Source code for CIME.tests.utils

import io
import os
import tempfile
import signal
import shutil
import sys
import time
from import Iterable

from CIME import utils
from CIME import test_status
from CIME.utils import expect


[docs] def parse_test_status(line): status, test = line.split()[0:2] return test, status
[docs] def make_fake_teststatus(path, testname, status, phase): expect(phase in test_status.CORE_PHASES, "Bad phase '%s'" % phase) with test_status.TestStatus(test_dir=path, test_name=testname) as ts: for core_phase in test_status.CORE_PHASES: if core_phase == phase: ts.set_status( core_phase, status, comments=("time=42" if phase == test_status.RUN_PHASE else ""), ) break else: ts.set_status( core_phase, test_status.TEST_PASS_STATUS, comments=("time=42" if phase == test_status.RUN_PHASE else ""), )
[docs] class MockMachines(object): """A mock version of the Machines object to simplify testing.""" def __init__(self, name, os_): """Store the name.""" = name self.os = os_
[docs] def get_machine_name(self): """Return the name we were given.""" return
[docs] def get_value(self, var_name): """Allow the operating system to be queried.""" assert var_name == "OS", ( "Build asked for a value not " "implemented in the testing infrastructure." ) return self.os
[docs] def is_valid_compiler(self, _): # pylint:disable=no-self-use """Assume all compilers are valid.""" return True
[docs] def is_valid_MPIlib(self, _): """Assume all MPILIB settings are valid.""" return True
# pragma pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def get_default_MPIlib(self, attributes=None): return "mpich2"
[docs] def get_default_compiler(self): return "intel"
[docs] class MakefileTester(object): """Helper class for checking Makefile output. Public methods: __init__ query_var assert_variable_equals assert_variable_matches """ # Note that the following is a Makefile and the echo line must begin with a tab _makefile_template = """ include Macros query: \techo '$({})' > query.out """ def __init__(self, parent, make_string): """Constructor for Makefile test helper class. Arguments: parent - The TestCase object that is using this item. make_string - Makefile contents to test. """ self.parent = parent self.make_string = make_string
[docs] def query_var(self, var_name, env, var): """Request the value of a variable in the Makefile, as a string. Arguments: var_name - Name of the variable to query. env - A dict containing extra environment variables to set when calling make. var - A dict containing extra make variables to set when calling make. (The distinction between env and var actually matters only for CMake, though.) """ if env is None: env = dict() if var is None: var = dict() # Write the Makefile strings to temporary files. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() macros_file_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "Macros") makefile_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "Makefile") output_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "query.out") with open(macros_file_name, "w") as macros_file: macros_file.write(self.make_string) with open(makefile_name, "w") as makefile: makefile.write(self._makefile_template.format(var_name)) # environment = os.environ.copy() environment = dict(PATH=os.environ["PATH"]) environment.update(env) environment.update(var) for x in MACRO_PRESERVE_ENV: if x in os.environ: environment[x] = os.environ[x] gmake_exe = self.parent.MACHINE.get_value("GMAKE") if gmake_exe is None: gmake_exe = "gmake" self.parent.run_cmd_assert_result( "%s query --directory=%s 2>&1" % (gmake_exe, temp_dir), env=environment ) with open(output_name, "r") as output: query_result = # Clean up the Makefiles. shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return query_result
[docs] def assert_variable_equals(self, var_name, value, env=None, var=None): """Assert that a variable in the Makefile has a given value. Arguments: var_name - Name of variable to check. value - The string that the variable value should be equal to. env - Optional. Dict of environment variables to set when calling make. var - Optional. Dict of make variables to set when calling make. """ self.parent.assertEqual(self.query_var(var_name, env, var), value)
[docs] def assert_variable_matches(self, var_name, regex, env=None, var=None): """Assert that a variable in the Makefile matches a regex. Arguments: var_name - Name of variable to check. regex - The regex to match. env - Optional. Dict of environment variables to set when calling make. var - Optional. Dict of make variables to set when calling make. """ self.parent.assertRegexpMatches(self.query_var(var_name, env, var), regex)
[docs] class CMakeTester(object): """Helper class for checking CMake output. Public methods: __init__ query_var assert_variable_equals assert_variable_matches """ _cmakelists_template = """ include(./Macros.cmake) file(WRITE query.out "${{{}}}") """ def __init__(self, parent, cmake_string): """Constructor for CMake test helper class. Arguments: parent - The TestCase object that is using this item. cmake_string - CMake contents to test. """ self.parent = parent self.cmake_string = cmake_string
