Interface to the config_machines.xml file. This class inherits from GenericXML.py
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.utils import convert_to_unknown_type, get_cime_config
import socket
from pathlib import Path
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Machines(GenericXML):
def __init__(
initialize an object
if a filename is provided it will be used,
otherwise if a files object is provided it will be used
otherwise create a files object from default values
If extra_machines_dir is provided, it should be a string giving a path to an
additional directory that will be searched for a config_machines.xml file; if
found, the contents of this file will be appended to the standard
config_machines.xml. An empty string is treated the same as None.
The schema variable can be passed as a path to an xsd schema file or a dictionary of paths
with version number as keys.
self.machine_node = None
self.machine = None
self.machines_dir = None
self.custom_settings = {}
self.extra_machines_dir = extra_machines_dir
schema = None
checked_files = []
if files is None:
files = Files()
if infile is None:
infile = files.get_value("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
self.machines_dir = os.path.dirname(infile)
if os.path.exists(infile):
expect(False, f"file not found {infile}")
schema = {
"3.0": files.get_schema(
"MACHINES_SPEC_FILE", attributes={"version": "3.0"}
"2.0": files.get_schema(
"MACHINES_SPEC_FILE", attributes={"version": "2.0"}
# Before v3 there was but one choice
if not schema["3.0"]:
schema = files.get_schema("MACHINES_SPEC_FILE")
logger.debug("Verifying using schema {}".format(schema))
GenericXML.__init__(self, infile, schema, read_only=read_only)
# Append the contents of $HOME/.cime/config_machines.xml if it exists.
# Also append the contents of a config_machines.xml file in the directory given by
# extra_machines_dir, if present.
# This could cause problems if node matches are repeated when only one is expected.
local_infile = os.path.join(
os.environ.get("HOME"), ".cime", "config_machines.xml"
logger.debug("Infile: {}".format(local_infile))
if os.path.exists(local_infile):
GenericXML.read(self, local_infile, schema)
if extra_machines_dir:
local_infile = os.path.join(extra_machines_dir, "config_machines.xml")
logger.debug("Infile: {}".format(local_infile))
if os.path.exists(local_infile):
GenericXML.read(self, local_infile, schema)
if machine is None:
if "CIME_MACHINE" in os.environ:
machine = os.environ["CIME_MACHINE"]
cime_config = get_cime_config()
if cime_config.has_option("main", "machine"):
machine = cime_config.get("main", "machine")
if machine is None:
machine = self.probe_machine_name()
machine is not None,
f"Could not initialize machine object from {', '.join(checked_files)}. This machine is not available for the target CIME_MODEL.",
self.set_machine(machine, schema=schema)
def get_child(self, name=None, attributes=None, root=None, err_msg=None):
if root is None:
root = self.machine_node
return super(Machines, self).get_child(name, attributes, root, err_msg)
def get_machines_dir(self):
Return the directory of the machines file
return self.machines_dir
def get_machine_name(self):
Return the name of the machine
return self.machine
def get_node_names(self):
Return the names of all the child nodes for the target machine
nodes = self.get_children(root=self.machine_node)
node_names = []
for node in nodes:
return node_names
def get_first_child_nodes(self, nodename):
Return the names of all the child nodes for the target machine
nodes = self.get_children(nodename, root=self.machine_node)
return nodes
def list_available_machines(self):
Return a list of machines defined for a given CIME_MODEL
machines = []
nodes = self.get_children("machine")
for node in nodes:
mach = self.get(node, "MACH")
if self.get_version() == 3.0:
machdirs = [
for f in os.scandir(self.machines_dir)
if f.is_dir()
for mach in machdirs:
if mach not in machines:
return machines
def probe_machine_name(self, warn=True):
Find a matching regular expression for hostname
in the NODENAME_REGEX field in the file. First match wins.
names_not_found = []
nametomatch = socket.getfqdn()
machine = self._probe_machine_name_one_guess(nametomatch)
if machine is None:
nametomatch = socket.gethostname()
machine = self._probe_machine_name_one_guess(nametomatch)
if machine is None:
names_not_found_quoted = ["'" + name + "'" for name in names_not_found]
names_not_found_str = " or ".join(names_not_found_quoted)
if warn:
"Could not find machine match for {}".format(
return machine
def _probe_machine_name_one_guess(self, nametomatch):
Find a matching regular expression for nametomatch in the NODENAME_REGEX
field in the file. First match wins. Returns None if no match is found.
