Source code for CIME.XML.env_mach_specific

Interface to the env_mach_specific.xml file.  This class inherits from EnvBase
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *

from CIME.XML.env_base import EnvBase
from CIME import utils
from CIME.utils import transform_vars, get_cime_root
import string, resource
from collections import OrderedDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Is not of type EntryID but can use functions from EntryID (e.g
# get_type) otherwise need to implement own functions and make GenericXML parent class
[docs] class EnvMachSpecific(EnvBase): # pylint: disable=unused-argument def __init__( self, caseroot=None, infile="env_mach_specific.xml", components=None, unit_testing=False, read_only=False, standalone_configure=False, comp_interface=None, ): """ initialize an object interface to file env_mach_specific.xml in the case directory Notes on some arguments: standalone_configure: logical - whether this is being called from the standalone configure utility, outside of a case """ schema = os.path.join(utils.get_schema_path(), "env_mach_specific.xsd") EnvBase.__init__(self, caseroot, infile, schema=schema, read_only=read_only) self._allowed_mpi_attributes = ( "compiler", "mpilib", "threaded", "unit_testing", "queue", "comp_interface", ) self._comp_interface = comp_interface self._unit_testing = unit_testing self._standalone_configure = standalone_configure
[docs] def populate(self, machobj, attributes=None): """Add entries to the file using information from a Machines object. mpilib must match attributes if set """ items = ("module_system", "environment_variables", "resource_limits", "mpirun") default_run_suffix = machobj.get_child("default_run_suffix", root=machobj.root) group_node = self.make_child("group", {"id": "compliant_values"}) settings = {"run_exe": None, "run_misc_suffix": None} for item in items: nodes = machobj.get_first_child_nodes(item) if item == "environment_variables": if len(nodes) == 0: example_text = """This section is for the user to specify any additional machine-specific env var, or to overwite existing ones.\n <environment_variables>\n <env name="NAME">ARGUMENT</env>\n </environment_variables>\n """ self.make_child_comment(text=example_text) if item == "mpirun": for node in nodes: mpirunnode = machobj.copy(node) match = True # We pull the run_exe and run_misc_suffix from the mpirun node if attributes match and use it # otherwise we use the default. if attributes: for attrib in attributes: val = self.get(mpirunnode, attrib) if val and attributes[attrib] != val: match = False for subnode in machobj.get_children(root=mpirunnode): subname = if subname == "run_exe" or subname == "run_misc_suffix": if match: settings[subname] = self.text(subnode) self.remove_child(subnode, root=mpirunnode) self.add_child(mpirunnode) else: for node in nodes: self.add_child(node) for item in ("run_exe", "run_misc_suffix"): if settings[item]: value = settings[item] else: value = self.text( machobj.get_child("default_" + item, root=default_run_suffix) ) entity_node = self.make_child( "entry", {"id": item, "value": value}, root=group_node ) self.make_child("type", root=entity_node, text="char") self.make_child( "desc", root=entity_node, text=( "executable name" if item == "run_exe" else "redirect for job output" ), )
def _get_modules_for_case(self, case, job=None): module_nodes = self.get_children( "modules", root=self.get_child("module_system") ) modules_to_load = None if module_nodes is not None: modules_to_load = self._compute_module_actions(module_nodes, case, job=job) return modules_to_load def _get_envs_for_case(self, case, job=None): env_nodes = self.get_children("environment_variables") envs_to_set = None if env_nodes is not None: envs_to_set = self._compute_env_actions(env_nodes, case, job=job) return envs_to_set
[docs] def load_env(self, case, force_method=None, job=None, verbose=False): """ Should only be called by case.load_env """ # Do the modules so we can refer to env vars set by the modules # in the environment_variables block modules_to_load = self._get_modules_for_case(case) if modules_to_load is not None: self._load_modules( modules_to_load, force_method=force_method, verbose=verbose ) envs_to_set = self._get_envs_for_case(case, job=job) if envs_to_set is not None: self._load_envs(envs_to_set, verbose=verbose) self._get_resources_for_case(case) return [] if envs_to_set is None else envs_to_set
