Source code for CIME.compare_namelists

import os, re, logging

from collections import OrderedDict
from CIME.utils import expect, CIMEError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# pragma pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object

def _normalize_lists(value_str):
    >>> _normalize_lists("'one two' 'three four'")
    "'one two','three four'"
    >>> _normalize_lists("'one two'   'three four'")
    "'one two','three four'"
    >>> _normalize_lists("'one two' ,  'three four'")
    "'one two','three four'"
    >>> _normalize_lists("'one two'")
    "'one two'"
    >>> _normalize_lists("1 2  3, 4 ,  5")
    >>> _normalize_lists("2, 2*13")
    >>> _normalize_lists("'DMS -> 1.0 *'")
    "'DMS -> 1.0 *'"
    >>> _normalize_lists("1.0*")
    >>> _normalize_lists("1.0*")
    # Handle special case "value * value" which should not be treated as list
    parsed = re.match(r"^([^*=->\s]*)\s*(\*)\s*(.*)$", value_str)
    if parsed is not None:
        value_str = "".join(parsed.groups())
    result = ""
    inside_quotes = False
    idx = 0
    while idx < len(value_str):
        value_c = value_str[idx]
        if value_c == "'":
            inside_quotes = not inside_quotes
            result += value_c
            idx += 1
        elif value_c.isspace() or value_c == ",":
            if inside_quotes:
                result += value_c
                idx += 1
                result += ","
                idx += 1
                while idx < len(value_str):
                    value_c = value_str[idx]
                    if not value_c.isspace() and value_c != ",":
                    idx += 1
            result += value_c
            idx += 1

    return result

def _interpret_value(value_str, filename):
    >>> _interpret_value("one", "foo")
    >>> _interpret_value("one, two", "foo")
    ['one', 'two']
    >>> _interpret_value("3*1.0", "foo")
    ['1.0', '1.0', '1.0']
    >>> _interpret_value("'DMS ->'", "foo")
    OrderedDict([('DMS', '')])
    >>> _interpret_value("'DMS -> 1.0 *'", "foo")
    OrderedDict([('DMS', '1.0*')])
    >>> _interpret_value("'DMS -> 1.0*'", "foo")
    OrderedDict([('DMS', '1.0*')])
    comma_re = re.compile(r"\s*,\s*")
    dict_re = re.compile(r"^'(\S+)\s*->\s*(\S+|(?:\S+\s*\*\s*\S+))\s*'")

    value_str = _normalize_lists(value_str)

    tokens = [item.strip() for item in comma_re.split(value_str) if item.strip() != ""]
    if "->" in value_str:
        # dict
        rv = OrderedDict()
        for token in tokens:
            m = dict_re.match(token)
                m is not None,
                "In file '{}', Dict entry '{}' does not match expected format".format(
                    filename, token
            k, v = m.groups()
            rv[k] = _interpret_value(v, filename)

        return rv
        new_tokens = []
        for token in tokens:
            if "*" in token:
                    # the following ensure that the following to namelist settings trigger a match
                    # nmlvalue = 1,1,1 versus nmlvalue = 3*1
                    sub_tokens = [item.strip() for item in token.split("*")]
                        len(sub_tokens) == 2,
                        "Incorrect usage of multiplication in token '{}'".format(token),
                    new_tokens.extend([sub_tokens[1]] * int(sub_tokens[0]))
                except Exception:
                    # User probably did not intend to use the * operator as a namelist multiplier

        if "," in value_str or len(new_tokens) > 1:
            return new_tokens
            return new_tokens[0]

def _parse_namelists(namelist_lines, filename):
    Return data in form: {namelist -> {key -> value} }.
      value can be an int, string, list, or dict

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ...   val = 'foo'
    ...   aval = 'one','two', 'three'
    ...   maval = 'one', 'two',
    ...       'three', 'four'
    ...   dval = 'one->two', 'three -> four'
    ...   mdval = 'one   -> two',
    ...           'three -> four',
    ...           'five -> six'
    ...   nval = 1850
    ... /
    ... # Hello
    ...   &nml2
    ...   val2 = .false.
    ... /
    ... '''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo')
    OrderedDict([('nml', OrderedDict([('val', "'foo'"), ('aval', ["'one'", "'two'", "'three'"]), ('maval', ["'one'", "'two'", "'three'", "'four'"]), ('dval', OrderedDict([('one', 'two'), ('three', 'four')])), ('mdval', OrderedDict([('one', 'two'), ('three', 'four'), ('five', 'six')])), ('nval', '1850')])), ('nml2', OrderedDict([('val2', '.false.')]))])

