Common interface to XML files which follow the grids format,
This is not an abstract class - but inherits from the abstact class GenericXML
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.files import Files
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Grids(GenericXML):
def __init__(self, infile=None, files=None):
if files is None:
files = Files()
if infile is None:
infile = files.get_value("GRIDS_SPEC_FILE")
logger.debug(" Grid specification file is {}".format(infile))
schema = files.get_schema("GRIDS_SPEC_FILE")
GenericXML.__init__(self, infile, schema)
expect(False, "Could not initialize Grids")
self._version = self.get_version()
self._comp_gridnames = self._get_grid_names()
def _get_grid_names(self):
grids = self.get_child("grids")
model_grid_defaults = self.get_child("model_grid_defaults", root=grids)
nodes = self.get_children("grid", root=model_grid_defaults)
gridnames = []
for node in nodes:
gn = self.get(node, "name")
if gn not in gridnames:
if "mask" not in gridnames:
return gridnames
[docs] def get_grid_info(self, name, compset, driver):
Find the matching grid node
gridinfo = {}
atmnlev = None
lndnlev = None
#mechanism to specify atm levels
atmlevregex = re.compile(r"([^_]+)z(\d+)(.*)$")
levmatch = re.match(atmlevregex, name)
if levmatch:
atmnlev = levmatch.group(2)
name = levmatch.group(1)+levmatch.group(3)
#mechanism to specify lnd levels
lndlevregex = re.compile(r"(.*_)([^_]+)z(\d+)(_[^m].*)$")
levmatch = re.match(lndlevregex, name)
if levmatch:
lndnlev = levmatch.group(3)
name = levmatch.group(1)+levmatch.group(2)+levmatch.group(4)
# determine component_grids dictionary and grid longname
lname, component_grids = self._read_config_grids(name, compset, atmnlev, lndnlev)
gridinfo["GRID"] = lname
# determine domains given component_grids
domains = self._get_domains(component_grids, atmlevregex, lndlevregex, driver)
# determine gridmaps given component_grids
gridmaps = self._get_gridmaps(component_grids, driver, compset)
return gridinfo
def _read_config_grids(self, name, compset, atmnlev, lndnlev):
read config_grids.xml with version 2.0 schema
component_grids = {}
model_grid = {}
for comp_gridname in self._comp_gridnames:
model_grid[comp_gridname] = None
# (1) set array of component grid defaults that match current compset
grids_node = self.get_child("grids")
grid_defaults_node = self.get_child("model_grid_defaults", root=grids_node)
for grid_node in self.get_children("grid", root=grid_defaults_node):
name_attrib = self.get(grid_node, "name")
compset_attrib = self.get(grid_node, "compset")
compset_match = re.search(compset_attrib, compset)
if compset_match is not None:
model_grid[name_attrib] = self.text(grid_node)
# (2)loop over all of the "model grid" nodes and determine is there an alias match with the
# input grid name - if there is an alias match determine if the "compset" and "not_compset"
# regular expression attributes match the match the input compset
model_gridnodes = self.get_children("model_grid", root=grids_node)
model_gridnode = None
foundalias = False
for node in model_gridnodes:
alias = self.get(node, "alias")
if alias == name:
foundalias = True
foundcompset = False
compset_attrib = self.get(node, "compset")
not_compset_attrib = self.get(node, "not_compset")
if compset_attrib and not_compset_attrib:
compset_match = re.search(compset_attrib, compset)
not_compset_match = re.search(not_compset_attrib, compset)
if compset_match is not None and not_compset_match is None:
foundcompset = True
model_gridnode = node
logger.debug("Found match for {} with compset_match {} and not_compset_match {}"
.format(alias, compset_attrib, not_compset_attrib))