def _get_resources_for_case(self, case): resource_nodes = self.get_children("resource_limits") if resource_nodes is not None: nodes = self._compute_resource_actions(resource_nodes, case) for name, val in nodes: attr = getattr(resource, name) limits = resource.getrlimit(attr) "Setting resource.{} to {} from {}".format(name, val, limits) ) limits = (int(val), limits[1]) resource.setrlimit(attr, limits) def _load_modules(self, modules_to_load, force_method=None, verbose=False): module_system = ( self.get_module_system_type() if force_method is None else force_method ) if module_system == "module": self._load_module_modules(modules_to_load, verbose=verbose) elif module_system == "soft": self._load_modules_generic(modules_to_load, verbose=verbose) elif module_system == "generic": self._load_modules_generic(modules_to_load, verbose=verbose) elif module_system == "none": self._load_none_modules(modules_to_load) else: expect(False, "Unhandled module system '{}'".format(module_system))
[docs] def list_modules(self): module_system = self.get_module_system_type() # If the user's login shell is not sh, it's possible that modules # won't be configured so we need to be sure to source the module # setup script if it exists. init_path = self.get_module_system_init_path("sh") if init_path: source_cmd = ". {} && ".format(init_path) else: source_cmd = "" if module_system in ["module"]: return run_cmd_no_fail( "{}module list".format(source_cmd), combine_output=True ) elif module_system == "soft": # Does soft really not provide this capability? return "" elif module_system == "generic": return run_cmd_no_fail("{}use -lv".format(source_cmd)) elif module_system == "none": return "" else: expect(False, "Unhandled module system '{}'".format(module_system))
[docs] def save_all_env_info(self, filename): """ Get a string representation of all current environment info and save it to file. """ with open(filename, "w") as f: f.write(self.list_modules()) run_cmd_no_fail("echo -e '\n' && env", arg_stdout=filename)
[docs] def get_overrides_nodes(self, case): overrides = {} overrides["num_nodes"] = case.num_nodes fnm = "env_mach_specific.xml" output_text = transform_vars( open(fnm, "r").read(), case=case, subgroup=None, overrides=overrides )"Updating file {}".format(fnm)) with open(fnm, "w") as fd: fd.write(output_text) return overrides
[docs] def make_env_mach_specific_file(self, shell, case, output_dir=""): """Writes or .env_mach_specific.csh Args: shell: string - 'sh' or 'csh' case: case object output_dir: string - path to output directory (if empty string, uses current directory) """ source_cmd = "." if shell == "sh" else "source" module_system = self.get_module_system_type() sh_init_cmd = self.get_module_system_init_path(shell) sh_mod_cmd = self.get_module_system_cmd_path(shell) lines = [ "# This file is for user convenience only and is not used by the model" ] lines.append("# Changes to this file will be ignored and overwritten") lines.append( "# Changes to the environment should be made in env_mach_specific.xml" ) lines.append("# Run ./case.setup --reset to regenerate this file") if sh_init_cmd: lines.append("{} {}".format(source_cmd, sh_init_cmd)) if "SOFTENV_ALIASES" in os.environ: lines.append("{} $SOFTENV_ALIASES".format(source_cmd)) if "SOFTENV_LOAD" in os.environ: lines.append("{} $SOFTENV_LOAD".format(source_cmd)) if self._unit_testing or self._standalone_configure: job = None else: job = case.get_primary_job() modules_to_load = self._get_modules_for_case(case, job=job) envs_to_set = self._get_envs_for_case(case, job=job) filename = ".env_mach_specific.{}".format(shell) if modules_to_load is not None: if module_system == "module": lines.extend(self._get_module_commands(modules_to_load, shell)) else: for action, argument in modules_to_load: lines.append( "{} {} {}".format( sh_mod_cmd, action, "" if argument is None else argument ) ) if envs_to_set is not None: for env_name, env_value in envs_to_set: if shell == "sh": if env_name == "source": if env_value.startswith("sh"): lines.append("{}".format(env_name)) else: if env_value is None: lines.append("unset {}".format(env_name)) else: lines.append("export {}={}".format(env_name, env_value)) elif shell == "csh": if env_name == "source": if env_value.startswith("csh"): lines.append("{}".format(env_name)) else: if env_value is None: lines.append("unsetenv {}".format(env_name)) else: lines.append("setenv {} {}".format(env_name, env_value)) else: expect(False, "Unknown shell type: '{}'".format(shell)) with open(os.path.join(output_dir, filename), "w") as fd: fd.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")
