
case.st_archive is a script template in CIMEROOT/config/cesm/machines that is dynamically created in the CASEROOT. Note that scripts and .case.test are hidden files and should never be run manually.

$ ./case.st_archive --help
usage: case.st_archive [-h] [-d] [-v] [-s] [--caseroot CASEROOT]
                       [--no-incomplete-logs] [--copy-only]
                       [--last-date LAST_DATE] [--force-move] [--test-all]
                       [--test-case] [--resubmit]

Performs short term archiving for restart files, history and rpointer
files in the $RUNDIR associated with $CASEROOT.  Normally this script
is called by case.submit on batch systems.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           Print debug information (very verbose) to file /glade/work/turuncu/APPS/ufs-mrweather-app/cime/doc/source/Tools_user/temp_files/case.st_archive.log
  -v, --verbose         Add additional context (time and file) to log messages
  -s, --silent          Print only warnings and error messages
  --caseroot CASEROOT   Case directory to build
  --no-incomplete-logs  Whether to archive logs which have been completed or not
  --copy-only           Copy instead of move the files to be archived
  --last-date LAST_DATE
                        WARNING: This option with --force-move may corrupt your run directory! Use at your own risk! Last simulation date to archive, specified as 'Year-Month-Day'. Year must be specified with 4 digits, while month and day can be specified without zero padding. '0003-11-4' would archive at most files for the simulated year 3, month 11, day 4.This option implies --copy-only unless --force-move is specified 
  --force-move          Move the files even if it's unsafe to do so, dangerous if used with --copy-only.
  --test-all            Run tests of st_archiver functionality on config_arvchive.xml
  --test-case           Run tests of st_archiver functionality on env_arvchive.xml
  --resubmit            If RESUBMIT is set, this performs the resubmissions.This is primarily meant for use by case.submit