Source code for CIME.baselines.performance

import os
import glob
import re
import gzip
import logging
from CIME.config import Config
from CIME.utils import expect, get_src_root, get_current_commit, get_timestamp

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def perf_compare_throughput_baseline(case, baseline_dir=None): """ Compares model throughput. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. baseline_dir : str Overrides the baseline directory. Returns ------- below_tolerance : bool Whether the comparison was below the tolerance. comment : str Provides explanation from comparison. """ if baseline_dir is None: baseline_dir = case.get_baseline_dir() config = load_coupler_customization(case) baseline_file = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "cpl-tput.log") baseline = read_baseline_file(baseline_file) tolerance = case.get_value("TEST_TPUT_TOLERANCE") if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.1 expect( tolerance > 0.0, "Bad value for throughput tolerance in test", ) try: below_tolerance, comment = config.perf_compare_throughput_baseline( case, baseline, tolerance ) except AttributeError: below_tolerance, comment = _perf_compare_throughput_baseline( case, baseline, tolerance ) return below_tolerance, comment
[docs] def perf_compare_memory_baseline(case, baseline_dir=None): """ Compares model highwater memory usage. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. baseline_dir : str Overrides the baseline directory. Returns ------- below_tolerance : bool Whether the comparison was below the tolerance. comment : str Provides explanation from comparison. """ if baseline_dir is None: baseline_dir = case.get_baseline_dir() config = load_coupler_customization(case) baseline_file = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "cpl-mem.log") baseline = read_baseline_file(baseline_file) tolerance = case.get_value("TEST_MEMLEAK_TOLERANCE") if tolerance is None: tolerance = 0.1 try: below_tolerance, comments = config.perf_compare_memory_baseline( case, baseline, tolerance ) except AttributeError: below_tolerance, comments = _perf_compare_memory_baseline( case, baseline, tolerance ) return below_tolerance, comments
[docs] def perf_write_baseline(case, basegen_dir, throughput=True, memory=True): """ Writes the baseline performance files. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. basegen_dir : str Path to baseline directory. throughput : bool If true, write throughput baseline. memory : bool If true, write memory baseline. """ config = load_coupler_customization(case) if throughput: try: tput, mode = perf_get_throughput(case, config) except RuntimeError as e: logger.debug("Could not get throughput: {0!s}".format(e)) else: baseline_file = os.path.join(basegen_dir, "cpl-tput.log") write_baseline_file(baseline_file, tput, mode)"Updated throughput baseline to {!s}".format(tput)) if memory: try: mem, mode = perf_get_memory(case, config) except RuntimeError as e:"Could not get memory usage: {0!s}".format(e)) else: baseline_file = os.path.join(basegen_dir, "cpl-mem.log") write_baseline_file(baseline_file, mem, mode)"Updated memory usage baseline to {!s}".format(mem))
[docs] def load_coupler_customization(case): """ Loads customizations from the coupler `cime_config` directory. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. Returns ------- CIME.config.Config Runtime configuration. """ comp_root_dir_cpl = case.get_value("COMP_ROOT_DIR_CPL") cpl_customize = os.path.join(comp_root_dir_cpl, "cime_config", "customize") return Config.load(cpl_customize)
[docs] def perf_get_throughput(case, config): """ Gets the model throughput. First attempts to use a coupler define method to retrieve the models throughput. If this is not defined then the default method of parsing the coupler log is used. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. Returns ------- str or None Model throughput. """ try: tput, mode = config.perf_get_throughput(case) except AttributeError: tput, mode = _perf_get_throughput(case) return tput, mode
[docs] def perf_get_memory(case, config): """ Gets the model memory usage. First attempts to use a coupler defined method to retrieve the models memory usage. If this is not defined then the default method of parsing the coupler log is used. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. Returns ------- str or None Model memory usage. """ try: mem, mode = config.perf_get_memory(case) except AttributeError: mem, mode = _perf_get_memory(case) return mem, mode
[docs] def write_baseline_file(baseline_file, value, mode="a"): """ Writes value to `baseline_file`. Parameters ---------- baseline_file : str Path to the baseline file. value : str Value to write. mode : str Mode to open file with. """ with open(baseline_file, mode) as fd: fd.write(value)
def _perf_get_memory(case, cpllog=None): """ Default function to retrieve memory usage from the coupler log. If the usage is not available from the log then `None` is returned. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. cpllog : str Overrides the default coupler log. Returns ------- str or None Model memory usage or `None`. Raises ------ RuntimeError If not enough sample were found. """ memlist = perf_get_memory_list(case, cpllog) if memlist is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not get default memory usage") from None value = _format_baseline(memlist[-1][1]) return value, "a"
[docs] def perf_get_memory_list(case, cpllog): if cpllog is None: cpllog = get_latest_cpl_logs(case) else: cpllog = [ cpllog, ] try: memlist = get_cpl_mem_usage(cpllog[0]) except (FileNotFoundError, IndexError): memlist = None logger.debug("Could not parse memory usage from coupler log") else: if len(memlist) <= 3: raise RuntimeError( f"Found {len(memlist)} memory usage samples, need atleast 4" ) return memlist
