.. _namelist-gen: Customizing your input variables ================================ CIME and CIME-compliant components primarily use Fortran namelists to control runtime options. Some components use other text-based files for runtime options. All CIME-compliant components generate their input variable files using a **buildnml** script typically located in the component's **cime_config** directory (or other location as set in **config_file.xml**). **buildnml** may call other scripts to complete construction of the input file. For example, the CIME data atmosphere model (DATM) generates namelists using the script **$CIMEROOT/components/data_comps/datm/cime_config/buildnml**. You can customize a model's namelists in one of two ways: 1. by editing the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_xxx** files These files should be modified via keyword-value pairs that correspond to new namelist or input data settings. They use the syntax of Fortran namelists. 2. by calling `xmlchange <../Tools_user/xmlchange.html>`_ to modify xml variables in your ``$CASEROOT``. Many of these variables are converted to Fortran namelist values for input by the models. Variables that have to be coordinated between models in a coupled system (such as how many steps to run for) are usually in a CIME xml file. You can generate the component namelists by running `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ from ``$CASEROOT``. This results in the creation of component namelists (for example, atm_in, lnd_in, and so on) in ``$CASEROOT/CaseDocs/``. .. warning:: The namelist files in ``CaseDocs`` are there only for user reference and **SHOULD NOT BE EDITED** since they are overwritten every time `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and `case.submit <../Tools_user/case.submit.html>`_ are called and the files read at runtime are not the ones in ``CaseDocs``. .. _use-cases-modifying-driver-namelists: Customizing driver input variables ------------------------------------------- The driver input namelists/variables are contained in the files, **drv_in**, **drv_flds_in** and **seq_maps.rc**. Note that **seq_maps.rc** has a different file format than the other two input files. All driver namelist variables are defined in the file **$CIMEROOT/src/drivers/mct/cime_config/namelist_definition_drv.xml**. The variables that can be changed only by modifying xml variables appear with the *entry* attribute ``modify_via_xml="xml_variable_name"``. All other driver namelist variables can be modified by by adding a keyword value pair at the end of ``user_nl_cpl``. For example, to change the driver namelist value of ``eps_frac`` to ``1.0e-15``, add the following line to the end of the ``user_nl_cpl``: :: eps_frac = 1.0e-15 On the hand, to change the driver namelist value of the starting year/month/day, ``start_ymd`` to ``18500901``, use the command: :: ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1850-09-01 Note that To see the result of change, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the new value appears in **CaseDocs/drv_in**. .. _basic_example: Setting up a multi-year run ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This shows all of the steps necessary to do a multi-year simulation starting from a "cold start" for all components. The compset and resolution in this example are for a CESM fully-coupled case but the steps are similar for other models and cases. 1. Create a new case named EXAMPLE_CASE in your **$HOME** directory. :: > cd $CIME/scripts > ./create_newcase --case ~/EXAMPLE_CASE --compset B1850 --res f09_g17 2. Check the pe-layout by running **./pelayout**. Make sure it is suitable for your machine. If it is not use `xmlchange <../Tools_user/xmlchange.html>`_ or `pelayout <../Tools_user/pelayout.html>`_ to modify your pe-layout. Then setup your case and build your executable. :: > cd ~/EXAMPLE_CASE > ./case.setup > ./case.build .. warning:: The case.build script can be compute intensive and may not be suitable to run on a login node. As an alternative you would submit this job to an interactive queue. For example, on the NCAR cheyenne platform, you would use **qcmd -- ./case.build** to do this. 3. In your case directory, set the job to run 12 model months, set the wallclock time, and submit the job. :: > ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nmonths > ./xmlchange STOP_N=12 > ./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=06:00 --subgroup case.run > ./case.submit 4. Make sure the run succeeded. You should see the following line or