Interface to the config_workflow.xml file. This class inherits from GenericXML.py
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.utils import expect
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Workflow(GenericXML):
def __init__(self, infile=None, files=None):
initialize an object
if files is None:
files = Files()
if infile is None:
infile = files.get_value("WORKFLOW_SPEC_FILE")
expect(infile, "No workflow file defined in {}".format(files.filename))
schema = files.get_schema("WORKFLOW_SPEC_FILE")
GenericXML.__init__(self, infile, schema=schema)
#Append the contents of $HOME/.cime/config_workflow.xml if it exists
#This could cause problems if node matchs are repeated when only one is expected
infile = os.path.join(os.environ.get("HOME"),".cime","config_workflow.xml")
if os.path.exists(infile):
GenericXML.read(self, infile)
[docs] def get_workflow_jobs(self, machine, workflowid="default"):
Return a list of jobs with the first element the name of the script
and the second a dict of qualifiers for the job
jobs = []
bnodes = []
findmore = True
prepend = False
while findmore:
bnode = self.get_optional_child("workflow_jobs", attributes={"id":workflowid})
expect(bnode,"No workflow {} found in file {}".format(workflowid, self.filename))
if prepend:
bnodes = [bnode] + bnodes
prepend = False
workflow_attribs = self.attrib(bnode)
if "prepend" in workflow_attribs:
workflowid = workflow_attribs["prepend"]
prepend = True
elif "append" in workflow_attribs:
workflowid = workflow_attribs["append"]
findmore = False
for bnode in bnodes:
for jnode in self.get_children(root=bnode):
if self.name(jnode) == "job":
name = self.get(jnode, "name")
jdict = {}
for child in self.get_children(root=jnode):
if self.name(child) == "runtime_parameters":
attrib = self.attrib(child)
if attrib and attrib == {'MACH' : machine}:
for rtchild in self.get_children(root=child):
jdict[self.name(rtchild)] = self.text(rtchild)
elif not attrib:
for rtchild in self.get_children(root=child):
if self.name(rtchild) not in jdict:
jdict[self.name(rtchild)] = self.text(rtchild)
jdict[self.name(child)] = self.text(child)
jobs.append((name, jdict))
return jobs