    >>> teststr = '''&fire_emis_nl
    ... fire_emis_factors_file = ''
    ... fire_emis_specifier = 'bc_a1 = BC', 'pom_a1 = 1.4*OC', 'pom_a2 = A*B*C', 'SO2 = SO2'
    ... /
    ... '''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo')
    OrderedDict([('fire_emis_nl', OrderedDict([('fire_emis_factors_file', "''"), ('fire_emis_specifier', ["'bc_a1 = BC'", "'pom_a1 = 1.4*OC'", "'pom_a2 = A*B*C'", "'SO2 = SO2'"])]))])

    >>> _parse_namelists('blah', 'foo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CIMEError: ERROR: File 'foo' does not appear to be a namelist file, skipping

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val = 'one', 'two',
    ... val2 = 'three'
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CIMEError: ERROR: In file 'foo', Incomplete multiline variable: 'val'

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val = 'one', 'two',
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CIMEError: ERROR: In file 'foo', Incomplete multiline variable: 'val'

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val = 'one', 'two',
    ...       'three -> four'
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo') # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    CIMEError: ERROR: In file 'foo', multiline list variable 'val' had dict entries

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val = 2, 2*13
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo')
    OrderedDict([('nml', OrderedDict([('val', ['2', '13', '13'])]))])

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val = 2 2 3
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo')
    OrderedDict([('nml', OrderedDict([('val', ['2', '2', '3'])]))])

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ... val =  'a brown cow' 'a red hen'
    ... /'''
    >>> _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo')
    OrderedDict([('nml', OrderedDict([('val', ["'a brown cow'", "'a red hen'"])]))])

    comment_re = re.compile(r"^[#!]")
    namelist_re = re.compile(r"^&(\S+)$")
    name_re = re.compile(r"^([^\s=']+)\s*=\s*(.+)$")
    rcline_re = re.compile(r"^([^&\s':]+)\s*:\s*(.+)$")

    rv = OrderedDict()
    current_namelist = None
    multiline_variable = None  # (name, value)
    for line in namelist_lines:

        line = line.strip()
        line = line.replace('"', "'")

        logger.debug("Parsing line: '{}'".format(line))

        if line == "" or comment_re.match(line) is not None:
            logger.debug("  Line was whitespace or comment, skipping.")

        rcline = rcline_re.match(line)
        if rcline is not None:
            # Defining a variable (AKA name)
            name, value = rcline.groups()

            logger.debug("  Parsing variable '{}' with data '{}'".format(name, value))

            if "seq_maps.rc" not in rv:
                rv["seq_maps.rc"] = OrderedDict()

                name not in rv["seq_maps.rc"],
                "In file '{}', Duplicate name: '{}'".format(filename, name),
            rv["seq_maps.rc"][name] = value

        elif current_namelist is None:
            # Must start a namelist
                multiline_variable is None,
                "In file '{}', Incomplete multiline variable: '{}'".format(
                    multiline_variable[0] if multiline_variable is not None else "",

            # Unfortunately, other tools were using the old script
            # to compare files that are not namelist files. We need a special error
            # to signify this event
            if namelist_re.match(line) is None:
                    rv != OrderedDict(),
                    "File '{}' does not appear to be a namelist file, skipping".format(
                    "In file '{}', Line '{}' did not begin a namelist as expected".format(
                        filename, line

            current_namelist = namelist_re.match(line).groups()[0]
                current_namelist not in rv,
                "In file '{}', Duplicate namelist '{}'".format(
                    filename, current_namelist

            rv[current_namelist] = OrderedDict()

            logger.debug("  Starting namelist '{}'".format(current_namelist))

        elif line == "/":
            # Ends a namelist
            logger.debug("  Ending namelist '{}'".format(current_namelist))

                multiline_variable is None,
                "In file '{}', Incomplete multiline variable: '{}'".format(
                    multiline_variable[0] if multiline_variable is not None else "",

            current_namelist = None

        elif name_re.match(line):
            # Defining a variable (AKA name)
            name, value_str = name_re.match(line).groups()

                "  Parsing variable '{}' with data '{}'".format(name, value_str)

                multiline_variable is None,
                "In file '{}', Incomplete multiline variable: '{}'".format(
                    multiline_variable[0] if multiline_variable is not None else "",
                name not in rv[current_namelist],
                "In file '{}', Duplicate name: '{}'".format(filename, name),

            real_value = _interpret_value(value_str, filename)

            rv[current_namelist][name] = real_value
            logger.debug("    Adding value: {}".format(real_value))

            if line.endswith(","):
                # Value will continue on in subsequent lines
                multiline_variable = (name, real_value)

                logger.debug("    Var is multiline...")

