Source code for CIME.utils

Common functions used by cime python scripts
Warning: you cannot use CIME Classes in this module as it causes circular dependencies
import io, logging, gzip, sys, os, time, re, shutil, glob, string, random, imp, fnmatch
import errno, signal, warnings, filecmp
import stat as statlib
import six
from contextlib import contextmanager
#pylint: disable=import-error
from six.moves import configparser
from distutils import file_util

# Return this error code if the scripts worked but tests failed
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]@contextmanager def redirect_stdout(new_target): old_target, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, new_target # replace sys.stdout try: yield new_target # run some code with the replaced stdout finally: sys.stdout = old_target # restore to the previous value
[docs]@contextmanager def redirect_stderr(new_target): old_target, sys.stderr = sys.stderr, new_target # replace sys.stdout try: yield new_target # run some code with the replaced stdout finally: sys.stderr = old_target # restore to the previous value
[docs]@contextmanager def redirect_stdout_stderr(new_target): old_stdout, old_stderr = sys.stdout, sys.stderr sys.stdout, sys.stderr = new_target, new_target try: yield new_target finally: sys.stdout, sys.stderr = old_stdout, old_stderr
[docs]@contextmanager def redirect_logger(new_target, logger_name): ch = logging.StreamHandler(stream=new_target) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log = logging.getLogger(logger_name) root_log = logging.getLogger() orig_handlers = log.handlers orig_root_loggers = root_log.handlers try: root_log.handlers = [] log.handlers = [ch] yield log finally: root_log.handlers = orig_root_loggers log.handlers = orig_handlers
[docs]class IndentFormatter(logging.Formatter): def __init__(self, indent, fmt=None, datefmt=None): logging.Formatter.__init__(self, fmt, datefmt) self._indent = indent
[docs] def format(self, record): record.msg = "{}{}".format(self._indent, record.msg) out = logging.Formatter.format(self, record) return out
[docs]def set_logger_indent(indent): root_log = logging.getLogger() root_log.handlers = [] formatter = IndentFormatter(indent) handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) root_log.addHandler(handler)
[docs]class EnvironmentContext(object): """ Context manager for environment variables Usage: os.environ['MYVAR'] = 'oldvalue' with EnvironmentContex(MYVAR='myvalue', MYVAR2='myvalue2'): print os.getenv('MYVAR') # Should print myvalue. print os.getenv('MYVAR2') # Should print myvalue2. print os.getenv('MYVAR') # Should print oldvalue. print os.getenv('MYVAR2') # Should print None. CREDIT: """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.envs = kwargs self.old_envs = {} def __enter__(self): self.old_envs = {} for k, v in self.envs.items(): self.old_envs[k] = os.environ.get(k) os.environ[k] = v def __exit__(self, *args): for k, v in self.old_envs.items(): if v: os.environ[k] = v else: del os.environ[k]
# This should be the go-to exception for CIME use. It's a subclass # of SystemExit in order suppress tracebacks, which users generally # hate seeing. It's a subclass of Exception because we want it to be # "catchable". If you are debugging CIME and want to see the stacktrace, # run your CIME command with the --debug flag.
[docs]class CIMEError(SystemExit, Exception): pass
[docs]def expect(condition, error_msg, exc_type=CIMEError, error_prefix="ERROR:"): """ Similar to assert except doesn't generate an ugly stacktrace. Useful for checking user error, not programming error. >>> expect(True, "error1") >>> expect(False, "error2") # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: error2 """ # Without this line we get a futurewarning on the use of condition below warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") if not condition: if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): import pdb pdb.set_trace() msg = error_prefix + " " + error_msg raise exc_type(msg)
[docs]def id_generator(size=6, chars=string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits): return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
[docs]def check_name(fullname, additional_chars=None, fullpath=False): """ check for unallowed characters in name, this routine only checks the final name and does not check if path exists or is writable >>> check_name("", additional_chars=".") False >>> check_name("", fullpath=False) True >>> check_name("/some/file/path/", fullpath=True) True >>> check_name("mycase+mods") False >>> check_name("mycase?mods") False >>> check_name("mycase*mods") False >>> check_name("/some/full/path/name/") False """ chars = '+*?<>/{}[\]~`@:' # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string if additional_chars is not None: chars += additional_chars if fullname.endswith('/'): return False if fullpath: _, name = os.path.split(fullname) else: name = fullname match ="["+re.escape(chars)+"]", name) if match is not None: logger.warning("Illegal character {} found in name {}".format(, name)) return False return True
# Should only be called from get_cime_config() def _read_cime_config_file(): """ READ the config file in ~/.cime, this file may contain [main] CIME_MODEL=e3sm,cesm,ufs PROJECT=someprojectnumber """ allowed_sections = ("main", "create_test") allowed_in_main = ("cime_model", "project", "charge_account", "srcroot", "mail_type", "mail_user", "machine", "mpilib", "compiler", "input_dir", "cime_driver") allowed_in_create_test = ("mail_type", "mail_user", "save_timing", "single_submit", "test_root", "output_root", "baseline_root", "clean", "machine", "mpilib", "compiler", "parallel_jobs", "proc_pool", "walltime", "job_queue", "allow_baseline_overwrite", "wait", "force_procs", "force_threads", "input_dir", "pesfile", "retry", "walltime") cime_config_file = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cime","config")) cime_config = configparser.SafeConfigParser() if(os.path.isfile(cime_config_file)): for section in cime_config.sections(): expect(section in allowed_sections,"Unknown section {} in .cime/config\nallowed sections are {}".format(section, allowed_sections)) if cime_config.has_section('main'): for item,_ in cime_config.items('main'): expect(item in allowed_in_main,"Unknown option in config section \"main\": \"{}\"\nallowed options are {}".format(item, allowed_in_main)) if cime_config.has_section('create_test'): for item,_ in cime_config.items('create_test'): expect(item in allowed_in_create_test,"Unknown option in config section \"test\": \"{}\"\nallowed options are {}".format(item, allowed_in_create_test)) else: logger.debug("File {} not found".format(cime_config_file)) cime_config.add_section('main') return cime_config _CIMECONFIG = None
[docs]def get_cime_config(): global _CIMECONFIG if (not _CIMECONFIG): _CIMECONFIG = _read_cime_config_file() return _CIMECONFIG
[docs]def reset_cime_config(): """ Useful to keep unit tests from interfering with each other """ global _CIMECONFIG _CIMECONFIG = None
[docs]def get_python_libs_location_within_cime(): """ From within CIME, return subdirectory of python libraries """ return os.path.join("scripts", "lib")
[docs]def get_cime_root(case=None): """ Return the absolute path to the root of CIME that contains this script >>> os.path.isdir(os.path.join(get_cime_root(), get_scripts_location_within_cime())) True """ script_absdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..")) assert script_absdir.endswith(get_python_libs_location_within_cime()), script_absdir cimeroot = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(script_absdir,"..","..")) if case is not None: case_cimeroot = os.path.abspath(case.get_value("CIMEROOT")) cimeroot = os.path.abspath(cimeroot) expect(cimeroot == case_cimeroot, "Inconsistent CIMEROOT variable: case -> '{}', file location -> '{}'".format(case_cimeroot, cimeroot)) logger.debug( "CIMEROOT is " + cimeroot) return cimeroot
