Source code for CIME.tests.SystemTests.test_utils.test_user_nl_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python

import unittest
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from CIME.SystemTests.test_utils import user_nl_utils
import six

[docs]class TestUserNLCopier(unittest.TestCase): # ======================================================================== # Test helper functions # ========================================================================
[docs] def setUp(self): self._caseroot = tempfile.mkdtemp()
[docs] def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self._caseroot, ignore_errors=True)
[docs] def write_user_nl_file(self, component, contents, suffix=''): """Write contents to a user_nl file in the case directory. Returns the basename (i.e., not the full path) of the file that is created. For a component foo, with the default suffix of '', the file name will be user_nl_foo If the suffix is '_0001', the file name will be user_nl_foo_0001 """ filename = 'user_nl_' + component + suffix with open(os.path.join(self._caseroot, filename), 'w') as user_nl_file: user_nl_file.write(contents) return filename
[docs] def assertFileContentsEqual(self, expected, filepath, msg=None): """Asserts that the contents of the file given by 'filepath' are equal to the string given by 'expected'. 'msg' gives an optional message to be printed if the assertion fails.""" with open(filepath, 'r') as myfile: contents = self.assertEqual(expected, contents, msg=msg)
# ======================================================================== # Begin actual tests # ========================================================================
[docs] def test_append(self): # Define some variables component = 'foo' # deliberately exclude new line from file contents, to make sure that's # handled correctly orig_contents = 'bar = 42' contents_to_append = 'baz = 101' # Setup filename = self.write_user_nl_file(component, orig_contents) # Exercise user_nl_utils.append_to_user_nl_files(caseroot = self._caseroot, component = component, contents = contents_to_append) # Verify expected_contents = orig_contents + '\n' + contents_to_append + '\n' self.assertFileContentsEqual(expected_contents, os.path.join(self._caseroot, filename))
[docs] def test_append_multiple_files(self): # Simulates a multi-instance test component = 'foo' orig_contents1 = 'bar = 42' orig_contents2 = 'bar = 17' contents_to_append = 'baz = 101' # Setup filename1 = self.write_user_nl_file(component, orig_contents1, suffix='_0001') filename2 = self.write_user_nl_file(component, orig_contents2, suffix='_0002') # Exercise user_nl_utils.append_to_user_nl_files(caseroot = self._caseroot, component = component, contents = contents_to_append) # Verify expected_contents1 = orig_contents1 + '\n' + contents_to_append + '\n' expected_contents2 = orig_contents2 + '\n' + contents_to_append + '\n' self.assertFileContentsEqual(expected_contents1, os.path.join(self._caseroot, filename1)) self.assertFileContentsEqual(expected_contents2, os.path.join(self._caseroot, filename2))
[docs] def test_append_without_files_raises_exception(self): # This test verifies that you get an exception if you call # append_to_user_nl_files when there are no user_nl files of interest # Define some variables component_exists = 'foo' component_for_append = 'bar' # Setup # Create file in caseroot for component_exists, but not for component_for_append self.write_user_nl_file(component_exists, 'irrelevant contents') # Exercise & verify six.assertRaisesRegex(self, RuntimeError, "No user_nl files found", user_nl_utils.append_to_user_nl_files, caseroot = self._caseroot, component = component_for_append, contents = 'irrelevant contents to append')