if self.get_version() < 3:
return self._probe_machine_name_one_guess_v2(nametomatch)
return self._probe_machine_name_one_guess_v3(nametomatch)
def _probe_machine_name_one_guess_v2(self, nametomatch):
nodes = self.get_children("machine")
machine = None
for node in nodes:
machtocheck = self.get(node, "MACH")
logger.debug("machine is " + machtocheck)
regex_str_node = self.get_optional_child("NODENAME_REGEX", root=node)
regex_str = (
machtocheck if regex_str_node is None else self.text(regex_str_node)
if regex_str is not None:
logger.debug("machine regex string is " + regex_str)
# an environment variable can be used
if regex_str.startswith("$ENV"):
machine_value = self.get_resolved_value(
regex_str, allow_unresolved_envvars=True
if not machine_value.startswith("$ENV"):
match, this_machine = machine_value.split(":")
except ValueError:
"Bad formation of NODENAME_REGEX. Expected envvar:value, found {}".format(
if match == this_machine:
machine = machtocheck
regex = re.compile(regex_str)
if regex.match(nametomatch):
"Found machine: {} matches {}".format(
machtocheck, nametomatch
machine = machtocheck
return machine
def _probe_machine_name_one_guess_v3(self, nametomatch):
nodes = self.get_children("NODENAME_REGEX", root=self.root)
children = [y for x in nodes for y in self.get_children(root=x)]
machine = None
for child in children:
machtocheck = self.get(child, "MACH")
regex_str = self.text(child)
"machine is {} regex {}, nametomatch {}".format(
machtocheck, regex_str, nametomatch
if regex_str is not None:
# an environment variable can be used
if regex_str.startswith("$ENV"):
machine_value = self.get_resolved_value(
regex_str, allow_unresolved_envvars=True
logger.debug("machine_value is {}".format(machine_value))
if not machine_value.startswith("$ENV"):
match, this_machine = machine_value.split(":")
except ValueError:
"Bad formation of NODENAME_REGEX. Expected envvar:value, found {}".format(
if match == this_machine:
machine = machtocheck
regex = re.compile(regex_str)
if regex.match(nametomatch):
"Found machine: {} matches {}".format(
machtocheck, nametomatch
machine = machtocheck
return machine
def set_machine(self, machine, schema=None):
Sets the machine block in the Machines object
>>> machobj = Machines(machine="melvin")
>>> machobj.get_machine_name()
>>> machobj.set_machine("trump") # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
Traceback (most recent call last):
CIMEError: ERROR: No machine trump found
if machine == "Query":
return machine
elif self.get_version() == 3:
machines_file = Path.home() / ".cime" / machine / "config_machines.xml"
if machines_file.exists():
machines_file = (
Path(self.machines_dir) / machine / "config_machines.xml"
if machines_file.exists():
self.machine_node = super(Machines, self).get_child(
{"MACH": machine},
err_msg="No machine {} found".format(machine),
self.machine = machine
return machine
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
def get_value(self, name, attributes=None, resolved=True, subgroup=None):
Get Value of fields in the config_machines.xml file
if self.machine_node is None:
logger.debug("Machine object has no machine defined")
return None
expect(subgroup is None, "This class does not support subgroups")
value = None
if name in self.custom_settings:
return self.custom_settings[name]