[docs]def get_cime_default_driver(): driver = os.environ.get("CIME_DRIVER") if driver: logger.debug("Setting CIME_DRIVER={} from environment".format(driver)) else: cime_config = get_cime_config() if (cime_config.has_option('main','CIME_DRIVER')): driver = cime_config.get('main','CIME_DRIVER') if driver: logger.debug("Setting CIME_driver={} from ~/.cime/config".format(driver)) if not driver: model = get_model() if model == "ufs": driver = "nuopc" else: driver = "mct" expect(driver in ("mct", "nuopc", "moab"),"Attempt to set invalid driver {}".format(driver)) return driver
[docs]def get_all_cime_models(): modelsroot = os.path.join(get_cime_root(), "config") models = [] for entry in os.listdir(modelsroot): if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(modelsroot,entry)): models.append(entry) models.remove('xml_schemas') return models
[docs]def set_model(model): """ Set the model to be used in this session """ cime_config = get_cime_config() cime_models = get_all_cime_models() if not cime_config.has_section('main'): cime_config.add_section('main') expect(model in cime_models,"model {} not recognized. The acceptable values of CIME_MODEL currently are {}".format(model, cime_models)) cime_config.set('main','CIME_MODEL',model)
[docs]def get_model(): """ Get the currently configured model value The CIME_MODEL env variable may or may not be set >>> os.environ["CIME_MODEL"] = "garbage" >>> get_model() # doctest:+ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: model garbage not recognized >>> del os.environ["CIME_MODEL"] >>> set_model('rocky') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: model rocky not recognized >>> set_model('e3sm') >>> get_model() 'e3sm' >>> reset_cime_config() """ model = os.environ.get("CIME_MODEL") cime_models = get_all_cime_models() if model in cime_models: logger.debug("Setting CIME_MODEL={} from environment".format(model)) else: expect(model is None,"model {} not recognized. The acceptable values of CIME_MODEL currently are {}".format(model, cime_models)) cime_config = get_cime_config() if (cime_config.has_option('main','CIME_MODEL')): model = cime_config.get('main','CIME_MODEL') if model is not None: logger.debug("Setting CIME_MODEL={} from ~/.cime/config".format(model)) # One last try if (model is None): srcroot = None if cime_config.has_section('main') and cime_config.has_option('main', 'SRCROOT'): srcroot = cime_config.get('main','SRCROOT') if srcroot is None: srcroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(get_cime_root())) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(srcroot, "Externals.cfg")): model = 'cesm' with open(os.path.join(srcroot, "Externals.cfg")) as fd: for line in fd: if'fv3gfs', line): model = 'ufs' else: model = 'e3sm' # This message interfers with the correct operation of xmlquery # logger.debug("Guessing CIME_MODEL={}, set environment variable if this is incorrect".format(model)) if model is not None: set_model(model) return model modelroot = os.path.join(get_cime_root(), "config") models = os.listdir(modelroot) msg = ".cime/config or environment variable CIME_MODEL must be set to one of: " msg += ", ".join([model for model in models if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(modelroot,model)) and model != "xml_schemas"]) expect(False, msg)
def _get_path(filearg, from_dir): if not filearg.startswith("/") and from_dir is not None: filearg = os.path.join(from_dir, filearg) return filearg def _convert_to_fd(filearg, from_dir, mode="a"): filearg = _get_path(filearg, from_dir) return open(filearg, mode) _hack=object()
[docs]def check_for_python(filepath, funcname=None): is_python = is_python_executable(filepath) has_function = True if funcname is not None: has_function = False with open(filepath, 'r') as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): if"^def\s+{}\(".format(funcname), line) or"^from.+import.+\s{}".format(funcname), line): has_function = True break return is_python and has_function
[docs]def run_sub_or_cmd(cmd, cmdargs, subname, subargs, logfile=None, case=None, from_dir=None, timeout=None): """ This code will try to import and run each cmd as a subroutine if that fails it will run it as a program in a seperate shell Raises exception on failure. """ do_run_cmd = True # Before attempting to load the script make sure it contains the subroutine # we are expecting with open(cmd, 'r') as fd: for line in fd.readlines(): if"^def {}\(".format(subname), line): do_run_cmd = False break if not do_run_cmd: try: mod = imp.load_source(subname, cmd)" Calling {}".format(cmd)) # Careful: logfile code is not thread safe! if logfile: with open(logfile,"w") as log_fd: with redirect_logger(log_fd, subname): with redirect_stdout_stderr(log_fd): getattr(mod, subname)(*subargs) else: getattr(mod, subname)(*subargs) except (SyntaxError, AttributeError) as _: pass # Need to try to run as shell command except Exception: if logfile: with open(logfile, "a") as log_fd: log_fd.write(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) expect(False, "{} FAILED, cat {}".format(cmd, logfile)) else: raise else: return # Running as python function worked, we're done" Running {} ".format(cmd)) if case is not None: case.flush() fullcmd = cmd if isinstance(cmdargs, list): for arg in cmdargs: fullcmd += " " + str(arg) else: fullcmd += " " + cmdargs if logfile: fullcmd += " >& {} ".format(logfile) stat, output, _ = run_cmd("{}".format(fullcmd), combine_output=True, from_dir=from_dir, timeout=timeout) if output: # Will be empty if logfile if stat != 0: if logfile: expect(False, "{} FAILED, cat {}".format(fullcmd, logfile)) else: expect(False, "{} FAILED, see above".format(fullcmd)) # refresh case xml object from file if case is not None: case.read_xml()
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd, input_str=None, from_dir=None, verbose=None, arg_stdout=_hack, arg_stderr=_hack, env=None, combine_output=False, timeout=None): """ Wrapper around subprocess to make it much more convenient to run shell commands >>> run_cmd('ls file_i_hope_doesnt_exist')[0] != 0 True """ import subprocess # Not safe to do globally, module not available in older pythons # Real defaults for these value should be subprocess.PIPE if arg_stdout is _hack: arg_stdout = subprocess.PIPE elif isinstance(arg_stdout, six.string_types): arg_stdout = _convert_to_fd(arg_stdout, from_dir) if arg_stderr is _hack: arg_stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if combine_output else subprocess.PIPE elif isinstance(arg_stderr, six.string_types): arg_stderr = _convert_to_fd(arg_stdout, from_dir) if (verbose != False and (verbose or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))):"RUN: {}\nFROM: {}".format(cmd, os.getcwd() if from_dir is None else from_dir)) if (input_str is not None): stdin = subprocess.PIPE else: stdin = None if timeout: with Timeout(timeout): proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=arg_stdout, stderr=arg_stderr, stdin=stdin, cwd=from_dir, env=env) output, errput = proc.communicate(input_str) else: proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=arg_stdout, stderr=arg_stderr, stdin=stdin, cwd=from_dir, env=env) output, errput = proc.communicate(input_str) # In Python3, subprocess.communicate returns bytes. We want to work with strings # as much as possible, so we convert bytes to string (which is unicode in py3) via # decode. For python2, we do NOT want to do this since decode will yield unicode # strings which are not necessarily compatible with the system's default base str type. if not six.PY2: if output is not None: try: output = output.