Source code for CIME.XML.pes

Interface to the config_pes.xml file.  This class inherits from
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.utils import expect

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Pes(GenericXML): def __init__(self, infile, files=None): """ initialize a files object given input pes specification file """ if files is None: files = Files() schema = files.get_schema("PES_SPEC_FILE") logger.debug("DEBUG: infile is {}".format(infile)) GenericXML.__init__(self, infile, schema=schema)
[docs] def find_pes_layout(self, grid, compset, machine, pesize_opts='M', mpilib=None): opes_ntasks = {} opes_nthrds = {} opes_rootpe = {} opes_pstrid = {} oother_settings = {} other_settings = {} o_grid_nodes = [] comments = None # Get any override nodes overrides = self.get_optional_child("overrides") ocomments = None if overrides is not None: o_grid_nodes = self.get_children("grid", root = overrides) opes_ntasks, opes_nthrds, opes_rootpe, opes_pstrid, oother_settings, ocomments = self._find_matches(o_grid_nodes, grid, compset, machine, pesize_opts, True) # Get all the nodes grid_nodes = self.get_children("grid") if o_grid_nodes: gn_set = set(grid_nodes) ogn_set = set(o_grid_nodes) gn_set.difference_update(ogn_set) grid_nodes = list(gn_set) pes_ntasks, pes_nthrds, pes_rootpe, pes_pstrid, other_settings, comments = self._find_matches(grid_nodes, grid, compset, machine, pesize_opts, False) pes_ntasks.update(opes_ntasks) pes_nthrds.update(opes_nthrds) pes_rootpe.update(opes_rootpe) pes_pstrid.update(opes_pstrid) other_settings.update(oother_settings) if ocomments is not None: comments = ocomments if mpilib == "mpi-serial": for i in iter(pes_ntasks): pes_ntasks[i] = 1 for i in iter(pes_rootpe): pes_rootpe[i] = 0 for i in iter(pes_pstrid): pes_pstrid[i] = 0"Pes setting: grid is {} ".format(grid))"Pes setting: compset is {} ".format(compset))"Pes setting: tasks is {} ".format(pes_ntasks))"Pes setting: threads is {} ".format(pes_nthrds))"Pes setting: rootpe is {} ".format(pes_rootpe))"Pes setting: pstrid is {} ".format(pes_pstrid))"Pes other settings: {}".format(other_settings)) if comments is not None:"Pes comments: {}".format(comments)) return pes_ntasks, pes_nthrds, pes_rootpe, pes_pstrid, other_settings, comments
def _find_matches(self, grid_nodes, grid, compset, machine, pesize_opts, override=False): grid_choice = None mach_choice = None compset_choice = None pesize_choice = None max_points = -1 pes_ntasks, pes_nthrds, pes_rootpe, pes_pstrid, other_settings = {}, {}, {}, {}, {} pe_select = None comment = None for grid_node in grid_nodes: grid_match = self.get(grid_node, "name") if grid_match == "any" or,grid): mach_nodes = self.get_children("mach",root=grid_node) for mach_node in mach_nodes: mach_match = self.get(mach_node, "name") if mach_match == "any" or, machine): pes_nodes = self.get_children("pes", root=mach_node) for pes_node in pes_nodes: pesize_match = self.get(pes_node, "pesize") compset_match = self.get(pes_node, "compset") if (pesize_match == "any" or (pesize_opts is not None and \ pesize_match == pesize_opts)) and \ (compset_match == "any" or \,compset)): points = int(grid_match!="any")*3+int(mach_match!="any")*7+\ int(compset_match!="any")*2+int(pesize_match!="any") if override and points > 0: for node in self.get_children(root=pes_node): vid ="vid is {}".format(vid)) if "comment" in vid: comment = self.text(node) elif "ntasks" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_ntasks[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "nthrds" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_nthrds[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "rootpe" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_rootpe[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "pstrid" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_pstrid[] = int(self.text(child)) # if the value is already upper case its something else we are trying to set elif vid == other_settings[vid] = self.text(node) else: if points > max_points: pe_select = pes_node max_points = points mach_choice = mach_match grid_choice = grid_match compset_choice = compset_match pesize_choice = pesize_match elif points == max_points: logger.warning("mach_choice {} mach_match {}".format(mach_choice, mach_match)) logger.warning("grid_choice {} grid_match {}".format(grid_choice, grid_match)) logger.warning("compset_choice {} compset_match {}".format(compset_choice, compset_match)) logger.warning("pesize_choice {} pesize_match {}".format(pesize_choice, pesize_match)) logger.warning("points = {:d}".format(points)) expect(False, "More than one PE layout matches given PE specs") if not override: for node in self.get_children(root=pe_select): vid = logger.debug("vid is {}".format(vid)) if "comment" in vid: comment = self.text(node) elif "ntasks" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_ntasks[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "nthrds" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_nthrds[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "rootpe" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_rootpe[] = int(self.text(child)) elif "pstrid" in vid: for child in self.get_children(root=node): pes_pstrid[] = int(self.text(child)) # if the value is already upper case its something else we are trying to set elif vid == other_settings[vid] = self.text(node) if grid_choice != 'any' or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):"Pes setting: grid match is {} ".format(grid_choice )) if mach_choice != 'any' or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):"Pes setting: machine match is {} ".format(mach_choice)) if compset_choice != 'any' or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):"Pes setting: compset_match is {} ".format(compset_choice)) if pesize_choice != 'any' or logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):"Pes setting: pesize match is {} ".format(pesize_choice)) return pes_ntasks, pes_nthrds, pes_rootpe, pes_pstrid, other_settings, comment