Source code for CIME.config

import os
import re
import sys
import logging
import importlib.machinery
import importlib.util
import inspect
from pathlib import Path

from CIME import utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_PATH = os.path.join(utils.get_src_root(), "cime_config", "customize")

[docs] class ConfigBase: def __new__(cls): if not hasattr(cls, "_instance"): cls._instance = super(ConfigBase, cls).__new__(cls) return cls._instance def __init__(self): self._attribute_config = {} @property def loaded(self): return getattr(self, "_loaded", False)
[docs] @classmethod def instance(cls): """Access singleton. Explicit way to access singleton, same as calling constructor. """ return cls()
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, customize_path): obj = cls() logger.debug("Searching %r for files to load", customize_path) customize_path = Path(customize_path) if customize_path.is_file(): customize_files = [f"{customize_path}"] else: ignore_pattern = re.compile(f"{customize_path}/(?:tests|conftest|test_)") # filter out any tests customize_files = [ f"{x}" for x in customize_path.glob("**/*.py") if"{x}") is None ] customize_module_spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec("cime_customize", None) customize_module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(customize_module_spec) sys.modules["CIME.customize"] = customize_module for x in sorted(customize_files): obj._load_file(x, customize_module) setattr(obj, "_loaded", True) return obj
def _load_file(self, file_path, customize_module): logger.debug("Loading file %r", file_path) raw_config = utils.import_from_file("raw_config", file_path) # filter user define variables and functions user_defined = [x for x in dir(raw_config) if not x.endswith("__")] # set values on this object, will overwrite existing for x in user_defined: try: value = getattr(raw_config, x) except AttributeError: # should never hit this logger.fatal("Attribute %r missing on obejct", x) sys.exit(1) else: setattr(customize_module, x, value) self._set_attribute(x, value) def _set_attribute(self, name, value, desc=None): if hasattr(self, name): logger.debug("Overwriting %r attribute", name) logger.debug("Setting attribute %r with value %r", name, value) setattr(self, name, value) self._attribute_config[name] = { "desc": desc, "default": value, }
[docs] def print_rst_table(self): self.print_variable_rst() print("") self.print_method_rst()
[docs] def print_variable_rst(self): print_rst_header("Variables", anchor=f"{self.__class__.__name__} Variables:") headers = ("Variable", "Default", "Type", "Description") rows = ( (x, str(y["default"]), type(y["default"]).__name__, y["desc"]) for x, y in self._attribute_config.items() ) print_rst_table(headers, *rows)
[docs] def print_method_rst(self): print_rst_header("Methods", anchor=f"{self.__class__.__name__} Methods:") methods = inspect.getmembers(self, inspect.ismethod) ignore = ( "__init__", "loaded", "load", "instance", "_load_file", "_set_attribute", "print_rst_table", "print_method_rst", "print_variable_rst", ) child_methods = [ (x[0], inspect.signature(x[1]), inspect.getdoc(x[1])) for x in methods if x[1].__class__ != Config and x[0] not in ignore ] for (name, sig, doc) in child_methods: if doc is None: continue print(".. code-block::\n") print(f" def {name}{sig!s}:") print(' """') for line in doc.split("\n"): print(f" {line}") print(' """')
[docs] class Config(ConfigBase):
[docs] @classmethod def load_defaults(cls): return cls.load(DEFAULT_CUSTOMIZE_PATH)
def __init__(self): super().__init__() if self.loaded: return self._set_attribute( "additional_archive_components", ("drv", "dart"), desc="Additional components to archive.", ) self._set_attribute( "verbose_run_phase", False, desc="If set to `True` then after a SystemTests successful run phase the elapsed time is recorded to BASELINE_ROOT, on a failure the test is checked against the previous run and potential breaking merges are listed in the testlog.", ) self._set_attribute( "baseline_store_teststatus", True, desc="If set to `True` and GENERATE_BASELINE is set then a teststatus.log is created in the case's baseline.", ) self._set_attribute( "common_sharedlibroot", True, desc="If set to `True` then SHAREDLIBROOT is set for the case and SystemTests will only build the shared libs once.", ) self._set_attribute( "create_test_flag_mode", "cesm", desc="Sets the flag mode for the `create_test` script. When set to `cesm`, the `-c` flag will compare baselines against a give directory.", ) self._set_attribute( "use_kokkos", False, desc="If set to `True` and CAM_TARGET is `preqx_kokkos`, `theta-l` or `theta-l_kokkos` then kokkos is built with the shared libs.", ) self._set_attribute( "shared_clm_component", True, desc="If set to `True` and then the `clm` land component is built as a shared lib.", ) self._set_attribute( "ufs_alternative_config", False, desc="If set to `True` and UFS_DRIVER is set to `nems` then model config dir is set to `$CIMEROOT/../src/model/NEMS/cime/cime_config`.", ) self._set_attribute( "enable_smp", True, desc="If set to `True` then `SMP=` is added to model compile command.", ) self._set_attribute( "build_model_use_cmake", False, desc="If set to `True` the model is built using using CMake otherwise Make is used.", ) self._set_attribute( "build_cime_component_lib", True, desc="If set to `True` then `Filepath`, `CIME_cppdefs` and `CCSM_cppdefs` directories are copied from CASEBUILD directory to BUILDROOT in order to build CIME's internal components.", ) self._set_attribute( "default_short_term_archiving", True, desc="If set to `True` and the case is not a test then DOUT_S is set to True and TIMER_LEVEL is set to 4.", ) # TODO combine copy_e3sm_tools and copy_cesm_tools into a single variable self._set_attribute( "copy_e3sm_tools", False, desc="If set to `True` then E3SM specific tools are copied into the case directory.", ) self._set_attribute( "copy_cesm_tools", True, desc="If set to `True` then CESM specific tools are copied into the case directory.", ) self._set_attribute( "copy_cism_source_mods", True, desc="If set to `True` then `$CASEROOT/SourceMods/src.cism/source_cism` is created and a README is written to directory.", ) self._set_attribute( "make_case_run_batch_script", False, desc="If set to `True` and case is not a test then `` is created in case directory from `$MACHDIR/`.", ) self._set_attribute( "case_setup_generate_namelist", False, desc="If set to `True` and case is a test then namelists are created during `case.setup`.", ) self._set_attribute( "create_bless_log", False, desc="If set to `True` and comparing test to baselines the most recent bless is added to comments.", ) self._set_attribute( "allow_unsupported", True, desc="If set to `True` then unsupported compsets and resolutions are allowed.", ) # set for ufs self._set_attribute( "check_machine_name_from_test_name", True, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will use testlists to parse for a list of tests.", ) self._set_attribute( "sort_tests", False, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will sort tests by runtime.", ) self._set_attribute( "calculate_mode_build_cost", False, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will set the number of processors for building the model to min(16, (($GMAKE_J * 2) / 3) + 1) otherwise it's set to 4.", ) self._set_attribute( "share_exes", False, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will share exes between tests.", ) self._set_attribute( "serialize_sharedlib_builds", True, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will use `proc_pool + 1` processors to build shared libraries otherwise a single processor is used.", ) self._set_attribute( "use_testreporter_template", True, desc="If set to `True` then the TestScheduler will create `testreporter` in $CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT.", ) self._set_attribute( "check_invalid_args", True, desc="If set to `True` then script arguments are checked for being valid.", ) self._set_attribute( "test_mode", "cesm", desc="Sets the testing mode, this changes various configuration for CIME's unit and system tests.", ) self._set_attribute( "xml_component_key", "COMP_ROOT_DIR_{}", desc="The string template used as the key to query the XML system to find a components root directory e.g. the template `COMP_ROOT_DIR_{}` and component `LND` becomes `COMP_ROOT_DIR_LND`.", ) self._set_attribute( "set_comp_root_dir_cpl", True, desc="If set to `True` then COMP_ROOT_DIR_CPL is set for the case.", ) self._set_attribute( "use_nems_comp_root_dir", False, desc="If set to `True` then COMP_ROOT_DIR_CPL is set using UFS_DRIVER if defined.", ) self._set_attribute( "test_custom_project_machine", "melvin", desc="Sets the machine name to use when testing a machine with no PROJECT.", ) self._set_attribute( "driver_default", "nuopc", desc="Sets the default driver for the model." ) self._set_attribute( "driver_choices", ("nuopc",), desc="Sets the available driver choices for the model.", ) self._set_attribute( "mct_path", "{srcroot}/libraries/mct", desc="Sets the path to the mct library.", ) self._set_attribute( "mpi_serial_path", "{srcroot}/libraries/mpi-serial", desc="Sets the path to the mpi-serial library.", )