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') except AttributeError: pass if errput is not None: try: errput = errput.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') except AttributeError: pass # Always strip outputs if output: output = output.strip() if errput: errput = errput.strip() stat = proc.wait() if six.PY2: if isinstance(arg_stdout, file): # pylint: disable=undefined-variable arg_stdout.close() # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(arg_stderr, file) and arg_stderr is not arg_stdout: # pylint: disable=undefined-variable arg_stderr.close() # pylint: disable=no-member else: if isinstance(arg_stdout, io.IOBase): arg_stdout.close() # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(arg_stderr, io.IOBase) and arg_stderr is not arg_stdout: arg_stderr.close() # pylint: disable=no-member if (verbose != False and (verbose or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG))): if stat != 0:" stat: {:d}\n".format(stat)) if output:" output: {}\n".format(output)) if errput:" errput: {}\n".format(errput)) return stat, output, errput
[docs]def run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, input_str=None, from_dir=None, verbose=None, arg_stdout=_hack, arg_stderr=_hack, env=None, combine_output=False, timeout=None): """ Wrapper around subprocess to make it much more convenient to run shell commands. Expects command to work. Just returns output string. >>> run_cmd_no_fail('echo foo') == 'foo' True >>> run_cmd_no_fail('echo THE ERROR >&2; false') # doctest:+ELLIPSIS +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: Command: 'echo THE ERROR >&2; false' failed with error ... >>> run_cmd_no_fail('grep foo', input_str=b'foo') == 'foo' True >>> run_cmd_no_fail('echo THE ERROR >&2', combine_output=True) == 'THE ERROR' True """ stat, output, errput = run_cmd(cmd, input_str, from_dir, verbose, arg_stdout, arg_stderr, env, combine_output, timeout=timeout) if stat != 0: # If command produced no errput, put output in the exception since we # have nothing else to go on. errput = output if not errput else errput if errput is None: if combine_output: if isinstance(arg_stdout, six.string_types): errput = "See {}".format(_get_path(arg_stdout, from_dir)) else: errput = "" elif isinstance(arg_stderr, six.string_types): errput = "See {}".format(_get_path(arg_stderr, from_dir)) else: errput = "" expect(False, "Command: '{}' failed with error '{}' from dir '{}'".format(cmd, errput, os.getcwd() if from_dir is None else from_dir)) return output
[docs]def check_minimum_python_version(major, minor): """ Check your python version. >>> check_minimum_python_version(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]) >>> """ msg = "Python " + str(major) + ", minor version " + str(minor) + " is required, you have " + str(sys.version_info[0]) + "." + str(sys.version_info[1]) expect(sys.version_info[0] > major or (sys.version_info[0] == major and sys.version_info[1] >= minor), msg)
[docs]def normalize_case_id(case_id): """ Given a case_id, return it in form TESTCASE.GRID.COMPSET.PLATFORM >>> normalize_case_id('ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel') 'ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel' >>> normalize_case_id('ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.test-mod') 'ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.test-mod' >>> normalize_case_id('ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.G.20151121') 'ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel' >>> normalize_case_id('ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.test-mod.G.20151121') 'ERT.ne16_g37.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.test-mod' """ sep_count = case_id.count(".") expect(sep_count >= 3 and sep_count <= 6, "Case '{}' needs to be in form: TESTCASE.GRID.COMPSET.PLATFORM[.TESTMOD] or TESTCASE.GRID.COMPSET.PLATFORM[.TESTMOD].GC.TESTID".format(case_id)) if (sep_count in [5, 6]): return ".".join(case_id.split(".")[:-2]) else: return case_id
[docs]def parse_test_name(test_name): """ Given a CIME test name TESTCASE[_CASEOPTS].GRID.COMPSET[.MACHINE_COMPILER[.TESTMODS]], return each component of the testname with machine and compiler split. Do not error if a partial testname is provided (TESTCASE or TESTCASE.GRID) instead parse and return the partial results. >>> parse_test_name('ERS') ['ERS', None, None, None, None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS.fe12_123') ['ERS', None, 'fe12_123', None, None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS.fe12_123.JGF') ['ERS', None, 'fe12_123', 'JGF', None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS_D.fe12_123.JGF') ['ERS', ['D'], 'fe12_123', 'JGF', None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS_D_P1.fe12_123.JGF') ['ERS', ['D', 'P1'], 'fe12_123', 'JGF', None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('SMS_D_Ln9_Mmpi-serial.f19_g16_rx1.A') ['SMS', ['D', 'Ln9', 'Mmpi-serial'], 'f19_g16_rx1', 'A', None, None, None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS.fe12_123.JGF.machine_compiler') ['ERS', None, 'fe12_123', 'JGF', 'machine', 'compiler', None] >>> parse_test_name('ERS.fe12_123.JGF.machine_compiler.test-mods') ['ERS', None, 'fe12_123', 'JGF', 'machine', 'compiler', 'test/mods'] >>> parse_test_name('SMS.f19_g16.2000_DATM%QI.A_XLND_SICE_SOCN_XROF_XGLC_SWAV.mach-ine_compiler.test-mods') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: Expected 4th item of 'SMS.f19_g16.2000_DATM%QI.A_XLND_SICE_SOCN_XROF_XGLC_SWAV.mach-ine_compiler.test-mods' ('A_XLND_SICE_SOCN_XROF_XGLC_SWAV') to be in form machine_compiler >>> parse_test_name('SMS.f19_g16.2000_DATM%QI/A_XLND_SICE_SOCN_XROF_XGLC_SWAV.mach-ine_compiler.test-mods') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): ... CIMEError: ERROR: Invalid compset name 2000_DATM%QI/A_XLND_SICE_SOCN_XROF_XGLC_SWAV """ rv = [None] * 7 num_dots = test_name.count(".") rv[0:num_dots+1] = test_name.split(".") testcase_field_underscores = rv[0].count("_") rv.insert(1, None) # Make room for caseopts rv.pop() if (testcase_field_underscores > 0): full_str = rv[0] rv[0] = full_str.split("_")[0] rv[1] = full_str.split("_")[1:] if (num_dots >= 3): expect(check_name( rv[3] ), "Invalid compset name {}".format(rv[3])) expect(rv[4].count("_") == 1, "Expected 4th item of '{}' ('{}') to be in form machine_compiler".format(test_name, rv[4])) rv[4:5] = rv[4].split("_") rv.pop() if (rv[-1] is not None): rv[-1] = rv[-1].replace("-", "/") expect(num_dots <= 4, "'{}' does not look like a CIME test name, expect TESTCASE.GRID.COMPSET[.MACHINE_COMPILER[.TESTMODS]]".format(test_name)) return rv