elif compset_attrib:
compset_match = re.search(compset_attrib, compset)
if compset_match is not None:
foundcompset = True
model_gridnode = node
logger.debug("Found match for {} with compset_match {}"
.format(alias, compset_attrib))
elif not_compset_attrib:
not_compset_match = re.search(not_compset_attrib, compset)
if not_compset_match is None:
foundcompset = True
model_gridnode = node
logger.debug("Found match for {} with not_compset_match {}"
.format(alias, not_compset_attrib))
foundcompset = True
model_gridnode = node
logger.debug("Found match for {}".format(alias))
expect(foundalias, "no alias {} defined".format(name))
# if no match is found in config_grids.xml - exit
expect(foundcompset, "grid alias {} not valid for compset {}".format(name, compset))
# for the match - find all of the component grid settings
grid_nodes = self.get_children("grid", root=model_gridnode)
for grid_node in grid_nodes:
name = self.get(grid_node, "name")
value = self.text(grid_node)
if model_grid[name] != "null":
model_grid[name] = value
mask_node = self.get_optional_child("mask",root=model_gridnode)
if mask_node is not None:
model_grid["mask"] = self.text(mask_node)
model_grid["mask"] = model_grid["ocnice"]
# determine component grids and associated required domains and gridmaps
# TODO: this should be in XML, not here
prefix = {"atm":"a%", "lnd":"l%", "ocnice":"oi%", "rof":"r%", "wav":"w%", "glc":"g%", "mask":"m%", "iac":"z%"}
lname = ""
for component_gridname in self._comp_gridnames:
if lname:
lname = lname + "_" + prefix[component_gridname]
lname = prefix[component_gridname]
if model_grid[component_gridname] is not None:
lname += model_grid[component_gridname]
if component_gridname == 'atm' and atmnlev is not None:
if not ("a{:n}ull" in lname):
lname += "z" + atmnlev
elif component_gridname == 'lnd' and lndnlev is not None:
if not ("l{:n}ull" in lname):
lname += "z" + lndnlev
lname += 'null'
component_grids = self._get_component_grids_from_longname(lname)
return lname, component_grids
def _get_component_grids_from_longname(self, name):
gridRE = re.compile(r"[_]{0,1}[a-z]{1,2}%")
grids = gridRE.split(name)[1:]
prefixes = re.findall("[a-z]+%",name)
component_grids = {}
i = 0
while i < len(grids):
prefix = prefixes[i]
grid = grids[i]
component_grids[prefix] = grid
i += 1
component_grids["i%"] = component_grids["oi%"]
component_grids["o%"] = component_grids["oi%"]
return component_grids
def _get_component_grids(self, name):
gridRE = re.compile(r"[_]{0,1}[a-z]{1,2}%")
component_grids = gridRE.split(name)[1:]
return component_grids
def _get_domains(self, component_grids, atmlevregex, lndlevregex, driver):
""" determine domains dictionary for config_grids.xml v2 schema"""
# use component_grids to create grids dictionary
# TODO: this should be in XML, not here
grids = [("atm", "a%"), ("lnd", "l%"), ("ocn", "o%"), ("mask", "m%"),\
("ice", "i%"), ("rof", "r%"), ("glc", "g%"), ("wav", "w%"), ("iac", "z%")]
domains = {}
mask_name = None
if 'm%' in component_grids:
mask_name = component_grids['m%']
mask_name = component_grids['oi%']
for grid in grids:
grid_name = component_grids[grid[1]]
# Determine grid name with no nlev suffix if there is one
grid_name_nonlev = grid_name
levmatch = re.match(atmlevregex, grid_name)
if levmatch:
grid_name_nonlev = levmatch.group(1)+levmatch.group(3)
levmatch = re.match(lndlevregex, grid_name)
if levmatch:
grid_name_nonlev = levmatch.group(1)+levmatch.group(2)+levmatch.group(4)
# Determine all domain information search for the grid name with no level suffix in config_grids.xml
domain_node = self.get_optional_child("domain", attributes={"name":grid_name_nonlev},
if domain_node is not None:
