Common interface to XML files which follow the compsets format,
from CIME.XML.standard_module_setup import *
from CIME.XML.generic_xml import GenericXML
from CIME.XML.entry_id import EntryID
from CIME.XML.files import Files
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Compsets(GenericXML):
def __init__(self, infile=None, files=None):
if files is None:
files = Files()
schema = files.get_schema("COMPSETS_SPEC_FILE")
GenericXML.__init__(self, infile, schema=schema)
[docs] def get_compset_match(self, name):
science support is used in cesm to determine if this compset and grid
is scientifically supported. science_support is returned as an array of grids for this compset
nodes = self.get_children("compset")
alias = None
lname = None
science_support = []
for node in nodes:
alias = self.get_element_text("alias",root=node)
lname = self.get_element_text("lname",root=node)
if alias == name or lname == name:
science_support_nodes = self.get_children("science_support", root=node)
for snode in science_support_nodes:
science_support.append(self.get(snode, "grid"))
logger.debug("Found node match with alias: {} and lname: {}".format(alias, lname))
return (lname, alias, science_support)
return (None, None, [False])
[docs] def get_compset_var_settings(self, compset, grid):
Variables can be set in config_compsets.xml in entry id settings with compset and grid attributes
find and return id value pairs here
entries = self.get_optional_child("entries")
result = []
if entries is not None:
nodes = self.get_children("entry", root=entries)
# Get an empty entryid obj to use
entryidobj = EntryID()
for node in nodes:
value = entryidobj.get_default_value(node, {"grid":grid, "compset":compset})
if value is not None:
result.append((self.get(node, "id"), value))
return result
#pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def get_value(self, name, attribute=None, resolved=False, subgroup=None):
expect(subgroup is None, "This class does not support subgroups")
if name == "help":
rootnode = self.get_child("help")
helptext = self.text(rootnode)
return helptext
compsets = {}
nodes = self.get_children("compset")
for node in nodes:
for child in node:
logger.debug ("Here child is {} with value {}".format(self.name(child),self.text(child)))
if self.name(child) == "alias":
alias = self.text(child)
if self.name(child) == "lname":
lname = self.text(child)
compsets[alias] = lname
return compsets
[docs] def print_values(self, arg_help=True):
help_text = self.get_value(name="help")
compsets = self.get_children("compset")
if arg_help:
logger.info(" {} ".format(help_text))
logger.info(" --------------------------------------")
logger.info(" Compset Alias: Compset Long Name ")
logger.info(" --------------------------------------")
for compset in compsets:
logger.info(" {:20} : {}".format(self.text(self.get_child("alias",root=compset)),
self.text(self.get_child("lname", root=compset))))
[docs] def get_compset_longnames(self):
compset_nodes = self.get_children("compset")
longnames = []
for comp in compset_nodes:
longnames.append(self.text(self.get_child("lname", root=comp)))