# COMPILER and MPILIB are special, if called without arguments they get the default value from the
# COMPILERS and MPILIBS lists in the file.
if name == "COMPILER":
value = self.get_default_compiler()
elif name == "MPILIB":
value = self.get_default_MPIlib(attributes)
node = self.get_optional_child(
name, root=self.machine_node, attributes=attributes
if node is not None:
value = self.text(node)
if resolved:
if value is not None:
value = self.get_resolved_value(value)
elif name in os.environ:
value = os.environ[name]
value = convert_to_unknown_type(value)
return value
def get_field_from_list(self, listname, reqval=None, attributes=None):
Some of the fields have lists of valid values in the xml, parse these
lists and return the first value if reqval is not provided and reqval
if it is a valid setting for the machine
expect(self.machine_node is not None, "Machine object has no machine defined")
supported_values = self.get_value(listname, attributes=attributes)
"supported values for {} on {} is {}".format(
listname, self.machine, supported_values
# if no match with attributes, try without
if supported_values is None:
supported_values = self.get_value(listname, attributes=None)
supported_values is not None,
"No list found for " + listname + " on machine " + self.machine,
supported_values = supported_values.split(",") # pylint: disable=no-member
if reqval is None or reqval == "UNSET":
return supported_values[0]
for val in supported_values:
if val == reqval:
return reqval
return None
def get_default_compiler(self):
Get the compiler to use from the list of COMPILERS
cime_config = get_cime_config()
if cime_config.has_option("main", "COMPILER"):
value = cime_config.get("main", "COMPILER")
"User-selected compiler {} is not supported on machine {}".format(
value, self.machine
value = self.get_field_from_list("COMPILERS")
return value
def get_default_MPIlib(self, attributes=None):
Get the MPILIB to use from the list of MPILIBS
return self.get_field_from_list("MPILIBS", attributes=attributes)
def is_valid_compiler(self, compiler):
Check the compiler is valid for the current machine
return self.get_field_from_list("COMPILERS", reqval=compiler) is not None
def is_valid_MPIlib(self, mpilib, attributes=None):
Check the MPILIB is valid for the current machine
return (
mpilib == "mpi-serial"
or self.get_field_from_list("MPILIBS", reqval=mpilib, attributes=attributes)
is not None
def has_batch_system(self):
Return if this machine has a batch system
result = False
batch_system = self.get_optional_child("BATCH_SYSTEM", root=self.machine_node)
if batch_system is not None:
result = (
self.text(batch_system) is not None
and self.text(batch_system) != "none"
logger.debug("Machine {} has batch: {}".format(self.machine, result))
return result
def get_suffix(self, suffix_type):
node = self.get_optional_child("default_run_suffix")
if node is not None:
suffix_node = self.get_optional_child(suffix_type, root=node)
if suffix_node is not None:
return self.text(suffix_node)
return None
def set_value(self, vid, value, subgroup=None, ignore_type=True):
# A temporary cache only
self.custom_settings[vid] = value
def print_values(self):
# write out machines
machines = self.get_children("machine")
for machine in machines:
name = self.get(machine, "MACH")
desc = self.get_child("DESC", root=machine)
os_ = self.get_child("OS", root=machine)
compilers = self.get_child("COMPILERS", root=machine)
max_tasks_per_node = self.get_child("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE", root=machine)
max_mpitasks_per_node = self.get_child(
"MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE", root=machine
max_gpus_per_node = self.get_child("MAX_GPUS_PER_NODE", root=machine)
print(" {} : {} ".format(name, self.text(desc)))
print(" os ", self.text(os_))
print(" compilers ", self.text(compilers))
if max_mpitasks_per_node is not None:
print(" pes/node ", self.text(max_mpitasks_per_node))
if max_tasks_per_node is not None:
print(" max_tasks/node ", self.text(max_tasks_per_node))
if max_gpus_per_node is not None:
print(" max_gpus/node ", self.text(max_gpus_per_node))
def return_values(self):
"""return a dictionary of machine info
This routine is used by external tools in https://github.com/NCAR/CESM_xml2html
machines = self.get_children("machine")
mach_dict = dict()
logger.debug("Machines return values")
for machine in machines:
name = self.get(machine, "MACH")
desc = self.get_child("DESC", root=machine)
mach_dict[(name, "description")] = self.text(desc)
os_ = self.get_child("OS", root=machine)
mach_dict[(name, "os")] = self.text(os_)
compilers = self.get_child("COMPILERS", root=machine)
mach_dict[(name, "compilers")] = self.text(compilers)
max_tasks_per_node = self.get_child("MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE", root=machine)
mach_dict[(name, "max_tasks_per_node")] = self.text(max_tasks_per_node)
max_mpitasks_per_node = self.get_child(
"MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE", root=machine
mach_dict[(name, "max_mpitasks_per_node")] = self.text(
max_gpus_per_node = self.get_child("MAX_GPUS_PER_NODE", root=machine)
mach_dict[(name, "max_gpus_per_node")] = self.text(max_gpus_per_node)
return mach_dict