Source code for

API for checking locked files
check_lockedfile, check_lockedfiles, check_pelayouts_require_rebuild are members
of Class from file

from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.env_build import EnvBuild
from CIME.XML.env_case import EnvCase
from CIME.XML.env_mach_pes import EnvMachPes
from CIME.XML.env_batch import EnvBatch
from CIME.locked_files import unlock_file, LOCKED_DIR
from import clean

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

import glob, six

[docs]def check_pelayouts_require_rebuild(self, models): """ Create if we require a rebuild, expects cwd is caseroot """ locked_pes = os.path.join(LOCKED_DIR, "env_mach_pes.xml") if os.path.exists(locked_pes): # Look to see if $comp_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD is defined # for any component env_mach_pes_locked = EnvMachPes(infile=locked_pes, components=self.get_values("COMP_CLASSES")) for comp in models: if self.get_value("{}_PE_CHANGE_REQUIRES_REBUILD".format(comp)): # Changing these values in env_mach_pes.xml will force # you to clean the corresponding component old_tasks = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NTASKS_{}".format(comp)) old_threads = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NTHRDS_{}".format(comp)) old_inst = env_mach_pes_locked.get_value("NINST_{}".format(comp)) new_tasks = self.get_value("NTASKS_{}".format(comp)) new_threads = self.get_value("NTHRDS_{}".format(comp)) new_inst = self.get_value("NINST_{}".format(comp)) if old_tasks != new_tasks or old_threads != new_threads or old_inst != new_inst: logging.warning("{} pe change requires clean build {} {}".format(comp, old_tasks, new_tasks)) cleanflag = comp.lower() clean(self, cleanlist=[cleanflag]) unlock_file("env_mach_pes.xml", self.get_value("CASEROOT"))
[docs]def check_lockedfile(self, filebase): caseroot = self.get_value("CASEROOT") cfile = os.path.join(caseroot, filebase) lfile = os.path.join(caseroot, "LockedFiles", filebase) components = self.get_values("COMP_CLASSES") if os.path.isfile(cfile): objname = filebase.split('.')[0] if objname == "env_build": f1obj = self.get_env('build') f2obj = EnvBuild(caseroot, lfile, read_only=True) elif objname == "env_mach_pes": f1obj = self.get_env('mach_pes') f2obj = EnvMachPes(caseroot, lfile, components=components, read_only=True) elif objname == "env_case": f1obj = self.get_env('case') f2obj = EnvCase(caseroot, lfile, read_only=True) elif objname == "env_batch": f1obj = self.get_env('batch') f2obj = EnvBatch(caseroot, lfile, read_only=True) else: logging.warning("Locked XML file '{}' is not current being handled".format(filebase)) return diffs = f1obj.compare_xml(f2obj) if diffs: logging.warning("File {} has been modified".format(lfile)) toggle_build_status = False for key in diffs.keys(): if key != "BUILD_COMPLETE": logging.warning(" found difference in {} : case {} locked {}" .format(key, repr(diffs[key][0]), repr(diffs[key][1]))) toggle_build_status = True if objname == "env_mach_pes": expect(False, "Invoke case.setup --reset ") elif objname == "env_case": expect(False, "Cannot change file env_case.xml, please" " recover the original copy from LockedFiles") elif objname == "env_build": if toggle_build_status: logging.warning("Setting build complete to False") self.set_value("BUILD_COMPLETE", False) if "PIO_VERSION" in diffs: self.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", 2) logging.critical("Changing PIO_VERSION requires running " " --clean-all and rebuilding") else: self.set_value("BUILD_STATUS", 1) elif objname == "env_batch": expect(False, "Batch configuration has changed, please run case.setup --reset") else: expect(False, "'{}' diff was not handled".format(objname))
[docs]def check_lockedfiles(self, skip=None): """ Check that all lockedfiles match what's in case If caseroot is not specified, it is set to the current working directory """ caseroot = self.get_value("CASEROOT") lockedfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(caseroot, "LockedFiles", "*.xml")) skip = [] if skip is None else skip skip = [skip] if isinstance(skip, six.string_types) else skip for lfile in lockedfiles: fpart = os.path.basename(lfile) # ignore files used for tests such as env_mach_pes.ERP1.xml by looking for extra dots in the name if fpart.count('.') > 1: continue do_skip = False for item in skip: if fpart.startswith(item): do_skip = True break if not do_skip: self.check_lockedfile(fpart)