2. Components

A single component in the smallest unit within a model. Multiple components make up a component set.

2.1. Configuration

The configuration for a component can be found under cime_config in the component directory.

Example contents of a components config_component.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="entry_id.xsl" ?>

<entry_id version="3.0">
    <desc atm="SATM">Stub atm component</desc>

  <entry id="COMP_ATM">
    <desc>Name of atmosphere component</desc>

    SATM naming conventions in compset name


2.2. Triggering a rebuild

It’s the responsibility of a component to define which settings will require a component to be rebuilt.

These triggers can be defined as follows.

  <desc>Settings that will trigger a rebuild</desc>

If a user was to change NTASKS, NTHREADS, or NINST in a case using the component, then a rebuild would be required before the case could be submitted again.