def _perf_get_throughput(case): """ Default function to retrieve throughput from the coupler log. If the throughput is not available from the log then `None` is returned. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. Returns ------- str or None Model throughput or `None`. """ cpllog = get_latest_cpl_logs(case) try: tput = get_cpl_throughput(cpllog[0]) except (FileNotFoundError, IndexError): tput = None logger.debug("Could not parse throughput from coupler log") if tput is None: raise RuntimeError("Could not get default throughput") from None value = _format_baseline(tput) return value, "a"
[docs] def get_latest_cpl_logs(case): """ find and return the latest cpl log file in the run directory """ coupler_log_path = case.get_value("RUNDIR") cpllog_name = "med" if case.get_value("COMP_INTERFACE") == "nuopc" else "cpl" cpllogs = glob.glob(os.path.join(coupler_log_path, "{}*.log.*".format(cpllog_name))) lastcpllogs = [] if cpllogs: lastcpllogs.append(max(cpllogs, key=os.path.getctime)) basename = os.path.basename(lastcpllogs[0]) suffix = basename.split(".", 1)[1] for log in cpllogs: if log in lastcpllogs: continue if log.endswith(suffix): lastcpllogs.append(log) return lastcpllogs
[docs] def get_cpl_mem_usage(cpllog): """ Read memory usage from coupler log. Parameters ---------- cpllog : str Path to the coupler log. Returns ------- list Memory usage (data, highwater) as recorded by the coupler or empty list. """ memlist = [] meminfo = re.compile(r".*model date =\s+(\w+).*memory =\s+(\d+\.?\d+).*highwater") if cpllog is not None and os.path.isfile(cpllog): if ".gz" == cpllog[-3:]: fopen = else: fopen = open with fopen(cpllog, "rb") as f: for line in f: m = meminfo.match(line.decode("utf-8")) if m: memlist.append((float(, float( # Remove the last mem record, it's sometimes artificially high if len(memlist) > 0: memlist.pop() return memlist
[docs] def get_cpl_throughput(cpllog): """ Reads throuhgput from coupler log. Parameters ---------- cpllog : str Path to the coupler log. Returns ------- int or None Throughput as recorded by the coupler or None """ if cpllog is not None and os.path.isfile(cpllog): with, "rb") as f: cpltext ="utf-8") m ="# simulated years / cmp-day =\s+(\d+\.\d+)\s", cpltext) if m: return float( return None
[docs] def read_baseline_file(baseline_file): """ Reads value from `baseline_file`. Strips comments and returns the raw content to be decoded. Parameters ---------- baseline_file : str Path to the baseline file. Returns ------- str Value stored in baseline file without comments. """ with open(baseline_file) as fd: lines = [x.strip() for x in fd.readlines() if not x.startswith("#") and x != ""] return "\n".join(lines)
def _perf_compare_throughput_baseline(case, baseline, tolerance): """ Default throughput baseline comparison. Compares the throughput from the coupler to the baseline value. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. baseline : list Lines contained in the baseline file. tolerance : float Allowed tolerance for comparison. Returns ------- below_tolerance : bool Whether the comparison was below the tolerance. comment : str provides explanation from comparison. """ current, _ = _perf_get_throughput(case) try: current = float(_parse_baseline(current)) except (ValueError, TypeError): comment = "Could not compare throughput to baseline, as baseline had no value." return None, comment try: # default baseline is stored as single float baseline = float(_parse_baseline(baseline)) except (ValueError, TypeError): comment = "Could not compare throughput to baseline, as baseline had no value." return None, comment # comparing ypd so bigger is better diff = (baseline - current) / baseline below_tolerance = None if diff is not None: below_tolerance = diff < tolerance info = "Throughput changed by {:.2f}%: baseline={:.3f} sypd, tolerance={:d}%, current={:.3f} sypd".format( diff * 100, baseline, int(tolerance * 100), current ) if below_tolerance: comment = "TPUTCOMP: " + info else: comment = "Error: TPUTCOMP: " + info return below_tolerance, comment def _perf_compare_memory_baseline(case, baseline, tolerance): """ Default memory usage baseline comparison. Compares the highwater memory usage from the coupler to the baseline value. Parameters ---------- case : Current case object. baseline : list Lines contained in the baseline file. tolerance : float Allowed tolerance for comparison. Returns ------- below_tolerance : bool Whether the comparison was below the tolerance. comment : str provides explanation from comparison. """ try: current, _ = _perf_get_memory(case) except RuntimeError as e: return None, str(e) try: current = float(_parse_baseline(current)) except (ValueError, TypeError): comment = "Could not compare throughput to baseline, as baseline had no value." return None, comment try: # default baseline is stored as single float baseline = float(_parse_baseline(baseline)) except (ValueError, TypeError): baseline = 0.0 try: diff = (current - baseline) / baseline except ZeroDivisionError: diff = 0.0 # Should we check if tolerance is above 0 below_tolerance = None comment = "" if diff is not None: below_tolerance = diff < tolerance info = "Memory usage highwater changed by {:.2f}%: baseline={:.3f} MB, tolerance={:d}%, current={:.3f} MB".format( diff * 100, baseline, int(tolerance * 100), current ) if below_tolerance: comment = "MEMCOMP: " + info else: comment = "Error: MEMCOMP: " + info return below_tolerance, comment def _format_baseline(value): """ Encodes value with default baseline format. Default format: sha: <commit sha> date: <date of bless> <value> Parameters ---------- value : str Baseline value to encode. Returns ------- value : str Baseline entry. """ commit_hash = get_current_commit(repo=get_src_root()) timestamp = get_timestamp(timestamp_format="%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") return f"sha:{commit_hash} date:{timestamp} {value}\n" def _parse_baseline(data): """ Parses default baseline format. Default format: sha: <commit sha> date: <date of bless> <value> Parameters ---------- data : str Containing contents of baseline file. Returns ------- value : str Value of the latest blessed baseline. """ lines = data.split("\n") lines = [x for x in lines if x != ""] try: value = lines[-1].strip().split(" ")[-1] except IndexError: value = None return value