similar at the end of the **cpl.log** file in your run directory or your short term archiving directory, set by ``$DOUT_S_ROOT``. :: (seq_mct_drv): =============== SUCCESSFUL TERMINATION OF CPL7-cesm =============== 5. In the same case directory, Set the case to resubmit itself 10 times so it will run a total of 11 years (including the initial year), and resubmit the case. (Note that a resubmit will automatically change the run to be a continuation run). :: > ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=10 > ./case.submit By default resubmitted runs are not submitted until the previous run is completed. For 10 1-year runs as configured in this example, CIME will first submit a job for one year, then when that job completes it will submit a job for another year. There will be only one job in the queue at a time. To change this behavior, and submit all jobs at once (with batch dependencies such that only one job is run at a time), use the command: :: > ./case.submit --resubmit-immediate Setting up a branch or hybrid run ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A branch or hybrid run uses initialization data from a previous run. Here is an example in which a valid load-balanced scenario is assumed. 1. The first step in setting up a branch or hybrid run is to create a new case. A CESM compset and resolution is assumed below. :: > cd $CIMEROOT/scripts > create_newcase --case ~/NEW_CASE --compset B1850 --res f09_g17 > cd ~/NEW_CASE 2. For a branch run, use the following `xmlchange <../Tools_user/xmlchange.html>`_ commands to make **NEW_CASE** be a branch off of **EXAMPLE_CASE** at year 0001-02-01. :: > ./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=branch > ./xmlchange RUN_REFCASE=EXAMPLE_CASE > ./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=0001-02-01 3. For a hybrid run, use the following `xmlchange <../Tools_user/xmlchange.html>`_ command to start **NEW_CASE** from **EXAMPLE_CASE** at year 0001-02-01. :: > ./xmlchange RUN_TYPE=hybrid > ./xmlchange RUN_REFCASE=EXAMPLE_CASE > ./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=0001-02-01 For a branch run, your **env_run.xml** file for **NEW_CASE** should be identical to the file for **EXAMPLE_CASE** except for the ``$RUN_TYPE`` setting. Also, modifications introduced into **user_nl_** files in **EXAMPLE_CASE** should be reintroduced in **NEW_CASE**. 4. Next, set up and build your case executable. :: > ./case.setup > ./case.build 5. Pre-stage the necessary restart/initial data in ``$RUNDIR``. Assume for this example that it was created in the **/rest/0001-02-01-00000** directory shown here: :: > cd $RUNDIR > cp /user/archive/EXAMPLE_CASE/rest/0001-02-01-00000/* . It is assumed that you already have a valid load-balanced scenario. Go back to the case directory, set the job to run 12 model months, and submit the job. :: > cd ~/NEW_CASE > ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nmonths > ./xmlchange STOP_N=12 > ./xmlchange JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME=06:00 > ./case.submit 6. Make sure the run succeeded (see above directions) and then change the run to a continuation run. Set it to resubmit itself 10 times so it will run a total of 11 years (including the initial year), then resubmit the case. :: > ./xmlchange CONTINUE_RUN=TRUE > ./xmlchange RESUMIT=10 > ./case.submit .. _changing-data-model-namelists: Customizing data model input variable and stream files ------------------------------------------------------ Each data model can be runtime-configured with its own namelist. Data Atmosphere (DATM) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DATM is discussed in detail in :ref:`data atmosphere overview `. DATM can be user-customized by changing either its *namelist input files* or its *stream files*. The namelist file for DATM is **datm_in** (or **datm_in_NNN** for multiple instances). - To modify **datm_in** or **datm_in_NNN**, add the appropriate keyword/value pair(s) for the namelist changes that you want at the end of the **user_nl_datm** file or the **user_nl_datm_NNN** file in ``$CASEROOT``. - To modify the contents of a DATM stream file, first run `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ to list the *streams.txt* files in the **CaseDocs/** directory. Then, in the same directory: 1. Make a *copy* of the file with the string *"user_"* prepended. ``> cp datm.streams.txt.[extension] user_datm.streams.txt[extension.`` 2. **Change the permissions of the file to be writeable.** (chmod 644) ``chmod 644 user_datm.streams.txt[extension`` 3. Edit the **user_datm.streams.txt.