norm_hist2 == norm_hist1: match_ups.append((hist1, hists2[idx])) if hist1 in one_not_two: one_not_two.remove(hist1) if hists2[idx] in two_not_one: two_not_one.remove(hists2[idx]) if not multiinst: expect( len(match_ups) + len(set_of_1_not_2) == len(hists1), "Programming error1" ) expect( len(match_ups) + len(set_of_2_not_1) == len(hists2), "Programming error2" ) return one_not_two, two_not_one, match_ups def _compare_hists( case, from_dir1, from_dir2, suffix1="", suffix2="", outfile_suffix="", ignore_fieldlist_diffs=False, ): """ Compares two sets of history files Returns (success (True if all matched), comments, num_compared) """ if from_dir1 == from_dir2: expect(suffix1 != suffix2, "Comparing files to themselves?") casename = case.get_value("CASE") testcase = case.get_value("TESTCASE") casedir = case.get_value("CASEROOT") all_success = True num_compared = 0 comments = "Comparing hists for case '{}' dir1='{}', suffix1='{}', dir2='{}' suffix2='{}'\n".format( casename, from_dir1, suffix1, from_dir2, suffix2 ) multiinst_driver_compare = False archive = case.get_env("archive") ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE") for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case): if case.get_value("TEST") and archive.exclude_testing(model): "Case is a test and component %r is excluded from comparison", model ) continue if model == "cpl" and suffix2 == "multiinst": multiinst_driver_compare = True comments += " comparing model '{}'\n".format(model) hists1 = archive.get_latest_hist_files( casename, model, from_dir1, suffix=suffix1, ref_case=ref_case ) hists2 = archive.get_latest_hist_files( casename, model, from_dir2, suffix=suffix2, ref_case=ref_case ) if len(hists1) == 0 and len(hists2) == 0: comments += " no hist files found for model {}\n".format(model) continue one_not_two, two_not_one, match_ups = _hists_match( model, hists1, hists2, suffix1, suffix2 ) for item in one_not_two: if "initial" in item: continue comments += " File '{}' {} in '{}' with suffix '{}'\n".format( item, NO_COMPARE, from_dir2, suffix2 ) all_success = False for item in two_not_one: if "initial" in item: continue comments += " File '{}' {} in '{}' with suffix '{}'\n".format( item, NO_ORIGINAL, from_dir1, suffix1 ) all_success = False num_compared += len(match_ups) for hist1, hist2 in match_ups: if not ".nc" in hist1:"Ignoring non-netcdf file {}".format(hist1)) continue success = False cprnc_log_file = None try: success, cprnc_log_file, cprnc_comment = cprnc( model, os.path.join(from_dir1, hist1), os.path.join(from_dir2, hist2), case, from_dir1, multiinst_driver_compare=multiinst_driver_compare, outfile_suffix=outfile_suffix, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=ignore_fieldlist_diffs, ) except CIMEError as e: cprnc_comment = str(e) except Exception as e: cprnc_comment = f"Unknown CRPRC error: {e!s}" if success: comments += " {} matched {}\n".format(hist1, hist2) else: if not cprnc_log_file: comments += cprnc_comment all_success = False return all_success, comments, 0 elif cprnc_comment == CPRNC_FIELDLISTS_DIFFER: comments += " {} {} {}\n".format(hist1, FIELDLISTS_DIFFER, hist2) else: comments += " {} {} {}\n".format(hist1, DIFF_COMMENT, hist2) comments += " cat " + cprnc_log_file + "\n" expected_log_file = os.path.join( casedir, os.path.basename(cprnc_log_file) ) if not ( os.path.exists(expected_log_file) and filecmp.cmp(cprnc_log_file, expected_log_file) ): try: safe_copy(cprnc_log_file, casedir) except (OSError, IOError) as _: logger.warning( "Could not copy {} to {}".format(cprnc_log_file, casedir) ) all_success = False # Some tests don't save history files. if num_compared == 0 and testcase not in NO_HIST_TESTS: all_success = False comments += "Did not compare any hist files! Missing baselines?\n" comments += "PASS" if all_success else "FAIL" return all_success, comments, num_compared