        elif multiline_variable is not None:
            # Continuation of list or dict variable
            current_value = multiline_variable[1]
                "  Continuing multiline variable '{}' with data '{}'".format(
                    multiline_variable[0], line

            real_value = _interpret_value(line, filename)
            if type(current_value) is list:
                    type(real_value) is not OrderedDict,
                    "In file '{}', multiline list variable '{}' had dict entries".format(
                        filename, multiline_variable[0]
                real_value = real_value if type(real_value) is list else [real_value]

            elif type(current_value) is OrderedDict:
                    type(real_value) is OrderedDict,
                    "In file '{}', multiline dict variable '{}' had non-dict entries".format(
                        filename, multiline_variable[0]

                    "In file '{}', Continuation should have been for list or dict, instead it was: '{}'".format(
                        filename, type(current_value)

            logger.debug("    Adding value: {}".format(real_value))

            if not line.endswith(","):
                # Completed
                multiline_variable = None

                logger.debug("    Terminating multiline variable")

                False, "In file '{}', Unrecognized line: '{}'".format(filename, line)

    return rv

def _normalize_string_value(name, value, case):
    Some of the string in namelists will contain data that's inherently prone
    to diffs, like file paths, etc. This function attempts to normalize that
    data so that it will not cause diffs.
    # Any occurance of case must be normalized because test-ids might not match
    if case is not None:
        case_re = re.compile(r"{}[.]([GC]+)[.]([^./\s]+)".format(case))
        value = case_re.sub("{}.ACTION.TESTID".format(case), value)

    if name in ["runid", "model_version", "username", "logfile"]:
        # Don't even attempt to diff these, we don't care
        return name.upper()
    elif ":" in value:
        items = value.split(":")
        items = [_normalize_string_value(name, item, case) for item in items]
        return ":".join(items)
    elif "/" in value:
        # Handle special format scale*path, normalize the path and reconstruct
        parsed = re.match(r"^([^*]+\*)(/[^/]+)*", value)
        if parsed is not None and len(parsed.groups()) == 2:
            items = list(parsed.groups())
            items[1] = os.path.basename(items[1])
            return "".join(items)

        # File path, just return the basename unless its a seq_maps.rc mapping
        # mapname or maptype
        if "mapname" not in name and "maptype" not in name:
            return os.path.basename(value)
            return value
        return value

def _compare_values(name, gold_value, comp_value, case):
    Compare values for a specific variable in a namelist.

    Returns comments

    Note there will only be comments if values did not match
    comments = ""
    if type(gold_value) != type(comp_value):
        comments += "  variable '{}' did not have expected type '{}', instead is type '{}'\n".format(
            name, type(gold_value), type(comp_value)
        return comments

    if type(gold_value) is list:
        # Note, list values remain order sensitive
        for idx, gold_value_list_item in enumerate(gold_value):
            if idx < len(comp_value):
                comments += _compare_values(
                    "{} list item {:d}".format(name, idx),
                comments += "  list variable '{}' missing value {}\n".format(
                    name, gold_value_list_item

        if len(comp_value) > len(gold_value):
            for comp_value_list_item in comp_value[len(gold_value) :]:
                comments += "  list variable '{}' has extra value {}\n".format(
                    name, comp_value_list_item

    elif type(gold_value) is OrderedDict:
        for key, gold_value_dict_item in gold_value.items():
            if key in comp_value:
                comments += _compare_values(
                    "{} dict item {}".format(name, key),
                comments += (
                    "  dict variable '{}' missing key {} with value {}\n".format(
                        name, key, gold_value_dict_item

        for key in comp_value:
            if key not in gold_value:
                comments += (
                    "  dict variable '{}' has extra key {} with value {}\n".format(
                        name, key, comp_value[key]

            isinstance(gold_value, str),
            "Unexpected type found: '{}'".format(type(gold_value)),
        norm_gold_value = _normalize_string_value(name, gold_value, case)
        norm_comp_value = _normalize_string_value(name, comp_value, case)

        if norm_gold_value != norm_comp_value:
            comments += "  BASE: {} = {}\n".format(name, norm_gold_value)
            comments += "  COMP: {} = {}\n".format(name, norm_comp_value)

    return comments

def _compare_namelists(gold_namelists, comp_namelists, case):
    Compare two namelists. Print diff information if any.
    Returns comments
    Note there will only be comments if the namelists were not an exact match