*** file. **Example** If the stream txt file is **datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GISS**, the modified copy should be **user_datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GISS**. After calling `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ again, your edits should appear in **CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CORE2_NYF.GISS**. Data Ocean (DOCN) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DOCN is discussed in detail in :ref:`data ocean overview `. DOCN can be user-customized by changing either its namelist input or its stream files. The namelist file for DOCN is **docn_in** (or **docn_in_NNN** for multiple instances). - To modify **docn_in** or **docn_in_NNN**, add the appropriate keyword/value pair(s) for the namelist changes that you want at the end of the file in ``$CASEROOT``. - To modify the contents of a DOCN stream file, first run `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ to list the *streams.txt* files in the **CaseDocs/** directory. Then, in the same directory: 1. Make a *copy* of the file with the string *"user_"* prepended. ``> cp docn.streams.txt.[extension] user_docn.streams.txt[extension.`` 2. **Change the permissions of the file to be writeable.** (chmod 644) ``chmod 644 user_docn.streams.txt[extension`` 3. Edit the **user_docn.streams.txt.*** file. **Example** As an example, if the stream text file is **docn.stream.txt.prescribed**, the modified copy should be **user_docn.streams.txt.prescribed**. After changing this file and calling `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ again, your edits should appear in **CaseDocs/docn.streams.txt.prescribed**. Data Sea-ice (DICE) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DICE is discussed in detail in :ref:`data sea-ice overview `. DICE can be user-customized by changing either its namelist input or its stream files. The namelist file for DICE is ``dice_in`` (or ``dice_in_NNN`` for multiple instances) and its values can be changed by editing the ``$CASEROOT`` file ``user_nl_dice`` (or ``user_nl_dice_NNN`` for multiple instances). - To modify **dice_in** or **dice_in_NNN**, add the appropriate keyword/value pair(s) for the namelist changes that you want at the end of the file in ``$CASEROOT``. - To modify the contents of a DICE stream file, first run `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ to list the *streams.txt* files in the **CaseDocs/** directory. Then, in the same directory: 1. Make a *copy* of the file with the string *"user_"* prepended. ``> cp dice.streams.txt.[extension] user_dice.streams.txt[extension.`` 2. **Change the permissions of the file to be writeable.** (chmod 644) ``chmod 644 user_dice.streams.txt[extension`` 3. Edit the **user_dice.streams.txt.*** file. Data Land (DLND) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DLND is discussed in detail in :ref:`data land overview `. DLND can be user-customized by changing either its namelist input or its stream files. The namelist file for DLND is ``dlnd_in`` (or ``dlnd_in_NNN`` for multiple instances) and its values can be changed by editing the ``$CASEROOT`` file ``user_nl_dlnd`` (or ``user_nl_dlnd_NNN`` for multiple instances). - To modify **dlnd_in** or **dlnd_in_NNN**, add the appropriate keyword/value pair(s) for the namelist changes that you want at the end of the file in ``$CASEROOT``. - To modify the contents of a DLND stream file, first run `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ to list the *streams.txt* files in the **CaseDocs/** directory. Then, in the same directory: 1. Make a *copy* of the file with the string *"user_"* prepended. ``> cp dlnd.streams.txt.[extension] user_dlnd.streams.txt[extension.`` 2. **Change the permissions of the file to be writeable.** (chmod 644) ``chmod 644 user_dlnd.streams.txt[extension`` 3. Edit the **user_dlnd.streams.txt.*** file. Data River (DROF) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DROF is discussed in detail in :ref:`data river overview `. DROF can be user-customized by changing either its namelist input or its stream files. The namelist file for DROF is ``drof_in`` (or ``drof_in_NNN`` for multiple instances) and its values can be changed by editing the ``$CASEROOT`` file ``user_nl_drof`` (or ``user_nl_drof_NNN`` for multiple instances). - To modify **drof_in** or **drof_in_NNN**, add the appropriate keyword/value pair(s) for the namelist changes that you want at the end of the file in ``$CASEROOT``. - To modify the contents of a DROF stream file, first run `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ to list the *streams.txt* files in the **CaseDocs/** directory. Then, in the same directory: 1. Make a *copy* of the file with the string *"user_"* prepended. ``> cp drof.streams.txt.