# Private API def _load_envs(self, envs_to_set, verbose=False): for env_name, env_value in envs_to_set: logger_func = logger.warning if verbose else logger.debug if env_value is None and env_name in os.environ: del os.environ[env_name] logger_func("Unsetting Environment {}".format(env_name)) elif env_value is not None: if env_name == "source": shell, cmd = env_value.split(" ", 1) self._source_shell_file("source " + cmd, shell, verbose=verbose) else: if verbose: print("Setting Environment {}={}".format(env_name, env_value)) logger_func("Setting Environment {}={}".format(env_name, env_value)) os.environ[env_name] = env_value def _compute_module_actions(self, module_nodes, case, job=None): return self._compute_actions(module_nodes, "command", case, job=job) def _compute_env_actions(self, env_nodes, case, job=None): return self._compute_actions(env_nodes, "env", case, job=job) def _compute_resource_actions(self, resource_nodes, case, job=None): return self._compute_actions(resource_nodes, "resource", case, job=job) def _compute_actions(self, nodes, child_tag, case, job=None): result = [] # list of tuples ("name", "argument") compiler = case.get_value("COMPILER") mpilib = case.get_value("MPILIB") for node in nodes: if self._match_attribs(self.attrib(node), case, job=job): for child in self.get_children(root=node): expect( == child_tag, "Expected {} element".format(child_tag), ) if self._match_attribs(self.attrib(child), case, job=job): val = self.text(child) if val is not None: # We allow a couple special substitutions for these fields for repl_this, repl_with in [ ("$COMPILER", compiler), ("$MPILIB", mpilib), ]: val = val.replace(repl_this, repl_with) val = self.get_resolved_value(val) expect( "$" not in val, "Not safe to leave unresolved items in env var value: '{}'".format( val ), ) # intentional unindent, result is appended even if val is None name = self.get(child, "name") if name: result.append((name, val)) else: result.append( ("source", self.get(child, "source") + " " + val) ) return result def _match_attribs(self, attribs, case, job=None): # check for matches with case-vars for attrib in attribs: if attrib == "unit_testing": # special case if not self._match(self._unit_testing, attribs["unit_testing"].upper()): return False elif attrib == "queue": if job is not None: val = case.get_value("JOB_QUEUE", subgroup=job) expect( val is not None, "Cannot match attrib '%s', case has no value for it" % attrib.upper(), ) if not self._match(val, attribs[attrib]): return False elif attrib == "name": pass elif attrib == "source": pass else: val = case.get_value(attrib.upper()) expect( val is not None, "Cannot match attrib '%s', case has no value for it" % attrib.upper(), ) if not self._match(val, attribs[attrib]): return False return True def _match(self, my_value, xml_value): if xml_value.startswith("!"): result = re.match(xml_value[1:] + "$", str(my_value)) is None elif isinstance(my_value, bool): if my_value: result = xml_value == "TRUE" else: result = xml_value == "FALSE" else: result = re.match(xml_value + "$", str(my_value)) is not None logger.debug( "(env_mach_specific) _match {} {} {}".format(my_value, xml_value, result) ) return result def _get_module_commands(self, modules_to_load, shell): # Note this is independent of module system type mod_cmd = self.get_module_system_cmd_path(shell) cmds = [] last_action = None last_cmd = None # Normally, we will try to combine or batch module commands together... # # module load X # module load Y # module load Z # # is the same as ... # # module load X Y Z # # ... except the latter is significatly faster due to performing 1/3 as # many forks. # # Not all module commands support batching