.. _what-cime: .. on documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jan 31 19:46:36 2017. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ##################################### What is CIME? ##################################### .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :numbered: CIME, pronounced "SEAM", contains the support scripts (configure, build, run, test), data models, essential utility libraries, a “main” and other tools that are needed to build a single-executable coupled Earth System Model. CIME is available in a stand-alone package that can be compiled and tested without active prognostic components but is typically included in the source of a climate model. CIME does not contain: any active components, any intra-component coupling capability (such as atmosphere physics-dynamics coupling). ********* Overview ********* CIME is comprised of: 1. A Case Control System to support configuration, compilation, execution, system testing and unit testing of a earth system model: i. Scripts to enable simple generation of model executables and associated input files for different scientific cases, component resolutions and combinations of full, data and stub components with a handful of commands. ii. Testing utilities to run defined system tests and report results for different configurations of the coupled system. 2. A default coupled model architecture: i. A programmer interface and libraries to implement a hub-and-spoke inter-component coupling architecture. ii. An implementation of a "hub" that needs 7 components (atm, ocn, lnd, sea-ice, land-ice, river, wave). a.k.a. “the driver”. iii. The ability to allow active and data components to be mixed in any combination as long as each component implements the coupling programmer interface. 3. Non-active Data and Stub components: i. “Data-only” versions of 6 of the 7 components that can replace active components at build-time. ii. “Stub” versions of all 7 components for building a complete system. 4. Source code for externall libraries useful in scientific applications in general and climate models in particular. i. Parallel I/O library. ii. The Model Coupling Toolkit. iii. Timing library. 5. Additional stand-alone tools: i. Parallel regridding weight generation program ii. Scripts to automate off-line load-balancing. iii. Scripts to conduct ensemble-based statistical consistency tests. iv. Netcdf file comparison program (for bit-for-bit). ************************* Development ************************* CIME is developed in an open-source, public repository hosted under the Earth System Model Computational Infrastructure (ESMCI) organization on Github at http://github.com/ESMCI/cime.