[docs] def compare_test(case, suffix1, suffix2, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=False): """ Compares two sets of component history files in the testcase directory case - The case containing the hist files to compare suffix1 - The suffix that identifies the first batch of hist files suffix1 - The suffix that identifies the second batch of hist files ignore_fieldlist_diffs (bool): If True, then: If the two cases differ only in their field lists (i.e., all shared fields are bit-for-bit, but one case has some diagnostic fields that are missing from the other case), treat the two cases as identical. returns (SUCCESS, comments, num_compared) """ rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") return _compare_hists( case, rundir, rundir, suffix1, suffix2, ignore_fieldlist_diffs=ignore_fieldlist_diffs, )
[docs] def cprnc( model, file1, file2, case, rundir, multiinst_driver_compare=False, outfile_suffix="", ignore_fieldlist_diffs=False, cprnc_exe=None, ): """ Run cprnc to compare two individual nc files file1 - the full or relative path of the first file file2 - the full or relative path of the second file case - the case containing the files rundir - the rundir for the case outfile_suffix - if non-blank, then the output file name ends with this suffix (with a '.' added before the given suffix). Use None to avoid permissions issues in the case dir. ignore_fieldlist_diffs (bool): If True, then: If the two cases differ only in their field lists (i.e., all shared fields are bit-for-bit, but one case has some diagnostic fields that are missing from the other case), treat the two cases as identical. returns (True if the files matched, log_name, comment) where 'comment' is either an empty string or one of the module-level constants beginning with CPRNC_ (e.g., CPRNC_FIELDLISTS_DIFFER) """ if not cprnc_exe: cprnc_exe = case.get_value("CCSM_CPRNC") expect( os.path.isfile(cprnc_exe) and os.access(cprnc_exe, os.X_OK), f"cprnc {cprnc_exe} does not exist or is not executable", ) basename = os.path.basename(file1) multiinst_regex = re.compile(r".*%s[^_]*(_[0-9]{4})[.]h.?[.][^.]+?[.]nc" % model) mstr = "" mstr1 = "" mstr2 = "" # If one is a multiinstance file but the other is not add an instance string m1 = multiinst_regex.match(file1) m2 = multiinst_regex.match(file2) if m1 is not None: mstr1 = if m2 is not None: mstr2 = if mstr1 != mstr2: mstr = mstr1 + mstr2 output_filename = os.path.join(rundir, "{}{}.cprnc.out".format(basename, mstr)) if outfile_suffix: output_filename += ".{}".format(outfile_suffix) if outfile_suffix is None: cpr_stat, out, _ = run_cmd( "{} -m {} {}".format(cprnc_exe, file1, file2), combine_output=True ) else: # Remove existing output file if it exists if os.path.exists(output_filename): os.remove(output_filename) cpr_stat = run_cmd( "{} -m {} {}".format(cprnc_exe, file1, file2), combine_output=True, arg_stdout=output_filename, )[0] with open(output_filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fd: out = comment = "" if cpr_stat == 0: # Successful exit from cprnc if multiinst_driver_compare: # In a multiinstance test the cpl hist file will have a different number of # dimensions and so cprnc will indicate that the files seem to be DIFFERENT # in this case we only want to check that the fields we are able to compare # have no differences. files_match = " 0 had non-zero differences" in out else: if "the two files seem to be DIFFERENT" in out: files_match = False elif "the two files DIFFER only in their field lists" in out: if ignore_fieldlist_diffs: files_match = True else: files_match = False comment = CPRNC_FIELDLISTS_DIFFER elif "files seem to be IDENTICAL" in out: files_match = True elif "Failed to open file" in out: raise CIMEError("Failed to open file") else: # TODO convert to CIMEError expect( False, "Did not find an expected summary string in cprnc output:\n{}".format( out ), ) else: # If there is an error in cprnc, we do the safe thing of saying the comparison failed files_match = False return (files_match, output_filename, comment)