[docs]def get_full_test_name(partial_test, caseopts=None, grid=None, compset=None, machine=None, compiler=None, testmod=None): """ Given a partial CIME test name, return in form TESTCASE.GRID.COMPSET.MACHINE_COMPILER[.TESTMODS] Use the additional args to fill out the name if needed >>> get_full_test_name("ERS", grid="ne16_fe16", compset="JGF", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu") 'ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu' >>> get_full_test_name("ERS", caseopts=["D", "P16"], grid="ne16_fe16", compset="JGF", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu") 'ERS_D_P16.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu' >>> get_full_test_name("ERS.ne16_fe16", compset="JGF", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu") 'ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu' >>> get_full_test_name("ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu") 'ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu' >>> get_full_test_name("ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu.mods", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu") 'ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu.mods' >>> get_full_test_name("ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF", machine="melvin", compiler="gnu", testmod="mods/test") 'ERS.ne16_fe16.JGF.melvin_gnu.mods-test' """ partial_testcase, partial_caseopts, partial_grid, partial_compset, partial_machine, partial_compiler, partial_testmod = parse_test_name(partial_test) required_fields = [ (partial_grid, grid, "grid"), (partial_compset, compset, "compset"), (partial_machine, machine, "machine"), (partial_compiler, compiler, "compiler"), ] result = partial_test for partial_val, arg_val, name in required_fields: if (partial_val is None): # Add to result based on args expect(arg_val is not None, "Could not fill-out test name, partial string '{}' had no {} information and you did not provide any".format(partial_test, name)) result = "{}{}{}".format(result, "_" if name == "compiler" else ".", arg_val) elif (arg_val is not None and partial_val != partial_compiler): expect(arg_val == partial_val, "Mismatch in field {}, partial string '{}' indicated it should be '{}' but you provided '{}'".format(name, partial_test, partial_val, arg_val)) if (partial_testmod is None): if (testmod is None): # No testmod for this test and that's OK pass else: result += ".{}".format(testmod.replace("/", "-")) elif (testmod is not None): expect(testmod == partial_testmod, "Mismatch in field testmod, partial string '{}' indicated it should be '{}' but you provided '{}'".format(partial_test, partial_testmod, testmod)) if (partial_caseopts is None): if caseopts is None: # No casemods for this test and that's OK pass else: result = result.replace(partial_testcase, "{}_{}".format(partial_testcase, "_".join(caseopts)), 1) elif caseopts is not None: expect(caseopts == partial_caseopts, "Mismatch in field caseopts, partial string '{}' indicated it should be '{}' but you provided '{}'".format(partial_test, partial_caseopts, caseopts)) return result
[docs]def get_current_branch(repo=None): """ Return the name of the current branch for a repository >>> if "GIT_BRANCH" in os.environ: ... get_current_branch() is not None ... else: ... os.environ["GIT_BRANCH"] = "foo" ... get_current_branch() == "foo" True """ if ("GIT_BRANCH" in os.environ): # This approach works better for Jenkins jobs because the Jenkins # git plugin does not use local tracking branches, it just checks out # to a commit branch = os.environ["GIT_BRANCH"] if (branch.startswith("origin/")): branch = branch.replace("origin/", "", 1) return branch else: stat, output, _ = run_cmd("git symbolic-ref HEAD", from_dir=repo) if (stat != 0): return None else: return output.replace("refs/heads/", "")
[docs]def get_current_commit(short=False, repo=None, tag=False): """ Return the sha1 of the current HEAD commit >>> get_current_commit() is not None True """ if tag: rc, output, _ = run_cmd("git describe --tags $(git log -n1 --pretty='%h')", from_dir=repo) else: rc, output, _ = run_cmd("git rev-parse {} HEAD".format("--short" if short else ""), from_dir=repo) return output if rc == 0 else "unknown"
[docs]def get_scripts_location_within_cime(): """ From within CIME, return subdirectory where scripts live. """ return "scripts"
[docs]def get_cime_location_within_e3sm(): """ From within e3sm, return subdirectory where CIME lives. """ return "cime"
[docs]def get_model_config_location_within_cime(model=None): model = get_model() if model is None else model return os.path.join("config", model)
[docs]def get_e3sm_root(): """ Return the absolute path to the root of E3SM that contains this script """ cime_absdir = get_cime_root() assert cime_absdir.endswith(get_cime_location_within_e3sm()), cime_absdir return os.path.normpath(cime_absdir[:len(cime_absdir)-len(get_cime_location_within_e3sm())])
[docs]def get_scripts_root(): """ Get absolute path to scripts >>> os.path.isdir(get_scripts_root()) True """ return os.path.join(get_cime_root(), get_scripts_location_within_cime())
[docs]def get_python_libs_root(): """ Get absolute path to scripts >>> os.path.isdir(get_python_libs_root()) True """ return os.path.join(get_cime_root(), get_python_libs_location_within_cime())
[docs]def get_model_config_root(model=None): """ Get absolute path to model config area" >>> os.path.isdir(get_model_config_root()) True """ model = get_model() if model is None else model return os.path.join(get_cime_root(), get_model_config_location_within_cime(model))
[docs]def stop_buffering_output(): """ All stdout, stderr will not be buffered after this is called. """ os.environ['PYTHONUNBUFFERED'] = '1'
[docs]def start_buffering_output(): """ All stdout, stderr will be buffered after this is called. This is python's default behavior. """ sys.stdout.flush() sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w')
[docs]def match_any(item, re_list): """ Return true if item matches any regex in re_list """ for regex_str in re_list: regex = re.compile(regex_str) if (regex.match(item)): return True return False
[docs]def get_current_submodule_status(recursive=False, repo=None): """ Return the sha1s of the current currently checked out commit for each submodule, along with the submodule path and the output of git describe for the SHA-1. >>> get_current_submodule_status() is not None True """ rc, output, _ = run_cmd("git submodule status {}".format("--recursive" if recursive else ""), from_dir=repo) return output if rc == 0 else "unknown"
[docs]def safe_copy(src_path, tgt_path, preserve_meta=True): """ A flexbile and safe copy routine. Will try to copy file and metadata, but this can fail if the current user doesn't own the tgt file. A fallback data-only copy is attempted in this case. Works even if overwriting a read-only file. tgt_path can be a directory, src_path must be a file most of the complexity here is handling the case where the tgt_path file already exists. This problem does not exist for the tree operations so we don't need to wrap those. preserve_meta toggles if file meta-data, like permissions, should be preserved. If you are copying baseline files, you should be within a SharedArea context manager and preserve_meta should be false so that the umask set up by SharedArea can take affect regardless of the permissions of the src files. """ tgt_path = os.path.join(tgt_path, os.path.basename(src_path)) if os.path.isdir(tgt_path) else tgt_path # Handle pre-existing file if os.path.isfile(tgt_path): st = os.stat(tgt_path) owner_uid = st.st_uid # Handle read-only files if possible if not os.access(tgt_path, os.W_OK): if owner_uid == os.getuid(): # I am the owner, make writeable os.chmod(tgt_path, st.st_mode | statlib.S_IWRITE) else: # I won't be able to copy this file raise OSError("Cannot copy over file {}, it is readonly and you are not the owner".format(tgt_path)) if owner_uid == os.getuid(): # I am the owner, copy file contents, permissions, and metadata file_util.copy_file(src_path, tgt_path, preserve_mode=preserve_meta, preserve_times=preserve_meta) else: # I am not the owner, just copy file contents shutil.copyfile(src_path, tgt_path) else: # We are making a new file, copy file contents, permissions, and metadata. # This can fail if the underlying directory is not writable by current user. file_util.copy_file(src_path, tgt_path, preserve_mode=preserve_meta, preserve_times=preserve_meta) # If src file was executable, then the tgt file should be too st = os.stat(tgt_path) if os.access(src_path, os.X_OK) and st.st_uid == os.getuid(): os.chmod(tgt_path, st.st_mode | statlib.S_IXUSR | statlib.S_IXGRP | statlib.S_IXOTH)