comp_name = grid[0].upper()
# determine xml variable name
if not comp_name == "MASK":
domains[comp_name + "_NX"] = int(self.get_element_text("nx", root=domain_node))
domains[comp_name + "_NY"] = int(self.get_element_text("ny", root=domain_node))
file_name = comp_name + "_DOMAIN_FILE"
path_name = comp_name + "_DOMAIN_PATH"
mesh_name = comp_name + "_DOMAIN_MESH"
# set up dictionary of domain files for every component
domains[comp_name + "_GRID"] = grid_name
file_nodes = self.get_children("file", root=domain_node)
for file_node in file_nodes:
grid_attrib = self.get(file_node, "grid")
mask_attrib = self.get(file_node, "mask")
domain_name = ""
if grid_attrib is not None and mask_attrib is not None:
grid_match = re.search(comp_name.lower(), grid_attrib)
mask_match = False
if mask_name is not None:
mask_match = mask_name == mask_attrib
if grid_match is not None and mask_match:
domain_name = self.text(file_node)
elif grid_attrib is not None:
grid_match = re.search(comp_name.lower(), grid_attrib)
if grid_match is not None:
domain_name = self.text(file_node)
elif mask_attrib is not None:
mask_match = mask_name == mask_attrib
if mask_match:
domain_name = self.text(file_node)
if domain_name:
domains[file_name] = os.path.basename(domain_name)
path = os.path.dirname(domain_name)
if len(path) > 0:
domains[path_name] = path
if not comp_name == "MASK":
mesh_nodes = self.get_children("mesh", root=domain_node)
for mesh_node in mesh_nodes:
driver_attrib = self.get(mesh_node, "driver")
if driver == driver_attrib:
domains[mesh_name] = self.text(mesh_node)
return domains
def _get_gridmaps(self, component_grids, driver, compset):
set all mapping files for config_grids.xml v2 schema
grids = [("atm_grid","a%"), ("lnd_grid","l%"), ("ocn_grid","o%"), \
("rof_grid","r%"), ("glc_grid","g%"), ("wav_grid","w%"), ("iac_grid","z%")]
gridmaps = {}
# (1) set all possibly required gridmaps to 'idmap' for mct and 'unset/idmap' for nuopc
required_gridmaps_node = self.get_child("required_gridmaps")
required_gridmap_nodes = self.get_children("required_gridmap", root=required_gridmaps_node)
tmp_gridmap_nodes = self.get_children("required_gridmap", root=required_gridmaps_node)
required_gridmap_nodes = []
for node in tmp_gridmap_nodes:
compset_att = self.get(node,"compset")
not_compset_att = self.get(node,"not_compset")
if compset_att and not compset_att in compset or \
not_compset_att and not_compset_att in compset:
if driver == 'nuopc':
grid1_name = self.text(node)[0].lower() + '%'
grid2_name = self.text(node)[4].lower() + '%'
if grid1_name == 'o%':
grid1_name = 'oi%'
if grid2_name == 'o%':
grid2_name = 'oi%'
grid1 = component_grids[grid1_name]
grid2 = component_grids[grid2_name]
if grid1 == grid2:
if grid1 != 'null' and grid2 != 'null':
gridmaps[self.text(node)] = "idmap"
gridmaps[self.text(node)] = "unset"
gridmaps[self.text(node)] = "unset"
gridmaps[self.text(node)] = "idmap"
# (2) determine values gridmaps for target grid
for idx, grid in enumerate(grids):
for other_grid in grids[idx+1:]:
gridname = grid[0]
other_gridname = other_grid[0]
gridvalue = component_grids[grid[1]]
if gridname == "atm_grid":
atm_gridvalue = gridvalue
other_gridvalue = component_grids[other_grid[1]]
gridmaps_roots = self.get_children("gridmaps")
gridmap_nodes = []
for root in gridmaps_roots:
gmdriver = self.get(root, "driver")
if gmdriver is None or gmdriver == driver:
gridmap_nodes.extend(self.get_children("gridmap", root=root,
attributes={gridname:gridvalue, other_gridname:other_gridvalue}))
for gridmap_node in gridmap_nodes:
expect(len(self.attrib(gridmap_node)) == 2,
" Bad attribute count in gridmap node %s"%self.attrib(gridmap_node))