    Expect args in form: {namelist -> {key -> value} }.
      value can be an int, string, list, or dict

    >>> teststr = '''&nml
    ...   val = 'foo'
    ...   aval = 'one','two', 'three'
    ...   maval = 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four'
    ...   dval = 'one -> two', 'three -> four'
    ...   mdval = 'one -> two', 'three -> four', 'five -> six'
    ...   nval = 1850
    ... /
    ... &nml2
    ...   val2 = .false.
    ... /
    ... '''
    >>> _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'foo'), _parse_namelists(teststr.splitlines(), 'bar'), None)
    >>> teststr1 = '''&nml1
    ...   val11 = 'foo'
    ... /
    ... &nml2
    ...   val21 = 'foo'
    ...   val22 = 'foo', 'bar', 'baz'
    ...   val23 = 'baz'
    ...   val24 = '1 -> 2', '2 -> 3', '3 -> 4'
    ... /
    ... &nml3
    ...   val3 = .false.
    ... /'''
    >>> teststr2 = '''&nml01
    ...   val11 = 'foo'
    ... /
    ... &nml2
    ...   val21 = 'foo0'
    ...   val22 = 'foo', 'bar0', 'baz'
    ...   val230 = 'baz'
    ...   val24 = '1 -> 20', '2 -> 3', '30 -> 4'
    ... /
    ... &nml3
    ...   val3 = .false.
    ... /'''
    >>> comments = _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'), _parse_namelists(teststr2.splitlines(), 'bar'), None)
    >>> print(comments)
    Missing namelist: nml1
    Differences in namelist 'nml2':
      BASE: val21 = 'foo'
      COMP: val21 = 'foo0'
      BASE: val22 list item 1 = 'bar'
      COMP: val22 list item 1 = 'bar0'
      missing variable: 'val23'
      BASE: val24 dict item 1 = 2
      COMP: val24 dict item 1 = 20
      dict variable 'val24' missing key 3 with value 4
      dict variable 'val24' has extra key 30 with value 4
      found extra variable: 'val230'
    Found extra namelist: nml01

