Source code for CIME.buildnml

common implementation for building namelist commands

These are used by components/<model_type>/<component>/cime_config/buildnml

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.utils import (
from CIME.utils import safe_copy
import sys, os, argparse, glob

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def parse_input(argv): ############################################################################### parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() setup_standard_logging_options(parser) parser.add_argument("caseroot", default=os.getcwd(), help="Case directory") args = parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(argv, parser) return args.caseroot
############################################################################### # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def build_xcpl_nml(case, caseroot, compname): ############################################################################### compclasses = case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES") compclass = None for compclass in compclasses: if case.get_value("COMP_{}".format(compclass)) == compname: break expect( compclass is not None, "Could not identify compclass for compname {}".format(compname), ) rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") comp_interface = case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") if comp_interface != "nuopc": ninst = case.get_value("NINST_{}".format(compclass.upper())) else: ninst = case.get_value("NINST") if not ninst: ninst = 1 nx = case.get_value("{}_NX".format(compclass.upper())) ny = case.get_value("{}_NY".format(compclass.upper())) if comp_interface != "nuopc": if compname == "xrof": flood_mode = case.get_value("XROF_FLOOD_MODE") extras = [] dtype = 1 npes = 0 length = 0 if compname == "xatm": if ny == 1: dtype = 2 extras = [ ["24", "ncpl number of communications w/coupler per dat"], ["0.0", "simul time proxy (secs): time between cpl comms"], ] elif compname == "xglc" or compname == "xice": dtype = 2 elif compname == "xlnd": dtype = 11 elif compname == "xocn": dtype = 4 elif compname == "xrof": dtype = 11 if flood_mode == "ACTIVE": extras = [[".true.", "flood flag"]] else: extras = [[".false.", "flood flag"]] for i in range(1, ninst + 1): # If only 1 file, name is 'compclass_in' # otherwise files are 'compclass_in0001', 'compclass_in0002', etc if ninst == 1: filename = os.path.join(rundir, "{}_in".format(compname)) else: filename = os.path.join(rundir, "{}_in_{:04d}".format(compname, i)) with open(filename, "w") as infile: infile.write("{:<20d} ! i-direction global dimension\n".format(nx)) infile.write("{:<20d} ! j-direction global dimension\n".format(ny)) if comp_interface != "nuopc": infile.write( "{:<20d} ! decomp_type 1=1d-by-lat, 2=1d-by-lon, 3=2d, 4=2d evensquare, 11=segmented\n".format( dtype ) ) infile.write("{:<20d} ! num of pes for i (type 3 only)\n".format(npes)) infile.write( "{:<20d} ! length of segments (type 4 only)\n".format(length) ) for extra in extras: infile.write("{:<20s} ! {}\n".format(extra[0], extra[1]))
[docs] def create_namelist_infile(case, user_nl_file, namelist_infile, infile_text=""): ############################################################################### lines_input = [] if os.path.isfile(user_nl_file): with open(user_nl_file, "r") as file_usernl: lines_input = file_usernl.readlines() else: logger.warning( "WARNING: No file {} found in case directory".format(user_nl_file) ) lines_output = [] lines_output.append("&comp_inparm \n") if infile_text: lines_output.append(infile_text) logger.debug("file_infile {} ".format(infile_text)) for line in lines_input: match1 ="^[\&\/\!]", line) match2 ="\$([\w\_])+", line) if match1 is None and match2 is not None: line = case.get_resolved_value(line) if match1 is None: lines_output.append(line) lines_output.append("/ \n") with open(namelist_infile, "w") as file_infile: file_infile.write("\n".join(lines_output))
[docs] def copy_inputs_to_rundir(caseroot, compname, confdir, rundir, inst_string): if os.path.isdir(rundir): filename = compname + "_in" file_src = os.path.join(confdir, filename) file_dest = os.path.join(rundir, filename) if inst_string: file_dest += inst_string safe_copy(file_src, file_dest) for xmlfile in glob.glob(os.path.join(confdir, "*streams*.xml")): casexml = os.path.join(caseroot, os.path.basename(xmlfile)) if os.path.exists(casexml):"Using {} for {} streams".format(casexml, compname)) safe_copy(casexml, rundir) else: safe_copy(xmlfile, rundir)