Source code for CIME.locked_files

from pathlib import Path

from CIME.utils import safe_copy
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_build import EnvBuild
from CIME.XML.env_mach_pes import EnvMachPes
from CIME.XML.env_case import EnvCase
from CIME.XML.env_batch import EnvBatch
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

LOCKED_DIR = "LockedFiles"

[docs] def lock_file(filename, caseroot, newname=None): expect("/" not in filename, "Please just provide basename of locked file") if newname is None: newname = filename fulllockdir = os.path.join(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR) if not os.path.exists(fulllockdir): os.mkdir(fulllockdir) logging.debug("Locking file {}".format(filename)) # JGF: It is extremely dangerous to alter our database (xml files) without # going through the standard API. The copy below invalidates all existing # GenericXML instances that represent this file and all caching that may # have involved this file. We should probably seek a safer way of locking # files. safe_copy(os.path.join(caseroot, filename), os.path.join(fulllockdir, newname)) GenericXML.invalidate(os.path.join(fulllockdir, newname))
[docs] def unlock_file(filename, caseroot): expect("/" not in filename, "Please just provide basename of locked file") locked_path = os.path.join(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR, filename) if os.path.exists(locked_path): os.remove(locked_path) logging.debug("Unlocking file {}".format(filename))
[docs] def is_locked(filename, caseroot): expect("/" not in filename, "Please just provide basename of locked file") return os.path.exists(os.path.join(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR, filename))
[docs] def check_lockedfiles(case, skip=None, quiet=False, caseroot=None, whitelist=None): """ Check that all lockedfiles match what's in case If caseroot is not specified, it is set to the current working directory """ if skip is None: skip = [] elif isinstance(skip, str): skip = [skip] if caseroot is None: caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") locked_path = Path(caseroot, LOCKED_DIR) lockedfiles = locked_path.glob("*.xml") # filter based on whitelist if whitelist is not None: lockedfiles = [x for x in lockedfiles if x.stem in whitelist] for file_path in lockedfiles: filename = # Skip files used for tests e.g. env_mach_pes.ERP1.xml or included in skip list if filename.count(".") > 1 or any([filename.startswith(x) for x in skip]): continue check_lockedfile(case, f"{filename}", caseroot=caseroot, quiet=quiet)
[docs] def check_lockedfile(case, filebase, caseroot=None, quiet=False): if caseroot is None: caseroot = case.get_value("CASEROOT") env_name, diff = diff_lockedfile(case, caseroot, filebase) if diff: check_diff(case, filebase, env_name, diff, quiet=quiet)
[docs] def diff_lockedfile(case, caseroot, filename): env_name = filename.split(".")[0] case_file = Path(caseroot, filename) locked_file = case_file.parent / LOCKED_DIR / filename if not locked_file.is_file(): return env_name, {} try: l_env, r_env = _get_case_env(case, caseroot, locked_file, env_name) except NameError as e: logger.warning(e) return env_name, {} return env_name, l_env.compare_xml(r_env)
def _get_case_env(case, caseroot, locked_file, env_name): if env_name == "env_build": l_env = case.get_env("build") r_env = EnvBuild(caseroot, str(locked_file), read_only=True) elif env_name == "env_mach_pes": l_env = case.get_env("mach_pes") r_env = EnvMachPes( caseroot, str(locked_file), components=case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"), read_only=True, ) elif env_name == "env_case": l_env = case.get_env("case") r_env = EnvCase(caseroot, str(locked_file), read_only=True) elif env_name == "env_batch": l_env = case.get_env("batch") r_env = EnvBatch(caseroot, str(locked_file), read_only=True) else: raise NameError( "Locked XML file {!r} is not currently being handled".format( ) ) return l_env, r_env
[docs] def check_diff(case, filename, env_name, diff, quiet=False): logger.warning("Detected diff in locked file {!r}".format(filename)) # Remove BUILD_COMPLETE, invalid entry in diff diff.pop("BUILD_COMPLETE", None) # Nothing to process if not diff: return # List differences for key, value in diff.items(): logger.warning( "\t{!r} has changed from {!r} to {!r}".format(key, value[1], value[0]) ) reset = False rebuild = False message = "" clean_targets = "" rebuild_components = [] if env_name == "env_case": expect( False, f"Cannot change `env_case.xml`, please restore origin {filename!r}", ) elif env_name == "env_build" and diff: build_status = 1 if "PIO_VERSION" in diff: build_status = 2 logging.critical( "Changing 'PIO_VERSION' requires running `./ --clean-all` to rebuild" ) case.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", build_status) rebuild = True clean_targets = "--clean-all" elif env_name in ("env_batch", "env_mach_pes"): reset = True for component in case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"): triggers = case.get_values(f"REBUILD_TRIGGER_{component}") if any([y.startswith(x) for x in triggers for y in diff.keys()]): rebuild = True rebuild_components.append(component) if reset: message = "For your changes to take effect, run:\n./case.setup --reset\n" if rebuild: case.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", False) if rebuild_components and clean_targets != "--clean-all": clean_targets = " ".join([x.lower() for x in rebuild_components]) clean_targets = f"--clean {clean_targets}" if not reset: message = "For your changes to take effect, run:\n" message = f"{message}./ {clean_targets}\n./" if quiet: else: expect(False, message)