Source code for CIME.SystemTests.pem

Implementation of the CIME PEM test: Tests bfb with different MPI
processor counts

This is just like running a smoke test twice - but the pe-counts
are modified the second time.
(1) Run with pes set up out of the box (suffix base)
(2) Run with half the number of tasks (suffix modpes)

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.SystemTests.system_tests_compare_two import SystemTestsCompareTwo

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class PEM(SystemTestsCompareTwo): def __init__(self, case, **kwargs): build_separately = False # cice, pop require separate builds comps = case.get_compset_components() if "cice" in comps or "pop" in comps: build_separately = True SystemTestsCompareTwo.__init__( self, case, separate_builds=build_separately, run_two_suffix="modpes", run_one_description="default pe counts", run_two_description="halved pe counts", **kwargs ) def _case_one_setup(self): pass def _case_two_setup(self): for comp in self._case.get_values("COMP_CLASSES"): ntasks = self._case.get_value("NTASKS_{}".format(comp)) rootpe = self._case1.get_value("ROOTPE_{}".format(comp)) if ntasks > 1: self._case.set_value("NTASKS_{}".format(comp), int(ntasks / 2)) self._case.set_value("ROOTPE_{}".format(comp), int(rootpe / 2))