Source code for CIME.tests.test_sys_bless_tests_results

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import glob
import re
import os
import stat

from CIME import utils
from CIME.tests import base

[docs] class TestBlessTestResults(base.BaseTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super().setUp() # Set a restrictive umask so we can test that SharedAreas used for # recording baselines are working restrictive_mask = 0o027 self._orig_umask = os.umask(restrictive_mask) if not self._cprnc: self.skipTest( "Test cannot run without cprnc program defined in config_machines.xml" )
[docs] def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() if "TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE" in os.environ: del os.environ["TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE"] os.umask(self._orig_umask)
[docs] def test_bless_test_results(self): if self.NO_FORTRAN_RUN: self.skipTest("Skipping fortran test") # Test resubmit scenario if Machine has a batch system if self.MACHINE.has_batch_system(): test_names = [ "TESTRUNDIFFRESUBMIT_Mmpi-serial.f19_g16_rx1.A", "TESTRUNDIFF_Mmpi-serial.f19_g16_rx1.A", ] else: test_names = ["TESTRUNDIFF_P1.f19_g16_rx1.A"] # Generate some baselines for test_name in test_names: if self._config.create_test_flag_mode == "e3sm": genargs = ["-g", "-o", "-b", self._baseline_name, test_name] compargs = ["-c", "-b", self._baseline_name, test_name] else: genargs = [ "-g", self._baseline_name, "-o", test_name, "--baseline-root ", self._baseline_area, ] compargs = [ "-c", self._baseline_name, test_name, "--baseline-root ", self._baseline_area, ] self._create_test(genargs) # Hist compare should pass self._create_test(compargs) # Change behavior os.environ["TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE"] = "True" # Hist compare should now fail test_id = "%s-%s" % (self._baseline_name, utils.get_timestamp()) self._create_test(compargs, test_id=test_id, run_errors=True) # compare_test_results should detect the fail cpr_cmd = "{}/compare_test_results --test-root {} -t {} ".format( self.TOOLS_DIR, self._testroot, test_id ) output = self.run_cmd_assert_result( cpr_cmd, expected_stat=utils.TESTS_FAILED_ERR_CODE ) # use regex expected_pattern = re.compile(r"FAIL %s[^\s]* BASELINE" % test_name) the_match = self.assertNotEqual( the_match, None, msg="Cmd '%s' failed to display failed test %s in output:\n%s" % (cpr_cmd, test_name, output), ) # Bless utils.run_cmd_no_fail( "{}/bless_test_results --test-root {} --hist-only --force -t {}".format( self.TOOLS_DIR, self._testroot, test_id ) ) # Hist compare should now pass again self._create_test(compargs) self.verify_perms(self._baseline_area) if "TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE" in os.environ: del os.environ["TESTRUNDIFF_ALTERNATE"]
[docs] def test_rebless_namelist(self): # Generate some namelist baselines if self.NO_FORTRAN_RUN: self.skipTest("Skipping fortran test") test_to_change = "TESTRUNPASS_P1.f19_g16_rx1.A" if self._config.create_test_flag_mode == "e3sm": genargs = ["-g", "-o", "-b", self._baseline_name, "cime_test_only_pass"] compargs = ["-c", "-b", self._baseline_name, "cime_test_only_pass"] else: genargs = ["-g", self._baseline_name, "-o", "cime_test_only_pass"] compargs = ["-c", self._baseline_name, "cime_test_only_pass"] self._create_test(genargs) # Basic namelist compare test_id = "%s-%s" % (self._baseline_name, utils.get_timestamp()) cases = self._create_test(compargs, test_id=test_id) casedir = self.get_casedir(test_to_change, cases) # Check standalone case.cmpgen_namelists self.run_cmd_assert_result("./case.cmpgen_namelists", from_dir=casedir) # compare_test_results should pass cpr_cmd = "{}/compare_test_results --test-root {} -n -t {} ".format( self.TOOLS_DIR, self._testroot, test_id ) output = self.run_cmd_assert_result(cpr_cmd) # use regex expected_pattern = re.compile(r"PASS %s[^\s]* NLCOMP" % test_to_change) the_match = msg = f"Cmd {cpr_cmd} failed to display passed test in output:\n{output}" self.assertNotEqual( the_match, None, msg=msg, ) # Modify namelist fake_nl = """ &fake_nml fake_item = 'fake' fake = .true. /""" baseline_area = self._baseline_area baseline_glob = glob.glob( os.path.join(baseline_area, self._baseline_name, "TEST*") ) self.assertEqual( len(baseline_glob), 3, msg="Expected three matches, got:\n%s" % "\n".join(baseline_glob), ) for baseline_dir in baseline_glob: nl_path = os.path.join(baseline_dir, "CaseDocs", "datm_in") self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(nl_path), msg="Missing file %s" % nl_path) os.chmod(nl_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) with open(nl_path, "a") as nl_file: nl_file.write(fake_nl) # Basic namelist compare should now fail test_id = "%s-%s" % (self._baseline_name, utils.get_timestamp()) self._create_test(compargs, test_id=test_id, run_errors=True) casedir = self.get_casedir(test_to_change, cases) # Unless namelists are explicitly ignored test_id2 = "%s-%s" % (self._baseline_name, utils.get_timestamp()) self._create_test(compargs + ["--ignore-namelists"], test_id=test_id2) self.run_cmd_assert_result( "./case.cmpgen_namelists", from_dir=casedir, expected_stat=100 ) # preview namelists should work self.run_cmd_assert_result("./preview_namelists", from_dir=casedir) # This should still fail self.run_cmd_assert_result( "./case.cmpgen_namelists", from_dir=casedir, expected_stat=100 ) # compare_test_results should fail cpr_cmd = "{}/compare_test_results --test-root {} -n -t {} ".format( self.TOOLS_DIR, self._testroot, test_id ) output = self.run_cmd_assert_result( cpr_cmd, expected_stat=utils.TESTS_FAILED_ERR_CODE ) # use regex expected_pattern = re.compile(r"FAIL %s[^\s]* NLCOMP" % test_to_change) the_match = self.assertNotEqual( the_match, None, msg="Cmd '%s' failed to display passed test in output:\n%s" % (cpr_cmd, output), ) # Bless new_test_id = "%s-%s" % (self._baseline_name, utils.get_timestamp()) utils.run_cmd_no_fail( "{}/bless_test_results --test-root {} -n --force -t {} --new-test-root={} --new-test-id={}".format( self.TOOLS_DIR, self._testroot, test_id, self._testroot, new_test_id ) ) # Basic namelist compare should now pass again self._create_test(compargs) self.verify_perms(self._baseline_area)