though and we enurmerate those # here. actions_that_cannot_be_batched = ["swap", "switch"] for action, argument in modules_to_load: if argument is None: argument = "" if action == last_action and action not in actions_that_cannot_be_batched: last_cmd = "{} {}".format(last_cmd, argument) else: if last_cmd is not None: cmds.append(last_cmd) last_cmd = "{} {} {}".format( mod_cmd, action, "" if argument is None else argument ) last_action = action if last_cmd: cmds.append(last_cmd) return cmds def _load_module_modules(self, modules_to_load, verbose=False): logger_func = logger.warning if verbose else logger.debug for cmd in self._get_module_commands(modules_to_load, "python"): logger_func("module command is {}".format(cmd)) stat, py_module_code, errout = run_cmd(cmd) expect( stat == 0 and (len(errout) == 0 or self.allow_error()), "module command {} failed with message:\n{}".format(cmd, errout), ) exec(py_module_code) def _load_modules_generic(self, modules_to_load, verbose=False): sh_init_cmd = self.get_module_system_init_path("sh") sh_mod_cmd = self.get_module_system_cmd_path("sh") # Purpose is for environment management system that does not have # a python interface and therefore can only determine what they # do by running shell command and looking at the changes # in the environment. cmd = ". {}".format(sh_init_cmd) if "SOFTENV_ALIASES" in os.environ: cmd += " && . $SOFTENV_ALIASES" if "SOFTENV_LOAD" in os.environ: cmd += " && . $SOFTENV_LOAD" for action, argument in modules_to_load: cmd += " && {} {} {}".format( sh_mod_cmd, action, "" if argument is None else argument ) self._source_shell_file(cmd, verbose=verbose) def _source_shell_file(self, cmd, shell="sh", verbose=False): # Use null terminated lines to give us something more definitive to split on. # Env vars can contain newlines, so splitting on newlines can be ambiguous logger_func = logger.warning if verbose else logger.debug cmd += " && env -0" logger_func("cmd: {}".format(cmd)) output = run_cmd_no_fail(cmd, executable=shell, verbose=verbose) ################################################### # Parse the output to set the os.environ dictionary ################################################### newenv = OrderedDict() for line in output.split("\0"): if "=" in line: key, val = line.split("=", 1) newenv[key] = val # resolve variables for key, val in newenv.items(): newenv[key] = string.Template(val).safe_substitute(newenv) # Set environment with new or updated values for key in newenv: if key in os.environ and os.environ[key] == newenv[key]: pass else: os.environ[key] = newenv[key] for oldkey in list(os.environ.keys()): if oldkey not in newenv: del os.environ[oldkey] def _load_none_modules(self, modules_to_load): """ No Action required """ expect( not modules_to_load, "Module system was specified as 'none' yet there are modules that need to be loaded?", ) def _mach_specific_header(self, shell): """ write a shell module file for this case. """ header = """ #!/usr/bin/env {} #=============================================================================== # Automatically generated module settings for $self->{{machine}} # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE DIRECTLY! Please edit env_mach_specific.xml # in your CASEROOT. This file is overwritten every time modules are loaded! #=============================================================================== """.format( shell ) source_cmd = "." if shell == "sh" else "source" header += "{} {}".format(source_cmd, self.get_module_system_init_path(shell)) return header
[docs] def get_module_system_type(self): """ Return the module system used on this machine """ module_system = self.get_child("module_system") return self.get(module_system, "type")
[docs] def allow_error(self): """ Return True if stderr output from module commands should be assumed to be an error. Default False. This is necessary since implementations of environment modules are highlty variable and some systems produce stderr output even when things are working fine. """ module_system = self.get_child("module_system") value = self.get(module_system, "allow_error") return value.upper() == "TRUE" if value is not None else False