    >>> teststr1 = '''&rad_cnst_nl
    ... icecldoptics           = 'mitchell'
    ... logfile                = 'cpl.log.150514-001533'
    ... case_name              = 'ERB.f19_g16.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.C.150513-230221'
    ... runid                  = 'FOO'
    ... model_version          = 'cam5_3_36'
    ... username               = 'jgfouca'
    ... iceopticsfile          = '/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... liqcldoptics           = 'gammadist'
    ... liqopticsfile          = '/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... mode_defs              = 'mam3_mode1:accum:=', 'A:num_a1:N:num_c1:num_mr:+',
    ...   'A:so4_a1:N:so4_c1:sulfate:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:pom_a1:N:pom_c1:p-organic:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:soa_a1:N:soa_c1:s-organic:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:bc_a1:N:bc_c1:black-c:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:dst_a1:N:dst_c1:dust:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:ncl_a1:N:ncl_c1:seasalt:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'mam3_mode2:aitken:=', 'A:num_a2:N:num_c2:num_mr:+',
    ...   'A:so4_a2:N:so4_c2:sulfate:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:soa_a2:N:soa_c2:s-organic:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:ncl_a2:N:ncl_c2:seasalt:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'mam3_mode3:coarse:=',
    ...   'A:num_a3:N:num_c3:num_mr:+', 'A:dst_a3:N:dst_c3:dust:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:ncl_a3:N:ncl_c3:seasalt:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:so4_a3:N:so4_c3:sulfate:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... rad_climate            = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'N:CO2:CO2',
    ...   'N:ozone:O3', 'N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4',
    ...   'N:CFC11:CFC11', 'N:CFC12:CFC12', 'M:mam3_mode1:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'M:mam3_mode2:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'M:mam3_mode3:/projects/ccsm/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... /'''
    >>> teststr2 = '''&rad_cnst_nl
    ... icecldoptics           = 'mitchell'
    ... logfile                = 'cpl.log.150514-2398745'
    ... case_name              = 'ERB.f19_g16.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel.C.150513-1274213'
    ... runid                  = 'BAR'
    ... model_version          = 'cam5_3_36'
    ... username               = 'hudson'
    ... iceopticsfile          = '/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... liqcldoptics           = 'gammadist'
    ... liqopticsfile          = '/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... mode_defs              = 'mam3_mode1:accum:=', 'A:num_a1:N:num_c1:num_mr:+',
    ...   'A:so4_a1:N:so4_c1:sulfate:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:pom_a1:N:pom_c1:p-organic:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:soa_a1:N:soa_c1:s-organic:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:bc_a1:N:bc_c1:black-c:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:dst_a1:N:dst_c1:dust:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:ncl_a1:N:ncl_c1:seasalt:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'mam3_mode2:aitken:=', 'A:num_a2:N:num_c2:num_mr:+',
    ...   'A:so4_a2:N:so4_c2:sulfate:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:soa_a2:N:soa_c2:s-organic:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:ncl_a2:N:ncl_c2:seasalt:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'mam3_mode3:coarse:=',
    ...   'A:num_a3:N:num_c3:num_mr:+', 'A:dst_a3:N:dst_c3:dust:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'A:ncl_a3:N:ncl_c3:seasalt:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'A:so4_a3:N:so4_c3:sulfate:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... rad_climate            = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'N:CO2:CO2',
    ...   'N:ozone:O3', 'N:N2O:N2O', 'N:CH4:CH4',
    ...   'N:CFC11:CFC11', 'N:CFC12:CFC12', 'M:mam3_mode1:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/',
    ...   'M:mam3_mode2:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'M:mam3_mode3:/something/else/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'
    ... /'''
    >>> _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'), _parse_namelists(teststr2.splitlines(), 'bar'), 'ERB.f19_g16.B1850C5.sandiatoss3_intel')
    >>> teststr1 = '''&nml
    ... csw_specifier = 'DMS -> 1.0 *'
    ... /'''
    >>> _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'),\
    _parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'), "case")
    >>> teststr2 = '''&nml
    ... csw_specifier = 'DMS -> 2.0 *'
    ... /'''
    >>> comments = _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'),\
    _parse_namelists(teststr2.splitlines(), 'foo'), "case")
    >>> print(comments)
      BASE: csw_specifier dict item DMS = 1.0*
      COMP: csw_specifier dict item DMS = 2.0*
    >>> teststr2 = '''&nml
    ... csw_specifier = 'DMS -> 1.0 *'
    ... /'''
    >>> comments = _compare_namelists(_parse_namelists(teststr1.splitlines(), 'foo'),\
    _parse_namelists(teststr2.splitlines(), 'foo'), "case")
    >>> print(comments)
      BASE: csw_specifier dict item DMS = 1.0*
      COMP: csw_specifier dict item DMS = 1.0*
    different_namelists = OrderedDict()
    for namelist, gold_names in gold_namelists.items():
        if namelist not in comp_namelists:
            different_namelists[namelist] = ["Missing namelist: {}\n".format(namelist)]
            comp_names = comp_namelists[namelist]
            for name, gold_value in gold_names.items():
                if name not in comp_names:
                    different_namelists.setdefault(namelist, []).append(
                        "  missing variable: '{}'\n".format(name)
                    comp_value = comp_names[name]
                    comments = _compare_values(name, gold_value, comp_value, case)
                    if comments != "":
                        different_namelists.setdefault(namelist, []).append(comments)

            for name in comp_names:
                if name not in gold_names:
                    different_namelists.setdefault(namelist, []).append(
                        "  found extra variable: '{}'\n".format(name)

    for namelist in comp_namelists:
        if namelist not in gold_namelists:
            different_namelists[namelist] = [
                "Found extra namelist: {}\n".format(namelist)

    comments = ""
    for namelist, nlcomment in different_namelists.items():
        if len(nlcomment) == 1:
            comments += nlcomment[0]
            comments += "Differences in namelist '{}':\n".format(namelist)
            comments += "".join(nlcomment)

    return comments

[docs] def compare_namelist_files(gold_file, compare_file, case=None): ############################################################################### """ Returns (is_match, comments) """ expect(os.path.exists(gold_file), "File not found: {}".format(gold_file)) expect(os.path.exists(compare_file), "File not found: {}".format(compare_file)) gold_namelists = _parse_namelists(open(gold_file, "r").readlines(), gold_file) comp_namelists = _parse_namelists(open(compare_file, "r").readlines(), compare_file) comments = _compare_namelists(gold_namelists, comp_namelists, case) return comments == "", comments
[docs] def is_namelist_file(file_path): ############################################################################### try: compare_namelist_files(file_path, file_path) except CIMEError as e: assert "does not appear to be a namelist file" in str(e), str(e) return False return True