Source code for CIME.tests.custom_assertions_test_status

This module contains a class that extends unittest.TestCase, adding custom assertions that
can be used when testing TestStatus.

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *

import unittest
import re
from CIME import test_status

[docs] class CustomAssertionsTestStatus(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def assert_status_of_phase(self, output, status, phase, test_name, xfail=None): """Asserts that 'output' contains a line showing the given status for the given phase for the given test_name. 'xfail' should have one of the following values: - None (the default): assertion passes regardless of whether there is an EXPECTED/UNEXPECTED string - 'no': The line should end with the phase, with no additional text after that - 'expected': After the phase, the line should contain '(EXPECTED FAILURE)' - 'unexpected': After the phase, the line should contain '(UNEXPECTED' """ expected = r"^ *{} +".format( re.escape(status) ) + self._test_name_and_phase_regex(test_name, phase) if xfail == "no": # There should be no other text after the testname and phase regex expected += r" *$" elif xfail == "expected": expected += r" *{}".format( re.escape(test_status.TEST_EXPECTED_FAILURE_COMMENT) ) elif xfail == "unexpected": expected += r" *{}".format( re.escape(test_status.TEST_UNEXPECTED_FAILURE_COMMENT_START) ) else: expect(xfail is None, "Unhandled value of xfail argument") expected_re = re.compile(expected, flags=re.MULTILINE) self.assertRegex(output, expected_re)
[docs] def assert_phase_absent(self, output, phase, test_name): """Asserts that 'output' does not contain a status line for the given phase and test_name""" expected = re.compile( r"^.* +" + self._test_name_and_phase_regex(test_name, phase), flags=re.MULTILINE, ) self.assertNotRegex(output, expected)
[docs] def assert_core_phases(self, output, test_name, fails): """Asserts that 'output' contains a line for each of the core test phases for the given test_name. All results should be PASS except those given by the fails list, which should be FAILS. """ for phase in test_status.CORE_PHASES: if phase in fails: status = test_status.TEST_FAIL_STATUS else: status = test_status.TEST_PASS_STATUS self.assert_status_of_phase( output=output, status=status, phase=phase, test_name=test_name )
[docs] def assert_num_expected_unexpected_fails( self, output, num_expected, num_unexpected ): """Asserts that the number of occurrences of expected and unexpected fails in 'output' matches the given numbers""" self.assertEqual( output.count(test_status.TEST_EXPECTED_FAILURE_COMMENT), num_expected ) self.assertEqual( output.count(test_status.TEST_UNEXPECTED_FAILURE_COMMENT_START), num_unexpected, )
@staticmethod def _test_name_and_phase_regex(test_name, phase): """Returns a regex matching the portion of a TestStatus line containing the test name and phase""" # The main purpose of extracting this into a shared method is: # assert_phase_absent could wrongly pass if the format of the # TestStatus output changed without that method's regex # changing. By making its regex shared as much as possible with # the regex in assert_status_of_phase, we decrease the chances # of these false passes. return r"{} +{}".format(re.escape(test_name), re.escape(phase))