[docs]def safe_recursive_copy(src_dir, tgt_dir, file_map): """ Copies a set of files from one dir to another. Works even if overwriting a read-only file. Files can be relative paths and the relative path will be matched on the tgt side. """ for src_file, tgt_file in file_map: full_tgt = os.path.join(tgt_dir, tgt_file) full_src = src_file if os.path.isabs(src_file) else os.path.join(src_dir, src_file) expect(os.path.isfile(full_src), "Source dir '{}' missing file '{}'".format(src_dir, src_file)) safe_copy(full_src, full_tgt)
[docs]def find_proc_id(proc_name=None, children_only=False, of_parent=None): """ Children implies recursive. """ expect(proc_name is not None or children_only, "Must provide proc_name if not searching for children") expect(not (of_parent is not None and not children_only), "of_parent only used with children_only") parent = of_parent if of_parent is not None else os.getpid() pgrep_cmd = "pgrep {} {}".format(proc_name if proc_name is not None else "", "-P {:d}".format(parent if children_only else "")) stat, output, errput = run_cmd(pgrep_cmd) expect(stat in [0, 1], "pgrep failed with error: '{}'".format(errput)) rv = set([int(item.strip()) for item in output.splitlines()]) if (children_only): pgrep_cmd = "pgrep -P {}".format(parent) stat, output, errput = run_cmd(pgrep_cmd) expect(stat in [0, 1], "pgrep failed with error: '{}'".format(errput)) for child in output.splitlines(): rv = rv.union(set(find_proc_id(proc_name, children_only, int(child.strip())))) return list(rv)
[docs]def get_timestamp(timestamp_format="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", utc_time=False): """ Get a string representing the current UTC time in format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS The format can be changed if needed. """ if utc_time: time_tuple = time.gmtime() else: time_tuple = time.localtime() return time.strftime(timestamp_format, time_tuple)
[docs]def get_project(machobj=None): """ Hierarchy for choosing PROJECT: 0. Command line flag to create_newcase or create_test 1. Environment variable PROJECT 2 Environment variable ACCOUNT (this is for backward compatibility) 3. File $HOME/.cime/config (this is new) 4 File $HOME/.cesm_proj (this is for backward compatibility) 5 config_machines.xml (if machobj provided) """ project = os.environ.get("PROJECT") if (project is not None):"Using project from env PROJECT: " + project) return project project = os.environ.get("ACCOUNT") if (project is not None):"Using project from env ACCOUNT: " + project) return project cime_config = get_cime_config() if (cime_config.has_option('main','PROJECT')): project = cime_config.get('main','PROJECT') if (project is not None):"Using project from .cime/config: " + project) return project projectfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".cesm_proj")) if (os.path.isfile(projectfile)): with open(projectfile,'r') as myfile: for line in myfile: project = line.rstrip() if not project.startswith("#"): break if (project is not None):"Using project from .cesm_proj: " + project) cime_config.set('main','PROJECT',project) return project if machobj is not None: project = machobj.get_value("PROJECT") if project is not None:"Using project from config_machines.xml: " + project) return project"No project info available") return None
[docs]def get_charge_account(machobj=None, project=None): """ Hierarchy for choosing CHARGE_ACCOUNT: 1. Environment variable CHARGE_ACCOUNT 2. File $HOME/.cime/config 3. config_machines.xml (if machobj provided) 4. default to same value as PROJECT >>> import CIME >>> import CIME.XML.machines >>> machobj = CIME.XML.machines.Machines(machine="theta") >>> project = get_project(machobj) >>> charge_account = get_charge_account(machobj, project) >>> project == charge_account True >>> os.environ["CHARGE_ACCOUNT"] = "ChargeAccount" >>> get_charge_account(machobj, project) 'ChargeAccount' >>> del os.environ["CHARGE_ACCOUNT"] """ charge_account = os.environ.get("CHARGE_ACCOUNT") if (charge_account is not None):"Using charge_account from env CHARGE_ACCOUNT: " + charge_account) return charge_account cime_config = get_cime_config() if (cime_config.has_option('main','CHARGE_ACCOUNT')): charge_account = cime_config.get('main','CHARGE_ACCOUNT') if (charge_account is not None):"Using charge_account from .cime/config: " + charge_account) return charge_account if machobj is not None: charge_account = machobj.get_value("CHARGE_ACCOUNT") if charge_account is not None:"Using charge_account from config_machines.xml: " + charge_account) return charge_account"No charge_account info available, using value from PROJECT") return project
[docs]def find_files(rootdir, pattern): """ recursively find all files matching a pattern """ result = [] for root, _, files in os.walk(rootdir): for filename in files: if (fnmatch.fnmatch(filename, pattern)): result.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return result
[docs]def setup_standard_logging_options(parser): helpfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),os.path.basename("{}.log".format(sys.argv[0]))) parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="Print debug information (very verbose) to file {}".format(helpfile)) parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", help="Add additional context (time and file) to log messages") parser.add_argument("-s", "--silent", action="store_true", help="Print only warnings and error messages")
class _LessThanFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, exclusive_maximum, name=""): super(_LessThanFilter, self).__init__(name) self.max_level = exclusive_maximum def filter(self, record): #non-zero return means we log this message return 1 if record.levelno < self.max_level else 0
[docs]def parse_args_and_handle_standard_logging_options(args, parser=None): """ Guide to logging in CIME. logger.debug -> Verbose/detailed output, use for debugging, off by default. Goes to a .log file -> Goes to stdout (and log if --debug). Use for normal program output logger.warning -> Goes to stderr (and log if --debug). Use for minor problems logger.error -> Goes to stderr (and log if --debug) """ root_logger = logging.getLogger() verbose_formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(name)-12s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s', datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M') # Change info to go to stdout. This handle applies to INFO exclusively stdout_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout) stdout_stream_handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) stdout_stream_handler.addFilter(_LessThanFilter(logging.WARNING)) # Change warnings and above to go to stderr stderr_stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stderr) stderr_stream_handler.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # scripts_regression_tests is the only thing that should pass a None argument in parser if parser is not None: if "--help" not in args[1:]: _check_for_invalid_args(args[1:]) args = parser.parse_args(args[1:]) # --verbose adds to the message format but does not impact the log level if args.verbose: stdout_stream_handler.setFormatter(verbose_formatter) stderr_stream_handler.setFormatter(verbose_formatter) root_logger.addHandler(stdout_stream_handler) root_logger.addHandler(stderr_stream_handler) if args.debug: # Set up log file to catch ALL logging records log_file = "{}.log".format(os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])) debug_log_handler = logging.FileHandler(log_file, mode='w') debug_log_handler.setFormatter(verbose_formatter) debug_log_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) root_logger.addHandler(debug_log_handler) root_logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif args.silent: root_logger.setLevel(logging.WARN) else: root_logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) return args