[docs] def compare_baseline(case, baseline_dir=None, outfile_suffix=""): """ compare the current test output to a baseline result case - The case containing the hist files to be compared against baselines baseline_dir - Optionally, specify a specific baseline dir, otherwise it will be computed from case config outfile_suffix - if non-blank, then the cprnc output file name ends with this suffix (with a '.' added before the given suffix). if None, no output file saved. returns (SUCCESS, comments) SUCCESS means all hist files matched their corresponding baseline """ rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") if baseline_dir is None: baselineroot = case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") basecmp_dir = os.path.join(baselineroot, case.get_value("BASECMP_CASE")) dirs_to_check = (baselineroot, basecmp_dir) else: basecmp_dir = baseline_dir dirs_to_check = (basecmp_dir,) for bdir in dirs_to_check: if not os.path.isdir(bdir): return False, "ERROR {} baseline directory '{}' does not exist".format( TEST_NO_BASELINES_COMMENT, bdir ) success, comments, _ = _compare_hists( case, rundir, basecmp_dir, outfile_suffix=outfile_suffix ) if Config.instance().create_bless_log: bless_log = os.path.join(basecmp_dir, BLESS_LOG_NAME) if os.path.exists(bless_log): lines = open(bless_log, "r", encoding="utf-8").readlines() if lines: last_line = lines[-1] comments += "\n Most recent bless: {}".format(last_line) return success, comments
[docs] def generate_teststatus(testdir, baseline_dir): """ CESM stores it's TestStatus file in baselines. Do not let exceptions escape from this function. """ try: with SharedArea(): if not os.path.isdir(baseline_dir): os.makedirs(baseline_dir) safe_copy( os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), baseline_dir, preserve_meta=False, ) except Exception as e: logger.warning( "Could not copy {} to baselines, {}".format( os.path.join(testdir, TEST_STATUS_FILENAME), str(e) ) )
def _generate_baseline_impl(case, baseline_dir=None, allow_baseline_overwrite=False): """ copy the current test output to baseline result case - The case containing the hist files to be copied into baselines baseline_dir - Optionally, specify a specific baseline dir, otherwise it will be computed from case config allow_baseline_overwrite must be true to generate baselines to an existing directory. returns (SUCCESS, comments) """ rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") ref_case = case.get_value("RUN_REFCASE") if baseline_dir is None: baselineroot = case.get_value("BASELINE_ROOT") basegen_dir = os.path.join(baselineroot, case.get_value("BASEGEN_CASE")) else: basegen_dir = baseline_dir testcase = case.get_value("CASE") archive = case.get_env("archive") if not os.path.isdir(basegen_dir): os.makedirs(basegen_dir) if ( os.path.isdir(os.path.join(basegen_dir, testcase)) and not allow_baseline_overwrite ): expect(False, " Cowardly refusing to overwrite existing baseline directory") comments = "Generating baselines into '{}'\n".format(basegen_dir) num_gen = 0 for model in _iter_model_file_substrs(case): comments += " generating for model '{}'\n".format(model) hists = archive.get_latest_hist_files( testcase, model, rundir, ref_case=ref_case ) logger.debug("latest_files: {}".format(hists)) num_gen += len(hists) for hist in hists: offset = hist.rfind(model) expect( offset >= 0, "ERROR: cant find model name {} in {}".format(model, hist) ) baseline = os.path.join(basegen_dir, hist[offset:]) if os.path.exists(baseline): os.remove(baseline) safe_copy(os.path.join(rundir, hist), baseline, preserve_meta=False) comments += " generating baseline '{}' from file {}\n".format( baseline, hist ) # copy latest cpl log to baseline # drop the date so that the name is generic if case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") == "nuopc": cplname = "med" else: cplname = "cpl" newestcpllogfile = case.get_latest_cpl_log( coupler_log_path=case.get_value("RUNDIR"), cplname=cplname ) if newestcpllogfile is None: logger.warning( "No {}.log file found in directory {}".format( cplname, case.get_value("RUNDIR") ) ) else: safe_copy( newestcpllogfile, os.path.join(basegen_dir, "{}.log.gz".format(cplname)), preserve_meta=False, ) testname = case.get_value("TESTCASE") testopts = parse_test_name(case.get_value("CASEBASEID"))[1] testopts = [] if testopts is None else testopts expect( num_gen > 0 or (testname in NO_HIST_TESTS or "B" in testopts), "Could not generate any hist files for case '{}', something is seriously wrong".format( os.path.join(rundir, testcase) ), ) if Config.instance().create_bless_log: bless_log = os.path.join(basegen_dir, BLESS_LOG_NAME) with open(bless_log, "a", encoding="utf-8") as fd: fd.write( "sha:{} date:{}\n".format( get_current_commit(repo=case.get_value("SRCROOT")), get_timestamp(timestamp_format="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S"), ) ) return True, comments