map_nodes = self.get_children("map",root=gridmap_node)
for map_node in map_nodes:
name = self.get(map_node, "name")
value = self.text(map_node)
if name is not None and value is not None:
gridmaps[name] = value
logger.debug(" gridmap name,value are {}: {}"
# (3) check that all necessary maps are not set to idmap
griddict = dict(grids)
for node in required_gridmap_nodes:
grid1_name = self.get(node, "grid1")
grid2_name = self.get(node, "grid2")
prefix1 = griddict[grid1_name]
prefix2 = griddict[grid2_name]
grid1_value = component_grids[prefix1]
grid2_value = component_grids[prefix2]
if grid1_value is not None and grid2_value is not None:
if grid1_value != grid2_value and grid1_value != 'null' and grid2_value != 'null':
map_ = gridmaps[self.text(node)]
if map_ == 'idmap':
if grid1_name == "ocn_grid" and grid1_value == atm_gridvalue:
logger.debug('ocn_grid == atm_grid so this is not an idmap error')
if driver == "nuopc":
gridmaps[self.text(node)] = 'unset'
logger.warning("Warning: missing non-idmap {} for {}, {} and {} {} ".
format(self.text(node), grid1_name, grid1_value, grid2_name, grid2_value))
return gridmaps
[docs] def print_values(self, long_output=None):
# write out help message
helptext = self.get_element_text("help")
logger.info("{} ".format(helptext))
logger.info("{:10s} default component grids:\n".format(""))
logger.info(" component compset value " )
default_nodes = self.get_children("model_grid_defaults", root=self.get_child("grids"))
for default_node in default_nodes:
grid_nodes = self.get_children("grid", root=default_node)
for grid_node in grid_nodes:
name = self.get(grid_node, "name")
compset = self.get(grid_node, "compset")
value = self.text(grid_node)
logger.info(" {:6s} {:15s} {:10s}".format(name, compset, value))
domains = {}
if long_output is not None:
domain_nodes = self.get_children("domain",root=self.get_child("domains"))
for domain_node in domain_nodes:
name = self.get(domain_node, 'name')
if name == 'null':
desc = self.text(self.get_child("desc", root=domain_node))
files = ""
file_nodes = self.get_children("file", root=domain_node)
for file_node in file_nodes:
filename = self.text(file_node)
mask_attrib = self.get(file_node, "mask")
grid_attrib = self.get(file_node, "grid")
files += "\n " + filename
if mask_attrib or grid_attrib:
files += " (only for"
if mask_attrib:
files += " mask: " + mask_attrib
if grid_attrib:
files += " grid match: " + grid_attrib
if mask_attrib or grid_attrib:
files += ")"
domains[name] = "\n {} with domain file(s): {} ".format(desc, files)
model_grid_nodes = self.get_children("model_grid", root=self.get_child("grids"))
for model_grid_node in model_grid_nodes:
alias = self.get(model_grid_node, "alias")
compset = self.get(model_grid_node, "compset")
not_compset = self.get(model_grid_node, "not_compset")
restriction = ""
if compset:
restriction += "only for compsets that are {} ".format(compset)
if not_compset:
restriction += "only for compsets that are not {} ".format(not_compset)
if restriction:
logger.info("\n alias: {} ({})".format(alias,restriction))
logger.info("\n alias: {}".format(alias))
grid_nodes = self.get_children("grid", root=model_grid_node)
grids = ""
gridnames = []
for grid_node in grid_nodes:
grids += self.get(grid_node, "name") + ":" + self.text(grid_node) + " "
logger.info(" non-default grids are: {}".format(grids))
mask_nodes = self.get_children("mask", root=model_grid_node)
for mask_node in mask_nodes:
logger.info(" mask is: {}".format(self.text(mask_node)))
if long_output is not None:
gridnames = set(gridnames)
for gridname in gridnames:
if gridname != "null":
logger.info (" {}".format(domains[gridname]))