[docs]def get_logging_options(): """ Use to pass same logging options as was used for current executable to subprocesses. """ root_logger = logging.getLogger() if (root_logger.level == logging.DEBUG): return "--debug" elif (root_logger.level == logging.WARN): return "--silent" else: return ""
[docs]def convert_to_type(value, type_str, vid=""): """ Convert value from string to another type. vid is only for generating better error messages. """ if value is not None: if type_str == "char": pass elif type_str == "integer": try: value = int(eval(value)) except Exception: expect(False, "Entry {} was listed as type int but value '{}' is not valid int".format(vid, value)) elif type_str == "logical": expect(value.upper() in ["TRUE", "FALSE"], "Entry {} was listed as type logical but had val '{}' instead of TRUE or FALSE".format(vid, value)) value = value.upper() == "TRUE" elif type_str == "real": try: value = float(value) except Exception: expect(False, "Entry {} was listed as type real but value '{}' is not valid real".format(vid, value)) else: expect(False, "Unknown type '{}'".format(type_str)) return value
[docs]def convert_to_unknown_type(value): """ Convert value to it's real type by probing conversions. """ if value is not None: # Attempt to convert to logical if value.upper() in ["TRUE", "FALSE"]: return value.upper() == "TRUE" # Attempt to convert to integer try: value = int(eval(value)) except Exception: pass else: return value # Attempt to convert to float try: value = float(value) except Exception: pass else: return value # Just treat as string return value
[docs]def convert_to_string(value, type_str=None, vid=""): """ Convert value back to string. vid is only for generating better error messages. >>> convert_to_string(6, type_str="integer") == '6' True >>> convert_to_string('6', type_str="integer") == '6' True >>> convert_to_string('6.0', type_str="real") == '6.0' True >>> convert_to_string(6.01, type_str="real") == '6.01' True """ if value is not None and not isinstance(value, six.string_types): if type_str == "char": expect(isinstance(value, six.string_types), "Wrong type for entry id '{}'".format(vid)) elif type_str == "integer": expect(isinstance(value, six.integer_types), "Wrong type for entry id '{}'".format(vid)) value = str(value) elif type_str == "logical": expect(type(value) is bool, "Wrong type for entry id '{}'".format(vid)) value = "TRUE" if value else "FALSE" elif type_str == "real": expect(type(value) is float, "Wrong type for entry id '{}'".format(vid)) value = str(value) else: expect(False, "Unknown type '{}'".format(type_str)) if value is None: value = "" logger.debug("Attempt to convert None value for vid {} {}".format(vid,value)) return value
[docs]def convert_to_seconds(time_str): """ Convert time value in [[HH:]MM:]SS to seconds We assume that XX:YY is likely to be HH:MM, not MM:SS >>> convert_to_seconds("42") 42 >>> convert_to_seconds("01:01:01") 3661 >>> convert_to_seconds("01:01") 3660 """ components = time_str.split(":") expect(len(components) < 4, "Unusual time string: '{}'".format(time_str)) components.reverse() result = 0 starting_exp = 1 if len(components) == 2 else 0 for idx, component in enumerate(components): result += int(component) * pow(60, idx + starting_exp) return result
[docs]def convert_to_babylonian_time(seconds): """ Convert time value to seconds to HH:MM:SS >>> convert_to_babylonian_time(3661) '01:01:01' """ hours = int(seconds / 3600) seconds %= 3600 minutes = int(seconds / 60) seconds %= 60 return "{:02d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(hours, minutes, seconds)
[docs]def get_time_in_seconds(timeval, unit): """ Convert a time from 'unit' to seconds """ if 'nyear' in unit: dmult = 365 * 24 * 3600 elif 'nmonth' in unit: dmult = 30 * 24 * 3600 elif 'nday' in unit: dmult = 24 * 3600 elif 'nhour' in unit: dmult = 3600 elif 'nminute' in unit: dmult = 60 else: dmult = 1 return dmult * timeval
[docs]def compute_total_time(job_cost_map, proc_pool): """ Given a map: jobname -> (procs, est-time), return a total time estimate for a given processor pool size >>> job_cost_map = {"A" : (4, 3000), "B" : (2, 1000), "C" : (8, 2000), "D" : (1, 800)} >>> compute_total_time(job_cost_map, 8) 5160 >>> compute_total_time(job_cost_map, 12) 3180 >>> compute_total_time(job_cost_map, 16) 3060 """ current_time = 0 waiting_jobs = dict(job_cost_map) running_jobs = {} # name -> (procs, est-time, start-time) while len(waiting_jobs) > 0 or len(running_jobs) > 0: launched_jobs = [] for jobname, data in waiting_jobs.items(): procs_for_job, time_for_job = data if procs_for_job <= proc_pool: proc_pool -= procs_for_job launched_jobs.append(jobname) running_jobs[jobname] = (procs_for_job, time_for_job, current_time) for launched_job in launched_jobs: del waiting_jobs[launched_job] completed_jobs = [] for jobname, data in running_jobs.items(): procs_for_job, time_for_job, time_started = data if (current_time - time_started) >= time_for_job: proc_pool += procs_for_job completed_jobs.append(jobname) for completed_job in completed_jobs: del running_jobs[completed_job] current_time += 60 # minute time step return current_time
[docs]def format_time(time_format, input_format, input_time): """ Converts the string input_time from input_format to time_format Valid format specifiers are "%H", "%M", and "%S" % signs must be followed by an H, M, or S and then a separator Separators can be any string without digits or a % sign Each specifier can occur more than once in the input_format, but only the first occurence will be used. An example of a valid format: "%H:%M:%S" Unlike strptime, this does support %H >= 24 >>> format_time("%H:%M:%S", "%H", "43") '43:00:00' >>> format_time("%H %M", "%M,%S", "59,59") '0 59' >>> format_time("%H, %S", "%H:%M:%S", "2:43:9") '2, 09' """ input_fields = input_format.split("%") expect(input_fields[0] == input_time[:len(input_fields[0])], "Failed to parse the input time '{}'; does not match the header string '{}'".format(input_time, input_format)) input_time = input_time[len(input_fields[0]):] timespec = {"H": None, "M": None, "S": None} maxvals = {"M": 60, "S": 60} DIGIT_CHECK = re.compile('[^0-9]*') # Loop invariants given input follows the specs: # field starts with H, M, or S # input_time starts with a number corresponding with the start of field for field in input_fields[1:]: # Find all of the digits at the start of the string spec = field[0] value_re = re.match(r'\d*', input_time) expect(value_re is not None, "Failed to parse the input time for the '{}' specifier, expected an integer".format(spec)) value = expect(spec in timespec, "Unknown time specifier '" + spec + "'") # Don't do anything if the time field is already specified if timespec[spec] is None: # Verify we aren't exceeding the maximum value if spec in maxvals: expect(int(value) < maxvals[spec], "Failed to parse the '{}' specifier: A value less than {:d} is expected".format(spec, maxvals[spec])) timespec[spec] = value input_time = input_time[len(value):] # Check for the separator string expect(len(re.match(DIGIT_CHECK, field).group(0)) == len(field), "Numbers are not permissible in separator strings") expect(input_time[:len(field) - 1] == field[1:], "The separator string ({}) doesn't match '{}'".format(field[1:], input_time)) input_time = input_time[len(field) - 1:] output_fields = time_format.split("%") output_time = output_fields[0] # Used when a value isn't given min_len_spec = {"H": 1, "M": 2, "S": 2} # Loop invariants given input follows the specs: # field starts with H, M, or S # output_time for field in output_fields[1:]: expect(field == output_fields[-1] or len(field) > 1, "Separator strings are required to properly parse times") spec = field[0] expect(spec in timespec, "Unknown time specifier '" + spec + "'") if timespec[spec] is not None: output_time += "0" * (min_len_spec[spec] - len(timespec[spec])) output_time += timespec[spec] else: output_time += "0" * min_len_spec[spec] output_time += field[1:] return output_time