[docs] def get_module_system_init_path(self, lang): init_nodes = self.get_optional_child( "init_path", attributes={"lang": lang}, root=self.get_child("module_system") ) return ( self.get_resolved_value(self.text(init_nodes)) if init_nodes is not None else None )
[docs] def get_module_system_cmd_path(self, lang): cmd_nodes = self.get_optional_child( "cmd_path", attributes={"lang": lang}, root=self.get_child("module_system") ) return ( self.get_resolved_value(self.text(cmd_nodes)) if cmd_nodes is not None else None )
def _find_best_mpirun_match(self, attribs): mpirun_nodes = self.get_children("mpirun") best_match = None best_num_matched = -1 default_match = None best_num_matched_default = -1 for mpirun_node in mpirun_nodes: xml_attribs = self.attrib(mpirun_node) all_match = True matches = 0 is_default = False for key, value in attribs.items(): expect( key in self._allowed_mpi_attributes, "Unexpected key {} in mpirun attributes".format(key), ) if key in xml_attribs: if xml_attribs[key].lower() == "false": xml_attrib = False elif xml_attribs[key].lower() == "true": xml_attrib = True else: xml_attrib = xml_attribs[key] if xml_attrib == value: matches += 1 elif ( key == "mpilib" and value != "mpi-serial" and xml_attrib == "default" ): is_default = True else: all_match = False break if all_match: if is_default: if matches > best_num_matched_default: default_match = mpirun_node best_num_matched_default = matches else: if matches > best_num_matched: best_match = mpirun_node best_num_matched = matches # if there are no special arguments required for mpi-serial it need not have an entry in config_machines.xml if ( "mpilib" in attribs and attribs["mpilib"] == "mpi-serial" and best_match is None ): raise ValueError() expect( best_match is not None or default_match is not None, "Could not find a matching MPI for attributes: {}".format(attribs), ) return best_match if best_match is not None else default_match
[docs] def get_aprun_mode(self, attribs): default_mode = "default" valid_modes = ("ignore", "default", "override") try: the_match = self._find_best_mpirun_match(attribs) except ValueError: return default_mode mode_node = self.get_children("aprun_mode", root=the_match) if len(mode_node) == 0: return default_mode expect(len(mode_node) == 1, 'Found multiple "aprun_mode" elements.') # should have only one element to select from mode = self.text(mode_node[0]) expect( mode in valid_modes, f"Value {mode!r} for \"aprun_mode\" is not valid, options are {', '.join(valid_modes)!r}", ) return mode
[docs] def get_aprun_args(self, case, attribs, job, overrides=None): args = {} try: the_match = self._find_best_mpirun_match(attribs) except ValueError: return None arg_node = self.get_optional_child("arguments", root=the_match) if arg_node: arg_nodes = self.get_children("arg", root=arg_node) for arg_node in arg_nodes: position = self.get(arg_node, "position") if position is None: position = "per" arg_value = transform_vars( self.text(arg_node), case=case, subgroup=job, overrides=overrides, default=self.get(arg_node, "default"), ) args[arg_value] = dict(position=position) return args
[docs] def get_mpirun(self, case, attribs, job, exe_only=False, overrides=None): """ Find best match, return (executable, {arg_name : text}) """ args = [] try: the_match = self._find_best_mpirun_match(attribs) except ValueError: return "", [], None, None # Now that we know the best match, compute the arguments if not exe_only: arg_node = self.get_optional_child("arguments", root=the_match) if arg_node: arg_nodes = self.get_children("arg", root=arg_node) for arg_node in arg_nodes: arg_value = transform_vars( self.text(arg_node), case=case, subgroup=job, overrides=overrides, default=self.get(arg_node, "default"), ) args.append(arg_value) exec_node = self.get_child("executable", root=the_match) expect(exec_node is not None, "No executable found") executable = self.text(exec_node) run_exe = None run_misc_suffix = None run_exe_node = self.get_optional_child("run_exe", root=the_match) if run_exe_node: run_exe = self.text(run_exe_node) run_misc_suffix_node = self.get_optional_child( "run_misc_suffix", root=the_match ) if run_misc_suffix_node: run_misc_suffix = self.text(run_misc_suffix_node) return executable, args, run_exe, run_misc_suffix
[docs] def get_type_info(self, vid): return "char"