[docs] def query_var(self, var_name, env, var): """Request the value of a variable in Macros.cmake, as a string. Arguments: var_name - Name of the variable to query. env - A dict containing extra environment variables to set when calling cmake. var - A dict containing extra CMake variables to set when calling cmake. """ if env is None: env = dict() if var is None: var = dict() # Write the CMake strings to temporary files. temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() macros_file_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "Macros.cmake") cmakelists_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "CMakeLists.txt") output_name = os.path.join(temp_dir, "query.out") with open(macros_file_name, "w") as macros_file: for key in var: macros_file.write("set({} {})\n".format(key, var[key])) macros_file.write(self.cmake_string) with open(cmakelists_name, "w") as cmakelists: cmakelists.write(self._cmakelists_template.format(var_name)) # environment = os.environ.copy() environment = dict(PATH=os.environ["PATH"]) environment.update(env) for x in MACRO_PRESERVE_ENV: if x in os.environ: environment[x] = os.environ[x] os_ = self.parent.MACHINE.get_value("OS") # cmake will not work on cray systems without this flag if os_ == "CNL": cmake_args = "-DCMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME=Catamount" else: cmake_args = "" self.parent.run_cmd_assert_result( "cmake %s . 2>&1" % cmake_args, from_dir=temp_dir, env=environment ) with open(output_name, "r") as output: query_result = # Clean up the CMake files. shutil.rmtree(temp_dir) return query_result
[docs] def assert_variable_equals(self, var_name, value, env=None, var=None): """Assert that a variable in the CMakeLists has a given value. Arguments: var_name - Name of variable to check. value - The string that the variable value should be equal to. env - Optional. Dict of environment variables to set when calling cmake. var - Optional. Dict of CMake variables to set when calling cmake. """ self.parent.assertEqual(self.query_var(var_name, env, var), value)
[docs] def assert_variable_matches(self, var_name, regex, env=None, var=None): """Assert that a variable in the CMkeLists matches a regex. Arguments: var_name - Name of variable to check. regex - The regex to match. env - Optional. Dict of environment variables to set when calling cmake. var - Optional. Dict of CMake variables to set when calling cmake. """ self.parent.assertRegexpMatches(self.query_var(var_name, env, var), regex)
# TODO after dropping python 2.7 replace with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory
[docs] class TemporaryDirectory(object): def __init__(self): self._tempdir = None def __enter__(self): self._tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() return self._tempdir def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): if os.path.exists(self._tempdir): shutil.rmtree(self._tempdir)
# TODO replace with actual mock once 2.7 is dropped
[docs] class Mocker: def __init__(self, ret=None, cmd=None, return_value=None, side_effect=None): self._orig = [] self._ret = ret or return_value self._cmd = cmd self._calls = [] if isinstance(side_effect, (list, tuple)): self._side_effect = iter(side_effect) else: self._side_effect = side_effect self._method_calls = {} @property def calls(self): return self._calls @property def method_calls(self): return dict((x, y.calls) for x, y in self._method_calls.items()) @property def ret(self): return self._ret @ret.setter def ret(self, value): self._ret = value
[docs] def assert_called(self): assert len(self.calls) > 0
[docs] def assert_called_with(self, i=None, args=None, kwargs=None): if i is None: i = 0 call = self.calls[i] if args is not None: _call_args = set(call["args"]) _exp_args = set(args) assert _exp_args <= _call_args, "Got {} missing {}".format( _call_args, _exp_args - _call_args ) if kwargs is not None: call_kwargs = call["kwargs"] for x, y in kwargs.items(): assert call_kwargs[x] == y, "Missing {}".format(x)
def __getattr__(self, name): if name in self._method_calls: new_method = self._method_calls[name] else: new_method = Mocker(self, cmd=name) self._method_calls[name] = new_method return new_method def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._calls.append({"args": args, "kwargs": kwargs}) if self._side_effect is not None and isinstance(self._side_effect, Iterable): rv = next(self._side_effect) else: rv = self._ret return rv def __del__(self): self.revert_mocks() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.revert_mocks()
[docs] def revert_mocks(self): for m, module, method in self._orig: if isinstance(module, str): setattr(sys.modules[module], method, m) else: setattr(module, method, m)
[docs] def patch( self, module, method=None, ret=None, is_property=False, update_value_only=False ): rv = None if isinstance(module, str): x = module.split(".") main = ".".join(x[:-1]) if not update_value_only: self._orig.append((getattr(sys.modules[main], x[-1]), main, x[-1])) if is_property: setattr(sys.modules[main], x[-1], ret) else: rv = Mocker(ret, cmd=x[-1]) setattr(sys.modules[main], x[-1], rv) elif method != None: if not update_value_only: self._orig.append((getattr(module, method), module, method)) rv = Mocker(ret) setattr(module, method, rv) else: raise Exception("Could not patch") return rv