[docs] def generate_baseline(case, baseline_dir=None, allow_baseline_overwrite=False): with SharedArea(): return _generate_baseline_impl( case, baseline_dir=baseline_dir, allow_baseline_overwrite=allow_baseline_overwrite, )
[docs] def get_ts_synopsis(comments): r""" Reduce case diff comments down to a single line synopsis so that we can put something in the TestStatus file. It's expected that the comments provided to this function came from compare_baseline, not compare_tests. >>> get_ts_synopsis('') '' >>> get_ts_synopsis('big error') 'big error' >>> get_ts_synopsis('big error\n') 'big error' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo had a different field list from bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'FIELDLIST field lists differ (otherwise bit-for-bit)' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo had no compare counterpart in bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'ERROR BFAIL some baseline files were missing' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo had a different field list from bar with suffix baz\n File foo had no compare counterpart in bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'MULTIPLE ISSUES: field lists differ and some baseline files were missing' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo did NOT match bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'DIFF' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo did NOT match bar with suffix baz\n File foo had a different field list from bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'DIFF' >>> get_ts_synopsis('stuff\n File foo did NOT match bar with suffix baz\n File foo had no compare counterpart in bar with suffix baz\nPass\n') 'DIFF' >>> get_ts_synopsis('File foo had no compare counterpart in bar with suffix baz\n File foo had no original counterpart in bar with suffix baz\n') 'DIFF' >>> get_ts_synopsis('file1=\nfile2=\nFailed to open file\n') 'ERROR CPRNC failed to open files' >>> get_ts_synopsis('file1=\nfile2=\nSome other error\n') 'Could not interpret CPRNC output' """ comments = comments.strip() if comments == "" or "\n" not in comments: return comments fieldlist_differences =, comments) is not None baseline_fail =, comments) is not None real_fail = [, comments) is not None for x in COMPARISON_FAILURE_COMMENT_OPTIONS ] open_fail =, comments) is not None if any(real_fail): # If there are any real differences, we just report that: we assume that the # user cares much more about those real differences than fieldlist or bfail # issues, and we don't want to complicate the matter by trying to report all # issues in this case. synopsis = "DIFF" elif fieldlist_differences and baseline_fail: # It's not clear which of these (if either) the user would care more # about, so we report both. We deliberately avoid printing the keywords # 'FIELDLIST' or TEST_NO_BASELINES_COMMENT (i.e., 'BFAIL'): if we printed # those, then (e.g.) a 'grep -v FIELDLIST' (which the user might do if # (s)he was expecting fieldlist differences) would also filter out this # line, which we don't want. synopsis = ( "MULTIPLE ISSUES: field lists differ and some baseline files were missing" ) elif fieldlist_differences: synopsis = "FIELDLIST field lists differ (otherwise bit-for-bit)" elif baseline_fail: synopsis = "ERROR {} some baseline files were missing".format( TEST_NO_BASELINES_COMMENT ) elif open_fail: synopsis = "ERROR CPRNC failed to open files" else: synopsis = "Could not interpret CPRNC output" return synopsis