[extension] user_drof.streams.txt[extension.`` 2. **Change the permissions of the file to be writeable.** (chmod 644) ``chmod 644 user_drof.streams.txt[extension`` 3. Edit the **user_drof.streams.txt.*** file. Customizing CESM active component-specific namelist settings ------------------------------------------------------------ CAM ~~~ CIME calls **$SRCROOT/components/cam/cime_config/buildnml** to generate the CAM's namelist variables. CAM-specific CIME xml variables are set in **$SRCROOT/components/cam/cime_config/config_component.xml** and are used by CAM's **buildnml** script to generate the namelist. For complete documentation of namelist settings, see `CAM namelist variables `_. To modify CAM namelist settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_cam** file. (See the documentation for each file at the top of that file.) For example, to change the solar constant to 1363.27, modify **user_nl_cam** file to contain the following line at the end: :: solar_const=1363.27 To see the result, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the new value appears in **CaseDocs/atm_in**. CLM ~~~ CIME calls **$SRCROOT/components/clm/cime_config/buildnml** to generate the CLM namelist variables. CLM-specific CIME xml variables are set in **$SRCROOT/components/clm/cime_config/config_component.xml** and are used by CLM's **buildnml** script to generate the namelist. For complete documentation of namelist settings, see `CLM namelist variables `_. To modify CLM namelist settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_clm** file. To see the result, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the changes appear correctly in **CaseDocs/lnd_in**. MOSART ~~~~~~ CIME calls **$SRCROOT/components/mosart/cime_config/buildnml** to generate the MOSART namelist variables. To modify MOSART namelist settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_rtm** file. To see the result of your change, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the changes appear correctly in **CaseDocs/rof_in**. CICE ~~~~ CIME calls **$SRCROOT/components/cice/cime_config/buildnml** to generate the CICE namelist variables. For complete documentation of namelist settings, see `CICE namelist variables `_. To modify CICE namelist settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_cice** file. (See the documentation for each file at the top of that file.) To see the result of your change, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the changes appear correctly in **CaseDocs/ice_in**. In addition, `case.setup <../Tools_user/case.setup.html>`_ creates CICE's compile time `block decomposition variables `_ in **env_build.xml** as follows: POP2 ~~~~ CIME calls **$SRCROOT/components/pop2/cime_config/buildnml** to generate the POP2 namelist variables. For complete documentation of namelist settings, see `POP2 namelist variables `_. To modify POP2 namelist settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **$CASEROOT/user_nl_pop2** file. (See the documentation for each file at the top of that file.) To see the result of your change, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the changes appear correctly in **CaseDocs/ocn_in**. In addition, `case.setup <../Tools_user/case.setup.html>`_ generates POP2's compile-time `block decomposition variables `_ in **env_build.xml** as shown here: CISM ~~~~ See `CISM namelist variables `_ for a complete description of the CISM runtime namelist variables. This includes variables that appear both in **cism_in** and in **cism.config**. To modify any of these settings, add the appropriate keyword/value pair at the end of the **user_nl_cism** file. (See the documentation for each file at the top of that file.) Note that there is no distinction between variables that will appear in **cism_in** and those that will appear in **cism.config**: simply add a new variable setting in **user_nl_cism**, and it will be added to the appropriate place in **cism_in** or **cism.config**. To see the result of your change, call `preview_namelists <../Tools_user/preview_namelists.html>`_ and verify that the changes appear correctly in **CaseDocs/cism_in** and **CaseDocs/cism.config**. Some CISM runtime settings are sets via **env_run.xml**, as documented in `CISM runtime variables `_.