[docs]def append_status(msg, sfile, caseroot='.'): """ Append msg to sfile in caseroot """ ctime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S: ") # Reduce empty lines in CaseStatus. It's a very concise file # and does not need extra newlines for readability line_ending = "\n" with open(os.path.join(caseroot, sfile), "a") as fd: fd.write(ctime + msg + line_ending) fd.write(" ---------------------------------------------------" + line_ending)
[docs]def append_testlog(msg, caseroot='.'): """ Add to TestStatus.log file """ append_status(msg, "TestStatus.log", caseroot)
[docs]def append_case_status(phase, status, msg=None, caseroot='.'): """ Update CaseStatus file """ append_status("{} {}{}".format(phase, status, " {}".format(msg if msg else "")), "CaseStatus", caseroot)
[docs]def does_file_have_string(filepath, text): """ Does the text string appear in the filepath file """ return os.path.isfile(filepath) and text in open(filepath).read()
[docs]def is_last_process_complete(filepath, expect_text, fail_text): """ Search the filepath in reverse order looking for expect_text before finding fail_text. This utility is used by archive_metadata. """ complete = False fh = open(filepath, 'r') fb = fh.readlines() rfb = ''.join(reversed(fb)) findex =, rfb) if findex is None: findex = 0 else: findex = findex.start() eindex =, rfb) if eindex is None: eindex = 0 else: eindex = eindex.start() if findex > eindex: complete = True return complete
[docs]def transform_vars(text, case=None, subgroup=None, overrides=None, default=None): """ Do the variable substitution for any variables that need transforms recursively. >>> transform_vars("{{ cesm_stdout }}", default="cesm.stdout") 'cesm.stdout' >>> member_store = lambda : None >>> = "hi" >>> transform_vars("I say {{ foo }}", overrides={"foo":"hi"}) 'I say hi' """ directive_re = re.compile(r"{{ (\w+) }}", flags=re.M) # loop through directive text, replacing each string enclosed with # template characters with the necessary values. while m = variable = m.groups()[0] whole_match = if overrides is not None and variable.lower() in overrides and overrides[variable.lower()] is not None: repl = overrides[variable.lower()] logger.debug("from overrides: in {}, replacing {} with {}".format(text, whole_match, str(repl))) text = text.replace(whole_match, str(repl)) elif case is not None and hasattr(case, variable.lower()) and getattr(case, variable.lower()) is not None: repl = getattr(case, variable.lower()) logger.debug("from case members: in {}, replacing {} with {}".format(text, whole_match, str(repl))) text = text.replace(whole_match, str(repl)) elif case is not None and case.get_value(variable.upper(), subgroup=subgroup) is not None: repl = case.get_value(variable.upper(), subgroup=subgroup) logger.debug("from case: in {}, replacing {} with {}".format(text, whole_match, str(repl))) text = text.replace(whole_match, str(repl)) elif default is not None: logger.debug("from default: in {}, replacing {} with {}".format(text, whole_match, str(default))) text = text.replace(whole_match, default) else: # If no queue exists, then the directive '-q' by itself will cause an error if "-q {{ queue }}" in text: text = "" else: logger.warning("Could not replace variable '{}'".format(variable)) text = text.replace(whole_match, "") return text
[docs]def wait_for_unlocked(filepath): locked = True file_object = None while locked: try: buffer_size = 8 # Opening file in append mode and read the first 8 characters. file_object = open(filepath, 'a', buffer_size) if file_object: locked = False except IOError: locked = True time.sleep(1) finally: if file_object: file_object.close()
[docs]def gunzip_existing_file(filepath): with, "rb") as fd: return
[docs]def gzip_existing_file(filepath): """ Gzips an existing file, removes the unzipped version, returns path to zip file. Note the that the timestamp of the original file will be maintained in the zipped file. >>> import tempfile >>> fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp(text=True) >>> _ = os.write(fd, b"Hello World") >>> os.close(fd) >>> gzfile = gzip_existing_file(filename) >>> gunzip_existing_file(gzfile) == b'Hello World' True >>> os.remove(gzfile) """ expect(os.path.exists(filepath), "{} does not exists".format(filepath)) st = os.stat(filepath) orig_atime, orig_mtime = st[statlib.ST_ATIME], st[statlib.ST_MTIME] gzpath = '{}.gz'.format(filepath) with open(filepath, "rb") as f_in: with, "wb") as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(filepath) os.utime(gzpath, (orig_atime, orig_mtime)) return gzpath
[docs]def touch(fname): if os.path.exists(fname): os.utime(fname, None) else: open(fname, 'a').close()
[docs]def find_system_test(testname, case): """ Find and import the test matching testname Look through the paths set in config_files.xml variable SYSTEM_TESTS_DIR for components used in this case to find a test matching testname. Add the path to that directory to sys.path if its not there and return the test object Fail if the test is not found in any of the paths. """ from importlib import import_module system_test_path = None if testname.startswith("TEST"): system_test_path = "CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_common.{}".format(testname) else: components = ["any"] components.extend( case.get_compset_components()) fdir = [] for component in components: tdir = case.get_value("SYSTEM_TESTS_DIR", attribute={"component":component}) if tdir is not None: tdir = os.path.abspath(tdir) system_test_file = os.path.join(tdir ,"{}.py".format(testname.lower())) if os.path.isfile(system_test_file): fdir.append(tdir) logger.debug( "found "+system_test_file) if component == "any": system_test_path = "CIME.SystemTests.{}.{}".format(testname.lower(), testname) else: system_test_dir = os.path.dirname(system_test_file) if system_test_dir not in sys.path: sys.path.append(system_test_dir) system_test_path = "{}.{}".format(testname.lower(), testname) expect(len(fdir) > 0, "Test {} not found, aborting".format(testname)) expect(len(fdir) == 1, "Test {} found in multiple locations {}, aborting".format(testname, fdir)) expect(system_test_path is not None, "No test {} found".format(testname)) path, m = system_test_path.rsplit('.',1) mod = import_module(path) return getattr(mod, m)
def _get_most_recent_lid_impl(files): """ >>> files = ['/foo/bar/e3sm.log.20160905_111212', '/foo/bar/e3sm.log.20160906_111212.gz'] >>> _get_most_recent_lid_impl(files) ['20160905_111212', '20160906_111212'] >>> files = ['/foo/bar/e3sm.log.20160905_111212', '/foo/bar/e3sm.log.20160905_111212.gz'] >>> _get_most_recent_lid_impl(files) ['20160905_111212'] """ results = [] for item in files: basename = os.path.basename(item) components = basename.split(".") if len(components) > 2: results.append(components[2]) else: logger.warning("Apparent model log file '{}' did not conform to expected name format".format(item)) return sorted(list(set(results)))
[docs]def ls_sorted_by_mtime(path): ''' return list of path sorted by timestamp oldest first''' mtime = lambda f: os.stat(os.path.join(path, f)).st_mtime return list(sorted(os.listdir(path), key=mtime))
[docs]def get_lids(case): model = case.get_value("MODEL") rundir = case.get_value("RUNDIR") return _get_most_recent_lid_impl(glob.glob("{}/{}.log*".format(rundir, model)))
[docs]def new_lid(): lid = time.strftime("%y%m%d-%H%M%S") jobid = batch_jobid() if jobid is not None: lid = jobid+'.'+lid os.environ["LID"] = lid return lid
[docs]def batch_jobid(): jobid = os.environ.get("PBS_JOBID") if jobid is None: jobid = os.environ.get("SLURM_JOB_ID") if jobid is None: jobid = os.environ.get("LSB_JOBID") if jobid is None: jobid = os.environ.get("COBALT_JOBID") return jobid
[docs]def analyze_build_log(comp, log, compiler): """ Capture and report warning count, capture and report errors and undefined references. """ warncnt = 0 if "intel" in compiler: warn_re = re.compile(r" warning #") error_re = re.compile(r" error #") undefined_re = re.compile(r" undefined reference to ") elif "gnu" in compiler or "nag" in compiler: warn_re = re.compile(r"^Warning: ") error_re = re.compile(r"^Error: ") undefined_re = re.compile(r" undefined reference to ") else: # don't know enough about this compiler return with open(log,"r") as fd: for line in fd: if, line): warncnt += 1 if, line): logger.warning(line) if, line): logger.warning(line) if warncnt > 0:"Component {} build complete with {} warnings".format(comp, warncnt))
[docs]def is_python_executable(filepath): first_line = None if os.path.isfile(filepath): with open(filepath, "rt") as f: try: first_line = f.readline() except Exception: pass return first_line is not None and first_line.startswith("#!") and "python" in first_line return False
[docs]def get_umask(): current_umask = os.umask(0) os.umask(current_umask) return current_umask
[docs]def stringify_bool(val): val = False if val is None else val expect(type(val) is bool, "Wrong type for val '{}'".format(repr(val))) return "TRUE" if val else "FALSE"
[docs]def indent_string(the_string, indent_level): """Indents the given string by a given number of spaces Args: the_string: str indent_level: int Returns a new string that is the same as the_string, except that each line is indented by 'indent_level' spaces. In python3, this can be done with textwrap.indent. """ lines = the_string.splitlines(True) padding = ' ' * indent_level lines_indented = [padding + line for line in lines] return ''.join(lines_indented)
[docs]def verbatim_success_msg(return_val): return return_val
CASE_SUCCESS = "success" CASE_FAILURE = "error"
[docs]def run_and_log_case_status(func, phase, caseroot='.', custom_success_msg_functor=None): append_case_status(phase, "starting", caseroot=caseroot) rv = None try: rv = func() except BaseException: e = sys.exc_info()[1] append_case_status(phase, CASE_FAILURE, msg=("\n{}".format(e)), caseroot=caseroot) raise else: custom_success_msg = custom_success_msg_functor(rv) if custom_success_msg_functor else None append_case_status(phase, CASE_SUCCESS, msg=custom_success_msg, caseroot=caseroot) return rv
def _check_for_invalid_args(args): if get_model() != "e3sm": for arg in args: # if arg contains a space then it was originally quoted and we can ignore it here. if " " in arg or arg.startswith("--"): continue if arg.startswith("-") and len(arg) > 2: sys.stderr.write( "WARNING: The {} argument is deprecated. Multi-character arguments should begin with \"--\" and single character with \"-\"\n Use --help for a complete list of available options\n".format(arg))
[docs]def add_mail_type_args(parser): parser.add_argument("--mail-user", help="Email to be used for batch notification.") parser.add_argument("-M", "--mail-type", action="append", help="When to send user email. Options are: never, all, begin, end, fail.\n" "You can specify multiple types with either comma-separated args or multiple -M flags.")
[docs]def resolve_mail_type_args(args): if args.mail_type is not None: resolved_mail_types = [] for mail_type in args.mail_type: resolved_mail_types.extend(mail_type.split(",")) for mail_type in resolved_mail_types: expect(mail_type in ("never", "all", "begin", "end", "fail"), "Unsupported mail-type '{}'".format(mail_type)) args.mail_type = resolved_mail_types
[docs]def copyifnewer(src, dest): """ if dest does not exist or is older than src copy src to dest """ if not os.path.isfile(dest) or not filecmp.cmp(src, dest): safe_copy(src, dest)
[docs]class SharedArea(object): """ Enable 0002 umask within this manager """ def __init__(self, new_perms=0o002): self._orig_umask = None self._new_perms = new_perms def __enter__(self): self._orig_umask = os.umask(self._new_perms) def __exit__(self, *_): os.umask(self._orig_umask)
[docs]class Timeout(object): """ A context manager that implements a timeout. By default, it will raise exception, but a custon function call can be provided. Provided None as seconds makes this class a no-op """ def __init__(self, seconds, action=None): self._seconds = seconds self._action = action if action is not None else self._handle_timeout def _handle_timeout(self, *_): raise RuntimeError("Timeout expired") def __enter__(self): if self._seconds is not None: signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self._action) signal.alarm(self._seconds) def __exit__(self, *_): if self._seconds is not None: signal.alarm(0)
[docs]def filter_unicode(unistr): """ Sometimes unicode chars can cause problems """ return "".join([i if ord(i) < 128 else ' ' for i in unistr])
[docs]def run_bld_cmd_ensure_logging(cmd, arg_logger, from_dir=None, timeout=None): stat, output, errput = run_cmd(cmd, from_dir=from_dir, timeout=timeout) expect(stat == 0, filter_unicode(errput))
[docs]def get_batch_script_for_job(job): return job if "st_archive" in job else "." + job
[docs]def string_in_list(_string, _list): """Case insensitive search for string in list returns the matching list value >>> string_in_list("Brack",["bar", "bracK", "foo"]) 'bracK' >>> string_in_list("foo", ["FFO", "FOO", "foo2", "foo3"]) 'FOO' >>> string_in_list("foo", ["FFO", "foo2", "foo3"]) """ for x in _list: if _string.lower() == x.lower(): return x return None
[docs]def model_log(model, arg_logger, msg, debug_others=True): if get_model() == model: elif debug_others: arg_logger.debug(msg)
[docs]def get_htmlroot(machobj=None): """Get location for test HTML output Hierarchy for choosing CIME_HTML_ROOT: 0. Environment variable CIME_HTML_ROOT 1. File $HOME/.cime/config 2. config_machines.xml (if machobj provided) """ htmlroot = os.environ.get("CIME_HTML_ROOT") if htmlroot is not None:"Using htmlroot from env CIME_HTML_ROOT: {}".format(htmlroot)) return htmlroot cime_config = get_cime_config() if cime_config.has_option("main", "CIME_HTML_ROOT"): htmlroot = cime_config.get("main", "CIME_HTML_ROOT") if htmlroot is not None:"Using htmlroot from .cime/config: {}".format(htmlroot)) return htmlroot if machobj is not None: htmlroot = machobj.get_value("CIME_HTML_ROOT") if htmlroot is not None:"Using htmlroot from config_machines.xml: {}".format(htmlroot)) return htmlroot"No htmlroot info available") return None
[docs]def get_urlroot(machobj=None): """Get URL to htmlroot Hierarchy for choosing CIME_URL_ROOT: 0. Environment variable CIME_URL_ROOT 1. File $HOME/.cime/config 2. config_machines.xml (if machobj provided) """ urlroot = os.environ.get("CIME_URL_ROOT") if urlroot is not None:"Using urlroot from env CIME_URL_ROOT: {}".format(urlroot)) return urlroot cime_config = get_cime_config() if cime_config.has_option("main", "CIME_URL_ROOT"): urlroot = cime_config.get("main", "CIME_URL_ROOT") if urlroot is not None:"Using urlroot from .cime/config: {}".format(urlroot)) return urlroot if machobj is not None: urlroot = machobj.get_value("CIME_URL_ROOT") if urlroot is not None:"Using urlroot from config_machines.xml: {}".format(urlroot)) return urlroot"No urlroot info available") return None